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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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being rich and powerful makes (some) people jealous .

Here's another one...

You better stop watching Hollywood movies and get out more... A lot of american's live on gov't subsidies and a lot more live from pay cheque to pay cheque with debts they won't be able to dig themselves out of in decades. rolleyes.gif

Following the European model I suppose.

True. The vast majority of Americans are really struggling right now. The 1% are crazy rich. There is another 5% that are comfortable. The rest are hurting.


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Not sure if this is in the right forum, but...

Always amazed at the anti-American sentiment I get, specifically from a significant proportions of Canadians, western Europeans, Kiwis and Aussies.

A few examples: last year found a French couple lost in Bangkok. I guided them to their destination (a ferry stop on the river) and on the way mentioned I'm from USA. They responded, "We are from France, it is in Europe, a continent which is made up of many different countries. France is one of these countries." As if being American trumped the fact that I was guiding them through the back alleys of SE Asia in their determination of my knowledge of world geography.

Likewise I recently came across an older Middle Eastern man drinking alcohol and accosting local (scantily clad) passersby on the street. I confronted him and said this was unacceptable, and later was told by a Kiwi neighbor that I had better mind my own business and return to the US. Strange that being American trumps my duty as a man, at least in this Kiwi's eyes, and stranger still that I rarely encounter such sentiment from people who "should" give it such as Chinese or Japanese or Vietnamese or the like.

So can someone explain to me how this came about. Was it around during WWII? A more recent phenomenon arising from bad elements of US foreign policy? Just underlying bias going from way back? Very strange to me though I of course keep in mind the advice:

Lots of the opinions are created by the leftist press in Europe and Australia. Almost every journalist is placed far left on the political scale and capitalist America becomes a target of their unjust reporting. Another factor is the small man complex. Almost EVERY significant invention in the twentieth century originates from USA. Envy plays a huge part here. "Ok, you invented internet, GPS etc, but you can't name 5 rivers in Albania. You must be stupid."

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I think you'll trace the dislike in a semi-serious way to the involvement, or lack thereof in WWII.


Quite right. Hardly anyone from down-under was really involved in WWII. Kinda just sat back and let others send soldiers to protect them. Then complained about the US being there. Where does that come from???

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Actually The Americans are often pretty sensitive. The piss taking between Aus, NZ, England, Wales, Ireland and Jockland is relentless. Can we all agree to just make fun of The French?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe that's the problem. Americans 'take a piss' when they go to the bathroom. And 'take a joke' when they go to the bar. smile.png

And stop with the tired old WW2 jokes.

If it wasn't for the French, we'd all be speaking french.

Ye the French hate the Britt's they never ever won a war against us, never. To busy putting their hair pieces on and makeup. And that bent nose shit De Gaul.

The French never won a war against the Brits. Think 1066

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The other aspect is the relatively feeble American sense of humor. Part of this is regional. If you are in areas like Los Angeles or San Diego it is nearly non existent. They would not know a joke if it hit them in the nose. Lower intelligence than the rest of the country, in general. And exceptionally thin skinned people. Very "sensitive". So. Cal. is a very dim place. In NY they see the joke coming 3 minutes before you say it! So, consider this. Are you from California? Oh no wonder you took my joke seriously.


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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


I was going to throw my 2 cents in but you've pretty much said what needs to be said in good fashion.

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Envy plays a huge part here. "Ok, you invented internet, GPS etc, "

Actually I always thought the internet was invented by an Englishman *

The GPS satellite network is a wonderful free gift to the world from the US Department of Defense and especially for people like me with no sense of direction, but it is a "wolf in sheeps clothing". The network apparently transmits it's regular civilian signals received by our TomToms, Garmins etc, but also no doubt military coded signals for use by missiles etc. it stands to reason that either can be switched off by the networks owners.

Personally I don't have a problem with any of that, but it is not the free no strings attached gift that many think it is.


