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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Sometimes the letter of the law is not appropriate, yes he assaulted (used more force than necessary to apprehend) the offender -- but very understandable given the situation. That is why we have jury trials..... if they had charged and brought him up on charges, the jury would have found a reason to find him not guilty anyway. In this case the officer (with input from the DA) is using the proper discretion.

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Sad to see how many people here hate Americans .I expect it from the french.. but the Brits and Aussies....sad really

.As an American from NY. I've lived and traveled pretty much all over Central and South America. I've met alot of people from all over the world. Now let me say that the first country I moved to was Honduras , naturally I sought out other Americans and was disgusted . I'll admit most were rude abnoxious and arrogant.Now I am no saint but when I meet someone I'm polite, courteous and friendly, not loud or a smart ass Yes I 've read some of the posts here and and know the type.

I also know about ''taking the piss out of someone''Back here in the states we just call it being an ahole. But it's ok once you become friends and get to know each other a bit.You know tht's just a freindly ribbing.

But when you come off with that #$%^ right out of the gate that can be construde as an insult. That goes for anyone from anywhere. I mean I meet you and within the first 5 minutes you're talking sht about me, my accent, my country and you think you're being cute , clever and witty? I don't know you ,I never met you so how do I know that you're joking..Start that $%^$ and I'll knock you on your %^&. I treat people I meet with respect and demand the same in return. As anyone should.

As far as the french...Any french I have met lived up to their slimy reputation , in fact in the last 15 years I've never met a frenchman who was anything else but garbage. Sarcastic, hateful ,jealous, rude, arrogant... And speaking of WW2 where would they be now Without the U.S.?? their national dish would be wiener schnitzel. But not to waste any more time on those ahols. America and England bailed there sorry weak ases out of TWO wars...To the OP- that's what you should have told that sarcastic mutt and his bich after his ''geography'' lesson.

Another thing is what alot of people from other countries don't realize is that within my country there is still a feeling of resentment from those that live in the south towards those in the north. (redneck vs. yankee) Believe it . The people in the north, i.e New York have absolutely no resentment to those who live in the south .We don't even think about them really.BUT you travel south and they hear your accent it's yankee this and yankee taht..southerners still resent us because of the civil war. Yes a war that 's been over for 150 years!. So there's that.

Living in Colombia I steered away from Americans they were vulgar and out of line with women .The expats that lived there were mostly hormongers it disgusted me.

Now most of the friends I 've had over the years were usually British. I find them to be more polite and laid back . They don't meet you in the first 5 minutes and start talking s#$t. Maybe I get along with them better because I served in the U.S embassy in London when I was a marine in the '80's.

As far as the Dutch, always very friendly towards Americans and very nice people .And seem to be grateful for us and WW2.

The people I got along with all the time were Australians. Never met an Australian I did'nt like. Maybe just met the right guys (and girls ) along the way.

Canadians are hit and miss , for the most part they don't like Americans . So screw 'em.

As far as my government...I 'm no fan. ESP. obama...can't stand him.Evil.But the same countries that piss on us are some of the same ones that take our aid when they are in trouble. America gives alot of help thruout the world. When there's a crisis we're there. And I can't believe that now we are being criitcized for our participation in WW2 ?! That's a new one.

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Sad to see how many people here hate Americans .I expect it from the french.. but the Brits and Aussies....sad really

.As an American from NY. I've lived and traveled pretty much all over Central and South America. I've met alot of people from all over the world. Now let me say that the first country I moved to was Honduras , naturally I sought out other Americans and was disgusted . I'll admit most were rude abnoxious and arrogant.Now I am no saint but when I meet someone I'm polite, courteous and friendly, not loud or a smart ass Yes I 've read some of the posts here and and know the type.

I also know about ''taking the piss out of someone''Back here in the states we just call it being an ahole. But it's ok once you become friends and get to know each other a bit.You know tht's just a freindly ribbing.

