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Most of the ones I know do.

It's amazing how some people think only their experience of a place is valid.

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More than 99% of the schools here are not top international schools ;)
What point are you trying to make, without looking more and more foolish?
That it's just ridicilous to claim that most of the expats you know are teachers. And all have the same or better salaries than the teachers in their home countries
Most of the expats I know are not teachers, I never said that. The teachers that I do know work at international schools and are paid proper teacher salaries.

You really can't educate pork.

I'm in the process of changing meds and I'm feeling erratically homicidal, so it's all good.

Humans taste like chicken but I'd rather eat pork. Ugly Sheila's with nice cars are still ugly Sheila's .


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Most of the ones I know do.

It's amazing how some people think only their experience of a place is valid.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

More than 99% of the schools here are not top international schools ;)
What point are you trying to make, without looking more and more foolish?
That it's just ridicilous to claim that most of the expats you know are teachers. And all have the same or better salaries than the teachers in their home countries
Most of the expats I know are not teachers, I never said that. The teachers that I do know work at international schools and are paid proper teacher salaries.

You really can't educate pork.

My original reply was not to you. You just jumped in to the discussion after 4-5 posts


Look where the discussion started. Maybe you where sleeping then

Provably not sleeping, maybe working

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Thanks Pattszero and MPJ

its a topic close to me as I was also bought in by the 'get a degree and your set for life'. This was not the case

I think the standard of degrees should have been maintained as opposed to schools pushing everyone into further education. often when they didn't want to in some cases or we're not suited to am academic future.

And cypress hill, it's a good thing in moderation.

however if graduates start flocking to Asia there will be an over supply there aswell. that will be extremely bad for graduates currently in the job searching phase ( locals included ).

On a side note young graduates now represent a proportion of sex tourists in Pattaya

How would lots of rich young, educated guys ( be it unemployed ) going to Thailand to work benefit guys already here

There would be an oversupply just like in the UK, good for the girls, not good for the guys.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  • Like 1

Thanks Pattszero and MPJ

its a topic close to me as I was also bought in by the 'get a degree and your set for life'. This was not the case

I think the standard of degrees should have been maintained as opposed to schools pushing everyone into further education. often when they didn't want to in some cases or we're not suited to am academic future.

And cypress hill, it's a good thing in moderation.

however if graduates start flocking to Asia there will be an over supply there aswell. that will be extremely bad for graduates currently in the job searching phase ( locals included ).

On a side note young graduates now represent a proportion of sex tourists in Pattaya

How would lots of rich young, educated guys ( be it unemployed ) going to Thailand to work benefit guys already here

There would be an oversupply just like in the UK, good for the girls, not good for the guys.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hilariously, I've got a science/engineering degree and over 20 years in. The only thing firms want are the industry/licencing certificates which means I carry all responsibility should horrific things occur and also the ability to actually do the job (I do everything from £XXmillion tenders to putting pipes and pumps together . . . when I can be bothered).

My only advice is to go and learn a trade and get trade accredited qualifications. There's an utter dearth of people that can do real things in the likes of Blighty and you'll make a good living with much lower stress levels.

  • Like 2

Interesting question by OP, but the flaw lies in the general assumption of "..with better oppportunities.."

There are millions of people in their 20's in the west who don't have "better opportunities" back home, even if they have an "education".

There are many reasons for this situation.

  • Like 2

Keep your high paid jobs in Thailand and your looking down your nose at others who aren't as fortunate as you.

I will keep working for free for The Red Cross.

At least when I die I can say I actually changed peoples lives.

Stick your real estate properties up your rectum, as that's the closest you will get to taking them with you when you die.

How do you survive then, if you work for free? Either you used to work for money, or you inherited it by virtue of someone who did.


it really is a good question OP, but sometimes things can not be explained logically.. because emotions or whatever are involved

I do not want to show off, but I am in my late twenties, have two university degrees including an MBA in international finance and asset management, besides having 6 years of full-time working experience.

Although I could earn way more money in the west, I chose to migrate to Thailand. Why? Difficult to explain, but long story short: Life is happening now and not in 20 years when I maybe accumulated "enough" money.

Then the question arises: What is enough money... And so on

If you are wealth and safety driven then stay in the west. For anybody else the world is waiting. >D

With your experience and education, you can earn good money and live in Thailand with a wealthy and safe life - don't waste those chances.

  • Like 1

is that a thai engineer your talking about earning 25k a month,

because if your talking about falang, someone has been feeding you porkies,,,

ive just jacked a job between rayong and pattaya at VPE and it was 350 a day british pounds


That salary is in no way representative of an average engineer's salary in Thailand whether foreign or Thai. Apparently it was just an opportunity for you to brag on this forum.

