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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Just your own inner demon driving you away. Now, the Tea Party does have a good point--their main point--about smaller gov't, lower taxes, and responsible budgeting--which would among other benefits greatly reduce the likelihood of US military adventures abroad you and others (myself included!) criticize.

Demonizing isn't helpful for assessing the reality of a situation.

pssst! we've all seen the racist, anti-gay, fundamentalist bigotry lurking under their so called small government shtick.

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SO maybe no way to figure this out but did it exist before WWII or only after? Seems like some of it comes from the fact that the people who came to the US were either the nutcases, the dreamers, broke/desperate, or in some cases slave traders/bad men.

Also have heard it some from Chinese but primarily party-indoctrinated ones (which is total hypocrisy seeing how many of their own they killed), the normal day-to-day ones nearly always responded positively, Thai friends said they like US because we're "respectful", but right across the border in Toronto I get the anti-american sentiment strong. Not sure it's just joking from them or from many europeans/down unders, strange as I do not hold Ch. or Russians individually responsible for what I dislike about their gov't, actually seems backstabbing to do so.

Speaking of which, it's time to pop another coldy.

Hehe, I said, "pop".

The sharp cold shoulder and pain you felt in Toronto is your Gov. again with its policies that affect us. War on terror and your stupid homeland security department trying to make a name for itself and the funding it wants. If you recall Canadians used to be able to just drive across the border no problem no we are treated like we are carrying bombs and 3rd degreed and turned away. It is like the old saying goes::: when America sneezes Canada catches a cold.

Canada is full of quirky, silent, mindlessly politically correct followers. Not much heard in the news from them, save the weirdo politicians taking over comedy acts while drunk on Moosehead beer and stoned on pot. They secretly sneak across the border for cheaper products...then bad mouth us behind our backs.


and that is precisely the point! the fact you feel that it is necessary to constantly be heard in the news AND tell the world about it is the answer to the OP's question

You guys are like my ex wife... complain, complain complain. Back seat drivers, and not much action.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Just your own inner demon driving you away. Now, the Tea Party does have a good point--their main point--about smaller gov't, lower taxes, and responsible budgeting--which would among other benefits greatly reduce the likelihood of US military adventures abroad you and others (myself included!) criticize.

Demonizing isn't helpful for assessing the reality of a situation.

pssst! we've all seen the racist, anti-gay, fundamentalist bigotry lurking under their so called small government shtick.

Merely part of the demonizing to benefit politicians on the opposite side of the responsible budgeting fence. And accordingly useless to reason with. Enjoy! smile.png

Edited by JSixpack
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Every time we have another survey of Thai preferences when it comes to falangs, America is always #1. Thais like us, the rest of the world isn't as pleased. Hey, kiss my...

But I rarely hear it. There aren't enough American's here. There are 3 here in my Phuket beach town.

They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

WRONG! That passport is the worst to have. Ask an Israeli agent which one they like. LOL

That pretty much explains everything....

So you guys are helping Israel get phony passports?

I knew your economy had to get a kickstart....but this???

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Just your own inner demon driving you away. Now, the Tea Party does have a good point--their main point--about smaller gov't, lower taxes, and responsible budgeting--which would among other benefits greatly reduce the likelihood of US military adventures abroad you and others (myself included!) criticize.

Demonizing isn't helpful for assessing the reality of a situation.

pssst! we've all seen the racist, anti-gay, fundamentalist bigotry lurking under their so called small government shtick.

Merely part of the demonizing to benefit politicians on the opposite side of the responsible budgeting fence. And accordingly useless to reason with. Enjoy! smile.png

plus the fact that their grammar is not understandable

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You guys are like my ex wife... complain, complain complain. Back seat drivers, and not much action.

just the way they like it. youre welcome to your so called action AND to the contempt of the civilized world.

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Unless you have lived in Dallas (where God and country take on a whole new meaning), I'm not sure you can understand what I mean. With our 15,000 + follower mega-churches and blinged out crosses on every door, wall and car window, it's difficult to get away from it. Christianity has become a fashion statement here in Big D. The only religion bigger than Christianity is high school football.

