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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Don't tell anyone but I really would have rather been Canadian.whistling.gif

Can't help where you're born.

My grandparents were French Canadian... which, of course, is the best part.

Grandma bootlegged liquor in a canoe across the St Lawrence River near Trois Rivieres,

Problem is...you don't know what part of the world Americans came from...a few generations ok.

Mixed bag of tricks....

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Always amazed at the anti-American sentiment I get, specifically from a significant proportions of Canadians, western Europeans, Kiwis and Aussies.

As a Canadian that often gets confused as an American a lot of it has to do with disagreement with government policies. Canadian's are in a strange position visa-a-vie Americans since we are sort of American but not American and are exposed to a lot of US news which means that in many cases the internal politics of the US are almost internal politics to Canada. I would be surprised if you were confronted with it since it by Canadians since we are less confrontational (more two faced - sort of halfway between British and American). It usually would not pop up unless there is a political discussion. As far as going out of the way to be anti-american like the french, that is more a reflection on their insecurities than on Americans (insecure at themselves not being treated as "equals"). Personally, in casual conversations I don't care if someone thinks I am American or not - and don't correct them if they make that assumption without asking - most people I get to know tend to ask me where I am from first. If someone wants to show themselves to be prejudiced against Americans before getting to know the individual, they probably are not worth knowing anyway.

Likewise I recently came across an older Middle Eastern man drinking alcohol and accosting local (scantily clad) passersby on the street. I confronted him and said this was unacceptable, and later was told by a Kiwi neighbor that I had better mind my own business and return to the US. Strange that being American trumps my duty as a man, at least in this Kiwi's eyes, and stranger still that I rarely encounter such sentiment from people who "should" give it such as Chinese or Japanese or Vietnamese or the like.

I applaud you in coming to the defense of others who are being mistreated, no-one should treat anyone with that type of disrespect. A Thai coming to the defense of the same person might not have been so polite, so in one way you might have saved that persons life for at least one more day.

Wow turn in your Canadian citizenship and get your American one, Then travel the great American highways teaching Americans that their president is not our president and that we do not live in Igloos and polar bears and cariboo do not roam the streets here.

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Wish I had a baht for every time I heard somebody say something annoying or mean since I was, oh, 5 years old. Butch up.

No worries there. My son told each of them that he doesn't believe in God, he believes in science. He also told them that he respects their beliefs, but that he wasn't worried about being damned to hell because there isn't one. Then, he told them to have a nice day and walked off.

The difference between living here and living in Thailand is that I'm not expected to convert to Buddhism there. I'm a farang and they don't feel the need to change what I believe. I'm not a sheeple. I don't follow the herd. That's frowned upon here in white bread suburbia. I'm not saying they don't have the right to believe what they want, they just take the guilt and shaming a little further than I like.

And I'm not wearing rose colored glasses. I know what I'm getting into. I have all you nice people here on TV to prepare me, right? biggrin.png

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OP if you are practicing politeness, respect, patience, and kindness and you stumble on this behavior it's their problem not yours.. Having said that, it's a pretty small pedestal to live on, from time to time I have taken my turn at the head of the class being a jerk. I try to give others the benefit of the doubt when it is their turn and ignore it.This kind of behavior has no borders and no nationality is immune to it. On the internet people often write things they would never say face to face, such is the nature of the net. Often a pack mentality is in action, as when red shirt yellow shirt game was at it's peak. It's tough when you feel home land is being besieged but some will take great pleasure in getting you upset so choose you battles wisely. Often you will find after all is said it was a waist of your time.

