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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Ow come on now. The American Empire never caused mass famines or ......... Do you really want a British Empire atrocity history lesson too? I'm going to the store to buy some potatoes.

i said TRIED which was more than america ever did. and your version of history died with al capp pal

Get real. British Empire 346 years. American Empire 50 years. How can you even begin to compare the two.

i'm not comparing the two, i'm comparing the morality of those involved.

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Ow come on now. The American Empire never caused mass famines or ......... Do you really want a British Empire atrocity history lesson too? I'm going to the store to buy some potatoes.

i said TRIED which was more than america ever did. and your version of history died with al capp pal

Get real. British Empire 346 years. American Empire 50 years. How can you even begin to compare the two.

i'm not comparing the two, i'm comparing the morality of those involved.

Google, "Timeline of major famines in India during British rule" is always a good start. Then list of wars in Ireland and compare that to the list of wars in Vietnam.

Then maybe you begin to look at people instead of countries and stereotypes.

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If you want to look at the worst wars and genocides, here's a good place. America is barely on any of these lists. Seems China and Russia are right at the top:


And of course the world's worst dictators:


Boggles my mind when people say the US are the world's worst for deaths by wars, etc. Not even in the top 10. Maybe these people are reading the wrong publications? I don't know.

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Bombing is bombing. Bombs fall and the people getting bombed don't ask is that a legal bomb. As far as I'm concerned all war should be illegal but because of some dictator states and religious nuts there are wars. The US is called upon to act as a policeman.

The Brits could not take care of the problem so they let the French out of jail (in Vietnam 1945). The French could not take care of the problem and Ike suggested nukes (1950's). The Brits vetoed that idea so the US financed the French Indochina war.

The French lost that and the North Vietnamese wanted to kill the Catholic landowners so they all moved to Saigon Operation Passage to Freedom was a term used by the United States Navy to describe its transportation in 1954–55 of 310,000 Vietnamese civilians, soldiers and non-Vietnamese members of the French Army from communist North Vietnam (the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) to South Vietnam (the State of Vietnam, later to become the Republic of Vietnam). The French military transported a further 500,000.

It went downhill from there. The North wanted to control the whole country and the South want to be left alone.

The US had a mini war with the French in Saigon and won but the US backed a series of wrong dictators.

The rest, as they say, is history.


Jan. 27 — United States, North Vietnam, South Vietnam and the Viet Cong sign a peace agreement in Paris calling for the withdrawal of the remaining U.S. forces and the release of all American POWs by April 1.

Aug. 15— The American pullout is complete when U.S. warplanes cease bombing missions in Indochina.


March — North Vietnam sends 100,000 soldiers against the major cities of South Vietnam.

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and they went home and left thousands of cambodian and lao peasants to get their legs blown off every day for decades to come. rationalize all you like, the rest of the world knows what your country has done and how far it is from the image americans try to project. it was genocide and america will answer for it. the OP asked why anti-americanism and your posts have answered him quite effectively. thank you

Do you really think the Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge would have let Americans in to clean up the problem in 1973? Suggest you read a bit about the Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge.

So you are anti American because the Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge would not let the Americans help cleaning up the problem?

Did you know Egypt 23 million land mines? Iran 16, million? Angola 20 million? Do you even know who planted those mines? Right now. Don't look it up. No, of course not. You don't like the USA and are searching for reasonable reasons to dislike them. OK I get it.

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I suppose this thread serves a social therapy purpose as a bucket of poison for haters on Americans to dump their rubbish and get it out of their systems.

Can we please start a thread like this for all the major nationalities we see in Thailand? No?

As far as Americans go, I suggest NOT to read this thread. Unless you're a masochist ... not that there's anything wrong with that!

Can't we all just get it ... WRONG?

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Look at American Foreign Policy since the Great Depression, up to the present day, and you will find your answer.