* http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/p/TimBernersLee.htm

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In Thailand, I've mostly experienced anti-Americanism from people from the UK and the Euro continent. I mean direct in your face irrational disdain to my face just because I'm American. I find this funny because the feeling I get is that they think they are smarter and more sophisticated than Americans. They seem to think all Americans are hicks with no "culture" who are Fox News zombies and think exotic cuisine is a hamburger with an avocado. Basically, to make that assumption about any random American they meet is simple BIGOTRY.

Also sometimes I've experienced random people coming up to me and going into an anti-American rant to my face assuming I am not American. These are priceless moments when I speak back to them in my ... American accent. I actually don't confront them. Just the look on their faces is payback enough.

It's ironic because many Americans (who can't afford to travel outside the U.S. ) are crazy about people from the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, especially because of their accents, music and actors.

I've been to the UK. So, I know the people there are nice. However, I've always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand. But, after hearing their venom towards Americans, I'm not so sure.

You can be our good will ambassador, they will love us.

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Actually The Americans are often pretty sensitive. The piss taking between Aus, NZ, England, Wales, Ireland and Jockland is relentless. Can we all agree to just make fun of The French?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe that's the problem. Americans 'take a piss' when they go to the bathroom. And 'take a joke' when they go to the bar. smile.png

And stop with the tired old WW2 jokes.

If it wasn't for the French, we'd all be speaking french.

Ye the French hate the Britt's they never ever won a war against us, never. To busy putting their hair pieces on and makeup. And that bent nose shit De Gaul.

The French never won a war against the Brits. Think 1066

and the french throwing henry vi out of normandy in 1450

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Reminds me of the English!

"England has contributed more to the well being of the human race than any nation on earth"

As me Dad used to say: "I look forward to someone who is not English saying that!"

Ditto that great Nation of Americans.

As I see it their present claim to fame is to have killed more people on earth than any other nation and to have squandered more resources than any other people.

And it shows no signs of stopping! Who do you think was behind the shooting down of MH17? Well it was not Tamil Tigers (remember them)?, or the German football team was it? US playing with fire in Kiev!

Chairman Mao killed 36 million to unite China.

Uncle Joe did at least 9 million in the old USSR.

I guess we have a bit to go to catch up!cheesy.gif

not too far at all


Shall we add several million each outside there country?

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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now .............. Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA ............... Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !


I was going to throw my 2 cents in but you've pretty much said what needs to be said in good fashion.

I'll throw my 2 bob in;

I studied WW2 at school and from memory US public opinion was very much against the country entering the war as it was seen as a European problem. If anything we probably have the Japanese to thank for the US entering the war with their surprise attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. They really did "awaken a sleeping " giant culminating for them with their surrender after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Having said all of that it's quite right that without the US involvement we would probably all be speaking German, Japanese or Italian and all Jews, Gays etc would be dead.

It terms of these " 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator" it seems to me that invasions and regime changes in countries like Iraq and Libya that had unfair but reasonably stable dictatorships before hand, are left in chaos and more of a danger to us then before there was any interference.

Language, what American language, or Kiwi language, or Australian language ? Unless this means one of the Native American Indian dialects, or Aboriginal/Maori dialects, I think you mean English, which is what the majority all speak.


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"It was the Allies that liberated The Netherlands (and the rest of Europe) from the Nazis. Not just some of the Allies. All of them. "

Yeah and I wouldn't do it again. I read that the Arabs are trying (and being moderately successful) at conquering western Europe, and the Chinaman is waging successful economic warfare on OZ. I certainly won't shed a tear at either of the enemies' successes.


1- You wouldn't do what again?

2- How are the Arabs conquering western Europe?

3- Australia would be destitute if China wasn't buying all their minerals and energy

4- Which of the following do you consider enemies?

  • A- western Europe
  • B- Arabs
  • C- China(man)
  • D- Australia
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What Americans fail to realise is that they have only been king of the hill for 100 or so years (and even that's arguable). Rome (for example) was pre-eminent for more than 700 years. Britain was the top global power for 200+ years (depending how you slice it). If Americans were taught anything other than their own history, they'd know these things. Let's talk again in a few centuries (we may be speaking Chinese then).

