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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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.............. With the huge British empire leaving a legacy of British English especially in India's huge population and almost every African country speaking British English.......
What is " British English" ?

Britain is made up up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland , Wales, the Channel Islands and a few other islands of the coast of Scotland. The versions of each are about as different as comparing what they speak in Canada to Austrialia.

There is no such thing as British English ! A more accurate term would be English English, or really just plain old simple English since it is the mother and original tongue that has been distorted by the so called English speaking countries into something else. We speak the original version, often called the Queen's English, or in the past the King's English. What ho.


I say old chap, that told the blighter!

Don't the origins of the English language come from northern Germany, mixed up with a bit of French & few others along the way ? So are we speaking German English ?

The poor guy married to the Hi-So multi-millionaire nymphomaniac

there is a lot of Norse in the English langage as well

Sorry, lumped the Vikings in with "a few others", but anyway what other combination could have come up with the Parrot sketch ?

Motörhead Forever

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.............. With the huge British empire leaving a legacy of British English especially in India's huge population and almost every African country speaking British English.......
What is " British English" ?

Britain is made up up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland , Wales, the Channel Islands and a few other islands of the coast of Scotland. The versions of each are about as different as comparing what they speak in Canada to Austrialia.

There is no such thing as British English ! A more accurate term would be English English, or really just plain old simple English since it is the mother and original tongue that has been distorted by the so called English speaking countries into something else. We speak the original version, often called the Queen's English, or in the past the King's English. What ho.


I say old chap, that told the blighter!

Don't the origins of the English language come from northern Germany, mixed up with a bit of French & few others along the way ? So are we speaking German English ?

The poor guy married to the Hi-So multi-millionaire nymphomaniac

there is a lot of Norse in the English langage as well

Sorry, lumped the Vikings in with "a few others", but anyway what other combination could have come up with the Parrot sketch ?

Motörhead Forever

canucks of course. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_City_Television

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.............. With the huge British empire leaving a legacy of British English especially in India's huge population and almost every African country speaking British English.......
What is " British English" ?

Britain is made up up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland , Wales, the Channel Islands and a few other islands of the coast of Scotland. The versions of each are about as different as comparing what they speak in Canada to Austrialia.

There is no such thing as British English ! A more accurate term would be English English, or really just plain old simple English since it is the mother and original tongue that has been distorted by the so called English speaking countries into something else. We speak the original version, often called the Queen's English, or in the past the King's English. What ho.


I say old chap, that told the blighter!

Don't the origins of the English language come from northern Germany, mixed up with a bit of French & few others along the way ? So are we speaking German English ?

The poor guy married to the Hi-So multi-millionaire nymphomaniac

there is a lot of Norse in the English langage as well

Sorry, lumped the Vikings in with "a few others", but anyway what other combination could have come up with the Parrot sketch ?

Motörhead Forever

canucks of course. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_City_Television

I'm "almost" Canadian, so I love you all, but didn't monty python come up with the parrot sketch before your chaps & instead of knocking our American cousins wee now discussing the origins of the English language

Motörhead Forever

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.............. With the huge British empire leaving a legacy of British English especially in India's huge population and almost every African country speaking British English.......
What is " British English" ?

Britain is made up up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland , Wales, the Channel Islands and a few other islands of the coast of Scotland. The versions of each are about as different as comparing what they speak in Canada to Austrialia.

There is no such thing as British English ! A more accurate term would be English English, or really just plain old simple English since it is the mother and original tongue that has been distorted by the so called English speaking countries into something else. We speak the original version, often called the Queen's English, or in the past the King's English. What ho.


I say old chap, that told the blighter!

Don't the origins of the English language come from northern Germany, mixed up with a bit of French & few others along the way ? So are we speaking German English ?

The poor guy married to the Hi-So multi-millionaire nymphomaniac

there is a lot of Norse in the English langage as well

Sorry, lumped the Vikings in with "a few others", but anyway what other combination could have come up with the Parrot sketch ?

Motörhead Forever

canucks of course. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_City_Television

I'm "almost" Canadian, so I love you all, but didn't monty python come up with the parrot sketch before your chaps & instead of knocking our American cousins wee now discussing the origins of the English language

Motörhead Forever

of course they did. i was merely pointing out that other countries also delight in and create that kind of humour.

