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Bank of Thailand (BoT) urges businesses to trade in yuan with China

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BoT urges businesses to trade in yuan with China
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BANGKOK, July 18 -- The Bank of Thailand (BoT) is supporting the idea that Thai businesses trade with China in China’s currency, the yuan, as it could help them lowering these forex risks and simultaneously assist them in expanding their business, according to Chantavarn Sucharitakul, assistant to the BoT governor.

Ms Chantawan told participants at a Bangkok seminar that the BoT has persuaded the Thai private sector to increase its trade and investment with China in the yuan currency following encouragement from Beijing.

While there might be “some limitations” in the beginning, the large size of China’s economy and international trade along with support given by financial institutions, the use of the yuan could help lower costs and at the same time reducing forex risks, she said.

Currently, bilateral trade between China and Thailand amounts to 14 per cent of Thailand’s total exports, and China is Thailand's number one trading partner.

Meanwhile, Richard Duncan, chief economist at Singapore’s Blackhorse Asset Management, a seminar participant, told journalists that implementing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), scheduled for the end of 2015, would help the bargaining power of ASEAN members.

Intra-ASEAN trade and investment could grow further and help ease the impact of a sluggish global economy, said Mr Duncan, adding that it is projected that the world economy would remain in recession for another one or two years.

China’s economy has been the major driving force for Asian economy in the past, but it probably would take some time for its economy to help global economy to get out of recession, Mr Duncan added. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-07-18

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I was surprised to see USD are still seemingly the main currency used at banks in northern Laos right across from the Ch. border. Seems like China's currency and rise is over-rated as the country has no innovation and is doing nothing new, just taking advantage of a vast population willing to work for slave waves, plus lack of environmental regulation and similar rule of law. Nothing cutting-edge that would allow it to create the kind of wealth that would make its yuan more like a US dollar than, say, a Wal-Mart gift card.

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This serves the US right. I was recently informed (after belching about paying $20 extra charges ) that the US government now forces all USD transactions to be routed via their banks.

I transferred $150 from Hong Kong USD account to England USD account - $35 charges; according to Barclays $20 for US leg.

SWIFT kick in the pants for the consumer.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

China's managed economy is unraveling, and the Chinese government no longer even pretends to fantastic growth rates. The yuan isn't going anywhere, the Euro is being propped up to prevent a complete collapse of the EU. and the only things wrong with the US and the dollar are Fed printing and an incompetent and business-ignorant administration. It's all relative, isn't it.

Following the US Federal Reserve Bank's lead...many countries...especially Japan...have been printing trillions of unbacked currency...pretending to be real money...but is barely worth the paper it is printed on...a day of reckoning can not be far away...the entire world's false economy is in the balance...may be the biggest catastrophe the world has ever experienced...there is no playbook to reference...everyman for himself...it may doom mankind to resort to an agricultural existence...trying to feed their families...


Here we go.... It's starting to spread already. This time next year the global reserve currency is going to be the Yuan and the USA will collapse both economically and socially.

It will be like an African country in about 3 years.

There will be carnage in the streets.

I don't share your pessimism. China is Thailand's biggest trading partner. China is setting up a Yuan exchange mechanism based in London. Add to that the recently announced plans of the BRICS countries to establish their own version of the IMF etc, and you can see where Thailand is aligning itself economically.


Red China WILL make a new world reserve currency, and don't care how long it takes to do.

Red China, like its dealings with the UK Empire ages ago, has too much money relative to what they want to buy. What to do? Opium again?


Here we go.... It's starting to spread already. This time next year the global reserve currency is going to be the Yuan and the USA will collapse both economically and socially.

It will be like an African country in about 3 years.

There will be carnage in the streets.

You really think that timeline is sound ? cheesy.gif

Please stop reading the conspiracy sites, China is going to have to open up,become a lot more transparent and flexible a heck of a lot more before it becomes a global reserve currency.

Not to mention its own currency crisis and problems it is going to be facing in the coming years.

