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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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The other part that he forgets is that many Brits were bombed regularly every day during the war. Not something that The US endured.

You would have been bombed out of existence without the financing to continue the war after 1940 as you bit off more than you could chew.

I am, as you know, half American by blood, and the story of my association with that mighty and benevolent nation goes back nearly ninety years to the day of my Father's marriage. In this century of storm and tragedy I contemplate with high satisfaction the constant factor of the interwoven and upward progress of our peoples. Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled. We stood together, and because of that fact the free world now stands.

Winston Churchill.

Spitfires and Hurricanes and the brave (many foreign) pilots who flew them stopped the Luftwaffe in their tracks. They bit off more than they could chew!

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Now all you adult Brits are joining in a good old Thai Visa American bash, Nothing to do with anti Americanism. You are trotting out all your bar history cliches. Two normally decent posters Southpeel and Mr Toad joining the illiterate hooligans. You should both be ashamed.

Look, most if us like Americans. I do, I have enjoyed my trips to the US, always been made welcome. World War 2 was awful for many countries , soldiers and of course families. I certainly think most if us had family members out fighting on various fronts. What many people don't. Like is tub thumping American nationalism and bragging, especially considering some if the awful foreign policy over the last few decades. Personally have no time for Brits of the same ilk. This thread has bought out a few of those.

Criticism of US foreign policy or idiotic individuals, which my country has as well, often then gets classed as anti - Americanism. It isn't.

The wrong passport statistics, the wrong Chinese debt information, the comments about bridges and bombing citizens were all cheap shots and all in error. That's anti Americanism.

As an example of a cheap shot that was a lie that you posted, "Comparing The "American Empire" to "the British Empire" is laughable, but somewhat expected from a country that only 20% of the population have a passport."

A lot of bar room balderdash has been exposed as lies in this thread and I can only hope some of the posters have learned some things. 1. America forgave the lend lease war debt and your government strapped you with a crippling loan to foolishly chase after dreams of empire. 2. America and the UK both lost a half a million men each fighting a war together. 3. America financed WWII for the Allies and deserves to be recognized for that accomplishment because we are still paying taxes for it. 4. I'm sorry about the bombing in Laos and Cambodia but no one in their right mind would have gone into those countries in the 1970's with the mass murders of the Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge going on to pick up unexploded bombs. 5. Among other things.......

American logistical and military help most certainly played a part in defeating Nazism. But do not even attempt to assume the Nazis would have won without it. The British and Russians are fierce independent people, you come to our countries to make war and we will seriously <deleted> you up! BE WARNED!

And incidentally, why is America now supporting the rebirth of Nazism in Ukraine? Why do you hate Russia so much, you support those that fought alongside Hitler?

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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They don't like us!

They really, really don't like us!


(I don't care!)

Jing to be honest, dislike is too strong a word, with the USer's about, its like a family reunion, there is always one relative who annoys the sh*t out of everyone, the family dont dislike that person per se, they are just irritating and annoying because of what they say or do....a lot of the USer's on TV are that annoying relative ...wink.png

Again, I really don't care. In my view, anyone who would automatically dislike someone just because of their nationality or some trivial trait like talking too loud is basically a MORON not worthy of care or interest.

see Uncle Souties item #1

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American logistical and military help most certainly played a part in defeating Nazism. But do not even attempt to assume the Nazis would have won without it. The British and Russians are fierce independent people, you come to our countries to make war and we will seriously <deleted> you up! BE WARNED!

And incidentally, why is America now supporting the rebirth of Nazism in Ukraine? Why do you hate Russia so much, you support those that fought alongside Hitler?

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sorry but the fiercely independent British and Russian people ran out of food and guns and bullets in 1941.

Over the course of the six year Battle of the Atlantic some 3,500 allied merchant vessels had been destroyed with the loss of over 30,000 lives. Without their sacrifice the war would have been lost.

Britain imported 70% of its food; this required 20 million tons of shipping a year. 50% of meat was imported, 70% of cheese and sugar, 80% of fruits, 70% of cereals and fats, 91% of butter.

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The other part that he forgets is that many Brits were bombed regularly every day during the war. Not something that The US endured.

You would have been bombed out of existence without the financing to continue the war after 1940 as you bit off more than you could chew.

I am, as you know, half American by blood, and the story of my association with that mighty and benevolent nation goes back nearly ninety years to the day of my Father's marriage. In this century of storm and tragedy I contemplate with high satisfaction the constant factor of the interwoven and upward progress of our peoples. Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled. We stood together, and because of that fact the free world now stands.