But when you come off with that #$%^ right out of the gate that can be construde as an insult. That goes for anyone from anywhere. I mean I meet you and within the first 5 minutes you're talking sht about me, my accent, my country and you think you're being cute , clever and witty? I don't know you ,I never met you so how do I know that you're joking..Start that $%^$ and I'll knock you on your %^&. I treat people I meet with respect and demand the same in return. As anyone should.

As far as the french...Any french I have met lived up to their slimy reputation , in fact in the last 15 years I've never met a frenchman who was anything else but garbage. Sarcastic, hateful ,jealous, rude, arrogant... And speaking of WW2 where would they be now Without the U.S.?? their national dish would be wiener schnitzel. But not to waste any more time on those ahols. America and England bailed there sorry weak ases out of TWO wars...To the OP- that's what you should have told that sarcastic mutt and his bich after his ''geography'' lesson.

Another thing is what alot of people from other countries don't realize is that within my country there is still a feeling of resentment from those that live in the south towards those in the north. (redneck vs. yankee) Believe it . The people in the north, i.e New York have absolutely no resentment to those who live in the south .We don't even think about them really.BUT you travel south and they hear your accent it's yankee this and yankee taht..southerners still resent us because of the civil war. Yes a war that 's been over for 150 years!. So there's that.

Living in Colombia I steered away from Americans they were vulgar and out of line with women .The expats that lived there were mostly hormongers it disgusted me.

Now most of the friends I 've had over the years were usually British. I find them to be more polite and laid back . They don't meet you in the first 5 minutes and start talking s#$t. Maybe I get along with them better because I served in the U.S embassy in London when I was a marine in the '80's.

As far as the Dutch, always very friendly towards Americans and very nice people .And seem to be grateful for us and WW2.

The people I got along with all the time were Australians. Never met an Australian I did'nt like. Maybe just met the right guys (and girls ) along the way.

Canadians are hit and miss , for the most part they don't like Americans . So screw 'em.

As far as my government...I 'm no fan. ESP. obama...can't stand him.Evil.But the same countries that piss on us are some of the same ones that take our aid when they are in trouble. America gives alot of help thruout the world. When there's a crisis we're there. And I can't believe that now we are being criitcized for our participation in WW2 ?! That's a new one.

congratulations! thats the best answer to the OP's question yet!!

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Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

Iraq and Libya were hells on earth long before the Americans got involved.

Libyans threw out their own government without US help, and Iraq is very much worse off.

Sorry mate but NATO air power, French & Brits mainly, decimated the Libyan army and left Libya open for the various tribes to depose Gaddafi and now they're all fighting amongst themselves.

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Oh, Blimey!


Above was actually a posting error.

After I posted it my internet went on the Fritz, no offense to the scarily powerful German world soccer series winners.

What I meant to post:

My God!!

I feel so sorry for the Mexicans and Canadians!!! Never been happier for those two shining seas!

Whole country filled with brainwashed...Just like Berlin in the thirties,people faces listening Fuhrers speech.

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Oh, Blimey!


Above was actually a posting error.

After I posted it my internet went on the Fritz, no offense to the scarily powerful German world soccer series winners.

What I meant to post:

My God!!

I feel so sorry for the Mexicans and Canadians!!! Never been happier for those two shining seas!

Whole country filled with brainwashed...Just like Berlin in the thirties,people faces listening Fuhrers speech.

Do not feel sorry for canadians. they have re-elected a prime minister over and over who buys into that crap lock stock and barrel. he is a rabid, right wing born again christian zealot who worships the ground american administrations walk on. and the largest city in canada and 4 th largest in north america re-elects a crack smoking, alcoholic , misogynistic,racist, anti-gay thug who associates with drug dealers for mayor!

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In the spirit of this topic, there is a very funny British comedy show that has/had recurring characters of a hilarious and excessively friendly elderly American couple traveling in England and mixing with the locals. I'd like to share some clips of that (if I can find them) but I can't recall the name of the show. Does anyone know the name of this show?

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And I can't believe that now we are being criitcized for our participation in WW2 ?! That's a new one.