Yes, it was bad foreign policy to begin lend lease and finance the battle of Britain to allow you to continue to speak English. Poor policy to side with the allies in WWII and get you out of those little cages the Japs put you in. Even worse policy to rebuild both the infrastructure and economy in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; and that poor policy was exponentiated by the fact we erased your debt for all these concessions. Our offensive foreign policy even forced humanitarian aid in food, medicine and education on numerous countries in Africa and Asia. Worse yet we engaged the Soviet Union in the Cold War to preserve your way of life and return independence to many countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Do not forget the horrible decision to fight the war on terror instead of letting you enjoy sharia law after fighting it alone. Of course, if you don't know these things and think our foreign policy mistakes far out-number our successes, well . . . .

Britain made it's final payment of it's war dept to the US under the Blair government. Cannot remember the year.

Not quite right old boy. Britain's lend-lease balance was written off for $650 million in 1946.

Ahh British history.

The Anglo-American Loan Agreement was a post World War II loan made to the United Kingdom by the United States on 15 July 1946 (after the war was over), and paid off 29 December 2006.

The loan was made primarily to support British overseas expenditure in the immediate post-war years.

Got it now?

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I suppose this thread serves a social therapy purpose as a bucket of poison for haters on Americans to dump their rubbish and get it out of their systems.

Can we please start a thread like this for all the major nationalities we see in Thailand? No?

As far as Americans go, I suggest NOT to read this thread. Unless you're a masochist ... not that there's anything wrong with that!

Can't we all just get it ... WRONG?

Why not? Let's start one on Russians, or Brits, or Chinese...

Do one at a time so folks exhaust themselves before switching to a new topic. thumbsup.gif

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I suppose this thread serves a social therapy purpose as a bucket of poison for haters on Americans to dump their rubbish and get it out of their systems.

Can we please start a thread like this for all the major nationalities we see in Thailand? No?

As far as Americans go, I suggest NOT to read this thread. Unless you're a masochist ... not that there's anything wrong with that!

Can't we all just get it ... WRONG?

Why not? Let's start one on Russians, or Brits, or Chinese...

Do one at a time so folks exhaust themselves before switching to a new topic. thumbsup.gif

For some reason this thrread reminds me of Terry Collier (James Bolam) in The Likely Lads, I'll try to find the you tube clip but he makes the comment

the Italians are greasy, the Americans are flash, Orientals are brutal, Spaniards are lazy, Danes are perverts etc. He then moves onto the British Isles, 'I've never liked the Welsh', the Scots are 'worse than the Koreans'. Bob then points out that Terry never liked Southerners, to which Terry adds that he doesn't like many local people, in fact he hates his next door neighbours.

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I suppose this thread serves a social therapy purpose as a bucket of poison for haters on Americans to dump their rubbish and get it out of their systems.

Can we please start a thread like this for all the major nationalities we see in Thailand? No?

As far as Americans go, I suggest NOT to read this thread. Unless you're a masochist ... not that there's anything wrong with that!

Can't we all just get it ... WRONG?

Why not? Let's start one on Russians, or Brits, or Chinese...

Do one at a time so folks exhaust themselves before switching to a new topic. thumbsup.gif

For some reason this thrread reminds me of Terry Collier (James Bolam) in The Likely Lads, I'll try to find the you tube clip but he makes the comment

the Italians are greasy, the Americans are flash, Orientals are brutal, Spaniards are lazy, Danes are perverts etc. He then moves onto the British Isles, 'I've never liked the Welsh', the Scots are 'worse than the Koreans'. Bob then points out that Terry never liked Southerners, to which Terry adds that he doesn't like many local people, in fact he hates his next door neighbours.

If we have a topic like this one on every major nationality, we can later compare them and see which one is least liked. :lol:

Sent from one of my mobiles, whatever mobile it is.

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loved the likely lads,I think the next in these lines of discussions should be,"why do the English hate the Aussies so much".

Aussies are great, they are just the same as the English but upside-down

See pic a third of the way through


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11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Ow come on now. The American Empire never caused mass famines or ......... Do you really want a British Empire atrocity history lesson too? I'm going to the store to buy some potatoes.

