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Back to back TR Visa?

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I am currently on my second entry of a double entry tourist visa and was planning to go to Laos in early October to apply for another double entry TR visa. I have not done any border runs or received 30 days at the airport so my passport is basically empty besides this one visa, so will I have problems with the second tourist visa? I have a flight booked to go back home in November so could use that as some sort of proof, although I plan to leave Thailand in March. What are my options now?

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Since you only have one 2 entry visa and no exempt entries you certainly will not have a problem getting another one.

You could get a single entry visa and then get a visa while you are home. It would look better in the future having one from your home country. You might even be able to get a 3 entry visa if you wanted to.

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Thank you for your reply, the visa that I have now is from my home country. I felt that having only been here 6 months I wouldn't have a problem getting/entering with the second tourist visa in October but everything's seems to be changing and I read reports of people denied entry with back to back tourist visas.

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not sure but my situation seems somewhat similar and i'm pretty concerned what to expect in future as well. i'm already here since last november using a tourist visa with three entries. went back to my home country in june for 2 weeks (had to pay the fine for three days overstay) and got another tourist visa with three entries there. no problems entering thailand again mid of june but either august or september (if i extend for 30 days) i will have to face my second entry with the new visa. i have a return ticket for january 2nd which i plan to use as i just took unpaid holidays for a year and will have to get back to work. not working here, just taking a year off at the moment to rest and experience thailand, living of savings and renting my apartment back home. before this year i only visited thailand once a year for about 2 months on a 60 days tourist visa. i usually combine my entries with spending a few days in one of the neighbouring countries (never got in and out on the same day) but not sure if this makes any difference. would be great to know if we're screwed now as i would have to reconsider all my plans for the rest of my stay in SEA then ...

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I've read that hotel reservations and flights back home can help someone like myself get back into the country with a second double entry tourist visa (not a long history of being in the country), but is the Tourist Visa route expected to get even harder after August, or is it only the visa exempt stamp at the airport that is expected to change next month?

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Getting visa is not an problem. Passing immigration can be.

Even with only being here 6 months?

What options do I have for staying October 2014-March 2015?

I would try triple entry tourist visa if u can get it. In uk they do....
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Getting visa is not an problem. Passing immigration can be.

Even with only being here 6 months?

What options do I have for staying October 2014-March 2015?

I would try triple entry tourist visa if u can get it. In uk they do....

I see, what is the advantage of a triple entry from the uk over a double entry from Laos? I will only need 5 months.

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Getting visa is not an problem. Passing immigration can be.

Even with only being here 6 months?

What options do I have for staying October 2014-March 2015?

I would try triple entry tourist visa if u can get it. In uk they do....

I see, what is the advantage of a triple entry from the uk over a double entry from Laos? I will only need 5 months.

perhaps it will look less like back to back visa running

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There is no advantage and you only need a double entry tourist visa for a 5 month stay. A triple entry wiill cost more and gains you almost nothing. (You would not need an etension, but would need to do another border run).

An advantage of getting a double entry in the UK is that it will have a validity of 6 months, in Laos it will be only 3 months. (That is the timeframe in which you must make both entries).

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There is no advantage and you only need a double entry tourist visa for a 5 month stay. A triple entry wiill cost more and gains you almost nothing. (You would not need an etension, but would need to do another border run).

An advantage of getting a double entry in the UK is that it will have a validity of 6 months, in Laos it will be only 3 months. (That is the timeframe in which you must make both entries).

At the moment my main concern isn't getting the visa, but being denied entry when I try to enter Thailand with the second visa. I am wondering if 2 tourist visas (first entered mid April) is considered too many and if showing hotel bookings, bank statement and a flight back home would help get me back in.

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Getting visa is not an problem. Passing immigration can be.

Even with only being here 6 months?

What options do I have for staying October 2014-March 2015?

I would try triple entry tourist visa if u can get it. In uk they do....

Wait...she is a UK citizen? I didn't see her mention that. I had an issue mid-last year, being told many times by officials in Bangkok, that I could easily get a TR in Warsaw (I'm American). I flew there to Warsaw, largely for that reason (but also work there as well) and had a long conversation with the man at the Consulate in Warsaw (by phone). The man a the consulate in Warsaw told me I could even get a 4 entry TR no problem (yes, he said that). But THEN finally..at the end of the conversation, he added 'Just bring your documentation that you have official residence in Poland'. I clarified, not permission to be in EU for 3 months as a tourist, but officially recognized as a long term resident of Poland. I asked him then if I had any options for any type of visa, being in EU on a regular 3 month tourist visa, and he replied absolutely no options except to apply to Poland for official residence...which turned out to be a 5 year process.

I just add this because, there is a growing confusion about an ability to get tourist visas at some consulates if they are not in your country of official residence. I know some here will have other experiences - but, that itself is the confusion. I 'think' (meaning, I've heard a few others confirm here and there) that some consulates are adopting the policy. It's just really worth confirming for sure, before making any costly travel to consulates which are not your home country.

Edited by John1thru10
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Getting visa is not an problem. Passing immigration can be.

Even with only being here 6 months?

What options do I have for staying October 2014-March 2015?

I would try triple entry tourist visa if u can get it. In uk they do....

