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Protesters viciously beat guards [with updates]


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Protesters savagely beat district security guards, at times bashing bloodied men lying incapacitated on the ground, as an opposition-aligned demonstration against the ongoing blockade of freedom park erupted into violence on Tuesday morning.

At least eight district security guards were injured - some severely - while three Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmakers-elect were taken into custody.

The protest, which formed near the edge of the park at Naga Bridge, kicked off when two groups, one led by Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmaker elect Mu Sochua, joined forces, then unfurled a banner reading “Free the Freedom Park” and attached it to the razor wire barricade surrounding the park.

Things proceeded peacefully for several minutes before a group of 30 to 40 baton wielding Daun Penh district security guards arrived and began pulling down the banner while forcefully attempting to disperse the demonstration.

Protesters, many wearing yellow ribbons, reacted immediately, rushing toward the guards, engaging them physically and quickly gaining the upper hand.

Police stationed behind the razor wire fired what appeared to be tear-gas canisters, which only briefly halted the scene unfolding outside the barricades.

In the ensuing chaos, Post reporters witnessed numerous guards being isolated and beaten by the crowd. In a moment captured by a Post video journalist, a guard is seen lying unconscious on the ground, before having a rock smashed against his head. When an ambulance arrived, protesters blocked it from reaching the scene and turned it away.

In the aftermath, rights group Adhoc said that eight guards had been injured, with four of them injured seriously. A number are now being attended to in hospital.

"Our NGOs are very sorry about this. Because of the culture of violence, previously security officials beat demonstrators and now the demonstrators beat the security in revenge," Ath Sam Ath, a technical adviser from the rights group Licadho said.

"Now our NGOs are calling for the political parties stop using the people as the tool for protecting their powerful [members]," he added

Sochua, along with fellow CNRP lawmakers elect Kaeo Phirom and Men Sothavarin, were detained by police during the melee and escorted behind the razor-wire barricades. They have since been taken to Phnom Penh municipal police headquarters, Sochua told a Post reporter via phone.

Military Police spokesman Kheng Tito said the detaining of Sochua and her fellow lawmakers-elect was simply procedure.

“Generally, after an incident like this, our authorities must detain the leaders of a violent strike to question as procedure,” he said.



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Please read Abby Seiff report


Four opposition politicians were detained today after a peaceful rally turned violent when protesters responded to the notoriously brutal guards sent to disperse the crowd by fighting back with clubs and rocks.
Police officials and rights monitors said more than 30 officers were injured.
“There were 37 injured and among the 37 there were 22 seriously injured and another two in critical condition,” said National Police spokesman Lieutenant General Kirth Chantharith.
Local rights monitor Licadho said at least six opposition supporters were also injured.
The planned rally was part of a long series of peaceful demonstrations headed by prominent opposition lawmaker-elect Mu Sochua intended to bring attention to the shuttering of “Freedom Park”, a protest square that has been sealed by razor wire and heavily guarded by local authorities since violent protests in January.
Hundreds gathered near the park this morning, carrying flags and signs proclaiming: “Free the Freedom Park”. After guards attempted to pull down a banner protesters had attached to the razor wire and guards began swinging at protesters, a number of demonstrators fought back -- isolating several guards and beating at least two unconscious with sticks and rocks.
The violence marks the first time protesters have turned on police or police-backed thugs, following months of police-driven attacks on demonstrators.
Chan Soveth, senior investigator for the rights group Adhoc, said he was very surprised to see the brutality, but considered it a sign of growing desperation.
“For a long time they followed the law, but for a long time they see no justice so now they do justice by themselves,” he said, adding that he condemned the use of violence.
In the afternoon, protesters gathered outside the Municipal Police Headquarters, where Sochua, Men Sothavrin, and Keo Phirum, Ho Vann were being questioned. All four are lawmakers-elect for the Cambodia National Rescue Party, which has been boycotting its seats in parliament since last year’s election -- which they maintain the ruling party stole.
Lt. Gen. Chantharith said he believed all four should be held criminally liable “because they are the leaders of the group -- so if they don’t lead all those people to go there, maybe the situation doesn’t occur.”
Both he and opposition spokesman Yim Sovann said the politicians would likely -- though not certainly -- be sent to court later today.
The CNRP denounced this morning’s violence in a statement, but Sovann said the opposition had no intention of taking responsibility.
“I think that the administration controlled by the CPP [Cambodian People’s Party], which cracked down violence on the protesters… led to the problem,” he said.

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Kevin Doyle @doyle_kevin 22 min

Anger toward Phnom Penh's oft-violent civilian district security, several of whom injured this AM, simmered for years then exploded today

Kevin Doyle @doyle_kevin 29 min

Will Hun Sen govt jail Mu Sochua & her 3 opposition colleagues? Sochua respected nationally & int'l. Hard to pin today's street brawl on her

ADHOC-Cambodia @ADHOC__Cambodia 47 min

#Cambodia: Senior CNRP attempting to get inside to visit detained Mu Sochua and detained lawmakers

Kevin Doyle @doyle_kevin 56 min

Opposition MP Son Chhay says arrest of 4 MPs, who have been charged by police it appears, bodes ill for Cambodia and its faltering democracy

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