You might find it useful to read your country's own official history of the subjugation of the Philippines: https://history.state.gov/milestones/1899-1913/war. To quote: "The ensuing Philippine-American War lasted three years and resulted in the death of over 4,200 American and over 20,000 Filipino combatants. As many as 200,000 Filipino civilians died from violence, famine, and disease." The British have some nasty atrocities on their colonial record (I've been to the site a massacre of unarmed Sikhs at Amritsar), but people living in glass houses and all that...

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Ow come on now. The American Empire never caused mass famines or ......... Do you really want a British Empire atrocity history lesson too? I'm going to the store to buy some potatoes.

i said TRIED which was more than america ever did. and your version of history died with al capp pal

Get real. British Empire 346 years. American Empire 50 years. How can you even begin to compare the two.

I'm sorry but there has never ever been anything close to an American Empire.......

I'm far from anti American for the record. But to suggest there's been an American empire is silly

Go tell that to the Filipinos, the Samoans, the Hawaiians, the Dominicans, the Haitians, and some central Americans.

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Look at American Foreign Policy since the Great Depression, up to the present day, and you will find your answer.

Yes, it was bad foreign policy to begin lend lease and finance the battle of Britain to allow you to continue to speak English. Poor policy to side with the allies in WWII and get you out of those little cages the Japs put you in. Even worse policy to rebuild both the infrastructure and economy in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; and that poor policy was exponentiated by the fact we erased your debt for all these concessions. Our offensive foreign policy even forced humanitarian aid in food, medicine and education on numerous countries in Africa and Asia. Worse yet we engaged the Soviet Union in the Cold War to preserve your way of life and return independence to many countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Do not forget the horrible decision to fight the war on terror instead of letting you enjoy sharia law after fighting it alone. Of course, if you don't know these things and think our foreign policy mistakes far out-number our successes, well . . . .

Britain made it's final payment of it's war dept to the US under the Blair government. Cannot remember the year.

Not quite right old boy. Britain's lend-lease balance was written off for $650 million in 1946.

Ahh British history.

The Anglo-American Loan Agreement was a post World War II loan made to the United Kingdom by the United States on 15 July 1946 (after the war was over), and paid off 29 December 2006.

The loan was made primarily to support British overseas expenditure in the immediate post-war years.

Got it now?

Only fair that 650 million was written off 1946.

Bloody thing would not have started 1939 without American corporations. American probably got that money from ESSO,Ford etc. in tax dollarssmile.png

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Yes, it was bad foreign policy to begin lend lease and finance the battle of Britain to allow you to continue to speak English. Poor policy to side with the allies in WWII and get you out of those little cages the Japs put you in. Even worse policy to rebuild both the infrastructure and economy in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia; and that poor policy was exponentiated by the fact we erased your debt for all these concessions. Our offensive foreign policy even forced humanitarian aid in food, medicine and education on numerous countries in Africa and Asia. Worse yet we engaged the Soviet Union in the Cold War to preserve your way of life and return independence to many countries in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Do not forget the horrible decision to fight the war on terror instead of letting you enjoy sharia law after fighting it alone. Of course, if you don't know these things and think our foreign policy mistakes far out-number our successes, well . . . .

Britain made it's final payment of it's war dept to the US under the Blair government. Cannot remember the year.

Not quite right old boy. Britain's lend-lease balance was written off for $650 million in 1946.

Ahh British history.

The Anglo-American Loan Agreement was a post World War II loan made to the United Kingdom by the United States on 15 July 1946 (after the war was over), and paid off 29 December 2006.

The loan was made primarily to support British overseas expenditure in the immediate post-war years.

Got it now?

Only fair that 650 million was written off 1946.

Bloody thing would not have started 1939 without American corporations. American probably got that money from ESSO,Ford etc. in tax dollarssmile.png

You are saying America started WWII? A new low for Thai Visa and Thai Visa posters.

US cost WWII 341 billion British cost 120 billion

You can figure the causalities as a percent of American population and the British Empire pop or by total killed.

Either way both sides contributed about the same.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Get real. British Empire 346 years. American Empire 50 years. How can you even begin to compare the two.

