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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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For a lot of Americans, history started in 1776 (and a lot gets skipped...don't ever mention the contributions of the USSR or British Commonwealth to ending WWII!)...

I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Maybe you were using big words? :-)

Anyway, I probably should have said "world history started in 1776 and WWII started in 1942" ....

Edited by Docno
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"The Ugly American" also the movie with Marlon Brando - good starting point....

Having said that, I have a few US friends who don't fit this all too accurate stereotype. What they have in common is manners and an understanding of just how evil US foreign policy is...

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Everyone seems to have their own cherished viewpoint about America and Americans. The opinions about the individual personal behavior of Americans, whether judged as appealing or not by non-Americans is altogether too subjective and varied to make any case for being anti or pro-American. When Americans are judged by the behavior of their government , it seems that the most positive opinions are based on America's behavior going back to WWII and the immediate post-war years. The most negative views are focused on America's post Viet Nam years. From what I've read here, the most vehement opinions, both anti and pro are based on more recent American foreign policy adventures, dating from about year 2000.

We have just entered another one of those defining moments in this story. Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. There is going to be much rethinking on which side of the fence you want to be on.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined.

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Most Americans that I have met are ok because they have travelled and know a little more about the World than those that haven't.. Generally, Americans get a bad wrap as they seem to think they are world Champions of everything, they seem to think that they are the centre of the world, They have crazy Gun Laws. They say that everyone in the Armed Forces are heroes (Even if they have a desk job), the think they are the worlds policeman....always sticking their noses in other countries affairs, The claim to have the worlds most best equipped armed forces, but haven't won a war since 1945 (Can't count Grenada), they are the only modern Country in the World that hasn't gone Metric. they have tried to create their own language by bastardising English. I am sure there are many more reasons why people have the attitude that you have noticed.

Oh come on, they beat that nasty Saddam geezer who was poised to destroy the world with his wmd's and brought democracy, peace and prosperity to Iraq.

By the way, which war in 1945 did they win?

Number of German divisions by front in World War II - Axis ...

I assume you mean this one, by the time they entered the war, the Russians were facing three times the army the yanks ever had to face.

Don't get me wrong, the American contribution was significant, especially logistically, but if Dolphi had never attacked Russia, the allies would have been in deep poop!

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Everyone seems to have their own cherished viewpoint about America and Americans. The opinions about the individual personal behavior of Americans, whether judged as appealing or not by non-Americans is altogether too subjective and varied to make any case for being anti or pro-American. When Americans are judged by the behavior of their government , it seems that the most positive opinions are based on America's behavior going back to WWII and the immediate post-war years. The most negative views are focused on America's post Viet Nam years. From what I've read here, the most vehement opinions, both anti and pro are based on more recent American foreign policy adventures, dating from about year 2000.

We have just entered another one of those defining moments in this story. Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. There is going to be much rethinking on which side of the fence you want to be on.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined.

"Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis"

Why, what's he done?

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Everyone seems to have their own cherished viewpoint about America and Americans. The opinions about the individual personal behavior of Americans, whether judged as appealing or not by non-Americans is altogether too subjective and varied to make any case for being anti or pro-American. When Americans are judged by the behavior of their government , it seems that the most positive opinions are based on America's behavior going back to WWII and the immediate post-war years. The most negative views are focused on America's post Viet Nam years. From what I've read here, the most vehement opinions, both anti and pro are based on more recent American foreign policy adventures, dating from about year 2000.

We have just entered another one of those defining moments in this story. Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. There is going to be much rethinking on which side of the fence you want to be on.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined.

And single mothers do three jobs.People can't afford good medical care.I hope New Orleans been rebuild?

6 times!! What a waste of resources.

Are You proud nodomino?

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Two words: Foreign Policy.

Don't take it personal. You're not your government (well, unless you are - lol) Tell people you're from Canada. Or just don't talk about where you're from if it bugs you to get static. I know non-Americans that are pissed off at the US government's foreign policy decisions, but I haven't found that it extends to individual citizens. If you find someone who dislikes you because you're from the US, tell them they're welcome to their opinion, end the discussion, and find someone else to associate with. Easy breezy.

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Two words: Foreign Policy.

Don't take it personal. You're not your government (well, unless you are - lol) Tell people you're from Canada. Or just don't talk about where you're from if it bugs you to get static. I know non-Americans that are pissed off at the US government's foreign policy decisions, but I haven't found that it extends to individual citizens. If you find someone who dislikes you because you're from the US, tell them they're welcome to their opinion, end the discussion, and find someone else to associate with. Easy breezy.

