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Military leaders further centralise power by suspending local elections: Thailand

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More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

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Where's the Forum Happy Clappy crew?

They'll be here, reminding us that everything the junta does is good because everything Thaksin did was bad.

And they will be right wai.gif

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Thought all Suthep friends and Yingluk haters wanted exactly that.Why you guys crying now?Those are the reforms Suthep was talking about.Hope you guys all happy now.I better have 100 corrupt Yingluks than one Suthep or junta ruled country.Welcome to new democratic Thailand.This was all long planned by army and Suthep.

You are right.

This is want we want.

I am not crying.

Nor are any of my Thai friends.

Things are just peachy right now kap wai.gif


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

Question for you and your followers.

What has Democracy done for the people?

In a nation of 66 million people when half don't vote and out of the ones that do vote over half don't want the ones who win how can you call that a Democracy?

What good does it do the people?

People committing suicide because of it's policies. Students loosing the ability to learn due to cheap ill thought out poor performing pads with no real learning programs on them. Floods where the government stores supplies. Does nothing to help the people unless they live in Bangkok. The rest of Thailand didn't count. In fact it was there releasing water from behind a dam that caused it all. The army on their own moved in and helped.

The Government turned down American help that could have supplied and delivered all the fresh water that was needed.

The Army stepped in and took away the rights to vote. Then proceeded to do things for the benefit of Thailand. They laid out a plan where the people could once again vote in about a year and a half. First they are getting rid of the trash that was stealing the country blind. (those are the ones who are opposed to the army) then they are going to pass laws that make it impossible to go back to a dictatorship such as the one they just got out from under with a known criminal on the run afraid to step foot in the country yet buying all the crooked politicians to do what he says to do. In short a insane dictatorship. Name me one other country where the Prime Minister does not attend a cabinet meeting and instead has her brother a convicted criminal living in a self imposed exile call in and give instructions. That is not Democracy.

No the army is not a democracy but it is a government making it possible to have a Democracy.wai.gif

Agreed in full kap !!! wai.gif


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Assuming it's only temporary, and the needs of the common people are addressed......where's the problem?

Shouldn't the PEOPLE decide their own needs and not a bureaucrat that will follw the dictates of the Junta ?

The junta do not believe that 'the people' can be trusted to, nor are capable of, deciding their own needs.

Hence this imposition of 'daddy knows what's best' ruling from the top.

The related question has to be: "will these bureaucrats be trusted to, or be capable of, deciding what 'the people' need?"

Methinks not.

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Thailand is not another planet. Thais are not monkeys, we are 100% similar human beings.

So, we have always to ask ourselves: "WOULD I ACCEPT THAT IN MY OWN COUNTRY?"

A good run dictatorship is better then a dilusional democracy.

Before the elections you tell people what they want to hear and once elected you just do what you want to do. Thats the current western democracy. F... the people we know better.


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

They are "different". And they are "uneducated". And they are "stubborn". They constantly vote for the "wrong" party. They should be "governed" by a wise soldier, who knows what is best for them. Until they show the world that they improved themselves by not making any "wrong" political statements or demands. Then, and only then, one can give them a tiny little bit of freedom. Right?

  • Like 2

More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.
They are "different". And they are "uneducated". And they are "stubborn". They constantly vote for the "wrong" party. They should be "governed" by a wise soldier, who knows what is best for them. Until they show the world that they improved themselves by not making any "wrong" political statements or demands. Then, and only then, one can give them a tiny little bit of freedom. Right?

Yes you make a good point.


Basically what its headed to now is at least half of the legislature selected , then there will be about one "elected" representative per province. Although without any local elections possible it is not clear how selected/elected that rep will be.

Can't really say much about it though can we? I am just glad my family have other options apart from living in Thailand.

For all those that think things are hunky dory, they seriously should hit the history books.

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More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

Question for you and your followers.

What has Democracy done for the people?

In a nation of 66 million people when half don't vote and out of the ones that do vote over half don't want the ones who win how can you call that a Democracy?

What good does it do the people?

People committing suicide because of it's policies. Students loosing the ability to learn due to cheap ill thought out poor performing pads with no real learning programs on them. Floods where the government stores supplies. Does nothing to help the people unless they live in Bangkok. The rest of Thailand didn't count. In fact it was there releasing water from behind a dam that caused it all. The army on their own moved in and helped.

The Government turned down American help that could have supplied and delivered all the fresh water that was needed.

