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When Thaksin decided to go missing


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This was news in 2008, a light news day foe The Nation so want to give us a history lesson and yet again show it (balanced) journalism.

Siampolee, I like cup cakes, but I should think it much nicer than you calling some poster here " tedious little creature don't you think?

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Thaksin running away was about the best result Thailand could have asked for - - imagine if he had stayed & done his time....12-18 months maybe & in a lot better condition than most.

Then free to travel around Thailand supporting whoever he anointed for office...(he couldn't run himself of course) He would have had a much bigger influence being here than sending SKYPE messages to his followers.

Looking at the Forbes interviews again where he admits that he phones Yingluck 3 times a week, that she sent him his passport & refunded Millions of baht that the Thai Governments confiscated from him, he also seems reflective on what would have happened if he had just faced the music instead of running away.

If Thaksin had stayed then he would have faced the other 15? far more serious charges and would probably never have got out of jail.

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Going by the majority of the comments in this thread I would say the old adage is right, the truth does hurt.

It is painfully obvious why the story was published at this time, try connecting the dots.

And some of you guys who spend your spare time defending creeps like Thaksin Shinawatra should have a long, hard look at yourselves. Some of your posts are just like you described the op, a waste of reading time.

@ Aussieinthailand, don't know how long it has been since you went back to Oz, but most people who refer to others as "cupcake" are usually Diana Ross fans who are into flower arranging. biggrin.png

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For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

Sorry but you are wrong, there are no statutes of limitation for a person thats been found guilty in a court. Only if you commit a crime and are never found guilty in a court are statutes of limitations in play. Just for interest sake why haven't his passport been canceled as was done to other people, makes you think?

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Going by the majority of the comments in this thread I would say the old adage is right, the truth does hurt.

It is painfully obvious why the story was published at this time, try connecting the dots.

And some of you guys who spend your spare time defending creeps like Thaksin Shinawatra should have a long, hard look at yourselves. Some of your posts are just like you described the op, a waste of reading time.

@ Aussieinthailand, don't know how long it has been since you went back to Oz, but most people who refer to others as "cupcake" are usually Diana Ross fans who are into flower arranging. biggrin.png

I don't know that I'm defending Thaksin, more like pointing out some of the things he has done for the country, and asking why the Thaksin haters here love Thaksin bashing, but still they still use and or wives' GF's and family use the very infrastructure and programs that he put in place, A little hypocritical I think, case in point,

Swampy airport, 30 bath health care, And again, NO I don't think Thaksin is all clean messiah of Thailand, how many politicians do you think are guilt free, here or in other country's.

I've not been back too Oz, And calling someone "cup cake " Well I formally apologize is that ok? "Cup cake " not a flame, and nor insulting, at worst a little cheeky, unlike Siampolee calling others "A tedious little creature" just the other day and had his post removed, Vast distances apart are they not? So will you be consistent and rebuke Siampolee? I think not.

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For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

So you didn't like that Mr. T ok but,

you do like that he finally got Swampy (airport) done,?

Your Thai GF/wife and all her family don't like using the 30 health system but prefer to pay full medical fee's?

You prefer that people go too loan sharks, mafia, for a loan to start a small business?

You like having drug dealers on each street corner?

And you do you support uncle Suthep and family giving out land for rich friends and people he can call on favors for latter?

You like and support the palm oil games Suthep played whist having his snot on the trough?

And you think it unfair he was made to leave the Dems for just a little corruption?

So if you despise the man so much then why do you use the very things he has put in place here?

Do you like Taksin giving millions to court and then saying it was the wrong box of pastries ? (think that is a bigger thing as all what you mentioned) (if you call bribing the courts a little corruption i need to check your morals)

Do you likeTaksin to change the law so he could sell his company and NOT pay taxes gaining millions and millions of baht.

Did you forget the Democrats abolished the 30 bath payment because it was more expensive to administer the system then it was worth. But the PTP wanted 30bt again because it feared Taksin would have been forgotten

Did you like all the innocent death from Taksins shoot the drugs dealer

Did you like the Tak bak massacre because that intensified the South its problems

Could you please prove the part about Suthep, because the things I typed can be proven with news articles

P.s I am no fan of Suthep but I do applaud him and Taksin for getting rid of the current government

If Suthep did things wrong he can go in jail next to Taksin for all I care all corrupt officials should go to jail.

LOL, maybe in Thailand,

But I dobt u´ll be able to prove anything elsewhere with ´news articles´.

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People harp on about issues in Thailand such as education and moral corruption, it is outrageous that a person from democracy based country subscribe to personality cult mentality.

This is exactly the the wrong approach that one is to take when it comes to the offices of those in the Executive and public service. Those offices are the actual power and for which the respect and admiration is to be directed. The name on the door can change but the office is the tool of the people and it is that which must forever be held to a standard of absolute perfection and respect.

People like T and the people some how convince intelligent TV members of their supreme ability and disconnect them from the office and heap it personally on the individual. And therefore completely dropping the extremely high standard of duty, respect. integrity one holding an office must do for the people and it all becomes a totally nebulous discussion.

Doing good and doing bad as an office holder that then balances a scale as to if a person is praise worthy is just bull. They need to behave beyond reproach and yet, everyone just ok to just let it slide........ I feel like the principles and thinking of some great people in the past that allowed liberty to spread to such a huge part of our planet is just not quite respected or understood for just how impressive and amazing an idea can truly be and it can raise us all up beyond just our own wants and needs of egos and whatever.

The idea and words that address insight on the human nature and help us better are some of the oldest artifacts our species has from our past. and yet we're still great at making choices and never standing for anything, excuses being the currency our intellectual economy is propped up on. sigh.

Edited by jcisco
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