Bitter, much? From experience - your assumption is incorrect. I've earnt more than that as an engineer (in perhaps a different field than that you refer to, but same principle) whilst living in Thailand, and I'm closer to my twenties than my forties. See that as bragging if you like, but just stating fact.

Of course - average is average - but the nature of an expat forum is that you will encounter outliers that are expatted before 'normal' retirement age, and those outliers would tend to be above average in their field, otherwise they would not be able to expat yet.


I recomend everybody to spend some time living abroad and knowing about new countries and different cultures, I think it's quite interesting and very useful to get knowledge and living experiences.

However I am agree with the OP I don't understand how someone who comes from a western country which are the most evolved and privileged can be happy to be living in a country like thailand where every single one police is corrupt

I can understand the old farts who are back of everything and they just want to be living their last days enjoying a bit in an funny and affordable country like thailand, but I can't understand many of these young ones who are stuck here wasting their time working for $1000 a month with no benefits abducted for a fake dream of freedom and hapiness


thank you mr jackson and mr taod,

i know plenty of people who earn more then me, im at the bottom of the pecking order,

but thanks again,


wow, you can walk away from a job paying over 100,000 baht a week and you are at the bottom?

Granted, my old uni buddy who was in the same job as me working for Elf Enterprise when I left is now earning 500 quid a day but hates it. If he dies at 60, it will be a crying shame.

  • Like 1

thank you mr jackson and mr taod,

i know plenty of people who earn more then me, im at the bottom of the pecking order,

but thanks again,


wow, you can walk away from a job paying over 100,000 baht a week and you are at the bottom?

Granted, my old uni buddy who was in the same job as me working for Elf Enterprise when I left is now earning 500 quid a day but hates it. If he dies at 60, it will be a crying shame.

like i say im left to go to another job, that will be 35/35 rotation, though ill be away for 5 weeks ill also be at home for 5 weeks, in them 5 weeks i can do a lot, go on holiday with the wife and kids, were as i was only home for the sunday really,

i know some expats on some very good deals, there was one lad from sheffield on 1400dollers a day, hes just starting another project with exxon, i wasnt with exxon,sad.png

but again hes working there 7 days a week, granted he and his wife live in jontiem were as i live in sakoew,

ill be offshore in angola once i get the visa sorted out got to go to the uk monday for paperwork, police check ect, also my offshores out so got to do that again and medical but they are paying,

good luck to every one in what ever you do, i didnt get a uni degree, infact i wasnt very good at school, i know why now, but when i was at school dylecsia wasnt heard of,

i left school was lucky to get an apprenticship welding witha small company who had a lot of good welder so i got a good grounding, being from gainsborough i had 10 to 12 power stations in an hour from my house so i went into the stations on repair shutdown work, same for the refinerys,

started gaffering then into inspection, now i dont weld its either inspection or supervision or both together,lol,

so i wouls say ive been lucky in some ways but it was hard graft to get a good name for myself, now work finds me i dont look for work, because they know im a grafter,

sorry ive gone on about my bloody life story,,lol

could right a very interesting book about the countries and the craic with the lads ive had over the years as many of the others in my game will testify, its a good life, if you can take the being away from home,,



Well I am 36 and I can tell you my story of why:

I am not cut out to work for others and I am not a social person. In every single job I had, I had problems with my co-workers. It doesn't really matter if it is me or them, but the thing is I can't work with other people.

So my best option since I started working is to work on my own and that's ridiculous to do in Europe. First you have to pay taxes to form your company, then you have to pay taxes on your income and finally you have to pay taxes in every thing you buy. Here I pay nothing at all and after making the counts I earn 120% of what I would earn paying all that load of taxes in Europe. I dont want to start a debate if taxes are fair or not. TBH I don't care if they spend the money in the right things or they burn it, what i care is MY income and it has been raised a 120% since I moved to LOS.

Then it is the value for my money. I am finishing to build a house which, after furnishing and equipping it will end up being around 7M THB. That is around 160.000€ which is dirty cheap for the kind of house I am getting. Roughly, something like this would cost me 400.000€ back there.

Also, it is the fact that my daily life here is waaay cheaper than in Spain with a much better quality of life. I go to have lunch and dinner to restaurants 90% of the time, something outraging to do in Europe. That means I save more money.

So, adding up the fact that I earn 120% more due to not paying taxes, and the fact that the house here is way cheaper and the fact that I can save more, after making calculations the house I built here by saving for 2 years would cost me 12 years saving in Spain. So, I just SAVED 10 years of work by coming here.