Things will change as they always do over time, history tells us the route to a change in reserve currencies usually is preceded with a war between the old and the new. Or in the case of the pound a world war. Dont wish it for the US will not give up its position without a fight, it cannot afford to, unless its a transition over a long period. Decades probably.

Do some reading, for all the faults and problems the dollar faces the Yuan has just as many if not more and a lot of its published figures are just lies and smoke. Its one hell of a corrupt country.

What is more likely is there will be a move towards the Yuan joining the dollar the pound and the euro as main world currencies for a decade or more before any further move.

for all its faults the US is a world player and is a lot more accessible and open than dealing with China, until China is honest and transparent with figures and trade and begins to import more from partners it is not going to be trusted enough to be a world reserve currency.

Thailand should be a little bit careful hitching its coat tail too tightly to the real Eastern dragon.

  • Like 2

The $USD is doomed. I suppose all the US expats who get their money in $USD will be going back home to live in poverty. There are lots of countries doing deals in yaun now. Makes no sense at all to buy things from China with $USD if you're no American. It means losing on the exchange rate twice. e.g. I have to change £GBP to $USD, send it to China and then the seller has to change the $USD to yuan. Why not just change the £GBP to yuan.

Goodbye America. At least it won't have enough money to continue killing innocent civilians all over the world. But I wouldn't be surprised to see it start a mega war when it starts to disintegrate. They will blame anyone else except themselves.

Most Americans I know are still in denial. It's those that will suffer the most, as they haven't made any plans and it will come as a huge shock to the.

  • Like 1

There is also the deal that China has just done with Russia to use their own currencies for reciprocal trade.

Reported that China is using its $ reserves to buy up gold.

Once the BRICS group gets their bank up and running using their own currencies they will be a powerful alliance and there will be no reason why they cant trade among themselves in their own currencies or one agreed currency outside the dollar.

  • Like 2

Here we go.... It's starting to spread already. This time next year the global reserve currency is going to be the Yuan and the USA will collapse both economically and socially.

It will be like an African country in about 3 years.

There will be carnage in the streets.

You really think that timeline is sound ? cheesy.gif

Please stop reading the conspiracy sites, China is going to have to open up,become a lot more transparent and flexible a heck of a lot more before it becomes a global reserve currency.

Not to mention its own currency crisis and problems it is going to be facing in the coming years.

Things will change as they always do over time, history tells us the route to a change in reserve currencies usually is preceded with a war between the old and the new. Or in the case of the pound a world war. Dont wish it for the US will not give up its position without a fight, it cannot afford to, unless its a transition over a long period. Decades probably.

Do some reading, for all the faults and problems the dollar faces the Yuan has just as many if not more and a lot of its published figures are just lies and smoke. Its one hell of a corrupt country.

What is more likely is there will be a move towards the Yuan joining the dollar the pound and the euro as main world currencies for a decade or more before any further move.

for all its faults the US is a world player and is a lot more accessible and open than dealing with China, until China is honest and transparent with figures and trade and begins to import more from partners it is not going to be trusted enough to be a world reserve currency.

Thailand should be a little bit careful hitching its coat tail too tightly to the real Eastern dragon.

I doubt the yuan will be a reserve currency any time soon, but other countries are starting to use it, which will lead to the collapse of the dollar. No country in history has stacked up as much debt as the US without collapsing.

You really think USA is more open than China. I have heard many US investors say they would rather do business is China because it's easy and more open than the US these days. The US has numerous laws blocking all types of trade. US citizens are gibing up their citizenship in droves, as they want to be free to travel and invest where they want, without the restrictions that the US places on them. Land of the free? What a complete joke. The saddest part is that most Americans can't see what's right in front of them.

  • Like 1

There is also the deal that China has just done with Russia to use their own currencies for reciprocal trade.

Reported that China is using its $ reserves to buy up gold.

