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Murderer of 13-year-old Thai girl to be prosecuted tomorrow

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Gosh that's quick.... pity they could not get the Red Bull Heir guy as quick...or is that swept under the carpet like the rest ....

I believe the times where spoiled HiSo brats get away with murder are over since Gen. Prayuth grabbed the steering wheel. Don't think he's very fond of HiSos in general...


Gosh that's quick.... pity they could not get the Red Bull Heir guy as quick...or is that swept under the carpet like the rest ....

That was a weeeeeeeeee bit different, I think.......


Poor little girl may she be at peace. Why would any mother allow their child to travel alone on an overnight train?? I hope the scum bags sentence reflects on the crime

Lou, I am sure I read that she was with her 2 sisters one being around 20 yrs old and woke up at around 4 am to see her missing and went looking for her, can any one else confirm what I thought I read. So she was not alone.


Poor little girl may she be at peace. Why would any mother allow their child to travel alone on an overnight train?? I hope the scum bags sentence reflects on the crime

Lou, I am sure I read that she was with her 2 sisters one being around 20 yrs old and woke up at around 4 am to see her missing and went looking for her, can any one else confirm what I thought I read. So she was not alone.

You are correct: "Kaem, was riding the train with her two sisters and the boyfriend of the older one. Her travel companions fell asleep in the wee hours of Sunday and when they woke up they could not find her."


We have heard that there was a sister accompanying the girl , where was the sister , why wasn't she in the sleeper compartment with her little sister ?


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still no word why there were no Railway Police officers on the train, however scheduled. Police was supposed to investigate...

SRT saving money!

Another ridiculous assumption arrived at without checking the facts. There were two SRT cops scheduled for that train, but they did not show up.


Poor little girl may she be at peace. Why would any mother allow their child to travel alone on an overnight train?? I hope the scum bags sentence reflects on the crime

She was with her big sister, very sad though.


Gosh that's quick.... pity they could not get the Red Bull Heir guy as quick...or is that swept under the carpet like the rest ....

That was a weeeeeeeeee bit different, I think.......

A Murder is a Murder... That Cop got dragged through the streets under that idiots Ferrari , what a terrible death... As for that poor girl that was terrible as well, but like I said, how come his case has went quiet, I hope he lives with that for the rest of his life... It's shameful


So what's it gonna be then,

A slap on the back of the head, a few thousand Bahts, and save-FACE-settle it?

As I was reading the OP I was wondering when the first post would appear saying exactly what you have just said

Do you honestly believe that the killers are going to get away with a fine and a telling off for this? Honestly?

Yep. No justification for that crack. Some people however seem to think that any low speculation they make about something- regardless of how idiotic- makes them sound astute.

When are we going to hear about the epileptic school director who killed 4 children with his truck a month ago going on trial?

When are we going to hear that the machete murderer of Troy Lee Pilkington in Bangkok last year goes on trial? Try to find anything about a trial of the cabbie online -- nada. The guy hacks Pilkington to death in June 2013 on camera and the story stops there.

if Thai visa would do a little investigating, like having their thai employees check the news papers instead of just parrorting the news maybe we would find out something.


So what's it gonna be then,

A slap on the back of the head, a few thousand Bahts, and save-FACE-settle it?

As I was reading the OP I was wondering when the first post would appear saying exactly what you have just said

Do you honestly believe that the killers are going to get away with a fine and a telling off for this? Honestly?

He would if he was super rich. But because he's a normal low life, they will throw the book at him.


Poor little girl may she be at peace. Why would any mother allow their child to travel alone on an overnight train?? I hope the scum bags sentence reflects on the crime

The girl, who was returning with her sisters from a visit to their grandmother, had disappeared on Saturday night from a sleeping berth en route from the southern province of Surat Thani to the capital, Bangkok.

It really does make a difference when people read the original story. She was not travelling alone. Her poor mother is blameless and broken hearted.

And as unlikely as it may be, IMO he should be exterminated (executed) by firing squad "and his parents be allocated front row seats"

Probably a useless / worthless POS from the day he entered this world.


Yes, I am sure he will get 25 years and be allowed to study law so that when he is out he can go back in and rescue others like him. By then all will be forgotten and forgiven.

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