If that is not enough, I found a girl that I wouldnt find in Europe or America. Not because of the looks, I am still handsome and never had problems for that. The thing is my future wife feeds me while I play console, won't even think of me doing the laundry and even prepares me the clothes I am going to use the next day. Nothing to do with what a western girl will do for me. Oh, and her head never hurts (if you know what that means).

I could tell even more reasons to live in Thailand but I think these 2 are by far the most important.

  • Like 2

Great to hear about that, Jake. It sounds like a great lifestyle in some aspects.

I agree, there is some sort of book (or "blog"? or whatever you young people call them} in this.

Appreciate all the insights from the young people, and the way the conversation returned to civility.

At least from some of you.

  • Like 1

Great to hear about that, Jake. It sounds like a great lifestyle in some aspects.

I agree, there is some sort of book (or "blog"? or whatever you young people call them} in this.

Appreciate all the insights from the young people, and the way the conversation returned to civility.

At least from some of you.


im 54, (just) so its still a book to me, i dont know about the blog thing,,

  • Like 1

Thanks Pattszero and MPJ

its a topic close to me as I was also bought in by the 'get a degree and your set for life'. This was not the case

I think the standard of degrees should have been maintained as opposed to schools pushing everyone into further education. often when they didn't want to in some cases or we're not suited to am academic future.

And cypress hill, it's a good thing in moderation.

however if graduates start flocking to Asia there will be an over supply there aswell. that will be extremely bad for graduates currently in the job searching phase ( locals included ).

On a side note young graduates now represent a proportion of sex tourists in Pattaya

How would lots of rich young, educated guys ( be it unemployed ) going to Thailand to work benefit guys already here

There would be an oversupply just like in the UK, good for the girls, not good for the guys.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hilariously, I've got a science/engineering degree and over 20 years in. The only thing firms want are the industry/licencing certificates which means I carry all responsibility should horrific things occur and also the ability to actually do the job (I do everything from £XXmillion tenders to putting pipes and pumps together . . . when I can be bothered).

My only advice is to go and learn a trade and get trade accredited qualifications. There's an utter dearth of people that can do real things in the likes of Blighty and you'll make a good living with much lower stress levels.

That's real solid advice. Even a task as fabrication welding in construction members can bring great money. Get accredited trade licenses.

  • Like 1

I am in contact with appellate lawyers in the USA that earn $4-600 per hour. Lawyers are on both sides of any appeal case so that, when the case is decided, one of the clients paid at that rate only to lose in court but that's how it is played.


I am in contact with appellate lawyers in the USA that earn $4-600 per hour. Lawyers are on both sides of any appeal case so that, when the case is decided, one of the clients paid at that rate only to lose in court but that's how it is played.

And that is relevant here because?


is that a thai engineer your talking about earning 25k a month,

because if your talking about falang, someone has been feeding you porkies,,,

ive just jacked a job between rayong and pattaya at VPE and it was 350 a day british pounds


That salary is in no way representative of an average engineer's salary in Thailand whether foreign or Thai. Apparently it was just an opportunity for you to brag on this forum.

You sound pretty bitter or naive.

You'd be surprised what qualified engineers earn. Jake is one of the good guys here, so you are picking in the wrong guy

Wow! you guys sure got on the bandwagon. I am not surprised what a qualified engineer makes as I am one. And I know I make WAY more than the average Thai ever would as an engineer. I also know that if I stayed at my job here long term they would cut my salary in half or more. There is a big difference between a expat and a localized employee.


I am in contact with appellate lawyers in the USA that earn $4-600 per hour. Lawyers are on both sides of any appeal case so that, when the case is decided, one of the clients paid at that rate only to lose in court but that's how it is played.

And that is relevant here because?

You get to post here about the people you know and how much they make; I posted here about the people I know and how much they make even when they screw up.


I am in contact with appellate lawyers in the USA that earn $4-600 per hour. Lawyers are on both sides of any appeal case so that, when the case is decided, one of the clients paid at that rate only to lose in court but that's how it is played.

And that is relevant here because?

Don't mess with The Crab.


Qualified teachers here can easily make 100k or more per month, that would work out around £24,000 a year. You can live a great life on that salary here, as well as having 8 - 12 weeks paid holiday a year.

As a twenty - six year old, I know where I'd rather be, and it certainly isn't grey depressing old England.


Qualified teachers here can easily make 100k or more per month, that would work out around £24,000 a year. You can live a great life on that salary here, as well as having 8 - 12 weeks paid holiday a year.

As a twenty - six year old, I know where I'd rather be, and it certainly isn't grey depressing old England.

6 years back some were on 150 k ++

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I am in contact with appellate lawyers in the USA that earn $4-600 per hour. Lawyers are on both sides of any appeal case so that, when the case is decided, one of the clients paid at that rate only to lose in court but that's how it is played.