Winston Churchill.

Spitfires and Hurricanes and the brave (many foreign) pilots who flew them stopped the Luftwaffe in their tracks. They bit off more than they could chew!

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The change of targets was crucial. It is now believed that Fighter Command was perhaps only 24 hours away from defeat when the attack on the cities occurred. The breathing space this gave Fighter Command was crucial.

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You are saying America started WWII? A new low for Thai Visa and Thai Visa posters.

US cost WWII 341 billion British cost 120 billion

You can figure the causalities as a percent of American population and the British Empire pop or by total killed.

Either way both sides contributed about the same.

WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came to the table without enough money to play.

Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005.

2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005.

3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005.

4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005.

5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005.

6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005.

Stop being so money centered! To be honest - this is the first I heard of Russia taking up US debt during the war, I'm not denying this never happen, but I'm sure there is a lot missing here! Russia (or the USSR at the time) was a huge self sustaining country, it's still can perfectly sustain itself at the present time ignoring all those US and EU sanctions, (but that is another topic discussion).
During the WW2 money meant nothing, all the Soviet folks were working for the good of the country - to kick the Nazis back out of there, money were not accounted for as it was not a priority. It never was, a Communism is too alien for you to understand it. Factories that were not destroyed were running 24/7 producing the equipment guns and ammo, factories producing the household items were converted to put our military equipment.
All your numbers I'm sure came from some smart US department who pulled them out of their arse, I'm sure they did not get a report from Russia how much they spent during the WW2.
In fact, even the US numbers might have been pulled out of their arse as well, think about it, if you have a monopoly, you can set whatever the price you want, and that what it was during the war time - US had no competition for all their military goods, Allies had no choice but only a need for the stuff so agreed to pay whatever prices were offered. Think about it - if it's a life or death choice, you'd just say, ah, <deleted> it, give it to me whatever it costs.
Your number are just more propaganda made to brainwash more people.

Lend Lease Tanks

The Red Army used extensive quantities of Lend-Lease tanks and other armoured vehicles from the USA, Great Britain and Canada. A total of 22,800 armoured vehicles were supplied to the Red Army during the war, of which 1,981 were lost at sea on the dangerous Arctic convoys. In total, Lend Lease armoured vehicles amounted to about 20 per cent of the total number of armoured vehicles manufactured by Russia in WW2. These shipments were the equivalent of 16 per cent of Soviet tank production, 12 per cent of self-propelled gun production, and all of Soviet armoured troop transporter production, because the Soviet Union did not produce armoured troop carriers during the war.

The first shipments of tanks were dispatched in 1941, amounting to 487 Matildas, Valentines and Tetrarchs from the UK and 182 M3A1 Stuart light tanks and M3 Lee medium tanks from the USA. In 1942, Britain provided a further 2,487 tanks and the USA 3,023 tanks. The first units equipped with Valentines and Matildas went into service in the Staraya Russa and Valdai areas in December 1941 and January 1942.

At the beginning of 1943, there were 1,023 Lend-Lease tanks in Soviet units although 6,179 had been received since 1941. In 1944 and 1945, with a major influx of American M4A2 Sherman medium tanks, some tank corps and mechanized corps were equipped entirely with this tank type.

Far more critical to the Soviet war effort was the supply of tactical vehicles, primarily from the United States. During the war, the Soviet Union produced only 343,624 cars and lorries due to the heavy commitment of major automobile factories like GAZ to armoured vehicle production. The USA alone provided the Soviets with 501,660 tactical wheeled and tracked vehicles, including 77,972 jeeps, 151,053 1-1/2-ton trucks, and 200,622 2-1/2-ton trucks. The aid was vital, not only because of the sheer quantity, but because of the quality. While Soviet auto­motive production concentrated almost exclusively on antiquated copies of American 1930 lorry designs, the vehicles provided under Lend-Lease were modern military designs with multiple powered axles and useful cross-country capability.

Under the Lend-Lease act large numbers of American aircraft were assigned to Russia. A total of 14,833 US aircraft of all types were sent to Russia between 1942 and 1944.

Russian aircraft production 1942-1944 was 42,427 fighters and 11,797 bombersr (additional 30,506 ground attack planes), which results that approximately 20 per cent of the fighters and 30 per cent of the bombers of the Red Air Force were American-built and approx. 10 per cent of the fighters were British-built.

