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Reincarnation - have you changed your mind?

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I agree on many of your points, however I must point out that while science or the scientific method goes back 400 years, the 'science' of the mind has been explored and mapped for much much longer than that. You can't use the tools you use in science to prove or disprove those findings, just like you can't use carpenter tools to do brain surgery. Each has its place and function and one doesn't have to negate the other. They complement each other.

The whole argument that spirituality doesn't exist because it can't be subjected to scientific analysis is fundamentally flawed. There have been attempts to do so, that were more or less successful, but they can only scratch the surface of what is at least for now, beyond the scientific reach.

If you're a scientific minded person, you have to keep an open mind and not exclude possibilities that don't fit with your belief system.

The inner worlds are open for everyone to explore. There are maps in place that describe the pitfalls and breakthroughs you will encounter. Don't believe what others say about it, test it yourself. Sure, it takes preseverance and dedication, but the rewards are beyond description.

Sadly, for many it's much easier to outright deny and/or ridicule those teachings than to actually trying to find the truth.

and reading this claptrap makes me see why, I always love words like "spirituality" something else that doesnt exist like "souls"
You kannot have a intelligent debate.

Saying that spirituality doesnt exist is pretty ignorant.

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if you want to believe in something not there go for it but i still want to belive in santa claus hooo hooooo

The only scoffers at spiritual things like meditation and prayer are by those who have never tried it.

As a matter of interest, how long have you lived in the very spiritual country of Thailand? Have you ever tried meditation?


i think all got it wrong you donnt have to come back as dog or goat if you give your moneys to benny hind or the tammys and jimmys and other 1000s that tell you the more moneys you give the more blessing you get and will live forever up there


i think all got it wrong you donnt have to come back as dog or goat if you give your moneys to benny hind or the tammys and jimmys and other 1000s that tell you the more moneys you give the more blessing you get and will live forever up there

True if you believe Buddhists

But only once you have accomplished all your soul missions.

Which is why we have to come back over and over.


Creationism is not debated by serious scientists anymore. I think that stopped a couple of hundred years ago maybe more.

One theory of creation is not as plausible as the other.

Life after death is a religious myth. I learned this in college 40 years ago and my father 100 years ago and his father 150 years ago.

Who talks about this stuff anymore? Not in any non religious institution of higher learning except as an example of folklore.

Please allow me to respond:

"Creationism is not debated by serious scientists anymore."

Of course it is, if for no other reason than to refute it. Don't take my word for it, do a google search.

"One theory of creation is not as plausible as the other."

Of the two theories I discussed, please explain which is more plausible.

"Life after death is a religious myth. I learned this in college 40 years ago and my father 100 years ago and his father 150 years ago."

It may very well be a myth, but I don't know, and neither do you. You have stated a belief, not a fact.

"Who talks about this stuff anymore?"

Lots of people. Again, do a google search.

1. No credible science teaches creationism as a reasonable cause of anything.

2. Billions are being spent to find details of the beginning of the universe (Higgs boson). 0 is being spent on detailing creationism.

3. Death is not a myth. Death is a fact. Death is not a belief. When you die you are dead. If you want to provide different information feel free to do so. But hurry up because now we are burying or burning dead people.


i have lived here now 12yrs and have been over yrs through christain islam and buddhist and married to a strict buddhist

every day food out and to temple i also make food alltime for monks and people as they say a monk can advice you on what airplane to take but cannt buy ticket any hallah yoooya or cutting head of chicken sect is good for lost people but you

donnt have to be come a fruitcake over it and believe what they thought 1000yrs ago when inteligents close to monkey


By happy coincidence I watched a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary last night , the subject was faith schools in the UK.

An Evangelical Christian Trust that runs 30 schools produces a Science textbook that states the following; ' Evolution is a theory without any scientific proof and its representation as fact is simply an atheist attempt to disprove God '

Anybody still care to argue that brainwashing young kids is not abuse ?


Yes, brainwashing is bad. Every country, every society has its own particular type of brainwashing.

Some are brainwashed through religion, some through politics, others through atheistic worldviews...