The Army stepped in and took away the rights to vote. Then proceeded to do things for the benefit of Thailand. They laid out a plan where the people could once again vote in about a year and a half. First they are getting rid of the trash that was stealing the country blind. (those are the ones who are opposed to the army) then they are going to pass laws that make it impossible to go back to a dictatorship such as the one they just got out from under with a known criminal on the run afraid to step foot in the country yet buying all the crooked politicians to do what he says to do. In short a insane dictatorship. Name me one other country where the Prime Minister does not attend a cabinet meeting and instead has her brother a convicted criminal living in a self imposed exile call in and give instructions. That is not Democracy.

No the army is not a democracy but it is a government making it possible to have a Democracy.wai.gif

Whoa, back up

I have followers w00t.gif


ps. as for the rest of the rubbish that follows, I agree that PT were crap as I have stated many times. But my tooth fairy comment still stands if you think the military is interested in anything more than their own power as they have always been. Lets face it, they have never done their job of defending the country (excluding the 4 hours when Japan invaded) and are setting themselves up to turn Thailand into a copy of Burma in its Junta times. Surely the people should choose their own representation even if it disagrees with your or my opinion or should they remain slaves to the 'right people'.

your sincerely

Demi god CMTim

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Basically no surprise as the grip tightens!

This is no short term planning.

True it is about a year and a half plan.

You didn't really think they could accomplish any thing by opening up all the impediments to corruption did you?

Strange way of thinking.

You believe the 2015 election bullshit? This is a major shutdown in operation.

Here is their get out clause:

"The NCPO did not say how long local elections will be suspended for. According to the juntas roadmap, a national election will not be held until late next year and only if the "national reconciliation" process is deemed complete."

This has been planned for quite some time and you could see it coming.

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More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

I don't think that they are ready for a western style democratic system with all the corrupt, selfish Sino-Thai power grabbers around. When the average Thai guy understand that they been shafted big time by the Sino-Thai elite (including the Shin clan) the real problems will start for this country.


Who tells that a good dictatorship (There was ever a good one?) is better than a bad democracy, would do a nice thing doing some examples...

Irak for instance. Or is it after sadam an shiny example of a country with a nice democracy.


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

They are "different". And they are "uneducated". And they are "stubborn". They constantly vote for the "wrong" party. They should be "governed" by a wise soldier, who knows what is best for them. Until they show the world that they improved themselves by not making any "wrong" political statements or demands. Then, and only then, one can give them a tiny little bit of freedom. Right?

No, they are just like folks in every other country.

Some are stupid, some are smart, etc...

Here's the thing.

Thailand has been a Monarchy (of one type or another) for centuries.

That is what Thai people are used to.

When you give people political power usually corruption wins out.

It has taken America over 200 years and they still barely manage 'their' democracy.

It is very much the same in countries.

Iran comes to mind for example.

Education and a change in people's thinking must occur for a true democracy to work.

That takes time.

Thailand has been trying democracy and look where that has got us so far.

Not a very good place I'm afraid.

I agree that democracy by, of and for the people is the best for any and every country.

But, if the country as a whole can't handle it yet there is some work to be done.

Get it kap ? wai.gif

P.S The attitude that you are projecting onto me is wrong.

You don't know me so please don't try and read my mind, thanks.


Who tells that a good dictatorship (There was ever a good one?) is better than a bad democracy, would do a nice thing doing some examples...

Irak for instance. Or is it after sadam an shiny example of a country with a nice democracy.

Where is Irak?


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.
They are "different". And they are "uneducated". And they are "stubborn". They constantly vote for the "wrong" party. They should be "governed" by a wise soldier, who knows what is best for them. Until they show the world that they improved themselves by not making any "wrong" political statements or demands. Then, and only then, one can give them a tiny little bit of freedom. Right?

Yes you make a good point.

Who makes a good point ?

Please try to be clear so others understand your comments.


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

I don't think that they are ready for a western style democratic system with all the corrupt, selfish Sino-Thai power grabbers around. When the average Thai guy understand that they been shafted big time by the Sino-Thai elite (including the Shin clan) the real problems will start for this country.

I don't think they are ready for a democracy, period.

Not quite yet.

When the average Thai understands that "what you said" that is when the real progress, not problems, will start kap wai.gif


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

I don't think that they are ready for a western style democratic system with all the corrupt, selfish Sino-Thai power grabbers around. When the average Thai guy understand that they been shafted big time by the Sino-Thai elite (including the Shin clan) the real problems will start for this country.

I don't think they are ready for a democracy, period.