Once the BRICS group gets their bank up and running using their own currencies they will be a powerful alliance and there will be no reason why they cant trade among themselves in their own currencies or one agreed currency outside the dollar.

China has bought up a huge amount of gold and apparently almost have enough to use it to back their currency. Imagine that, a currency backed by real gold. Not much risk there, unlike the worthless $USD. They only problem with this is that the USA will start a world war. It's already meddling all over the world. Why does USA care more then EU about Ukraine. USA should butt out.


There is also the deal that China has just done with Russia to use their own currencies for reciprocal trade.

Reported that China is using its $ reserves to buy up gold.

Once the BRICS group gets their bank up and running using their own currencies they will be a powerful alliance and there will be no reason why they cant trade among themselves in their own currencies or one agreed currency outside the dollar.

China has bought up a huge amount of gold and apparently almost have enough to use it to back their currency. Imagine that, a currency backed by real gold. Not much risk there, unlike the worthless $USD. They only problem with this is that the USA will start a world war. It's already meddling all over the world. Why does USA care more then EU about Ukraine. USA should butt out.

The notion that China could ever back more than small fraction of its currency in gold is a fantasy.They dont have anything like enough gold and never can not even close.

I happen to be a metals bug but the figures, supply and world reserves compared to Chinas money supply dosnt add up. Even at the August 2013 gold price, China would have to buy up every single piece of gold in the world, including bullion, gold coins, and gold jewellery, to back just 49.50% of its total broad money supply.

Its a game of chess with a difference, in time the US will of course be replaced as top dog as that is natural, I however dont see any form of rapid collapse.

Much like a lot of countries that rose its likely to be a decline over a couple of generations. That in the eyes of history is in the blink of an eye of course but in the present its likely to take decades imo.

We are also in unchartered waters and the US tech is still by far leading the world, dont underestimate what cannot be seen.

One interesting theory is that the US just defaults and or repatriates by law all US business to home soil at some point or cranks up import duty massively. China needs to continue to be the worlds factory, without that as much as the dollar relies on the petro dollar china would implode very quickly at its current level of export dependency.

The US is not toothless, dont think for a moment it is.


China's managed economy is unraveling, and the Chinese government no longer even pretends to fantastic growth rates. The yuan isn't going anywhere, the Euro is being propped up to prevent a complete collapse of the EU. and the only things wrong with the US and the dollar are Fed printing and an incompetent and business-ignorant administration. It's all relative, isn't it.

Yes, and if the USD were ever to crash, the biggest loser outside of the US is China.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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R.I.P. Colonel Gaddafi. They killed off you and your plan for a gold dinar for Arab and African oil producers, but the dollar's going belly up anyway.


Great deal for China. Sell the yuan high internationally and buy it back low for domestic use. Basically get a 30% discount in value from any foreign trade. That's why Chinese tourists are flocking to Singapore to buy high-end luxury items. And if the yuan tanks on the international market, Thailand businesses won't have anywhere else to use it for trade.

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Please do not do this. This is a foolish and prideful move. Thainess does not extend into world markets whatsoever. This makes me sad, actually. The last thing on earth the Thai power brokers need is an angry and subtle response from the West.

Go ahead, play your figurehead games, but do not get arrogant.

Mark my words. This is not wise or intelligent. The economic assassins from the West are more formidable than arms. They can make you each worthless, and hated for your posturing. There is no face left in such a situation.

I love Thailand.

Please do not invoke the wrath of those despicable monsters on Wall Street. Their weapons are worse than nukes.

You will lose every time. Your powers do not extend beyond your borders....but your economy surely does.

Don't play this game. Please.

You will lose. I speak because I love your country and her great King. Please do not do this. You are bringing a knife to a gunfight.

Please do not do this.

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When I first read this OP almost 10 days ago my first reaction was... wow..Thailand has moved away from the US dollar & aligning with the Chinese Yuan.

And after reading some of the posts which always has a vast array of opinions...I had a few questions in my mind but didn't really assemble any coherent opinion except I see the"writing on the wall".