Not a new one, partially reactionary to the American "The US won the war" -- forgetting that the Allies took the brunt of the offensive for 2 years with unofficial help from the US. Without which there would have been no launch pad for D-Day (daily bombardments etc.). My grandfather was a merchant marine for Canada/UK during the war from 1939 til 1941 or 42 and then was a captain for a US merchant marine ship after that (think he held the official rank of Colonel in the US Army at that point) -- US ship, Canadian crew. All the people that are in this "we won the war" weren't even born at the time - and I am pretty sure that the people that actually fought the war would be disgusted with such an attitude. This generation would never measure up to those that fought that war.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but I did not say that ''the U.S. won the war''. And if I ever hear that from anyone I'd be the first to correct them Now I was very specific when I said OUR PARTICIPATION.I know the allies were going thru hell before we entered. In fact from what I've read about that generation, (in the states),was that, at least in the beg., is that Americans did not want to be involved in the war and what was going on ,at least the majority.. Which if that was true than that would've been something that I would have been strongly against. That being said as a Marine I have alot of respect for all that fought, the Canadians ,Australians,English etc. And as far as the merchant marines my uncle was one. They had alot of guts. But there's no denying that the if United States had not entered and fought ,the world would be a VERY DIFFERENT place than it is now. Anybody who thinks different is a fool.

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And I can't believe that now we are being criitcized for our participation in WW2 ?! That's a new one.

Not a new one, partially reactionary to the American "The US won the war" -- forgetting that the Allies took the brunt of the offensive for 2 years with unofficial help from the US. Without which there would have been no launch pad for D-Day (daily bombardments etc.). My grandfather was a merchant marine for Canada/UK during the war from 1939 til 1941 or 42 and then was a captain for a US merchant marine ship after that (think he held the official rank of Colonel in the US Army at that point) -- US ship, Canadian crew. All the people that are in this "we won the war" weren't even born at the time - and I am pretty sure that the people that actually fought the war would be disgusted with such an attitude. This generation would never measure up to those that fought that war.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but I did not say that ''the U.S. won the war''. And if I ever hear that from anyone I'd be the first to correct them Now I was very specific when I said OUR PARTICIPATION.I know the allies were going thru hell before we entered. In fact from what I've read about that generation, (in the states),was that, at least in the beg., is that Americans did not want to be involved in the war and what was going on ,at least the majority.. Which if that was true than that would've been something that I would have been strongly against. That being said as a Marine I have alot of respect for all that fought, the Canadians ,Australians,English etc. And as far as the merchant marines my uncle was one. They had alot of guts. But there's no denying that the if United States had not entered and fought ,the world would be a VERY DIFFERENT place than it is now. Anybody who thinks different is a fool.

Very different...not really.More dead Russians for sure...cold war maybe warmer..

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If any American has been paying attention, they should realize that by far the biggest reason for anti-Americanism has been the war in Iraq. When 911 happened, the entire world was in mourning with the USA but when George turned it into an opportunity to invade Iraq, the whole world knew the war was wrong. Iraq was bombed into the stone age during the 1st Gulf war and never recovered. There were no WMDs and the US knew it...they were told by weapons inspectors. There were many lies told to try to convince the world to join the coalition.

As the truth slowly came out about the Iraq war based on lies I thought the American people would finally wake up and protest against the war. They did the opposite! Anyone who questioned was called a traitor...even the mass media was complicit. Haliburton made lots of money. Anywhere from 200,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis were slaughtered as a result.

How dare you ask why people are upset with Americans! You already know why. Most of the world refused to join in your illegal war and you had the opportunity to make it right. You all put the blinders on and swallowed the bullshit from your mass media. But you didn't care because it was people "over there" being killed.

How would you feel if some foreign country invaded the USA over complete lies resulting in the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of US citizens? That would be terrible wouldn't it. Then why was it OK to do it to Iraq?

The arrogance of Americans is amazing! They should be apologizing profusely for their illegal, evil war, but they actually feel insulted when you express your anger about it! Shame on you. You wonder why people are angry? How can you be so arrogant?

What happened to the the great country that once was the USA? If the Iraq War had happened during the 60s, the people would have stormed capitol hill and removed the government. The protests of the 60s were the last gasps of the dying American conscience. You are a bunch of sheeple now, living in a police state and slaves to the corporations.