People absolutely have every right to worship as they please and I have never once tried to talk anyone out of their chosen religion. They do NOT have the right to tell my 12 year old son that he is damned to hell because his mommy won't take him to church and teach him the "right" way to live. This is not a one off occurrence, either. It's happened three times in the past two years. My FAVORITE was another mother telling me that my son's mental illness is my fault because I didn't let God into his life to heal him and that if I had just been a better mother, he would be normal.

In short, no we're not all religious zealots and we're not all self absorbed cretins either. Most of the people are just doing the best with what they're given. I'm just tired of running in circles and never getting anywhere. Life in the suburbs isn't all it's cracked up to be. We're moving to get away from the rat race here. I want my son to learn that happiness is NOT getting the most money or the latest gadget, but spending time seeing the world and just enjoying the time he has on this rock. I love Asia and the people that live there. I think we'll do just fine. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Bellacissa
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I think everyone interested in the foreign policy of America needs to understand the enormous changes that have occurred in America over the past 40 years that have made its government far less representative of the views of its citizens. In a recent study done by a credible research institution the conclusion it came to after evaluating the legislation proposed and made law over a period of 25 years is that citizen input (petitions, letters to representatives, position polls, protests, ect.) had no influence WHAT SO EVER on legislation enacted. There is only one constituency that gets successful representation in the congress of the United States. That is the corporate money lobby. They own the country and they run the country and they, the American political elite, have been exporting their democracy killing neo-liberalism across the globe. I absolutely agree with Bellacissa, there is a huge portion of the American electorate that holds no common ground with their government. It is such that there are no parallels to compare with this situation. It is true that there is a degree of free speech that is not available anywhere else. The salient feature of this free speech is however circumscribed by distribution. Contrarian views circulate only within fractured, niche markets. The 'official' narrative from the centralized corporate media literally suffocates everything else. Religion plays a role in this skewered system as well. It is a function of the political class to publicly endorse the looniest factions of the 'believer' cohort. Among other consequences of this uniquely American ritual is to elevate 'belief' over or equal to reason in the public forum. This is very significant to the religious cause as to create the illusion that nuttery is as valid as logic or evidence. For this service the religious right overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party. There is no other issue for these people other than to be validated by authority. Someone earlier on this thread correctly noted that there is no 'Left' on the political spectrum in America. Come election time, Americans can 'choose' between two (and only 2) pro-business, pro-war, pious god-fearing, best friends of Israel, who love their mothers and eat apple pie daily. Holding those views and getting a hold of one and a half billion dollars will put you in the running. Ultimately no good can come from a situation like this. The American Left is moribund but I was encouraged recently after watching the German Parliment in session featuring scathing denunciations of Angela Merkels lame response to the outrageous spying the Americans have been doing there. Who knows, maybe they feel they have been on their knee's long enough. As for the Brits....Tony Blair, someday a document will be found that notes his first paycheck from the C.I.A. When he was 14 years old. As for the Tory's, I suspect that they, like the American Democratic Party, are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party. I do find it awkward to mean mouth my homeland but I can with a certain heart tell you that it is NOT the same country I grew up in.