Deal with it.


By happy coincidence I watched a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary last night , the subject was faith schools in the UK.

An Evangelical Christian Trust that runs 30 schools produces a Science textbook that states the following; ' Evolution is a theory without any scientific proof and its representation as fact is simply an atheist attempt to disprove God '

Anybody still care to argue that brainwashing young kids is not abuse ?

Evolution is only a theory.

They never did find the missing link did they?

Would telling the kids that there was a big bang that created the universe from nothing be abuse?

Telling kids that their great great great great x 1000 grandfather was a monkey be abuse?


By happy coincidence I watched a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary last night , the subject was faith schools in the UK.

An Evangelical Christian Trust that runs 30 schools produces a Science textbook that states the following; ' Evolution is a theory without any scientific proof and its representation as fact is simply an atheist attempt to disprove God '

Anybody still care to argue that brainwashing young kids is not abuse ?

Evolution is only a theory.

They never did find the missing link did they?

Would telling the kids that there was a big bang that created the universe from nothing be abuse?

Telling kids that their great great great great x 1000 grandfather was a monkey be abuse?

Telling kids: this is the evidence for view 1, and this is the evidence for view 2, now think about it and make up your own mind, based only on the evidence, is fine.

Telling kids to ignore anything for which there is no evidence is fine. Telling kids that someone saying " I believe this to be true very strongly" is not evidence of any kind is also fine.

Telling kids that people can believe in something so strongly that they will die for it, but that does not make it true is also fine.


Neeranam your ironic rebuttal of Evolution was most amusing , if it wasn't meant to be amusing then Oh Dear !

Sadly however some children are utterly ignorant of evolution because it has been deliberately kept from them , willfuly promoting or defending ignorance is disgraceful.

  • Like 2

Yes, brainwashing is bad. Every country, every society has its own particular type of brainwashing.

Some are brainwashed through religion, some through politics, others through atheistic worldviews...

Deal with it.

Brainwashing kids is child abuse.......you wanna deal with it ?


Soviet Russia was atheist, China is atheist, North Korea is atheist....so much better than those bad religious fanatic countries, right?

Oh you're fun. Please post more. PLEASE POST MORE.


I agree on many of your points, however I must point out that while science or the scientific method goes back 400 years, the 'science' of the mind has been explored and mapped for much much longer than that. You can't use the tools you use in science to prove or disprove those findings, just like you can't use carpenter tools to do brain surgery. Each has its place and function and one doesn't have to negate the other. They complement each other.

The whole argument that spirituality doesn't exist because it can't be subjected to scientific analysis is fundamentally flawed. There have been attempts to do so, that were more or less successful, but they can only scratch the surface of what is at least for now, beyond the scientific reach.

If you're a scientific minded person, you have to keep an open mind and not exclude possibilities that don't fit with your belief system.

The inner worlds are open for everyone to explore. There are maps in place that describe the pitfalls and breakthroughs you will encounter. Don't believe what others say about it, test it yourself. Sure, it takes preseverance and dedication, but the rewards are beyond description.

Sadly, for many it's much easier to outright deny and/or ridicule those teachings than to actually trying to find the truth.

and reading this claptrap makes me see why, I always love words like "spirituality" something else that doesnt exist like "souls"
You kannot have a intelligent debate.

Saying that spirituality doesnt exist is pretty ignorant.

Show me the evidence then Ill have a debate until then its a psychotic episode

Neuroscientists are trying to learn more about how the brain functions during reported spiritual experiences.[121][122] Several papers have implicated specific neurotransmitters and areas of the brain involved in spiritual experience.[123][124][125][126] Moreover, experiments have also been able to successfully induce spiritual experiences in individuals by administering psychoactive agents known to elicit euphoria and perceptual distortions.[127][128] These results have led some to speculate whether spirituality may be a benign subtype of psychosis.


When one makes fun out of something they don't understand, it says more about their ignorance than about the thing they try to ridicule.

when some one embraces something they don't also understand. what does that say about them?

or do you understand reincarnation? if so please explain.