You act like any of us (outside of Washington) had ANY choice in the matter. Yes, we could protest like they did in the '60's. Guess what... It would have done just about as much good as those protests did. My father was drafted in 1973, so if the protests were so effective, why was he drafted for the war years later?

People watching from the sidelines seem to think that democracy means that the people have any say in the policies created in Washington. We don't. If I had millions of dollars to donate to the campaigns of Senators and Representatives, I might have more say. But, my upper middle class income isn't enough to make me a blip on their radar. I can complain online, I can start a petition, I can hold my breath until I turn blue in the face. None of it matters. It doesn't stop me from trying, but I'm not naive enough to think that my views will make one bit of difference.

I'm not saying people shouldn't speak their mind or that protests are not a valid way to make a point, but they don't effect policy change here in the way that you might think they should. Neither of the wars are popular with the common people over here. People protest against them all the time. Again, don't judge us all on what our government does. I'm sure you don't agree with every policy that your government has passed in your lifetime, but you probably don't rush the government offices either.

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

It's kind of a superficial "nice" though, innit?

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It would help if Americans and their 'friends' stopped killing people.........also look at the tragedy of MH17...without a shred of evidence the US 'knows who did it' b******t!'

We may know the culprit behind last week's tragic missile launch that hit Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. There's been a lot of speculation about who fired the missile because of all of the chaos in Ukraine right now.


But President Barack Obama confidently said recently that the missile came from an area controlled by pro-Russian groups in Ukraine. While we don't know exactly where the President got his information, it most likely came from U.S. satellites that can pinpoint things like missiles and anti-aircraft weapons.

That information likely came from one of a network of satellites operated by the Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the US intelligence community’s spy satellite operations agency. Using highly sensitive infrared sensors and other electronic intelligence gathering sensors, these satellites can detect a variety of ground-based missile systems, as well as some aircraft, by their infrared signature.

The U.S. first began developing satellites for this type of use during the Cold War. Since then, the government and military have been developing even more satellite technology for these uses. Several of these new satellites, and some of the older ones, are used for monitoring potential threats and unstable regions in the world like Ukraine. That's why the President probably had access to information about where the missile came from.

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

It's kind of a superficial "nice" though, innit?

I'll be the first to admit that there are a lot of superficially nice people in our country. I think that can be said about most places, though. And not everyone here has an ulterior motive all the time. There are plenty of selfless, good people around as well.

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

If they were so many wouldnt vote for people like george bush and sarah palin and the rest would insist obama stop the drones. but they dont. its easy to be nice on the surface. its a bit tougher to have some courage and quit voting for murderers

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Ppl confuse regular Americans with American (foreign) politics. But in general Americans from all walks of live etc, etc are the nicest ppl you can meet. And of course like in every country there are some bad ones around

Sent from my Galaxy S4 4G LTE

If they were so many wouldnt vote for people like george bush and sarah palin and the rest would insist obama stop the drones. but they dont. its easy to be nice on the surface. its a bit tougher to have some courage and quit voting for murderers

This time around, we were given two choices. Obama and Romney. Trust me, the lesser of the two evils was elected. And Palin is the biggest political joke in the country. She'll never get elected for anything higher than the school PTA.

Surely people don't REALLY hate Americans because of the things our government does. I have to assume that most people are smart enough to know the difference between the regular people and the politicians. People are not really that naive are they? That would be like saying I hate Brits because of something Tony Blair or David Cameron did. I would never presume that you agree with the governmental body of your home country just because you live there. In fact, I would assume most people disagree with their own government a good portion of the time.

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Most Americans do support the drone program against terrorists. coffee1.gif

You wanna hate us for that, be my guest. whistling.gif


That poll was based on the responses of 1020 people. If you think that is a good representation of all 317 million Americans, feel free to believe it's true. I don't hate anyone for what they believe. It's your right to think whatever you like.

Of course, Gallup didn't ask for my opinion. wink.png

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Most Americans do support the drone program against terrorists. coffee1.gif

You wanna hate us for that, be my guest. whistling.gif


That poll was based on the responses of 1020 people. If you think that is a good representation of all 317 million Americans, feel free to believe it's true. I don't hate anyone for what they believe. It's your right to think whatever you like.