In addition, 15,631 artillery guns and 131,633 sub-machine guns were supplied by the Allies to the Soviet Union.


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Thailiketoo.... think you are boring the cr*p out of everyone, this is in pub...your not writing a Thesis

See Uncle Souties items 1, 2, 5 & 6 for more guidance thumbsup.gif

So stop reading. I don't care if you read my posts. Honest.

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Spitfires and Hurricanes and the brave (many foreign) pilots who flew them stopped the Luftwaffe in their tracks. They bit off more than they could chew!

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The change of targets was crucial. It is now believed that Fighter Command was perhaps only 24 hours away from defeat when the attack on the cities occurred. The breathing space this gave Fighter Command was crucial.

It was all down to radar which the Americans copied. Even American fighters like the Mustang used Spitfire engines. British Tech catapulted America into a World Power.

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I'm sorry but there has never ever been anything close to an American Empire.......

I'm far from anti American for the record. But to suggest there's been an American empire is silly

Go tell that to the Filipinos, the Samoans, the Hawaiians, the Dominicans, the Haitians, and some central Americans.

British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

Relevance please? Franky Bear incorrectly stated there has never been an American empire. There clearly has been, and you take no issue with that. Its expanse and population is irrelevant to my point.

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British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

Relevance please? Franky Bear incorrectly stated there has never been an American empire. There clearly has been, and you take no issue with that. Its expanse and population is irrelevant to my point.

Doesn't the Hawaiian Flag look rather familiar?


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British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

Relevance please? Franky Bear incorrectly stated there has never been an American empire. There clearly has been, and you take no issue with that. Its expanse and population is irrelevant to my point.

Doesn't the Hawaiian Flag look rather familiar?

Again what is the point? Please read more carefully. I was not comparing the sizes or histories of the empires. I was simply stating that there indeed has been an American empire (when a poster had earlier denied that), and the peoples I listed would confirm that fact.

Plain enough?

[bTW, elsewhere I did also say that the American Empire was not as benign as another poster suggested, referencing the tens/hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths that resulted from the American occupation of the Philippines].

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Spitfires and Hurricanes and the brave (many foreign) pilots who flew them stopped the Luftwaffe in their tracks. They bit off more than they could chew!

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The change of targets was crucial. It is now believed that Fighter Command was perhaps only 24 hours away from defeat when the attack on the cities occurred. The breathing space this gave Fighter Command was crucial.

It was all down to radar which the Americans copied. Even American fighters like the Mustang used Spitfire engines. British Tech catapulted America into a World Power.

The above is of course illiterate nonsense but probably more important is the invention of the first computer Bletchley Park broke the German encryption and ended up being home of the first computer (STATISTICAL ATTACK AND COLOSSUS) and in 1939 that Howard Florey and a team of researchers showed the potential of penicillin; and it was during the war that the antibiotic gained its popularity. In 1943 the US War Production Board came up with a plan for the mass distribution of penicillin to Allied troops fighting in Europe. By 1944, the US had produced 2.3 million doses and the medicine is credited with saving an estimated 12 to 15 per cent of casualties. And of course nuclear power.

What are the most important technological advances of WWII? I'd say the computer number one and Nuclear power number two and jet engines number 3. Although the introduction of workable Penicillin is pretty important too.

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I'm sorry but there has never ever been anything close to an American Empire.......

I'm far from anti American for the record. But to suggest there's been an American empire is silly

Go tell that to the Filipinos, the Samoans, the Hawaiians, the Dominicans, the Haitians, and some central Americans.

British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

Relevance please? Franky Bear incorrectly stated there has never been an American empire. There clearly has been, and you take no issue with that. Its expanse and population is irrelevant to my point.

Size is important. It becomes a qualitative issue when it is so small to be negligible. Outside of America the American Empire is so tiny as to be almost invisible where as the British Empire (outside of Britain) is one of if not the largest Empires in the history of the world.

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The above is of course illiterate nonsense but probably more important is the invention of the first computer Bletchley Park broke the German encryption and ended up being home of the first computer (STATISTICAL ATTACK AND COLOSSUS) and in 1939 that Howard Florey and a team of researchers showed the potential of penicillin; and it was during the war that the antibiotic gained its popularity. In 1943 the US War Production Board came up with a plan for the mass distribution of penicillin to Allied troops fighting in Europe. By 1944, the US had produced 2.3 million doses and the medicine is credited with saving an estimated 12 to 15 per cent of casualties. And of course nuclear power.