The demise of the US dollar will be sad but is inevitable....it's a fiat currency that was based on the "petro dollar" & has now morphed into a "military dollar"...meaning war sustains the US dollar whereas originally it was based on sales of oil in US dollars.

The real question is "How" will the Yuan be used,transactions etc since there are many evident problems associated with it and it's a relatively new concept..compared to the US dollar as a world currency since WW2.

The reality is that China on it's own..although one of the world's leading economies...probably a difficult road to overcome......but

on July 15,2014 at BRICS summit in Brazil 5 economies - Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa signed the historic document to create the $100 billion BRICS Development Bank and a reserve currency pool worth another $100 billion.

Which means China is not alone but has Russian oil & gas behind the deal...Also China & Russia are dumping their US treasury bonds & buying as much gold as they can get their hands on.

the US dollar & the IMF have been served notice there is going to be a economic change on a world scale.

Coincidentally on July 17 as Putin was flying back to Russia from Brazil, Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 was shot down by a missile & immediately Putin/Russia was blamed by the US State Department & continued by the western media.

If one thinks the plane & BRICS is unrelated...it's possible..but my brain tells me it's a setup...to isolate Russia...with more economic sanctions.

The sanctions won't work....& for the EU & the US to continue it will be like them shooting themselves with a missile into their foot.

Why?...because China is behind Russia & the the fact that Russia supplies 30-40% of gas & oil to Europe.


many countries have already agreed to China setting up currency clearing banks an ie. is

"In March, the Bank of England signed a memorandum of understanding with the People's Bank of China setting out the deal.The China Construction Bank will be the London renminbi (RMB) clearing house.

The banks have said they want to encourage the cross-border use of renminbi, or yuan, to rebalance the global economy." http://www.bbc.com/news/business-27901373

China has also setup the "Shanghai Free Trade zone"...1000's of companies & many International Banks have registered...one of the benefits is foreign companies with bank accounts in the FTZ can transfer their excess Yuan holdings in and out of China easily.

So reading that Thailand is on side with the exchange of Chinese Yuan for Thai baht...& many other countries are lining up to exchange in Yuan also.

It's not about Thailand liking the US less than the Chinese.

It's about economic survival.

The writing is on the wall.


IMHO one point not yet mentioned is that in many places people take a dim view on the USA spying on their USD transactions thru banks, now having to go thru US based banks (or banks forced to report cause they have US subsidiaries). The war on terror, how legitimate it may be for a nation to defend itself, has some collateral damage.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


China's managed economy is unraveling, and the Chinese government no longer even pretends to fantastic growth rates. The yuan isn't going anywhere, the Euro is being propped up to prevent a complete collapse of the EU. and the only things wrong with the US and the dollar are Fed printing and an incompetent and business-ignorant administration. It's all relative, isn't it.

Following the US Federal Reserve Bank's lead...many countries...especially Japan...have been printing trillions of unbacked currency...pretending to be real money...but is barely worth the paper it is printed on...a day of reckoning can not be far away...the entire world's false economy is in the balance...may be the biggest catastrophe the world has ever experienced...there is no playbook to reference...everyman for himself...it may doom mankind to resort to an agricultural existence...trying to feed their families...

All thanks to the US Federal Reserve of course. Many don't know that the Fed is not even a US Government entity. It is a privately held institution started by the 4 main banking families a hundred years ago. They have been dictating the world economy under the guise as a US government backed organization and 'consultant' to the US Treasury. Darn crooked.


Here we go.... It's starting to spread already. This time next year the global reserve currency is going to be the Yuan and the USA will collapse both economically and socially.

It will be like an African country in about 3 years.

There will be carnage in the streets.

You really think that timeline is sound ? cheesy.gif

Please stop reading the conspiracy sites, China is going to have to open up,become a lot more transparent and flexible a heck of a lot more before it becomes a global reserve currency.