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I think everyone interested in the foreign policy of America needs to understand the enormous changes that have occurred in America over the past 40 years that have made its government far less representative of the views of its citizens. In a recent study done by a credible research institution the conclusion it came to after evaluating the legislation proposed and made law over a period of 25 years is that citizen input (petitions, letters to representatives, position polls, protests, ect.) had no influence WHAT SO EVER on legislation enacted. There is only one constituency that gets successful representation in the congress of the United States. That is the corporate money lobby. They own the country and they run the country and they, the American political elite, have been exporting their democracy killing neo-liberalism across the globe. I absolutely agree with Bellacissa, there is a huge portion of the American electorate that holds no common ground with their government. It is such that there are no parallels to compare with this situation. It is true that there is a degree of free speech that is not available anywhere else. The salient feature of this free speech is however circumscribed by distribution. Contrarian views circulate only within fractured, niche markets. The 'official' narrative from the centralized corporate media literally suffocates everything else. Religion plays a role in this skewered system as well. It is a function of the political class to publicly endorse the looniest factions of the 'believer' cohort. Among other consequences of this uniquely American ritual is to elevate 'belief' over or equal to reason in the public forum. This is very significant to the religious cause as to create the illusion that nuttery is as valid as logic or evidence. For this service the religious right overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party. There is no other issue for these people other than to be validated by authority. Someone earlier on this thread correctly noted that there is no 'Left' on the political spectrum in America. Come election time, Americans can 'choose' between two (and only 2) pro-business, pro-war, pious god-fearing, best friends of Israel, who love their mothers and eat apple pie daily. Holding those views and getting a hold of one and a half billion dollars will put you in the running. Ultimately no good can come from a situation like this. The American Left is moribund but I was encouraged recently after watching the German Parliment in session featuring scathing denunciations of Angela Merkels lame response to the outrageous spying the Americans have been doing there. Who knows, maybe they feel they have been on their knee's long enough. As for the Brits....Tony Blair, someday a document will be found that notes his first paycheck from the C.I.A. When he was 14 years old. As for the Tory's, I suspect that they, like the American Democratic Party, are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party. I do find it awkward to mean mouth my homeland but I can with a certain heart tell you that it is NOT the same country I grew up in.

the fact is many americans CHOOSE to be uninformed. face it, they continue to vote for the two branches of the one party system year in year out and have only themselves to blame.

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Just your own inner demon driving you away. Now, the Tea Party does have a good point--their main point--about smaller gov't, lower taxes, and responsible budgeting--which would among other benefits greatly reduce the likelihood of US military adventures abroad you and others (myself included!) criticize.

Demonizing isn't helpful for assessing the reality of a situation.

pssst! we've all seen the racist, anti-gay, fundamentalist bigotry lurking under their so called small government shtick.

Merely part of the demonizing to benefit politicians on the opposite side of the responsible budgeting fence. And accordingly useless to reason with. Enjoy! smile.png

plus the fact that their grammar is not understandable

By whom? I'd think anyone who wished to understand could do so. Now, if Brummie is your first language, I see the problem.

But even criticizing forum members' grammar, let alone that of USA political party members, is against the forum rules. Otherwise, I'd enjoy a lot more laughs than I do. :)

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I think everyone interested in the foreign policy of America needs to understand the enormous changes that have occurred in America over the past 40 years that have made its government far less representative of the views of its citizens. In a recent study done by a credible research institution the conclusion it came to after evaluating the legislation proposed and made law over a period of 25 years is that citizen input (petitions, letters to representatives, position polls, protests, ect.) had no influence WHAT SO EVER on legislation enacted. There is only one constituency that gets successful representation in the congress of the United States. That is the corporate money lobby. They own the country and they run the country and they, the American political elite, have been exporting their democracy killing neo-liberalism across the globe. I absolutely agree with Bellacissa, there is a huge portion of the American electorate that holds no common ground with their government. It is such that there are no parallels to compare with this situation. It is true that there is a degree of free speech that is not available anywhere else. The salient feature of this free speech is however circumscribed by distribution. Contrarian views circulate only within fractured, niche markets. The 'official' narrative from the centralized corporate media literally suffocates everything else. Religion plays a role in this skewered system as well. It is a function of the political class to publicly endorse the looniest factions of the 'believer' cohort. Among other consequences of this uniquely American ritual is to elevate 'belief' over or equal to reason in the public forum. This is very significant to the religious cause as to create the illusion that nuttery is as valid as logic or evidence. For this service the religious right overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party. There is no other issue for these people other than to be validated by authority. Someone earlier on this thread correctly noted that there is no 'Left' on the political spectrum in America. Come election time, Americans can 'choose' between two (and only 2) pro-business, pro-war, pious god-fearing, best friends of Israel, who love their mothers and eat apple pie daily. Holding those views and getting a hold of one and a half billion dollars will put you in the running. Ultimately no good can come from a situation like this. The American Left is moribund but I was encouraged recently after watching the German Parliment in session featuring scathing denunciations of Angela Merkels lame response to the outrageous spying the Americans have been doing there. Who knows, maybe they feel they have been on their knee's long enough. As for the Brits....Tony Blair, someday a document will be found that notes his first paycheck from the C.I.A. When he was 14 years old. As for the Tory's, I suspect that they, like the American Democratic Party, are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party. I do find it awkward to mean mouth my homeland but I can with a certain heart tell you that it is NOT the same country I grew up in.

