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Foreign Marriage - Divorce in Thaliand


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Hi All,

I'm Irish. My Thai born wife has Irish citizenship. We were married in Ireland.

Can anyone tell me, is it possible to get divorced in Thailand? I've lived here for 5 years.

If someone has heard of similar situations, or can advise of legal council that could advise, then please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same question. I have an e-mail off to SiamLegal after being contacted by another Thai firm with an offer of representation.

Why would I retain a Thailand based Attorney to handle the "completion" of a divorce I filed 09 November 2010 in Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington State, USA? (Filing:10-3-00798-9)
Why would a USA Superior Court talk with a Thailand Attorney?
Would the law enforcement agencies and the American court system uphold an agreement reached through this process?
Is there some Treaty between our countries which defines and upholds the process?
My wife is in contempt of twice Commissioner's Court ordered maintenance from November 2011 and reiterated in December 2011. There is no reason to believe that she would adhere/respect any court order or that any would be enforced.
I have fired one atty., another "quitting" and a third being suspended by WSBA and now in rehab. Is it really all that difficult?
The President of Whatcom County Bar Ass, Paula Wiz, told me at Street Law that I would never get an attorney and the divorce would never happen as long as I am out of Whatcom County. Is this arrogance or truth? I personally know her to be lacking veracity, a common attribute accurately ascribed to lawyers.
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