Like they say in the theater...it ain't over until the fat lady sings.....

She already sang for the Brits and the Romans...

By the way fella....how many hundreds of years did it take for Rome and England to get to the top of the heap. We did it in record time..... ouch ouch ouch thumbsup.gif

America....the thing that would not leave ! Oooooo rah.

Now that has got to hurt..!~

"By the way fella....how many hundreds of years did it take for Rome and England to get to the top of the heap. We did it in record time..... ouch ouch ouch thumbsup.gif"

Well, let's see. If we consider that the US was 'born' in 1776 and only became one of two/three dominant powers in the middle of the 20th Century, we would have to say about 150-200 years. Harder to calculate that for Rome and Britain as there were no 'start dates' in their cases. However, if you look at this animation showing the expansion of the Roman Empire, you'll it took roughly 200 years to go from a peninsular power to one that dominated the known world (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiIXC1U8HNo). It's tough to do this for the British Empire, but between the start of the 19th Century and the start of the 20th Century, almost 400 million people were added to the empire; this was also the period of the Industrial Revolution (which started in Britain, not the US).

So there's definitely no 'ouch' (if you learn beyond your own history)....

The other important difference which makes the above even more impressive is this: empires that arose before the US required soldiers and administration on the ground. The America's empire is one of proxies, economic pressure, political pressure, etc., and is also made possible by modern capabilities to project military power anywhere in the world in hours. The Romans and British didn't have these luxuries. Also, the US struggled to maintain the resources to occupy and pacify two countries at the same time and only had to do so for a decade. The Romans had to do this for centuries over a much larger territory.


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You better have a talk with the Dutch Government about that because they are solely thanking Canada. Countless Dutch Plaques at all memorials around this Canada from Holland including one at the place I once worked the Supreme Court of Canada. To top it all of my mother was a war bride from Holland who married my father one of the Canadian liberators.

Whatever. The liberation of Europe was a joint effort by all the Allies and any bickering as to who did what insults all those of whatever nationality who gave their lives. Are dead Canadians worth more or less than dead Indians or Czechs?

They all died for our freedom and the whole 'if it wasn't for us you'd all be speaking German' is an insult to those of whatever nationality who died in WWII.

I suggest you look at the following Wiki page and pay particular attention to the last column - that of the death per capita of population.


Liberation (aka D-Day) was a joint effort of all of the allies since pressure on all sides at the same time was necessary to collapse the german forces. Each of the allies had primary responsibilities for different areas of Europe (can't remember all of them). Canadian sector was primarily the Netherlands, which is why the Dutch are particularly thankful to Canadian soldiers specifically. Without the actions of all allies, the Netherlands would not have been possible.... The Queen/Royal family of the Netherlands are constitutionally required to be born in the Netherlands to be in the line of succession, so parts of the hospital etc. were designated by the Governor General of Canada at the time to be extraterritorial (aka Dutch) territory so that the birth of the princess could be done in line with the constitution and that she would be Dutch only by birth not dual nationality. Canadian WWII vets are treated particularly well in Netherlands (like other nationality WWII vets are treated in other countries where they were liberators) whenever they have visited for official functions. It is sort of juvenile to try and argue about who was more responsible or who were liberators or this and that.....

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For a lot of Americans, history started in 1776 (and a lot gets skipped...don't ever mention the contributions of the USSR or British Commonwealth to ending WWII!)...

I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Maybe you were using big words? :-)

Anyway, I probably should have said "world history started in 1776 and WWII started in 1942" ....

WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years.

"WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years."

I don't know if you were directing that at me, but my comment about WWII starting in 1942 was sarcastic (which I'd hoped was clear when I said "world history started in 1776")

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Reminds me of the English!

"England has contributed more to the well being of the human race than any nation on earth"

As me Dad used to say: "I look forward to someone who is not English saying that!"

Ditto that great Nation of Americans.