the fact is many americans CHOOSE to be uninformed. face it, they continue to vote for the two branches of the one party system year in year out and have only themselves to blame.

I voted for Ross Perot, Jr. just for the hell of it when he ran, even though I knew my vote wouldn't count for anything. That was a fun set of debates to watch.

Unfortunately, people believe the media here and think that makes them an informed voter. Specifically, they believe Fox News and MSNBC. So. Much. Lying. CNN is not a whole lot better, but there seem to be less crazies there. I read Al Jazeera for the most part. It seems to have way less bias than the rest. But, people hear the words "Al Jazeera" and think it's Middle East propaganda. It's no wonder the rest of the world thinks we're loony.

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I think everyone interested in the foreign policy of America needs to understand the enormous changes that have occurred in America over the past 40 years that have made its government far less representative of the views of its citizens. In a recent study done by a credible research institution the conclusion it came to after evaluating the legislation proposed and made law over a period of 25 years is that citizen input (petitions, letters to representatives, position polls, protests, ect.) had no influence WHAT SO EVER on legislation enacted. There is only one constituency that gets successful representation in the congress of the United States. That is the corporate money lobby. They own the country and they run the country and they, the American political elite, have been exporting their democracy killing neo-liberalism across the globe. I absolutely agree with Bellacissa, there is a huge portion of the American electorate that holds no common ground with their government. It is such that there are no parallels to compare with this situation. It is true that there is a degree of free speech that is not available anywhere else. The salient feature of this free speech is however circumscribed by distribution. Contrarian views circulate only within fractured, niche markets. The 'official' narrative from the centralized corporate media literally suffocates everything else. Religion plays a role in this skewered system as well. It is a function of the political class to publicly endorse the looniest factions of the 'believer' cohort. Among other consequences of this uniquely American ritual is to elevate 'belief' over or equal to reason in the public forum. This is very significant to the religious cause as to create the illusion that nuttery is as valid as logic or evidence. For this service the religious right overwhelmingly supports the Republican Party. There is no other issue for these people other than to be validated by authority. Someone earlier on this thread correctly noted that there is no 'Left' on the political spectrum in America. Come election time, Americans can 'choose' between two (and only 2) pro-business, pro-war, pious god-fearing, best friends of Israel, who love their mothers and eat apple pie daily. Holding those views and getting a hold of one and a half billion dollars will put you in the running. Ultimately no good can come from a situation like this. The American Left is moribund but I was encouraged recently after watching the German Parliment in session featuring scathing denunciations of Angela Merkels lame response to the outrageous spying the Americans have been doing there. Who knows, maybe they feel they have been on their knee's long enough. As for the Brits....Tony Blair, someday a document will be found that notes his first paycheck from the C.I.A. When he was 14 years old. As for the Tory's, I suspect that they, like the American Democratic Party, are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party. I do find it awkward to mean mouth my homeland but I can with a certain heart tell you that it is NOT the same country I grew up in.

the fact is many americans CHOOSE to be uninformed. face it, they continue to vote for the two branches of the one party system year in year out and have only themselves to blame.

At a very basic level all politics comes down to money. UK policy is determined by the corporations & their lobbyists, in the same way as big business in USA funds the presidential elections. I read somewhere - & correct me if I am wrong - If you want to be voted in as president for either party you need an election fund of around $100 million, the bulk of the money comes from corporations, so if voted in you are obliged to promote their policies, be it arms or any other, from supermarkets to financial institutions.