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Apologies for the misunderstanding, I'll take a look when I get a better reception

I could have been an ice hockey star

and we owe it all to the goons

Of course, Spike et al were amazing, leading to the young ones (rik Mayall RIP) & on to Del-Boy falling over at the bar, as game changers in British comedy. We do also rate Canadians as having a great sense of humour too

I could have been an ice hockey star

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Apologies for the misunderstanding, I'll take a look when I get a better reception

I could have been an ice hockey star

and we owe it all to the goons

Of course, Spike et al were amazing, leading to the young ones (rik Mayall RIP) & on to Del-Boy falling over at the bar, as game changers in British comedy. We do also rate Canadians as having a great sense of humour too

I could have been an ice hockey star

john candy, martin short, akroyd, eugene levy, catherine ohara, andrea martin, etc, all great. can you imagine how much fun canucks can have on a weekend driving down to some american bar and taking the piss?

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Apologies for the misunderstanding, I'll take a look when I get a better reception

I could have been an ice hockey star

and we owe it all to the goons

Of course, Spike et al were amazing, leading to the young ones (rik Mayall RIP) & on to Del-Boy falling over at the bar, as game changers in British comedy. We do also rate Canadians as having a great sense of humour too

I could have been an ice hockey star

john candy, martin short, akroyd, eugene levy, catherine ohara, andrea martin, etc, all great. can you imagine how much fun canucks can have on a weekend driving down to some american bar and taking the piss?

Yeah there are a lot of stand up comedy bars in the states, they are quite famous for it actually. Better be good though because they are not shy generally to boo off lame comedians.

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Your video isn't accessible where I am, but at least you didn't have maggie thatcher to destroy industry & tony blair to take us to stupid wars

All the machines are quiet

true but were just getting started on the road to destruction. save us a spot in hell!

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There are about twice as many Americans with passports as British. The chances of you meeting an American overseas is twice as likely as meeting a Brit. The stereotype of Americans not having passports is a myth.

Let me ask you this. If you are going to open up a restaurant catering to tourists which country would you study to find out your best chance of success? The US spends almost twice as much as the UK on travel.

If the US spends almost twice as much as the UK on travel which country spends the most on travel? Travel, tourists, dollars? If you have a tourist business which country should you advertise in to get the biggest bang for your buck? Hmmm?

Why do you think Thailand has a Treaty of Amity with the USA and not Canada or the UK?

There are more smart kids in the USA than in Canada or the UK. Who cares about percents? I hire smart people.

There are more smart Americans available than people from Canada or the UK (Scotland will be independent soon).

Perhaps there are more smart people per capita but that's not the point if one is looking for smart employees.

I am just kidding but the above serves as an example of why percents are not important. If I'm a banker looking for new millionaire depositors I am not going to ask what percent of your citizens are millionaires; I'm going to ask how many millionaires in your country. Who has a more important and/or difficult the President of Australia or the Governor of California?

Nope you still haven't provided any good examples of why the total number of traveling americans is a better benchmark of a whole country than the percent of the total population. Yes there are more american than brits somewhere in the world at any given time, but at the same time there are even more dumb americans who stay home and don't know anything other than US and maybe Mexico. If you forgot, the Post #661 is where it's started.

To answer your other points, chances meeting a Yank overseas or opening a restaurant catering for tourists would surely depends on the location, wouldn't you think so? Most of the traveling Americans would be sitting somewhere in Mexico or Caribbeans, so if you're talking about those places, then sure, there're more Yanks there than Brits or any other nationalities. If we take some EU country for example, there can't be more Yanks there than Brits. A Brit can make a quick short and cheap weekend getaway trip there while for the Yank it would require some serious planning.

You wrote, "Most of the traveling Americans would be sitting somewhere in Mexico or Caribbeans,"

America's most popular overseas countries are: England (9% of all trips), France (7%), Italy (7%), Germany (5%), Dominican Republic (5%), Jamaica (5%), Japan (4%), China (4%), India (4%) and Spain (4%).


We go to England because we know how much they like us. biggrin.png

Oh, you're saying most Yanks don't travel to Mexico and Caribbean but go to UK???

Is it because they believe the Mexico and Caribbean are actually part of the US so they don't count???

This once again confirms Americans' geography knowledge! whistling.gifbiggrin.pngclap2.gif

Now, lets look at some real statistics:


I'm not saying that at all. Read the link I posted. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/william-d-chalmers/the-great-american-passpo_b_1920287.html

I realize most Brits don't get sarcasm.biggrin.png Sorry I should have been simpler in my writing.