Not to mention its own currency crisis and problems it is going to be facing in the coming years.

Things will change as they always do over time, history tells us the route to a change in reserve currencies usually is preceded with a war between the old and the new. Or in the case of the pound a world war. Dont wish it for the US will not give up its position without a fight, it cannot afford to, unless its a transition over a long period. Decades probably.

Do some reading, for all the faults and problems the dollar faces the Yuan has just as many if not more and a lot of its published figures are just lies and smoke. Its one hell of a corrupt country.

What is more likely is there will be a move towards the Yuan joining the dollar the pound and the euro as main world currencies for a decade or more before any further move.

for all its faults the US is a world player and is a lot more accessible and open than dealing with China, until China is honest and transparent with figures and trade and begins to import more from partners it is not going to be trusted enough to be a world reserve currency.

Thailand should be a little bit careful hitching its coat tail too tightly to the real Eastern dragon.

I doubt the yuan will be a reserve currency any time soon, but other countries are starting to use it, which will lead to the collapse of the dollar. No country in history has stacked up as much debt as the US without collapsing.

You really think USA is more open than China. I have heard many US investors say they would rather do business is China because it's easy and more open than the US these days. The US has numerous laws blocking all types of trade. US citizens are gibing up their citizenship in droves, as they want to be free to travel and invest where they want, without the restrictions that the US places on them. Land of the free? What a complete joke. The saddest part is that most Americans can't see what's right in front of them.

Some of what you say is true. The US is definitely not the place they say it is, nor the place it represents itself as being. Has not been for a long time. But, China is one of the most closed countries in the modern era. All trade is one way. It is all about exploiting the world, and giving nothing in exchange. Have you ever tried importing anything INTO China? There are massive restrictions on the currency. There are massive restrictions on every aspect of life in China. A Chinese national can only import something worth less than $150. Period. It has to be done through the state apparatus, so party members can profit, or though a state approved enterprise. The only thing that is not controlled is how much wealth members of the ruling Politburo can amass for themselves. Only one is not a dollar billionaire out of over 500 swine. While it is true that the US is going downhill quickly, and the restrictions it is placing on its citizens are astonishing, China is on another level entirely. Their government is one of the most heinous on the planet. And I consider the government intentions to be unworthy of the kind of respect from the world community they are seeking.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Funny, but when I asserted that the USD was under attack a few months ago due their imperialistic hegemony and was only a matter of time before the USD lost both Petro-Dollar status and World Reserve Currency status, I was condemned as another tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist...

With the formation of the BRICS development bank 2 weeks ago and the increasing number of bi-lateral trade agreements denominated in the Yuan, I don't give it long before US T-Bills and FOREX accounts are dumped by foreign trading partners and the USD will be devalued by 40%...

The US uses the Reserve Currency status and financial clearing status for all dollar denominated international transactions as a weapon to punish countries that don't toe the line... Case in point, the recent fine imposed by the US DOJ against the French SocGen Bank for dealing with countries on the US terrorist watch list... This was to punish France for the sale of Mistral ships to Russia... Even Germany is now being put in a position to choose west vs east and their best option is to exit the EU and form BRICS alliances... All empires come to an end and we are living through the final death throws of the American Empire... Seems fitting the US has it's own version of Nero today, except this one chooses to play golf while Rome is burning instead of playing the fiddle...

  • Like 1

Here we go.... It's starting to spread already. This time next year the global reserve currency is going to be the Yuan and the USA will collapse both economically and socially.

It will be like an African country in about 3 years.

There will be carnage in the streets.

You really think that timeline is sound ? cheesy.gif

Please stop reading the conspiracy sites, China is going to have to open up,become a lot more transparent and flexible a heck of a lot more before it becomes a global reserve currency.

Not to mention its own currency crisis and problems it is going to be facing in the coming years.

Things will change as they always do over time, history tells us the route to a change in reserve currencies usually is preceded with a war between the old and the new. Or in the case of the pound a world war. Dont wish it for the US will not give up its position without a fight, it cannot afford to, unless its a transition over a long period. Decades probably.