I'm sorry but there has never ever been anything close to an American Empire.......

I'm far from anti American for the record. But to suggest there's been an American empire is silly

Go tell that to the Filipinos, the Samoans, the Hawaiians, the Dominicans, the Haitians, and some central Americans.

British Empire before WWII about 450 million people. American Empire at the same time about 110 million.

Go tell whom?

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Britain made it's final payment of it's war dept to the US under the Blair government. Cannot remember the year.

Not quite right old boy. Britain's lend-lease balance was written off for $650 million in 1946.

Ahh British history.

The Anglo-American Loan Agreement was a post World War II loan made to the United Kingdom by the United States on 15 July 1946 (after the war was over), and paid off 29 December 2006.

The loan was made primarily to support British overseas expenditure in the immediate post-war years.

Got it now?

Only fair that 650 million was written off 1946.

Bloody thing would not have started 1939 without American corporations. American probably got that money from ESSO,Ford etc. in tax dollarssmile.png

You are saying America started WWII? A new low for Thai Visa and Thai Visa posters.

US cost WWII 341 billion British cost 120 billion

You can figure the causalities as a percent of American population and the British Empire pop or by total killed.

Either way both sides contributed about the same.

I was referring to the documentary about American companies in Nazi-Germany.

WW2 was very profitable venture for the Americans.Also Vietnam,Irak etc.

By "americans" I don't means taxpayers but the few % of the population.

Somebody said, Americans and Russians are like mushrooms,You need to keep em' in the dark and feed em' shit.

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Not quite right old boy. Britain's lend-lease balance was written off for $650 million in 1946.

Ahh British history.

The Anglo-American Loan Agreement was a post World War II loan made to the United Kingdom by the United States on 15 July 1946 (after the war was over), and paid off 29 December 2006.

The loan was made primarily to support British overseas expenditure in the immediate post-war years.

Got it now?

Only fair that 650 million was written off 1946.

Bloody thing would not have started 1939 without American corporations. American probably got that money from ESSO,Ford etc. in tax dollarssmile.png

You are saying America started WWII? A new low for Thai Visa and Thai Visa posters.

US cost WWII 341 billion British cost 120 billion

You can figure the causalities as a percent of American population and the British Empire pop or by total killed.

Either way both sides contributed about the same.

I was referring to the documentary about American companies in Nazi-Germany.

WW2 was very profitable venture for the Americans.Also Vietnam,Irak etc.

By "americans" I don't means taxpayers but the few % of the population.

Somebody said, Americans and Russians are like mushrooms,You need to keep em' in the dark and feed em' shit.

You did write and I quote, "Bloody thing (WWII) would not have started 1939 without American corporations.

I realize you have an irrational dislike of Americans but accusing Americans (business in America used to be owned by Americans) of starting WWII in Europe in 1939 is beyond the pale even for __________ insert the name of whatever country you are from.

I don't mind people being anti American but at least pick a reason that is somewhere close to reality.

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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came to the table without enough money to play.

Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005.

2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005.

3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005.

4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005.

5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005.

6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005.

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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came without enough money to play. Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005. 2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005. 3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005. 4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005. 5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005. 6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005. Total $1.075 trillion in 1945 would cost $11,292,682,078,166.46 in 2005

Stay in the game?

You are a disgrace, WW2 was not just about The US saving the day, that sort of statement sums up why people get fed up of listening to USA, USA chants.

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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came without enough money to play. Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005. 2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005. 3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005. 4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005. 5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005. 6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005. Total $1.075 trillion in 1945 would cost $11,292,682,078,166.46 in 2005

Stay in the game?

You are a disgrace, WW2 was not just about The US saving the day, that sort of statement sums up why people get fed up of listening to USA, USA chants.

Money talks and BS walks old English expression. If you can't play with the big dogs get off of the porch.

Listen, as brave as anyone is, a country should not go to war without an aircraft carrier. Heck even Thailand has an operational aircraft carrier.

America traded subsidized health care for military might. The rest of the world is using the suffering of the American people to stay safe. I know it and you do too.

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