And that is relevant here because?

You get to post here about the people you know and how much they make; I posted here about the people I know and how much they make even when they screw up.

The people I was talking about are young people in Thailand - which is rather the point of the thread. Lawyers in America, not so much.


Thanks Pattszero and MPJ

its a topic close to me as I was also bought in by the 'get a degree and your set for life'. This was not the case

I think the standard of degrees should have been maintained as opposed to schools pushing everyone into further education. often when they didn't want to in some cases or we're not suited to am academic future.

And cypress hill, it's a good thing in moderation.

however if graduates start flocking to Asia there will be an over supply there aswell. that will be extremely bad for graduates currently in the job searching phase ( locals included ).

On a side note young graduates now represent a proportion of sex tourists in Pattaya

How would lots of rich young, educated guys ( be it unemployed ) going to Thailand to work benefit guys already here

There would be an oversupply just like in the UK, good for the girls, not good for the guys.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hilariously, I've got a science/engineering degree and over 20 years in. The only thing firms want are the industry/licencing certificates which means I carry all responsibility should horrific things occur and also the ability to actually do the job (I do everything from £XXmillion tenders to putting pipes and pumps together . . . when I can be bothered).

My only advice is to go and learn a trade and get trade accredited qualifications. There's an utter dearth of people that can do real things in the likes of Blighty and you'll make a good living with much lower stress levels.

That's real solid advice. Even a task as fabrication welding in construction members can bring great money. Get accredited trade licenses.

It's my belief that University should only be for true academics and the professions, scientists, civil and mechanical engineers, doctors, lawyers . . .

People would be far better off and society much more balanced if we stopped this pretense about higher education and admit what it really is for most folks, a waste of time and money at a critical juncture in life.

Having skills and working with those skills is what counts and too many kids are leaving University unskilled, inexperienced and many unemployable. These 'courses' teach little of any relevance and at the same time instill a misplaced sense of entitlement because 'I've got a degree'. Then reality sets in.

It's a con.

  • Like 1

I recomend everybody to spend some time living abroad and knowing about new countries and different cultures, I think it's quite interesting and very useful to get knowledge and living experiences.

However I am agree with the OP I don't understand how someone who comes from a western country which are the most evolved and privileged can be happy to be living in a country like thailand where every single one police is corrupt

I can understand the old farts who are back of everything and they just want to be living their last days enjoying a bit in an funny and affordable country like thailand, but I can't understand many of these young ones who are stuck here wasting their time working for $1000 a month with no benefits abducted for a fake dream of freedom and hapiness

It's either that it pouring pints in London or Dublin for 4 quid an hour if you are on a gap year or three.

  • Like 1

Thanks Pattszero and MPJ

its a topic close to me as I was also bought in by the 'get a degree and your set for life'. This was not the case

I think the standard of degrees should have been maintained as opposed to schools pushing everyone into further education. often when they didn't want to in some cases or we're not suited to am academic future.

And cypress hill, it's a good thing in moderation.

however if graduates start flocking to Asia there will be an over supply there aswell. that will be extremely bad for graduates currently in the job searching phase ( locals included ).

On a side note young graduates now represent a proportion of sex tourists in Pattaya

How would lots of rich young, educated guys ( be it unemployed ) going to Thailand to work benefit guys already here

There would be an oversupply just like in the UK, good for the girls, not good for the guys.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hilariously, I've got a science/engineering degree and over 20 years in. The only thing firms want are the industry/licencing certificates which means I carry all responsibility should horrific things occur and also the ability to actually do the job (I do everything from £XXmillion tenders to putting pipes and pumps together . . . when I can be bothered).

My only advice is to go and learn a trade and get trade accredited qualifications. There's an utter dearth of people that can do real things in the likes of Blighty and you'll make a good living with much lower stress levels.

That's real solid advice. Even a task as fabrication welding in construction members can bring great money. Get accredited trade licenses.

It's my belief that University should only be for true academics and the professions, scientists, civil and mechanical engineers, doctors, lawyers . . .

People would be far better off and society much more balanced if we stopped this pretense about higher education and admit what it really is for most folks, a waste of time and money at a critical juncture in life.

Having skills and working with those skills is what counts and too many kids are leaving University unskilled, inexperienced and many unemployable. These 'courses' teach little of any relevance and at the same time instill a misplaced sense of entitlement because 'I've got a degree'. Then reality sets in.

It's a con.

You aren't wrong, but job market competition will force people into university. As opposed to a degree actually teaching something useful, more and more it will simply be the base requirement for an employer to even hire you. Sad, but true.

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