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so why would you use that example of travel to europe to refute his statement that most americans would be sitting in mexico and caribbean when obviously MOST americans are in fact doing exactly what he said??

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"Dr no wrote the above and did not want to state a reason for anti Americanism he only wanted to mock America"

Americans really do not understand sarcasm!

As for your last paragraph, how can you come to that conclusion? given you lost, they won, you know, the commies! how dare they want to run their own affairs, didn't they know uncle Sam's puppet dictator knew best? Just exactly what did the USA do to keep Thailand free?

You just can't help yourselves can you?

In the 1960's Thailand had the second largest communist party in South East Asia (The party launched a guerrilla war against the Thai government in 1965.). North Vietnamese were attacking border towns and killing Thai citizens. SEATO was asked to help. The US, Australia and some UK assets were brought to Thailand to helped defend the country. Between 1965 and 1975 200,000 or so US troops were stationed in Thailand. The USA built the deep water ports in the East coast along with the a number of airports; UTapao is still in use today. Between 1965 and 1975 the USA pumped billions of dollars in economic and military and infrastructure aid into Thailand enabling it to withstand the communist influences that eventually took over Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

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so why would you use that example of travel to europe to refute his statement that most americans would be sitting in mexico and caribbean when obviously MOST americans are in fact doing exactly what he said??

Different types of travel. Until recently to travel to Canada it was not necessary to even have a passport. Most Americans in border towns didn't consider a trip to Canada as travel. It was out to eat for dinner or a show. The American/Canadian border was not much of a border till the 9/11 stuff. You do know that America and Canada and Mexico are only a couple of feet apart in many places. I don't think many would call a beer run international travel.

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"Dr no wrote the above and did not want to state a reason for anti Americanism he only wanted to mock America"

Americans really do not understand sarcasm!

As for your last paragraph, how can you come to that conclusion? given you lost, they won, you know, the commies! how dare they want to run their own affairs, didn't they know uncle Sam's puppet dictator knew best? Just exactly what did the USA do to keep Thailand free?

You just can't help yourselves can you?

In the 1960's Thailand had the second largest communist party in South East Asia (The party launched a guerrilla war against the Thai government in 1965.). North Vietnamese were attacking border towns and killing Thai citizens. SEATO was asked to help. The US, Australia and some UK assets were brought to Thailand to helped defend the country. Between 1965 and 1975 200,000 or so US troops were stationed in Thailand. The USA built the deep water ports in the East coast along with the a number of airports; UTapao is still in use today. Between 1965 and 1975 the USA pumped billions of dollars in economic and military and infrastructure aid into Thailand enabling it to withstand the communist influences that eventually took over Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.

bah! they built all that to murder laos and viets! the thugs were only too happy to spend all that money to carpet bomb laos but they sure dont seem to find much to clear the 80 million unexploded bombies still left lying around.

The proof is in the pudding. Thailand is a success and not communist. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma are trashed poor and just hanging on. Sorry about the bombs but there was a thing about the Ho Chi Minh trail.

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I didn't mention Burma or Malaysia. Talk to a Brit about them.smile.png (that's sarcasm. I'll understand if you don't get it.)

of course you didnt because the simplistic domino theory breaks down there.

Not all of the dominoes have to fall for the domino theory to work. The Philippines didn't fall or Singapore or Indonesia either. Although 500,000 communists got killed in Indonesia that might have had something to do with that.

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As you describe it, it is basically people who know little about history being conned by an anti American media to mention talking points that are outdated, incorrect or just wrong. Although roughly 9 million Americans were exposed to Agent Orange along with a lot of Thai people.

Do you think Americans don't think their country makes mistakes? I do. That's one of the reasons I live in Thailand. I like Thailand better than America.

as a superpower america makes supersized mistakes. and then they are too damn self centred to stick around and clean them up. and I dont need a bundy disciple to give me history lessons.

First the Roman Empire and then the British Empire and now the American Empire. Sh** happens.

I didn't want to go to Vietnam. The reason I retired in Thailand is I didn't want to go back to Vietnam.

I like beer and pizza and women. I don't want to tell anyone what to do or manage anyone's life. Pattaya, Paulener and Puying. I'm a quiet guy. I sit in the corner, drink my beer, eat my pizza and enjoy Pattaya.

The only way you would know I'm an American is I don't wear black socks with shorts.

