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What's this scam again?


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I've read it before, but can't remember

Where a Arab looking guy comes and asks to see your local currency because he is honey mooning there soon and then wants to see thai baht

Last night, the guy asked to see my local currency and then thai baht, I showed him a 20 baht note and then he insisted I show him a 1000 baht note which I didn't have anyway

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Did he have a wonky eye? I had the same thing happen to me in a 7/11 opposite Paragon, kept an eye on everything in my pockets, figured he was asking to either distract me or so his mates would know whether I had enough money in my wallet for it to be worth robbing me.

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Gotta love these scammers. It happened to me once. I got excited that I could beat him up so gave him a thousand and told him, he just got paid to get beaten. He gave it back I have no idea why.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I would guess some sleight of hand switching your bill to a dodgy one or convincing you to change his money into your THB and pointing at the exchange rate next to you both telling you how you'll make money from it

... with no one questioning why he doesn't change it himself ... cause it's a dodgy note or something

Could be ol fashioned seeing how much you have on you though

Robbing someone for 1K baht though?

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Used to be several Filipinos working Sukhumvit who would try a similar scam:

"Please, because I am Filipino, I am not allowed to exchange dollars here...blah, blah."

Haven't seen them in a while.

I learned it was never a good idea to wear a shirt or something that identified where I was from. Scammers would use that as a pretext to start a conversation:

"Oh..my sister will go to Chicago next week for work...please come and talk to her at our home...blah-blah"

Edited by dddave
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