Not quite yet.

When the average Thai understands that "what you said" that is when the real progress, not problems, will start kap wai.gif

Yes it will be great progress if they understand that, but I fear it will be problems during the system change.


Who tells that a good dictatorship (There was ever a good one?) is better than a bad democracy, would do a nice thing doing some examples...

Irak for instance. Or is it after sadam an shiny example of a country with a nice democracy.

Hummm... Iraq really? (I guess you thought that)

So you are ok with genocide, for call it a good dictatorship?


More jobs for the boys. Anyone who thinks any of this will lead to democracy probably believes in the tooth fairy

And anyone who thinks that Thailand is ready for a democracy likely believes in Santa Claus.

They are "different". And they are "uneducated". And they are "stubborn". They constantly vote for the "wrong" party. They should be "governed" by a wise soldier, who knows what is best for them. Until they show the world that they improved themselves by not making any "wrong" political statements or demands. Then, and only then, one can give them a tiny little bit of freedom. Right?

No, they are just like folks in every other country.

Some are stupid, some are smart, etc...

Here's the thing.

Thailand has been a Monarchy (of one type or another) for centuries.

That is what Thai people are used to.

When you give people political power usually corruption wins out.

It has taken America over 200 years and they still barely manage 'their' democracy.

It is very much the same in countries.

Iran comes to mind for example.

Education and a change in people's thinking must occur for a true democracy to work.

That takes time.

Thailand has been trying democracy and look where that has got us so far.

Not a very good place I'm afraid.

I agree that democracy by, of and for the people is the best for any and every country.

But, if the country as a whole can't handle it yet there is some work to be done.

Get it kap ? wai.gif

P.S The attitude that you are projecting onto me is wrong.

You don't know me so please don't try and read my mind, thanks.

So what makes you think that the military can provide proper leadership and not be like every other military dictatorship in history?

Do you honestly think the military cares about the people of Thailand and are not guilty of corruption too?

I am not having a go at you, I just want your honest thoughts wai.gif

  • Like 1

Who tells that a good dictatorship (There was ever a good one?) is better than a bad democracy, would do a nice thing doing some examples...

Irak for instance. Or is it after sadam an shiny example of a country with a nice democracy.

Hummm... Iraq really? (I guess you thought that)

So you are ok with genocide, for call it a good dictatorship?

Are you ok in killing thousands of civillians in a war on a false pretext.


Who tells that a good dictatorship (There was ever a good one?) is better than a bad democracy, would do a nice thing doing some examples...

Irak for instance. Or is it after sadam an shiny example of a country with a nice democracy.

Hummm... Iraq really? (I guess you thought that)

So you are ok with genocide, for call it a good dictatorship?

Are you ok in killing thousands of civillians in a war on a false pretext.

And you are referring to what and who? (I guess I know that, but I'd rather know it from you).


No country is ever ready for democracy, there is always a learning curve and some painful lessons learned. Frequent military coups do not help, as was demonstrated in Central and South America in the twentieth century, and as is being demonstrated by Thailand now. However countries in which the military is constantly behind the scenes and staging coups whenever it suits the generals (Pakistan and Egypt) do worse than countries on the democracy learning curve.

  • Like 2
Who tells that a good dictatorship (There was ever a good one?) is better than a bad democracy, would do a nice thing doing some examples...
Irak for instance. Or is it after sadam an shiny example of a country with a nice democracy.

Hummm... Iraq really? (I guess you thought that)

So you are ok with genocide, for call it a good dictatorship?

Are you ok in killing thousands of civillians in a war on a false pretext.

And you are referring to what and who? (I guess I know that, but I'd rather know it from you).

The USA starting a war in irak an accusations of weapons of mass destruction. And after 'victory' not finding anything of the weapons off mass destruction. Then claiming it was to oust a vicious dictator. Establishing 'democracy' and leave the country in a mess.

It was all about protecting the mighty dollar. Saddam wanted to trade oil in euro and that would hurt the mighty dollar.


Thought all Suthep friends and Yingluk haters wanted exactly that.Why you guys crying now?Those are the reforms Suthep was talking about.Hope you guys all happy now.I better have 100 corrupt Yingluks than one Suthep or junta ruled country.Welcome to new democratic Thailand.This was all long planned by army and Suthep.

You are right.

This is want we want.

I am not crying.

Nor are any of my Thai friends.

Things are just peachy right now

"Southern Man"the name says a lot.The army should go on cleaning up Thailand but then return Thailand to the people,

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