I don't mind the static, actually. I'd rather educate people about the errors of equating a citizen with a country's foreign policy. I find that most people are very understanding about it once it's explained. And if the conversation escalates, I just walk away. So far, I haven't seen much of this type of sentiment outside of internet forums, though. Most people are fairly reasonable in person.

And for whatever reason, they like to hear my Texas drawl. Over here, it's barely noticeable. Overseas? I apparently sound like I'm fresh off Southfork Ranch.

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Well I really like American but the problem is sometimes they get pissed very quick for anything. I have visited both USA and Canada unfortunately most of news in both countries is about local happenings, not seen many news about Europe, etc. They are very busy working hard and making money. Regarding politics they may have the best intention when they attach Iraq, Afghanistan etc but the problem is they do not know the local culture so they always mess up things and when they get killed they just finish the idea of being there and make the things right. Well hope for the best

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Everyone seems to have their own cherished viewpoint about America and Americans. The opinions about the individual personal behavior of Americans, whether judged as appealing or not by non-Americans is altogether too subjective and varied to make any case for being anti or pro-American. When Americans are judged by the behavior of their government , it seems that the most positive opinions are based on America's behavior going back to WWII and the immediate post-war years. The most negative views are focused on America's post Viet Nam years. From what I've read here, the most vehement opinions, both anti and pro are based on more recent American foreign policy adventures, dating from about year 2000.

We have just entered another one of those defining moments in this story. Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. There is going to be much rethinking on which side of the fence you want to be on.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined.

And single mothers do three jobs.People can't afford good medical care.I hope New Orleans been rebuild?

6 times!! What a waste of resources.

Are You proud nodomino?

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Squarethecircle.It is all about envy.America is the richest,most powerful country in the world.They make mistakes but who doesnt.Just think what the world would be like without America.I am English and I think Americans are the most friendly people in the world,unlike you know who.God bless America.

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Top tip - if you learn to keep your voice down, people may be pleasantly surprised to discover you're American, rather than knowing all about it from the other side of the room.

Wow! Sums it up perfectly.

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Everyone seems to have their own cherished viewpoint about America and Americans. The opinions about the individual personal behavior of Americans, whether judged as appealing or not by non-Americans is altogether too subjective and varied to make any case for being anti or pro-American. When Americans are judged by the behavior of their government , it seems that the most positive opinions are based on America's behavior going back to WWII and the immediate post-war years. The most negative views are focused on America's post Viet Nam years. From what I've read here, the most vehement opinions, both anti and pro are based on more recent American foreign policy adventures, dating from about year 2000.

We have just entered another one of those defining moments in this story. Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. There is going to be much rethinking on which side of the fence you want to be on.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined."

I can hear an old Vietnamese gentleman laughing somewhere...

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For a lot of Americans, history started in 1776 (and a lot gets skipped...don't ever mention the contributions of the USSR or British Commonwealth to ending WWII!)...

I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Maybe you were using big words? :-)

Anyway, I probably should have said "world history started in 1776 and WWII started in 1942" ....

WW2 started in 1939 . You yanks didn't show up for a few years because you were getting rich selling weapons to both sides for a couple of years.

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Ok, I'm Aussie, and willing to have a go at this.

To me I have no issue with any of it. I have never been to the states, but would like to, always wanted to see New York city for some reason.

Any American I have ever met has always been really nice. Never met a rude one yet and met plenty.

I even feel like a Big Mac every once in a while.

I will say the accent gets a bit strong after a while,especially in a drinking situation but that's accents, and I'm sure Aussie accents start to get a bit much also after a while.

I don't want to get into politics, that's a never ending debate, so shall not go there.

Time for some music...

I as a Canadian will also have a go at this. We are tired of Americans pretending to be Canadians with their backpack flags of our Maple leaf and business men wearing lapel pins of our flag because they do not want people to know they are Americans. It is a common fact to all Americans knowledge that they are the most hated nation on earth. Cause????? War mongers, murderers IE Iraq over 100,000 slaughtered with only 7 American losses. Recently the Americans are crying over ML17 being shot down but have conveniently forgotten about the Iranian airline they shot down in the gulf. The world is sick and tired of the Americans acting like the World Police where they send in McDonalds, Starbucks and KFC to a 3rd world country first and then they act like they own the country and can dictate policy. The Thai military is currently letting American know who is boss. America thinks they own Canada but got their butts kicked in the war of 1812. Speaking of the second world war. The Americans were the very last to get involved after Canada and Australia and New Zealand and all commonwealth.