Of course, Gallup didn't ask for my opinion. wink.png

Actually, yes, I believe professional polling organizations provide reasonably accurate results.

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This post has hit a cord in me....

With the state of the US Congress at the moment and the fact that we as a nation seem to be getting or at least allowing ourselves to be pulled in two different directions by the lack of leadership from both Houses...can you blame the rest of the World not to think that we are in some way coming to an end and/or being dumb all over over the place? Also, between the US's history over the past 40 years and the impact that our foreign policies have had all over the World can you blame them? Also, with our somewhat 'heavy handed' approach to goings on can you blame them? Well as proud holder of a US Passport all I can say is that there should be no question to us being... dumb.

But that is the linchpin, if you will. We as a nation have always been a bit dumb. We wander into situations without really thinking things through all the way. We tend to act in what we see as 'good' before we look at the entire picture and in so doing not always taking into account everyone's point of view into account. We are, however, a nation that was built on compromise though we as a people have never seen it that way and so are unwilling to do so. So we have a great many faults. But we have not created a Hitler or a Stalin nor an empire (by definition) and seem to have come to the aid of others without really thinking about how it will effect us directly. So we are far from selfish. We are NOT always right or even diligent all the time, but who is. We are just 'willing' and that willingness demands that we show up. A "bull in a china shop"? Maybe. But the fact is that we do not have the long history as do all the other 'players' to fall back on and so that 'education' (that that history offers) is not in our tool box.

I lived in the Europe through the fighting in 'Nam and the hatred that the rest of the World had for us Americans. But it is like the tide... It goes in and goes out. The Brits hate the French from time to time and have done so for centuries. No one really trusts the Chinese. The Poles I am sure still do not trust the Germans or the Russians. As for the Russians, they are in hot water at the moment and not on everyone's Christmas card list. The Middle East is still tearing itself apart and folks are still picking sides to support, even though the entire thing is stupid on a fundamental level. So every country and its peoples are hated or made fun of by everyone else from tome to time. It is difficult to live with and to always try to understand, but such is the way of things and the people that come up with the idea/s in the first place and those that 'follow' them.

So my advise is to let it go but do try and see things through another set of eyes and keep in mind that the US is what it has been and will continue to be a nation that is called upon by others when the chips are down. We are NOT the World's policemen and should not be. But it is a fact that as the most powerful (militarily as well as in other ways far too numerous to mention herein) we have a responsibility to all and to follow through with what OUR nation was founded upon and as stated in our own constitution. The 'blindness' and the sometimes myopic view point we show to others is not our own personal holding. For the other nations around the World have shown that this is not simply indigenous to the US but simply part of being Human.

Yes, we can be loud. We can be wrong. We can be both humanitarians as well as aggressive. We can be myopic, blind, and even stupid. We can think that the rest of the World is somehow less educated than us. We can even think that we are right all the damn time, but at the same time see ourselves as being wrong. We are confident (something I hear a great deal when in Thailand from my Thai friends as something that they wish they could be).

So to Americans I say this.... Stop talking so loud and thinking that the World owes us a damn thing. But enjoy and be proud that you are from a country that can be all to everyone and where everyone is equal.

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Most Americans do support the drone program against terrorists. coffee1.gif

You wanna hate us for that, be my guest. whistling.gif


That poll was based on the responses of 1020 people. If you think that is a good representation of all 317 million Americans, feel free to believe it's true. I don't hate anyone for what they believe. It's your right to think whatever you like.

Of course, Gallup didn't ask for my opinion. wink.png

Actually, yes, I believe professional polling organizations provide reasonably accurate results.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that the poll is correct. That means 35% of the population (or roughly 111,000,000 people) are against it. I'm just saying, don't throw us all out with the bath water. There are a lot of sane people here, too.

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Actually I think the reasons for this anti-Americanism are dated now. Americans in general are waking up to the fact that it is NOT number one in most things, except for things like obesity, incarceration rates, and gun mania.

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