War makes profitable money, so a war in Iraq for example feeds the shareholders of arms companies. Forget the poor people both soldiers & civilians who give their lives for that profit.

In the same way, Al Quaeda is a business, receiving funds from gulf countries & Islamists, so who is going to go against their paymaster ? Promote hatred, especially in the name of religion & you get paid. Similarly the IRA & the loyalist terrorists were both organised crime using religion as their excuse.

The current troubles in Southern Thailand are there because it is in somebody's financial interests to keep it going.

Look at tony Blair, the European human rights laws came part of UK legislation & guess who's wife led a law chambers specialising in human rights ?

Nothing in the world today happens unless someone is making money out of it.

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Unless you have lived in Dallas (where God and country take on a whole new meaning), I'm not sure you can understand what I mean. With our 15,000 + follower mega-churches and blinged out crosses on every door, wall and car window, it's difficult to get away from it. Christianity has become a fashion statement here in Big D. The only religion bigger than Christianity is high school football.

I understand that situation well but it doesn't bother me in the least. It's sometimes good for a laugh. So you choose your friends from among those with whom you have more in common. I find the religionists (of many sorts) quite OK as long as you stay away from their obsessions--if you can. Greatness can have different inspirations. I have a variety of friends from a wide spectrum.

People absolutely have every right to worship as they please and I have never once tried to talk anyone out of their chosen religion. They do NOT have the right to tell my 12 year old son that he is damned to hell because his mommy won't take him to church and teach him the "right" way to live. This is not a one off occurrence, either. It's happened three times in the past two years. My FAVORITE was another mother telling me that my son's mental illness is my fault because I didn't let God into his life to heal him and that if I had just been a better mother, he would be normal.

I guess they do have the legal right of free speech. If you really think not, you'd sue and get a nice payoff. smile.png Exposure to all viewpoints can be healthy. I've always had that; I freely made my own choices and remain confident in them.

Wish I had a baht for every time I heard somebody say something annoying or mean since I was, oh, 5 years old. Butch up.

We're moving to get away from the rat race here. I want my son to learn that happiness is NOT getting the most money or the latest gadget, but spending time seeing the world and just enjoying the time he has on this rock. I love Asia and the people that live there. I think we'll do just fine. thumbsup.gif

To merely a different rat race? But one can see the world and enjoy his time no matter where he's based. Nor are money and gadgets necessarily obstacles to doing so.

I wouldn't idealize Asia too much, what with all its superstitions, blinged out temples & shrines, deifications, money grubbing, corruption, pollution, and racism. You need to listen to our doomsayers here more. Blinged out upside down crosses on every post . . . . biggrin.png

Edited by JSixpack
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Everyone seems to have their own cherished viewpoint about America and Americans. The opinions about the individual personal behavior of Americans, whether judged as appealing or not by non-Americans is altogether too subjective and varied to make any case for being anti or pro-American. When Americans are judged by the behavior of their government , it seems that the most positive opinions are based on America's behavior going back to WWII and the immediate post-war years. The most negative views are focused on America's post Viet Nam years. From what I've read here, the most vehement opinions, both anti and pro are based on more recent American foreign policy adventures, dating from about year 2000.

We have just entered another one of those defining moments in this story. Vladimir Putin has managed to maneuver himself into something much akin to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. There is going to be much rethinking on which side of the fence you want to be on.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined.


The United States equals the power of ...Russia, China, Japan, Israel, Great Briton, France, Germany,

And the next 6 most powerful nations combined."

I can hear an old Vietnamese gentleman laughing somewhere...


Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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We had laws that limited the amount that could be donated to political party's . The Supreme Court threw out limit laws as being unconstitutional. You see those limits were were a violation of a corporations right to free speech. In America, corporations are 'people' and enjoy the rights of people. Like privacy? The crimes of corporations are allowed to be not published as it violates their privacy. Like speech. There is no limit now as to how much a corporation can donate. Like religion. Recently, as corporations are people, corporations can deny service or product to other persons if that corporations 'religion' is offended by any aspect of the buyer. As people, corporations have a huge advantage. They are immortal.