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What's with the constant praise for the US military? You keep building new missiles, stealing technology from NATO "Ally" such as Germany. For god sake, you love your soldiers in uniform but you crap at them when they get back. It's hypocracy at it's best! Mass suicides of veterans and a large portion of them, dying because of the pills, leaving them even more crippled and depressed! More soldiers die after war then in combat! How grotesque is that?

You guys don't get it, the military industrial complex and financial institutions got the US republic by the balls. The United States of America, is nothing but a huge corporation.

After WW2, they haven't won anything, literally. Let me ask you this: why did the US not wipe out communism when they had the perfect military initiative after WW2? Because the US are opportunistic, they took all the GOLD and took them back home toe the States- Mission Accomplished! Please research about it!

We have 2014 now and why don't we finally take the challenges and ask them for a battle with Russia or China, or even both, straight head. Show us your military might! You will see how fast Russia will nuke the East and West coast or better yet, use their scalar weapons technology. Why didn't the US pick on Russia, China or Iran militarily? I'm still waiting!

What utter nonsense some of you post here, incredible. You better participate in making the world BETTER, and not spying on your own citizens and the whole world! To finalise my thoughts: what other reaction from American can we expect? Greatest military in the world, treating their veterans like shit, school and healthcare sucks ass, millions on stamp food and no home- numbers increasing! We will see more Detroits across the country.

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Im an american and been here 3 years. Never had an issue before. Everyone that asks where i'm from is either happy or content with it. Once a thai guy asked me and was like "ahhh... america very good! Obama! Obama!"

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Squarethecircle.It is all about envy.America is the richest,most powerful country in the world.They make mistakes but who doesnt.Just think what the world would be like without America.I am English and I think Americans are the most friendly people in the world,unlike you know who.God bless America.

Thank you for confirming what I said previously... that the American's beloved refrain--"they all envy us"--is not only wrong but it also reinforces the stereotype of American arrogance. I lived thirty minutes north of the US border and have been there countless times. I was always thankful to return. No envy from me at all (and no-one else I knew). That's all in your head.

And God Bless America? Really? If there is a God, he ain't paying particular attention to you guys.

What Americans fail to realise is that they have only been king of the hill for 100 or so years (and even that's arguable). Rome (for example) was pre-eminent for more than 700 years. Britain was the top global power for 200+ years (depending how you slice it). If Americans were taught anything other than their own history, they'd know these things. Let's talk again in a few centuries (we may be speaking Chinese then).

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What Americans fail to realise is that they have only been king of the hill for 100 or so years (and even that's arguable). Rome (for example) was pre-eminent for more than 700 years. Britain was the top global power for 200+ years (depending how you slice it). If Americans were taught anything other than their own history, they'd know these things. Let's talk again in a few centuries (we may be speaking Chinese then).

Like they say in the theater...it ain't over until the fat lady sings.....

She already sang for the Brits and the Romans...

By the way fella....how many hundreds of years did it take for Rome and England to get to the top of the heap. We did it in record time..... ouch ouch ouch thumbsup.gif

America....the thing that would not leave ! Oooooo rah.

Now that has got to hurt..!~

Edited by slipperylobster
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SO maybe no way to figure this out but did it exist before WWII or only after? Seems like some of it comes from the fact that the people who came to the US were either the nutcases, the dreamers, broke/desperate, or in some cases slave traders/bad men.

Also have heard it some from Chinese but primarily party-indoctrinated ones (which is total hypocrisy seeing how many of their own they killed), the normal day-to-day ones nearly always responded positively, Thai friends said they like US because we're "respectful", but right across the border in Toronto I get the anti-american sentiment strong. Not sure it's just joking from them or from many europeans/down unders, strange as I do not hold Ch. or Russians individually responsible for what I dislike about their gov't, actually seems backstabbing to do so.

Speaking of which, it's time to pop another coldy.

Hehe, I said, "pop".

The sharp cold shoulder and pain you felt in Toronto is your Gov. again with its policies that affect us. War on terror and your stupid homeland security department trying to make a name for itself and the funding it wants. If you recall Canadians used to be able to just drive across the border no problem no we are treated like we are carrying bombs and 3rd degreed and turned away. It is like the old saying goes::: when America sneezes Canada catches a cold.

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SO maybe no way to figure this out but did it exist before WWII or only after? Seems like some of it comes from the fact that the people who came to the US were either the nutcases, the dreamers, broke/desperate, or in some cases slave traders/bad men.