  • Like 1

I'm just sharing my experience.

You don't have to believe me.

Anyway, I do believe inreincanation, but it seems all too convenient that people only reincarnate as people.

I am pretty sure animals do change species and therefore so do we, after all we are all animals.

I believe you. you had a NDE , but how does this provide you with information about death experience?

as it is I dont believe there is any one who died and came back to talk about it. Or we do as child but it gets erased by childhood activities.

and everyone who has past life memories, seems to have being someone important , like Cleopatra, no one was ever a heroin junkie. Well I have news for them, there was only one Cleopatra, and only one of them could had being Cleopatra.

Because NDE is about leaving your body and visiting the other side for a short moment.

We come back all the time, but don't remember it.

Or we do as child,but it gets erased during childhood.

Some case of reincarnation are very compelling.

Not everyone with past life memories is somebody important.

So says you, obviously an expert in NDE.


By happy coincidence I watched a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary last night , the subject was faith schools in the UK.

An Evangelical Christian Trust that runs 30 schools produces a Science textbook that states the following; ' Evolution is a theory without any scientific proof and its representation as fact is simply an atheist attempt to disprove God '

Anybody still care to argue that brainwashing young kids is not abuse ?

Evolution is only a theory.

They never did find the missing link did they?

Would telling the kids that there was a big bang that created the universe from nothing be abuse?

Telling kids that their great great great great x 1000 grandfather was a monkey be abuse?

Love your avatar - great advert for the big bang and evolution. What god would create a world with no life, and an animal that can't even pray to him?


I'm just sharing my experience.

You don't have to believe me.

Anyway, I do believe inreincanation, but it seems all too convenient that people only reincarnate as people.

I am pretty sure animals do change species and therefore so do we, after all we are all animals.

I believe you. you had a NDE , but how does this provide you with information about death experience?

as it is I dont believe there is any one who died and came back to talk about it. Or we do as child but it gets erased by childhood activities.

and everyone who has past life memories, seems to have being someone important , like Cleopatra, no one was ever a heroin junkie. Well I have news for them, there was only one Cleopatra, and only one of them could had being Cleopatra.

Because NDE is about leaving your body and visiting the other side for a short moment.

We come back all the time, but don't remember it.

Or we do as child,but it gets erased during childhood.

Some case of reincarnation are very compelling.

Not everyone with past life memories is somebody important.

So says you, obviously an expert in NDE.

Yet of course when someone "almost" dies their brains are often starved of oxygen which causes them to see/experience many strange things, but to call this "seeing the other side" is plain nuts, your brain is failing thats all.


By happy coincidence I watched a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary last night , the subject was faith schools in the UK.

An Evangelical Christian Trust that runs 30 schools produces a Science textbook that states the following; ' Evolution is a theory without any scientific proof and its representation as fact is simply an atheist attempt to disprove God '

Anybody still care to argue that brainwashing young kids is not abuse ?

Evolution is only a theory.

They never did find the missing link did they?

Would telling the kids that there was a big bang that created the universe from nothing be abuse?

Telling kids that their great great great great x 1000 grandfather was a monkey be abuse?

Love your avatar - great advert for the big bang and evolution. What god would create a world with no life, and an animal that can't even pray to him?

Why does any god feel the need for anyone to pray to him??? is he lonely, then again so many gods eh?


When one makes fun out of something they don't understand, it says more about their ignorance than about the thing they try to ridicule.

when some one embraces something they don't also understand. what does that say about them?

or do you understand reincarnation? if so please explain.

I never said I understand how it works, nor do I make fun of things I don't understand.

Do you embrace the teachings about string theory or the theory of relativity? You probably do, but what do you know about it? You have to take a leap of faith and trust those who you think know more about the subject.

What does that say about you?


Where were the souls before the earth was formed?

This is a very 3D question...

When we return home, we transcend 3D and merge with all there is. You might as well ask where love is or where God is (if you believe in God, that is).

If you really want a 3D answer, I could say that Earth is a pretty young planet and there are far older ones out there.

Besides, where is your soul now?

In the file labelled "fiction"

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