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I am a Canadian and I can honestly say that i am not aware of one Canadian that has a problem with US citizens

I currently live in Latin America and most of my friends are American

also I spend a lot of time in Thailand and have good friends from America there

it is possible that some dislike your government and hopefully they can searate the people from the government

as for myself I do not like having to pay transfer fees to a US bank simply because I am sending US dollars

I never again want to live anywhere near a US military base (look at Angeles)

As I live in Latin America, My personal financial affairs seem to be open to the US governmant

I decided to move to Asia about 3 years ago to get out from underneath this US umbrella,,,imagine my shock when just three months later they announced they were coming to Asia (Darwin to start)

as said in above posts, I think it is your governments foreign policies that bring some resentment to peole who are unable to separte the people form the government

this being said, I don't like my own socialist government that much better either,,,which is why I left

I myself have felt some anti Canadian sentiment in some of the northern states,,,although very rarely,,,most Americans have always treated me well

I hea,r also in the north, that some Americans are not too fond of the people from Quebec and hope this is just a few

my point,,,in every country in the world there are a frw ignorant and narrow minded individuals that can give us all a bad name

I am sorry that you have found anti Ameican sentiment in Canada but belive me this is not the norm

and are you sure they were Canadian's and not from somewhere else As I am not aware of one Canadian who really dislikes Americans although I am sure there are a couple

WHy would any American dislike Canada??? They do not know where Canada is? It is not studied in their schools? You can also leave Canada and given the time you have been gone and your anti Canadian comments you can also turn in your citizenship and passport.

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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


I believe it was Canada that liberated Holland from the Nazis.

It was the Allies that liberated The Netherlands (and the rest of Europe) from the Nazis. Not just some of the Allies. All of them.

You better have a talk with the Dutch Government about that because they are solely thanking Canada. Countless Dutch Plaques at all memorials around this Canada from Holland including one at the place I once worked the Supreme Court of Canada. To top it all of my mother was a war bride from Holland who married my father one of the Canadian liberators.

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You guys are like my ex wife... complain, complain complain. Back seat drivers, and not much action.

just the way they like it. youre welcome to your so called action AND to the contempt of the civilized world.

If you represent the civilized world, then I prefer the contempt. coffee1.gif

obviously you do. why else would you court it so?

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In 1991 just after the ceasefire in Iraq a British convoy was attacked by a trigger happy US Tankbuster pilot. My nephew,19 at the time was in the convoy and saw his best friend blown to bits along with 8 other Scottish soldiers. My nephew never got over the incident and hung himself a few years later. The UK courts ruled unlawful killing but the US government refused to name the pilot and 23 years later the families are still looking for justice.

That's the American way of doing things.

My sincere condolences to your family. This is a link to the investigation


If you will read it you will find there was no cease fire and there were also 2 planes- pilots involved. Understandable how you nephew and his fellow soldiers feel and how the courts ruled. I am not writing this to defend but to clarify what happened. Those men did not die in vain, many steps were taken after these incidents to help reduce friendly fire incidents among allied troops. These 2 pilots may have devastated the enemy before these soldiers had a chance to fight them and if not them other British soldiers. These two pilots will have to live with what they did the rest of their lives. A10's are designed support ground troops at low levels subject to all kinds of ground fire, they are trained to be some of the most aggressive pilots because of the environment they fly in. War is an ugly and chaotic business more deadly now than it ever was.

For perspective



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It's because they are very loud and for some bizarre reason they think the World Series................erm, it isnt. It would help aswell if the American education system included a subject called, "geography".

They do teach geography... of the 13 original colonies. cheesy.gif

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Who's louder and more obnoxious, Chinese or Americans?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I had a Chinese- American girlfriend she was obnoxious and hot, made it easy to overlook the obnoxious partbiggrin.png

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Why do brits think they're comedy experts?

Strike that. Why do brits think they're experts on everything?

OMG! Did I do satire?!

FAIL - it would have been better expressed by paraphrasing David Brent when he said:

"Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do."

p.s. Jus havin fun wid ya.

Love British comedy and beer, food not so muchwhistling.gif

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I am an American. It is govt. policy, and the extent to which the US Govt. is compromised. Run by $35 street whores from Obama right on down. Bone headed foreign policy. Tremendous arrogance and hubris. And an unwillingness on the part of the listless, incompetent US govt. to acknowledge how much less relevant they are, at this stage. And lastly, there is tremendous resentment due to the useless wars we keep getting ourselves involved in, and the problems they create for the planet. So, basically I can sum up the problem by saying US Govt hubris, arrogance, carelessness, incompetence, poor foreign policy, and recklessness. I do not think it is about most American people. Yes, some are loud and clumsy. But, most are decent folks, and most people I meet seem to hate our super corrupt govt. whores, not us.