Wait...she is a UK citizen? I didn't see her mention that. I had an issue mid-last year, being told many times by officials in Bangkok, that I could easily get a TR in Warsaw (I'm American). I flew there to Warsaw, largely for that reason (but also work there as well) and had a long conversation with the man at the Consulate in Warsaw (by phone). The man a the consulate in Warsaw told me I could even get a 4 entry TR no problem (yes, he said that). But THEN finally..at the end of the conversation, he added 'Just bring your documentation that you have official residence in Poland'. I clarified, not permission to be in EU for 3 months as a tourist, but officially recognized as a long term resident of Poland. I asked him then if I had any options for any type of visa, being in EU on a regular 3 month tourist visa, and he replied absolutely no options except to apply to Poland for official residence...which turned out to be a 5 year process.

I just add this because, there is a growing confusion about an ability to get tourist visas at some consulates if they are not in your country of official residence. I know some here will have other experiences - but, that itself is the confusion. I 'think' (meaning, I've heard a few others confirm here and there) that some consulates are adopting the policy. It's just really worth confirming for sure, before making any costly travel to consulates which are not your home country.

you should have gone to vancouver for a triple

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There is so much information on Tourist Visas, but what is there to fear from an Education Visa? I have not heard or seen any issues yet with those people that are here on an Education Visa that are not actually going to class. I have friends that are here that hold these visas that tell me there are several schools willing to provide the documentation for the visa, but don't care to maintian the attandance of the students. I wonder if a crackdown of this activity be next? Does anyone have more information?

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I am a South African citizen, South Africa only gives doubles or singles, so the one visa that I have is a double entry from SA.

I got 3 entries. I wrote a letter. I had to plan marriage here in Bangkok and go back and forth while working there at Nedbank in Sandton.

Karin is the nicest visa person I've ever met at a Thai embassy. Number two is the guy at Los Angels my home country. We even went to the Thai event with all the gov't people and Thai people around J'berg that they had at Carnivore with them.



If you email her, she will answer any question you have.

Please tell her Pear and Allen say hi!

Edited by hercdogules
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Since you only have one 2 entry visa and no exempt entries you certainly will not have a problem getting another one.

You could get a single entry visa and then get a visa while you are home. It would look better in the future having one from your home country. You might even be able to get a 3 entry visa if you wanted to.

I wouldn't be so sure about that to say a defenit yes. Strictly speaking someone who have back-to-back tourist visas are probably not TOURISTS in the eye of the authorities and could thus be rejected unless the person in question can show hotel reservations or other typical bookings.

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Since you only have one 2 entry visa and no exempt entries you certainly will not have a problem getting another one.

You could get a single entry visa and then get a visa while you are home. It would look better in the future having one from your home country. You might even be able to get a 3 entry visa if you wanted to.

I wouldn't be so sure about that to say a defenit yes. Strictly speaking someone who have back-to-back tourist visas are probably not TOURISTS in the eye of the authorities and could thus be rejected unless the person in question can show hotel reservations or other typical bookings.

I agree that there's a chance I won't definitely get back in, however I do have hotel bookings and a flight out of Thailand so surely that will help?

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If u r planning to live here so stop all these tourist visa business and get a proper visa. It may cost you more but then you have less problem. If u r above 50 years old get a retirement visa, if u want to work get a employment visa, u can also get a education visa and join some language courses but then it cost u around 25000 a year. Or get a business visa.

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Since you only have one 2 entry visa and no exempt entries you certainly will not have a problem getting another one.

You could get a single entry visa and then get a visa while you are home. It would look better in the future having one from your home country. You might even be able to get a 3 entry visa if you wanted to.

I wouldn't be so sure about that to say a defenit yes. Strictly speaking someone who have back-to-back tourist visas are probably not TOURISTS in the eye of the authorities and could thus be rejected unless the person in question can show hotel reservations or other typical bookings.

I agree that there's a chance I won't definitely get back in, however I do have hotel bookings and a flight out of Thailand so surely that will help?

I see people avoiding to answer your question. Absolutely will help. Also be ready to produce cash, I believe the rule is 30K or 40K baht, but perhaps 10K-15K plus a couple of hundred USD might be enough.

That may differentiate you from 90% of visa runners plus back to back tourist visa holders.

Ask UbonJoe also, here in the forum.

edit: I see he answered already. Ask him about that specifically, plus the cash to show.

Edited by elzach
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u can also get a education visa and join some language courses but then it cost u around 25000 a year

well that's what i'm most likely to do tomorrow as everything is so vague now. the thai language station offers even 6-month ed-visa for a very reasonable price so i hope this will do it for the rest of my trip. 2 days a week sounds nice as i'm trying to learn thai already by myself.

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Since you only have one 2 entry visa and no exempt entries you certainly will not have a problem getting another one.

You could get a single entry visa and then get a visa while you are home. It would look better in the future having one from your home country. You might even be able to get a 3 entry visa if you wanted to.

Thank you for your reply, it was recommended that I ask you specific questions so I have sent you an inbox message.

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I see, what is the advantage of a triple entry from the uk over a double entry from Laos? I will only need 5 months.

why - as a tourist - you "need" anything beyond 30 days? Plan to visit each and every of the 87099 temples here or illegally working in one of the schools or fast food restaurants or else?

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I see, what is the advantage of a triple entry from the uk over a double entry from Laos? I will only need 5 months.

why - as a tourist - you "need" anything beyond 30 days? Plan to visit each and every of the 87099 temples here or illegally working in one of the schools or fast food restaurants or else?

different tourists have different interests

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Getting visa is not an problem. Passing immigration can be.

Even with only being here 6 months?

What options do I have for staying October 2014-March 2015?

I would try triple entry tourist visa if u can get it. In uk they do....

I see, what is the advantage of a triple entry from the uk over a double entry from Laos? I will only need 5 months.

U could do 9 months on trie and 6 on double

That including extensions from local immigration.

But now i dont know u can still do it or not...

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