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Honestly this forum is the only place I have ever heard that American's are so loud. It may be a well known fact to the rest of the world, but I was not aware of it. I think others may be more sensitive to this because they can they hear the volume and the meaning of the conversation. If a loud person was speaking a language they could not comprehend, then it may come off as less offensive.

No - the same thing is said about the Chinese. Has nothing to do with what is being said or one's understanding of such.

I've heard this 'complaint' about Americans many times in many places. It doesn't apply to my American friends, but I have observed it myself at a higher rate than other nationalities (except mainland Chinese).

[p.s. my close Chinese friend also complains that her compatriots speak too loudly, but can't explain why]

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This thread got side-tracked by multiple discussions of the US contribution to WWII. Maybe 'side-tracked' isn't the right word, because some Americans' claims that they 'won the war' factors into attitudes towards them. But I think this this claim ('we won the war') is a symptom rather than a cause.

What is it a symptom of? What I've said before: American Exceptionalism, that is, the idea that the US is somehow a special/unique/superior nation, even in terms of the broad sweep of history. Many Americans even believe that the US has been specially blessed by God (though I guess God was asleep during the Vietnam War and on 9/11). This feeling of Exceptionalism has been used to justify invasions, more covert attempts to bring down foreign governments, and refusals to sign up to international agreements and initiatives. It plays out daily on US News Channels and in conversations some of us have with some Americans.

I would not want to live in a world without the US as dominant player--I much prefer it over Russia and China because of its espoused values (not always its behaviour). And I do recognise the contributions the US has made to the world. But it is not a perfect country and its people (and politicians) shouldn't present it as a superior or exceptional country. The US (anthropomorphizing here) needs to remember that it part of an imperfect community of nations and not like the rich uncle who looks down on the rest of the family. If and when that happens, you will see more positive attitudes towards it.


very well written

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There is no such thing as British English ! A more accurate term would be English English, or really just plain old simple English since it is the mother and original tongue that has been distorted by the so called English speaking countries into something else. We speak the original version, often called the Queen's English, or in the past the King's English. What ho.

That's not exactly true - in many cases the differences between American English and British English are because they're still using the original form whilst we deviated from it.

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Look at American Foreign Policy since the Great Depression, up to the present day, and you will find your answer.

Yes, it was bad foreign policy to begin lend lease and finance the battle of Britain to allow you to continue to speak English. Poor policy to side with the allies in WWII and get you out of those little cages the Japs put you in. Even worse policy to rebuild both the infrastructure and economy in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; and that poor policy was exponentiated by the fact we erased your debt for all these concessions. Our offensive foreign policy even forced humanitarian aid in food, medicine and education on numerous countries in Africa and Asia. Worse yet we engaged the Soviet Union in the Cold War to preserve your way of life and return independence to many countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Do not forget the horrible decision to fight the war on terror instead of letting you enjoy sharia law after fighting it alone. Of course, if you don't know these things and think our foreign policy mistakes far out-number our successes, well . . . .

Britain made it's final payment of it's war dept to the US under the Blair government. Cannot remember the year.

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Look at American Foreign Policy since the Great Depression, up to the present day, and you will find your answer.

Yes, it was bad foreign policy to begin lend lease and finance the battle of Britain to allow you to continue to speak English. Poor policy to side with the allies in WWII and get you out of those little cages the Japs put you in. Even worse policy to rebuild both the infrastructure and economy in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; and that poor policy was exponentiated by the fact we erased your debt for all these concessions. Our offensive foreign policy even forced humanitarian aid in food, medicine and education on numerous countries in Africa and Asia. Worse yet we engaged the Soviet Union in the Cold War to preserve your way of life and return independence to many countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Do not forget the horrible decision to fight the war on terror instead of letting you enjoy sharia law after fighting it alone. Of course, if you don't know these things and think our foreign policy mistakes far out-number our successes, well . . . .

Britain made it's final payment of it's war dept to the US under the Blair government. Cannot remember the year.

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Ow come on now. The American Empire never caused mass famines or ......... Do you really want a British Empire atrocity history lesson too? I'm going to the store to buy some potatoes.

i said TRIED which was more than america ever did. and your version of history died with al capp pal

Get real. British Empire 346 years. American Empire 50 years. How can you even begin to compare the two.

I'm sorry but there has never ever been anything close to an American Empire.......

I'm far from anti American for the record. But to suggest there's been an American empire is silly

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