So true,but we vote them in so we have to accept some of the blame. I know we get rare few good ones to vote for.

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Reminds me of the English!

"England has contributed more to the well being of the human race than any nation on earth"

As me Dad used to say: "I look forward to someone who is not English saying that!"

Ditto that great Nation of Americans.

As I see it their present claim to fame is to have killed more people on earth than any other nation and to have squandered more resources than any other people.

And it shows no signs of stopping! Who do you think was behind the shooting down of MH17? Well it was not Tamil Tigers (remember them)?, or the German football team was it? US playing with fire in Kiev!

Chairman Mao killed 36 million to unite China.

Uncle Joe did at least 9 million in the old USSR.

I guess we have a bit to go to catch up!cheesy.gif

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being rich and powerful makes (some) people jealous .

Here's another one...

You better stop watching Hollywood movies and get out more... A lot of american's live on gov't subsidies and a lot more live from pay cheque to pay cheque with debts they won't be able to dig themselves out of in decades. rolleyes.gif

Following the European model I suppose.

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Reminds me of the English!

"England has contributed more to the well being of the human race than any nation on earth"

As me Dad used to say: "I look forward to someone who is not English saying that!"

Ditto that great Nation of Americans.

As I see it their present claim to fame is to have killed more people on earth than any other nation and to have squandered more resources than any other people.

And it shows no signs of stopping! Who do you think was behind the shooting down of MH17? Well it was not Tamil Tigers (remember them)?, or the German football team was it? US playing with fire in Kiev!

Chairman Mao killed 36 million to unite China.

Uncle Joe did at least 9 million in the old USSR.

I guess we have a bit to go to catch up!cheesy.gif

not too far at all


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I was on an elevator in Vegas and there was a younger couple. I saw them looking at the elevator regulation sign. I joked that it probably cost us $ 10,000 tax dollars a year. We laughed and I said heck I don't even know if you're American. They laughed and said no, we're British. I asked them how they like the Americans, and right away the gal said friendly!

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You better have a talk with the Dutch Government about that because they are solely thanking Canada. Countless Dutch Plaques at all memorials around this Canada from Holland including one at the place I once worked the Supreme Court of Canada. To top it all of my mother was a war bride from Holland who married my father one of the Canadian liberators.

Whatever. The liberation of Europe was a joint effort by all the Allies and any bickering as to who did what insults all those of whatever nationality who gave their lives. Are dead Canadians worth more or less than dead Indians or Czechs?

They all died for our freedom and the whole 'if it wasn't for us you'd all be speaking German' is an insult to those of whatever nationality who died in WWII.

I suggest you look at the following Wiki page and pay particular attention to the last column - that of the death per capita of population.


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Not sure if this is the right forum, but...

Always bewildered at anti-American sentiment I often get from other westerners such as Canadians, western Europeans, Aussies and Kiwis. Last year I was guiding a lost French couple I met in Bangkok to their desired destination (a ferry stop on the river) and when I mentioned I was American they calmly explained that Europe was made up of a bunch of different countries and that the country they came from, France, was one of these. (like the fact that I was American stomped the fact that I was guiding them through a back alley in SE Asia in determining whether I knew basics of world geography!).

Plenty of other examples of this like the other day I confronted some Arab man who was drinking on the street and harassing passersby, ended up getting a lecture from a Kiwi about how Americans had no business doing this and I should return home.

Very bewildering to me, so I'm curious if anyone has a good explanation for how this came about, certainly almost never hear it from locals. Did it exist at the end of WWII? Start during Vietnam War? A lefty response to US foreign policy or some deeper rooted kind of bias?

The Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese no doubt do as well but you just can't understand them.