What are the most important technological advances of WWII? I'd say the computer number one and Nuclear power number two and jet engines number 3. Although the introduction of workable Penicillin is pretty important too.

Are you talking about the Enigma code? Because Babbage invented the computer as far as I know.

One of the major factors in winning WWII was canned food. The Brits had Corned Beef and the Americans had Spam. The Germans of course would only eat fresh food and the French would only eat if they had the right wine.

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The above is of course illiterate nonsense but probably more important is the invention of the first computer Bletchley Park broke the German encryption and ended up being home of the first computer (STATISTICAL ATTACK AND COLOSSUS) and in 1939 that Howard Florey and a team of researchers showed the potential of penicillin; and it was during the war that the antibiotic gained its popularity. In 1943 the US War Production Board came up with a plan for the mass distribution of penicillin to Allied troops fighting in Europe. By 1944, the US had produced 2.3 million doses and the medicine is credited with saving an estimated 12 to 15 per cent of casualties. And of course nuclear power.

What are the most important technological advances of WWII? I'd say the computer number one and Nuclear power number two and jet engines number 3. Although the introduction of workable Penicillin is pretty important too.

Are you talking about the Enigma code? Because Babbage invented the computer as far as I know.

One of the major factors in winning WWII was canned food. The Brits had Corned Beef and the Americans had Spam. The Germans of course would only eat fresh food and the French would only eat if they had the right wine.

Colossus was the world's first electronic digital computer that was at all programmable. The Colossus computers were developed for British codebreakers during World War II to help in the cryptanalysis of the Lorenz cipher.

Colossus was designed by the engineer Tommy Flowers to solve a problem posed by mathematician Max Newman at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park.


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i read a few pages and arrived at the conclusion that the U.S. has won WWII and keeps the world safe and sound because of an acquired London bridge and the lack of passports and health insurance for American citizens.

please correct me if i'm wrong ermm.gif

I believe na am that you are entirely correct. I haven't read much since there as poor thailiketoo seems to be ranting to himself. I hope he doesn't do himself an irreversible injury.


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Go tell that to the Filipinos, the Samoans, the Hawaiians, the Dominicans, the Haitians, and some central Americans.

British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

Relevance please? Franky Bear incorrectly stated there has never been an American empire. There clearly has been, and you take no issue with that. Its expanse and population is irrelevant to my point.

Size is important. It becomes a qualitative issue when it is so small to be negligible. Outside of America the American Empire is so tiny as to be almost invisible where as the British Empire (outside of Britain) is one of if not the largest Empires in the history of the world.

Sorry, it's not relevant. It's a simple point of logic. A poster said there was no such thing as an American Empire. The size of that empire compared to the British Empire at its height is irrelevant to this exchange. An example might make it clearer.

Person A: "There are no such things as mice"

Person B (me): "There are such things as mice - here's a photo of one"

Person C (you): "Elephants are bigger than mice"

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Sorry, it's not relevant. It's a simple point of logic. A poster said there was no such thing as an American Empire. The size of that empire compared to the British Empire at its height is irrelevant to this exchange. An example might make it clearer.

Person A: "There are no such things as mice"

Person B (me): "There are such things as mice - here's a photo of one"

Person C (you): "Elephants are bigger than mice"

The American Empire or Evil Empire as it is sometimes referred to is one of trade, based on the British method of trade later leading to colonization.

America is still in the trade stage. The Sun never set on the subjects of the British Empire. It ruled almost 75% of the World.

Unfortunately average Brits never made a dime from it. Just as Americans are starting to find out the ruling the World makes them poor.

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i read a few pages and arrived at the conclusion that the U.S. has won WWII and keeps the world safe and sound because of an acquired London bridge and the lack of passports and health insurance for American citizens.

please correct me if i'm wrong ermm.gif

I believe na am that you are entirely correct. I haven't read much since there as poor thailiketoo seems to be ranting to himself. I hope he doesn't do himself an irreversible injury.


A question, will you soon be able to travel with a TGAU, with no need for passport or visa ?

we tried so hard to make everything cool

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The above is of course illiterate nonsense but probably more important is the invention of the first computer Bletchley Park broke the German encryption and ended up being home of the first computer (STATISTICAL ATTACK AND COLOSSUS) and in 1939 that Howard Florey and a team of researchers showed the potential of penicillin; and it was during the war that the antibiotic gained its popularity. In 1943 the US War Production Board came up with a plan for the mass distribution of penicillin to Allied troops fighting in Europe. By 1944, the US had produced 2.3 million doses and the medicine is credited with saving an estimated 12 to 15 per cent of casualties. And of course nuclear power.