As I see it their present claim to fame is to have killed more people on earth than any other nation and to have squandered more resources than any other people.

And it shows no signs of stopping! Who do you think was behind the shooting down of MH17? Well it was not Tamil Tigers (remember them)?, or the German football team was it? US playing with fire in Kiev!

Chairman Mao killed 36 million to unite China.

Uncle Joe did at least 9 million in the old USSR.

I guess we have a bit to go to catch up!cheesy.gif

not too far at all


Shall we add several million each outside there country?

sorry I can't understand what you meant by that.

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SO maybe no way to figure this out but did it exist before WWII or only after? Seems like some of it comes from the fact that the people who came to the US were either the nutcases, the dreamers, broke/desperate, or in some cases slave traders/bad men.

Also have heard it some from Chinese but primarily party-indoctrinated ones (which is total hypocrisy seeing how many of their own they killed), the normal day-to-day ones nearly always responded positively, Thai friends said they like US because we're "respectful", but right across the border in Toronto I get the anti-american sentiment strong. Not sure it's just joking from them or from many europeans/down unders, strange as I do not hold Ch. or Russians individually responsible for what I dislike about their gov't, actually seems backstabbing to do so.

Speaking of which, it's time to pop another coldy.

Hehe, I said, "pop".

The sharp cold shoulder and pain you felt in Toronto is your Gov. again with its policies that affect us. War on terror and your stupid homeland security department trying to make a name for itself and the funding it wants. If you recall Canadians used to be able to just drive across the border no problem no we are treated like we are carrying bombs and 3rd degreed and turned away. It is like the old saying goes::: when America sneezes Canada catches a cold.

Canada is full of quirky, silent, mindlessly politically correct followers. Not much heard in the news from them, save the weirdo politicians taking over comedy acts while drunk on Moosehead beer and stoned on pot. They secretly sneak across the border for cheaper products...then bad mouth us behind our backs.


Hmm... I haven't been in Canada for 15 years, but back in the day the only cross-border sneaking was done by Americans looking for real beer... smile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Hmmmm good question. Chinese definitely louder, but for me (as I do not speak any Chinese dialect) Americans more obnoxious because most of what comes out of their mouths is rubbish even after you edit out every second word which is 'like'. "It's like way better in the states cause it's like we do it like this way like real like".

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coffee1.gif Everyone hates/envies the international winner. Europe will never forgive us for saving them in WW2blink.png When the 'ship hits the sand' in the world, who are you going to call? Actually, this 'yank' believes the US should stay home and let others fend for themselves.thumbsup.gif

You're not alone, believe me. Walk away and let everyone fend for themselves.

Many Americans don't travel overseas too much because the USA has everything, no need to go elsewhere.

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I think you'll trace the dislike in a semi-serious way to the involvement, or lack thereof in WWII.


Quite right. Hardly anyone from down-under was really involved in WWII. Kinda just sat back and let others send soldiers to protect them. Then complained about the US being there. Where does that come from???

Ohhhhh you really are ignorant aren't you!

http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/featurearticlesbytitle/F19B5A51A60904F3CA2569DE0020331F?OpenDocument

In addition, it was always the Aussies America used as canon fodder, it was always the Aussies, Canadians and Brits America left stranded and unsupported to become POW's, it was always the Aussies who succeeded in battles America failed in. Do you homework mate.

Edited by Johnsy
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coffee1.gif Everyone hates/envies the international winner. Europe will never forgive us for saving them in WW2blink.png When the 'ship hits the sand' in the world, who are you going to call? Actually, this 'yank' believes the US should stay home and let others fend for themselves.thumbsup.gif

You're not alone, believe me. Walk away and let everyone fend for themselves.

Many Americans don't travel overseas too much because the USA has everything, no need to go elsewhere.

please pass that message on to your military!!

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You're not alone, believe me. Walk away and let everyone fend for themselves.

Many Americans don't travel overseas too much because the USA has everything, no need to go elsewhere.

like the Nana Plaza in Little Rock, Arkansas and Walking Street in Duluth, Minnesota tongue.png

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"WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years."