Do some reading, for all the faults and problems the dollar faces the Yuan has just as many if not more and a lot of its published figures are just lies and smoke. Its one hell of a corrupt country.

What is more likely is there will be a move towards the Yuan joining the dollar the pound and the euro as main world currencies for a decade or more before any further move.

for all its faults the US is a world player and is a lot more accessible and open than dealing with China, until China is honest and transparent with figures and trade and begins to import more from partners it is not going to be trusted enough to be a world reserve currency.

Thailand should be a little bit careful hitching its coat tail too tightly to the real Eastern dragon.

I think lostsoul49 is being sarcastic but you're probably not far from the likely truth in your reply


Here we go.... It's starting to spread already. This time next year the global reserve currency is going to be the Yuan and the USA will collapse both economically and socially.

It will be like an African country in about 3 years.

There will be carnage in the streets.

You really think that timeline is sound ? cheesy.gif

Please stop reading the conspiracy sites, China is going to have to open up,become a lot more transparent and flexible a heck of a lot more before it becomes a global reserve currency.

Not to mention its own currency crisis and problems it is going to be facing in the coming years.

Things will change as they always do over time, history tells us the route to a change in reserve currencies usually is preceded with a war between the old and the new. Or in the case of the pound a world war. Dont wish it for the US will not give up its position without a fight, it cannot afford to, unless its a transition over a long period. Decades probably.

Do some reading, for all the faults and problems the dollar faces the Yuan has just as many if not more and a lot of its published figures are just lies and smoke. Its one hell of a corrupt country.

What is more likely is there will be a move towards the Yuan joining the dollar the pound and the euro as main world currencies for a decade or more before any further move.

for all its faults the US is a world player and is a lot more accessible and open than dealing with China, until China is honest and transparent with figures and trade and begins to import more from partners it is not going to be trusted enough to be a world reserve currency.

Thailand should be a little bit careful hitching its coat tail too tightly to the real Eastern dragon.

I think lostsoul49 is being sarcastic but you're probably not far from the likely truth in your reply

Except it's not about the Chinese Yuan being the global currency.

it's about the USD not being the global currency..as seen in the OP.

Thailand or any country wants to trade with China...exchange to USD then into Yuan & back again?

Thai baht for goods purchased from China...then receive Yuan for goods sold to Thailand..then exchange for baht in a China Bank currency trading bank.

The english pound will survive because China & Russia will use London as a financial center.

The Euro will survive if they purchase gas/oil from Russia in roubles &/or gold with Germany as it's Euro center.

The US will be on the outside looking in.

The USD will hit record inflation while all it's paid fair weather friends abandon the dollar for economic survival...not decades...in the next couple years.

China is setting up another free trade zone near Hong Kong with the existing Shanghai free trade zone & several more planned.

China needs ASEAN countries integrated with the Yuan...& will be more diplomatic in it's relationship with conflicts in South China Sea as seen

July 15 China pulls oil rig from disputed area with Vietnam..& releasing Vietnamese fishermen...that immediately soothed China-Vietnam relations.

"These two developments point to a tactical shift in Chinese policy from confrontation at sea to diplomacy and political dialogue. The stage is now set for high-level talks between Beijing and Hanoi on how to repair their bilateral relations." http://thediplomat.com/2014/07/4-reasons-china-removed-oil-rig-hysy-981-sooner-than-planned/

"China has moved the oil rig that triggered a dispute with Vietnam when it was sent into the South China Sea". http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/16/beijing-removes-south-china-sea-oil-rig

It's a new ball game & those claiming the USD will continue it's dominance will be sadly mistaken.

China is buying as much gold as it can get.....The US steals gold with it's military backed power..like from Ukraine,Iraq etc

Trade or War.....it's a simple choice really.

Once momentum stops or goes backwards...it will be total collapse of the USD.

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