What are the most important technological advances of WWII? I'd say the computer number one and Nuclear power number two and jet engines number 3. Although the introduction of workable Penicillin is pretty important too.

Are you talking about the Enigma code? Because Babbage invented the computer as far as I know.

One of the major factors in winning WWII was canned food. The Brits had Corned Beef and the Americans had Spam. The Germans of course would only eat fresh food and the French would only eat if they had the right wine.

I think the Germans had sausages & beer. Don't forget the Americans brought over stockings & sweets too. My mother told me that the American soldiers always gave the kids chocolate, maybe just the ones based in Scotland - must have been nice chaps

we tried so hard to make everything cool

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i read a few pages and arrived at the conclusion that the U.S. has won WWII and keeps the world safe and sound because of an acquired London bridge and the lack of passports and health insurance for American citizens.

please correct me if i'm wrong ermm.gif

I believe na am that you are entirely correct. I haven't read much since there as poor thailiketoo seems to be ranting to himself. I hope he doesn't do himself an irreversible injury.


A question, will you soon be able to travel with a TGAU, with no need for passport or visa ?

we tried so hard to make everything cool

ISOS, I beleive that TGAU's have been passed fit for travel by the NTSB and American customs. Each TGAU, comes with it's own passport which is linked tot he owner, afterall TGAUs are not something one would recommend sharing with another user

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i read a few pages and arrived at the conclusion that the U.S. has won WWII and keeps the world safe and sound because of an acquired London bridge and the lack of passports and health insurance for American citizens.

please correct me if i'm wrong ermm.gif

I believe na am that you are entirely correct. I haven't read much since there as poor thailiketoo seems to be ranting to himself. I hope he doesn't do himself an irreversible injury.


A question, will you soon be able to travel with a TGAU, with no need for passport or visa ?

we tried so hard to make everything cool

ISOS, I beleive that TGAU's have been passed fit for travel by the NTSB and American customs. Each TGAU, comes with it's own passport which is linked tot he owner, afterall TGAUs are not something one would recommend sharing with another user

Marvellous, a real step to world peace

we tried so hard to make everything cool

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i read a few pages and arrived at the conclusion that the U.S. has won WWII and keeps the world safe and sound because of an acquired London bridge and the lack of passports and health insurance for American citizens.

please correct me if i'm wrong ermm.gif

I believe na am that you are entirely correct. I haven't read much since there as poor thailiketoo seems to be ranting to himself. I hope he doesn't do himself an irreversible injury.


A question, will you soon be able to travel with a TGAU, with no need for passport or visa ?

we tried so hard to make everything cool

ISOS, I beleive that TGAU's have been passed fit for travel by the NTSB and American customs. Each TGAU, comes with it's own passport which is linked tot he owner, afterall TGAUs are not something one would recommend sharing with another user

Marvellous, a real step to world peace

we tried so hard to make everything cool

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British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

Relevance please? Franky Bear incorrectly stated there has never been an American empire. There clearly has been, and you take no issue with that. Its expanse and population is irrelevant to my point.

Size is important. It becomes a qualitative issue when it is so small to be negligible. Outside of America the American Empire is so tiny as to be almost invisible where as the British Empire (outside of Britain) is one of if not the largest Empires in the history of the world.

Sorry, it's not relevant. It's a simple point of logic. A poster said there was no such thing as an American Empire. The size of that empire compared to the British Empire at its height is irrelevant to this exchange. An example might make it clearer.

Person A: "There are no such things as mice"

Person B (me): "There are such things as mice - here's a photo of one"

Person C (you): "Elephants are bigger than mice"

You can go to jail for the rest of your life for stealing millions of dollars (Bernard Madoff). If you steal a couple of pennies you will not go to jail. The British Empire is to Empires what Bernard Madoff is to Ponzi schemes.

It is not the principle of the thing. It is the thing. Remember the Taxi driver who hacked his customer to death over a few baht fare? That's you. I have never been hacked to death because I realize there is really a difference between big and little.

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Want to be Canadian. Just wear a little Maple Leaf pin and everyone will assume your Canadian.i am an American and I abhor government policy and Christian domination and corporations who work on the wrong side,totally understand why most nations don't like us. But we will soon be supplanted by the Chinese as they become wealthier and travel around the globe.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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