Also have heard it some from Chinese but primarily party-indoctrinated ones (which is total hypocrisy seeing how many of their own they killed), the normal day-to-day ones nearly always responded positively, Thai friends said they like US because we're "respectful", but right across the border in Toronto I get the anti-american sentiment strong. Not sure it's just joking from them or from many europeans/down unders, strange as I do not hold Ch. or Russians individually responsible for what I dislike about their gov't, actually seems backstabbing to do so.

Speaking of which, it's time to pop another coldy.

Hehe, I said, "pop".

The sharp cold shoulder and pain you felt in Toronto is your Gov. again with its policies that affect us. War on terror and your stupid homeland security department trying to make a name for itself and the funding it wants. If you recall Canadians used to be able to just drive across the border no problem no we are treated like we are carrying bombs and 3rd degreed and turned away. It is like the old saying goes::: when America sneezes Canada catches a cold.

Canada is full of quirky, silent, mindlessly politically correct followers. Not much heard in the news from them, save the weirdo politicians taking over comedy acts while drunk on Moosehead beer and stoned on pot. They secretly sneak across the border for cheaper products...then bad mouth us behind our backs.


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Every time we have another survey of Thai preferences when it comes to falangs, America is always #1. Thais like us, the rest of the world isn't as pleased. Hey, kiss my...

But I rarely hear it. There aren't enough American's here. There are 3 here in my Phuket beach town.

They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

WRONG! That passport is the worst to have. Ask an Israeli agent which one they like. LOL

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Anyways .... most of you American bashers/haters go on and on about the same tired malarky over and over...endlessly. It is a wonder your posts get read at all...so silly willy.

If you spend more of your time on the positive side of things, you wouldn't be a bunch of grumpy old gummy bears.

liven up !

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SO maybe no way to figure this out but did it exist before WWII or only after? Seems like some of it comes from the fact that the people who came to the US were either the nutcases, the dreamers, broke/desperate, or in some cases slave traders/bad men.

Also have heard it some from Chinese but primarily party-indoctrinated ones (which is total hypocrisy seeing how many of their own they killed), the normal day-to-day ones nearly always responded positively, Thai friends said they like US because we're "respectful", but right across the border in Toronto I get the anti-american sentiment strong. Not sure it's just joking from them or from many europeans/down unders, strange as I do not hold Ch. or Russians individually responsible for what I dislike about their gov't, actually seems backstabbing to do so.

Speaking of which, it's time to pop another coldy.

Hehe, I said, "pop".

The sharp cold shoulder and pain you felt in Toronto is your Gov. again with its policies that affect us. War on terror and your stupid homeland security department trying to make a name for itself and the funding it wants. If you recall Canadians used to be able to just drive across the border no problem no we are treated like we are carrying bombs and 3rd degreed and turned away. It is like the old saying goes::: when America sneezes Canada catches a cold.

Canada is full of quirky, silent, mindlessly politically correct followers. Not much heard in the news from them, save the weirdo politicians taking over comedy acts while drunk on Moosehead beer and stoned on pot. They secretly sneak across the border for cheaper products...then bad mouth us behind our backs.


and that is precisely the point! the fact you feel that it is necessary to constantly be heard in the news AND tell the world about it is the answer to the OP's question

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The Texas electoral representatives vote Republican and always will regardless of how much of the popular vote goes the other way.

So? Texas been doing better than most. Both parties have their good and bad points. Got one word for ya: Detroit.

Most of [us] have as little power to affect American policy as you do.

Ain't that the truth? The gov't no longer responds to the will of the people. True of other countries as well, though.

I want to live my life peacefully and without worrying that the religious nut jobs are going to ban my right to choose what I believe.

That fear is so ridiculous and unwarranted in its paranoia that if I were you I'd seek help from a psychologist. Seems more likely you'd ban the religious nut jobs from freely practicing their nuttiness, which they have every right to do. wink.png

Ironic, isn't it? The land that was founded on freedom from religious persecution is driving away people for not believing as in a Christian God. Welcome to Tea Party Hell.

Just your own inner demon driving you away. Now, the Tea Party does have a good point--their main point--about smaller gov't, lower taxes, and responsible budgeting--which would among other benefits greatly reduce the likelihood of US military adventures abroad you and others (myself included!) criticize.

Demonizing isn't helpful for assessing the reality of a situation.

Edited by JSixpack
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Every time we have another survey of Thai preferences when it comes to falangs, America is always #1. Thais like us, the rest of the world isn't as pleased. Hey, kiss my...

But I rarely hear it. There aren't enough American's here. There are 3 here in my Phuket beach town.

They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

OP, pick the bones out of the above post and you will find the reasons...

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