I don't know if you were directing that at me, but my comment about WWII starting in 1942 was sarcastic (which I'd hoped was clear when I said "world history started in 1776")

actually it was 1941

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I do know many nice people from the USA, but I'll list some reasons why your country attracts these feelings:

1. The foreign policies (already mentioned);

2. Stating (and believing) that you are the greatest nation on the planet;

3. Using the term America to designate your country. Imagine what Canadians, Central and South Americans think when they hear "American way of life", etc;

4. The lack of interest of too many of your countryman on speaking a second language or knowing anything about the outside world;

5. It goes on, but it seems that arrogance fits the bill for the most part of the issues.

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Anti USA sentiment isnt really widespread on These forums. it is swiftly removed by US mods.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by kingalfred
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"WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years."

I don't know if you were directing that at me, but my comment about WWII starting in 1942 was sarcastic (which I'd hoped was clear when I said "world history started in 1776")

actually it was 1941Wasn't it September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, when Britain declared war on Germany ? But it is so that the US came in on 7th December 1941 after the unprovoked Japanese attack in Hawaii.


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I think you'll trace the dislike in a semi-serious way to the involvement, or lack thereof in WWII.


Quite right. Hardly anyone from down-under was really involved in WWII. Kinda just sat back and let others send soldiers to protect them. Then complained about the US being there. Where does that come from???

Ohhhhh you really are ignorant aren't you!

http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/featurearticlesbytitle/F19B5A51A60904F3CA2569DE0020331F?OpenDocument

In addition, it was always the Aussies you used as canon fodder, it was always the Aussies, Canadians and Brits you left stranded and unsupported to become POW's, it was always the Aussies who succeeded in battles you failed in. Do you homework knucklehead.

Can't deny the Brits, Aussies and the Canadians along with the USA were the backbone of battles in the past and those to come.

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Look at American Foreign Policy since the Great Depression, up to the present day, and you will find your answer.

Yes, it was bad foreign policy to begin lend lease and finance the battle of Britain to allow you to continue to speak English. Poor policy to side with the allies in WWII and get you out of those little cages the Japs put you in. Even worse policy to rebuild both the infrastructure and economy in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; and that poor policy was exponentiated by the fact we erased your debt for all these concessions. Our offensive foreign policy even forced humanitarian aid in food, medicine and education on numerous countries in Africa and Asia. Worse yet we engaged the Soviet Union in the Cold War to preserve your way of life and return independence to many countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Do not forget the horrible decision to fight the war on terror instead of letting you enjoy sharia law after fighting it alone. Of course, if you don't know these things and think our foreign policy mistakes far out-number our successes, well . . . .

You didn't finance the battle of Britain, more like the convoys, and we didn't finish the repayments until the 80's I think it was. There also wouldn't be a war on terror if you hadn't formed, financed and slavishly supported the state of Israel. Now you've enslaved us with the ponzi scheme that is free market global capitalism, thanks for that.

Please, your begging and borrowing started in WWI and went largely unpaid during the great depression, to save you in WWII we installed lend lease. The only 'payments' made was allowing American military bases in the UK when you needed our help fighting Hitler, when lend-lease was ended after WWII, the debt was cancelled. However, new loans were arranged--by John Maynard Keynes, I believe--to help UK recovery. The repayments were extended over and over and interest rates lowered, after years of non-payment, a final payment was made sometime in mid 2000s. And, that is only the UK debt.

As far as the free market global capitalism, it existed long before the US did, and the UK is the author. From the merchant and banking classes of the middle ages; through the British East India, Hudson's Bay, and South Sea companies; to the industrial revolution and Adam Smith and "The Wealth of Nations"; to the dope dealing Opium Wars in China in the early to mid-19th century; to the world-wide colonialism and empire of the 20th century. From being the hegemon--the number one economic, political and military--nation a little over 100 years ago to being number three in Europe and number eight or nine in the world today. The Brits have been up to their ears in capitalism.

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