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Question for the old boys.... can dying your hair cause hair loss


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Last week I had the grey side burns look going on. This week a friend from oz suggested that we go to boots and buy a colour and paint it on with a toothbrush. We did it and my hair looks much better. Possible 10yrs off my age. The wife thinks I look more hansummm.

The question is... can using these chemicals on the hair lead to hair loss in the long term? Maybe you have been using these products in the past and can share your experiences.


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I have been gray for the last 25 years and have colored my hair 40 + times. Speaking for myself, I have not noticed any problems regarding hair damage except perhaps a little orange tint if using off brand color. I try to only use "Just for Men" light brown and it works well. Other brands that offer brown color turn my hair orange for a week. Not sure about black but I would think not a problem. I would not however use every week as I do think it may then cause some damage. I use maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

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On a more serious note; If one sees how many times western women dye their hair, they should be bald after putting all that stuff in their hair/on their head. Had a girlfriend ones who had an allergic reaction to the ingredients, it is the only negative I ever heard of.

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Dunno OP, but for sure blokes with dyed hair look daft............laugh.png


The remainder of the facial features and wrinkled and weathered skin are all cues to a mans actual age and its so easy and sad to spot those occasional guys who dye their hair like it was when they were 20.

A man should leave a bit of grey because that leaves the impression they don't dye and that the remaining color must be his own.

Besides, if you want to look and feel younger then exercise.

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Why worry about what will happen when your old ?

Dyed and had perms for many years, near bold around 50, no different now mid 60's....... was it anything to do with dye or perms ? My grandfather was near bold at 22... my Father in his mid 30's. so maybe made my hair last longer ?

If your so worried about what your look like in your old age you can always wear a hair piece. [think they look silly but everyone to there own]..

As a P.S. never bought here so no idea, but many places "Just for Men" is twice the price of the Ladies stuff.

Edited by ignis
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A GM here in Phuket colors his hair and it basically comes out a shade of orange. Were he Dutch I think it would be o.k., but it is sort of sad as he doesn't realize all the people who laugh at him regarding this.

I equate it with the bad rug, just be comfortable in your own skin and don't worry too much about ageing.

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A GM here in Phuket colors his hair and it basically comes out a shade of orange. Were he Dutch I think it would be o.k., but it is sort of sad as he doesn't realize all the people who laugh at him regarding this.

I equate it with the bad rug, just be comfortable in your own skin and don't worry too much about ageing.

The orange hair could work IF you were to paint some freckles on your face.


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Many Thai men colour there hair of all ages [often wife does it for them].. couple of 60 + Thai men in my Village have gone a few years ago now to the blue tint.. some of the others have very grey/white hair..

often wonder if the older Thai men with jet back hair = dyed hair ? as most out in the sticks have grey or white.

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For God's sake don't dye a moustache or your eyebrows. There's a bloke around here that dyes his hair, eyebrows, and moustache jet black.

Looks like a reject from The Muppet Show.

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