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Thai authorities rush to improve safety on trains following murder of young girl


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had I walked by two employees having sex in a compartment, I would not have imagined it was anything but consensual. Ofcourse, that has changed for all of us now.

The Thai for 'help' is ช่วย ... sounds like 'chooway'

Hope that, excuse me, helps.

Excuse you?

Why do you need to be excused?

Upon further reading, it appears one of the two alleged earlier (you snipped that) rape victims has indicated it was consensual.

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As usual, the usual knee jerk reaction! Why punish everybody? By all means screen potential and existing Rail employees, but leave the paying passenger alone.

Sure, they can stop selling their overpriced beer on the trains.. but the passenger on a train for the longer hauls that would like to enjoy the experience assisted

by a 'drink' will BYO and hide the bottle.

I've travelled many times on the o'nite train to Chiang Mai and always found the carriages clean and the train always departed 'on time'.

The staff were always friendly, so much so that on several occasions the drinks lady would leave her full "beer bucket" alongside my seat possibly trusting me

because I spoke a bit of Thai to her. Truth was I had a bottle of Red wine in my bag and wouldn't 'kamoy' a bottle of beer.

I've stopped catching the train since the derainments. Was gonna wait for the VFT (if it ever eventuates) in a few years, however I don't really wanna be on

board if it derails at 200kph.

IF I was still catching the o'nite train to CNX I would still smuggle my Red Wine on board and sip it on my bottom bunk and watch the passing parade....

would just have to keep the glass and bottle out of sight. Damm! Gone are the days now of partying with the other passengers and rail staff in the Dining Car.

Bloody sad about the poor young girl, condolences to her family... should be compulsory screening of ALL employees in jobs where they're near people

sleeping.. trains, tour coaches, nursing homes, hotels etc.

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Measures besides the question as always in Thailand.

Employees drinking at work should get fired immediately.

Public transport system would collapse.n

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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A murderer should ALWAYS be punished with loss of freedom or life. Having said that I wonder when anyone will really decide to CHANGE the Thai system that continues allowing such corruption leading to atrocities we hear about. Wonder what we don't hear about perpetrated by powerful individuals/organizations? .

Thais seem hell bent on appearing "all that" e.g. face crap... , but where is a concern for the face of the Nation/Kingdom? How's Thailand's reputation on the world stage? Something to be proud of? Humnnnnnn.

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If I'm not mistaken, the SRT owns a good portion of land throughout the country yet is the biggest money losing entity in the government with the largest annual pension deficit. It's a prehistoric operation. Mayne Uncle Prayuth can use his magic paintbrush on this one. Next stop....the immigration and customs departments.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Nothing is going to change because the people working there aren't going to change,

The trains will always derail.

The trains will never be on time.

The trains will always be filthy and stink.

The food on the trains will always suck and give you food poisoning.

Oh yes... I almost forgot to mention the trains will always be filthy because the people who are paid to clean them spend their time drinking, drugging, raping and murdering while on their on the clock, then they throw their trash out the windows.

Can the people that hire them to run the trains be any better?

You have never been on a Thai train have you, very obvious by your post.

2nd class overnight sleeper is my preference for long distance if possible and never had a problem..

And to refer to the unfortunate young lady who was raped and murdered as trash shows what a sick individual you are.

I think perhaps you've had a semantic mis-understanding due to a slight ambiguity in the quoted text. I believe the throwing of trash was actually referring to a general lack of care for the environment by staff in general, who have been observed at times to actually throw trash from the train from windows? After all the poster's message does say "their trash" and not "his trash". Flame extinguished. tongue.png

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Can put all the safety measures and drinking bans you want in, if someone is f*xt in the head there is not much you can do to safeguard against it.

Of course there is.

For one, you don't employ them and give them the opportunity to take advantage of their position, no matter how small the position. He knew the train inside out! He knew how to take advantage.

Drinking bans is a must in all work environments, as is drug use, and not only in transport sectors. In most Western, if not all working environments, apart from pubs, drinking on the job is an instantaneously sackable offence. Thailand needs to take another look at the West; but then again, the West is not my Uncle! We're fine, aren't we lads. Yeah right! All's fine in the train carriages... CCTV will be implemented, maybe in 2024, when we next place orders for new trains.

Safety measures and drinking bans do go a long way; as does screening and vetting staff properly. Can't say there's not much can be done about it, if the perpretators are not even initially permitted to be on the job, and drunk/drugged up.

Edit: Prevention is better than cure. It just seems that Thailand is always looking retrospectively, and never planning ahead to before the sh!t hits the fan. Thailand does not want to be seen as learning from the West. Yet isn't that exactly what Rama V (King Chulalongkorn) actually did? He went to Germany and the UK, and brought back many ideas he implemented to improve Thailand, with his chief farang advisor in toe.

Correct me if I'm wrong but drinking and drug bans already exist for staff on trains. Would you expect some kind of mental assessment for all employees? I have never seen or heard of that in the west either.

BTW how did the wonderful west (UK) do with stopping Harold Shipman from bumping off anyone he felt like?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but laws exist for speeding, not wearing a helmet on a bike, changing lanes and overtaking on the inside, don't they? As for Shipman, you don't need to be so childish/

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