*i work with a lot of Americans and like most of them. It's your government most people don't like and that perhaps reflects back on you.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The approval rating of the US Congress is less than 10%.

90% of Americans don't like their Govt. and Obama got 51% of the vote. 49% of Americans(at least) don't like the President.

I have met people from all around the world and by far most I like; some, not so much. For me it has nothing to do with politics or nationality. That may be because I was born and lived in NYC for over 55 years. As a New Yorker you are are used to being with people from many different countries. I didn't have a passport until I was 56 but meeting people during my travels was second nature because of my life experience with other cultures. I believe many people who haven't traveled much or met many individuals from different countries form their opinions about those foreign to them by what they see and read in the news. When you look at how many Americans that don't like what is happening with America it's easy to understand (for me) why some have us guilty by association even though we agree with them about the US Govt. It's just a matter of getting past that sterotype. Some never will and don't care, oh well, next. Life is too short to waste time with things out of your control and their opinion is only as important to you as you allow it to be.

As far a correcting someone is concerned, for me, that's not my job unless I'm willing to go all in and there aren't many things I go all in for. Walking away solves so many problems before they get started. It took a while to learn this and that may have someting to do with someone's perception of Americans. Being young and foolish is exactly that and wisdom comes with age(if you are willing to learn).

IMO Most people will accept you as you are and I personally don't see or feel the anti-American sentiment in my travels. Quite the opposite.


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You have got to be joking me. Russia is taking over the Ukraine and China wants the oil in the South China Sea. The Muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not.......well, Muslim.

Your last sentence is spot on.

And don't forget a sentence right before last. China wants Oil from S. China Sea? How dare they!? 'Murica must bring them their "freedom" but is afraid to bite off a piece they couldn't swallow? smile.png

You are probably right, but I can't comment on something I don't know much about.

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You better have a talk with the Dutch Government about that because they are solely thanking Canada. Countless Dutch Plaques at all memorials around this Canada from Holland including one at the place I once worked the Supreme Court of Canada. To top it all of my mother was a war bride from Holland who married my father one of the Canadian liberators.

Whatever. The liberation of Europe was a joint effort by all the Allies and any bickering as to who did what insults all those of whatever nationality who gave their lives. Are dead Canadians worth more or less than dead Indians or Czechs?

They all died for our freedom and the whole 'if it wasn't for us you'd all be speaking German' is an insult to those of whatever nationality who died in WWII.

I suggest you look at the following Wiki page and pay particular attention to the last column - that of the death per capita of population.


That's exactly right!

It's also why many people dislike Americans for taking credit for winning both world wars singlehandedly.

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Don't blame ordinary people because of their governments. I hate and detest the British government, and their history, I would hate to think that people blamed me because of them.

In my defence, I did say mainly, I have also met many yanks but only a few nice ones.

In our defense, the reason you do not like us is because we met you!402.gif

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You better have a talk with the Dutch Government about that because they are solely thanking Canada. Countless Dutch Plaques at all memorials around this Canada from Holland including one at the place I once worked the Supreme Court of Canada. To top it all of my mother was a war bride from Holland who married my father one of the Canadian liberators.

Whatever. The liberation of Europe was a joint effort by all the Allies and any bickering as to who did what insults all those of whatever nationality who gave their lives. Are dead Canadians worth more or less than dead Indians or Czechs?

They all died for our freedom and the whole 'if it wasn't for us you'd all be speaking German' is an insult to those of whatever nationality who died in WWII.

I suggest you look at the following Wiki page and pay particular attention to the last column - that of the death per capita of population.


That's exactly right!

It's also why many people dislike Americans for taking credit for winning both world wars singlehandedly.

The Americans did EVERYTHING they could to avoid going to war. They avoided the war while people were getting slaughtered in Europe and China and the rest of SR Asia. They denied the Jews were getting slaughtered. Yes, when they did finally get involved it was a full commitment and yes, they did have a huge impact. But to not acknowledge it was a huge allied effort is just foolish.


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