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Recently, as corporations are people, corporations can deny service or product to other persons if that corporations 'religion' is offended by any aspect of the buyer.

Uh oh. We've wandered into The Twilight Zone . . . .

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I saw a movie recently where the protagonist sneared "You Americans are so arrogant!" That seems to me to be a glass half full / half empty kind of thing. Some call us arrogant and some call us self assured and confident.


There's an infinitesimally thin line between confidence and arrogance. ... (just Googled it...thumbsup.gif .......btw I have good American friends and I respect America)

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Every time we have another survey of Thai preferences when it comes to falangs, America is always #1. Thais like us, the rest of the world isn't as pleased. Hey, kiss my...

But I rarely hear it. There aren't enough American's here. There are 3 here in my Phuket beach town.

They only like us when something needs to be done, you know like win wars, break necks, cash checks. I occasionally hear the put down nonsense and consider the source.

I come from the greatest country in the world and continue to pay my American taxes even though I haven't been there in a few years. I know if the dung hits the fan, that American passport is the one to have.

If you come from England and live in Thailand, why do you pay American taxes? LOL.

Seriously though, can you remind us of these wars you've won?

The Civil War

(just a joke wai.gif )

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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


I believe it was Canada that liberated Holland from the Nazis.

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Iraq and Libya were hells on earth long before the Americans got involved.

Ohhh. Is that what free medical, free education, gasoline for pennies and electricity also is called hell on earth.

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Brits on thaivisa are anti American. If I write my examples I will be banned. My American friend was banned for making truthful statements about Brits.

Well...the odds are against us. These are the same people that complain when a group of Asians gang up on one or tw farangs.

Mindless group think. It actually goes on and on.

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You guys are like my ex wife... complain, complain complain. Back seat drivers, and not much action.

just the way they like it. youre welcome to your so called action AND to the contempt of the civilized world.

If you represent the civilized world, then I prefer the contempt. coffee1.gif

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Just your own inner demon driving you away. Now, the Tea Party does have a good point--their main point--about smaller gov't, lower taxes, and responsible budgeting--which would among other benefits greatly reduce the likelihood of US military adventures abroad you and others (myself included!) criticize.

Demonizing isn't helpful for assessing the reality of a situation.

pssst! we've all seen the racist, anti-gay, fundamentalist bigotry lurking under their so called small government shtick.

Merely part of the demonizing to benefit politicians on the opposite side of the responsible budgeting fence. And accordingly useless to reason with. Enjoy! smile.png

plus the fact that their grammar is not understandable

Please don't pick on her, she had a fitting for new false teeth a few days ago.

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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


I believe it was Canada that liberated Holland from the Nazis.

It was the Allies that liberated The Netherlands (and the rest of Europe) from the Nazis. Not just some of the Allies. All of them.

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"It was the Allies that liberated The Netherlands (and the rest of Europe) from the Nazis. Not just some of the Allies. All of them. "

Yeah and I wouldn't do it again. I read that the Arabs are trying (and being moderately successful) at conquering western Europe, and the Chinaman is waging successful economic warfare on OZ. I certainly won't shed a tear at either of the enemies' successes.

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Here is a positive contribution for your inferiority complexes...

Instead of whining and getting your panties all in a bunch because you don't like our Comedies, Jovial Outlook, Politicians, Policy, etc.

Why do you not just get a phony U.S. passport from Canada and run for Politics. You too, can be one of us. Then you could change things the way you like them

Instead of being crybabies, jealous of older siblings who get more icing on their cake.

There are not many Americans on this forum...compared to Brits and other wanna be English speakers. Find another forum that actually caters to whiners...


Edited by slipperylobster
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Here is a positive contribution to your inferiority complexes...

Instead of whining and getting your panties all in a bunch because you don't like our Comedies, Jovial Outlook, Politicians, Policy, etc.

Why do you not just get a phony passport from Canada and run for Politics. You too, can be one of us. Then you could change things the way you like them

Instead of being crybabies, jealous of older siblings who get more icing on their cake.


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