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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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Comparing The "American Empire" to "the British Empire" is laughable, but somewhat expected from a country that only 20% of the population have a passport.

Facts before fables even for toads.

We know that fewer and fewer respond to facts nowadays -- even fact checkers have biases -- but the facts are that of the 311 million U.S. residents, there are over 109 million valid U.S. passports in circulation according to the State Department.

Doing the proper math (I know arithmetic... more facts!) would mean that about 35 percent of Americans have passports. And I believe it is actually more!


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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came without enough money to play. Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005. 2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005. 3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005. 4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005. 5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005. 6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005. Total $1.075 trillion in 1945 would cost $11,292,682,078,166.46 in 2005

Stay in the game?

You are a disgrace, WW2 was not just about The US saving the day, that sort of statement sums up why people get fed up of listening to USA, USA chants.

Money talks and BS walks old English expression. If you can't play with the big dogs get off of the porch.

Listen, as brave as anyone is, a country should not go to war without an aircraft carrier. Heck even Thailand has an operational aircraft carrier.

America traded subsidized health care for military might. The rest of the world is using the suffering of the American people to stay safe. I know it and you do too.

Nonsense as well. We've been sending troops to support your War if Terror for a number of years, plenty of Brits have died for the greed of warmongers like Bush and Blair. Give it a rest, your looking like a right goose.

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Maybe you'd like to explain your version of WW2 to some of the Vets. Even the ones still around are sharper than you.

Maybe you better try posting facts instead of flames. If you think I'm wrong start writing. If not stop flaming.

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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came without enough money to play. Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005. 2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005. 3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005. 4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005. 5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005. 6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005. Total $1.075 trillion in 1945 would cost $11,292,682,078,166.46 in 2005

Stay in the game?

You are a disgrace, WW2 was not just about The US saving the day, that sort of statement sums up why people get fed up of listening to USA, USA chants.

Money talks and BS walks old English expression. If you can't play with the big dogs get off of the porch.

Listen, as brave as anyone is, a country should not go to war without an aircraft carrier. Heck even Thailand has an operational aircraft carrier.

America traded subsidized health care for military might. The rest of the world is using the suffering of the American people to stay safe. I know it and you do too.

Nonsense as well. We've been sending troops to support your War if Terror for a number of years, plenty of Brits have died for the greed of warmongers like Bush and Blair. Give it a rest, your looking like a right goose.

I believe you have it backwards. You got into WWII and we supported you. We out spent you 3 to 1 and lost half a million men doing so. If that is not cause to support us then I don't know what is. Sheesh talk about ungrateful!

Edited by thailiketoo
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Maybe you'd like to explain your version of WW2 to some of the Vets. Even the ones still around are sharper than you.

Maybe you better try posting facts instead of flames. If you think I'm wrong start writing. If not stop flaming.

Not flaming at all. You should be thankful that there were good men from a number of countries that sacrificed their lives, so that we would have some sort of freedom. Personally using this WW2 crap is distasteful IMO.

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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came without enough money to play. Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005. 2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005. 3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005. 4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005. 5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005. 6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005. Total $1.075 trillion in 1945 would cost $11,292,682,078,166.46 in 2005

Stay in the game?

You are a disgrace, WW2 was not just about The US saving the day, that sort of statement sums up why people get fed up of listening to USA, USA chants.

Money talks and BS walks old English expression. If you can't play with the big dogs get off of the porch.

Listen, as brave as anyone is, a country should not go to war without an aircraft carrier. Heck even Thailand has an operational aircraft carrier.

America traded subsidized health care for military might. The rest of the world is using the suffering of the American people to stay safe. I know it and you do too.

but factually speaking dont the communist Chinese own most of the US money these days ?

or it maybe the Saudi's cant remember which

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Have you bought any Bridges recently thailiketoo?

Robert P. McCulloch
It is a relocated 1831 bridge that formerly spanned the River Thames in London, England, until it was dismantled in 1967. The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge, which was bought by Robert P. McCulloch from the City of London.
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Have you bought any Bridges recently thailiketoo?

Robert P. McCulloch

It is a relocated 1831 bridge that formerly spanned the River Thames in London, England, until it was dismantled in 1967. The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge, which was bought by Robert P. McCulloch from the City of London.

They bought it, as they thought it was Tower Bridge.

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WWII is was like a poker game and most of the players came without enough money to play. Germany and the US were the only contestants with the cash to stay in the game.

1 U.S. $341 billion in 1945 would cost $3,582,143,803,399.78 in 2005. 2 Germany $272 billion in 1945 would cost $2,857,311,186,289.56 in 2005. 3 Soviet Union $192 billion in 1945 would cost $2,016,925,543,263.22 in 2005. 4 Britain $120 billion in 1945 would cost $1,260,578,464,539.51 in 2005. 5 Italy $94 billion in 1945 would cost $987,453,130,555.95 in 2005. 6 Japan $56 billion in 1945 would cost $588,269,950,118.44 in 2005. Total $1.075 trillion in 1945 would cost $11,292,682,078,166.46 in 2005

Stay in the game?

You are a disgrace, WW2 was not just about The US saving the day, that sort of statement sums up why people get fed up of listening to USA, USA chants.

Money talks and BS walks old English expression. If you can't play with the big dogs get off of the porch.

Listen, as brave as anyone is, a country should not go to war without an aircraft carrier. Heck even Thailand has an operational aircraft carrier.

America traded subsidized health care for military might. The rest of the world is using the suffering of the American people to stay safe. I know it and you do too.

but factually speaking dont the communist Chinese own most of the US money these days ?

or it maybe the Saudi's cant remember which

No try google. How much American debt does China own.

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Have you bought any Bridges recently thailiketoo?

Robert P. McCulloch

It is a relocated 1831 bridge that formerly spanned the River Thames in London, England, until it was dismantled in 1967. The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge, which was bought by Robert P. McCulloch from the City of London.

They bought it, as they thought it was Tower Bridge.

That story is 100% correct

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Comparing The "American Empire" to "the British Empire" is laughable, but somewhat expected from a country that only 20% of the population have a passport.

Well irrelevant to the OP but I am sitting in a teashop in the former British Empire colony called Myanmar and they are playing American TV, they really love America here. Still a bit clueless about why so much anti-American sentiment from other westerns.

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Now all you adult Brits are joining in a good old Thai Visa American bash, Nothing to do with anti Americanism. You are trotting out all your bar history cliches. Two normally decent posters Southpeel and Mr Toad joining the illiterate hooligans. You should both be ashamed.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Now all you adult Brits are joining in a good old Thai Visa American bash, Nothing to do with anti Americanism. You are trotting out all your bar history cliches. Two normally decent posters Southpeel and Mr Toad joining the illiterate hooligans. You should both be ashamed.

Look, most if us like Americans. I do, I have enjoyed my trips to the US, always been made welcome. World War 2 was awful for many countries , soldiers and of course families. I certainly think most if us had family members out fighting on various fronts. What many people don't. Like is tub thumping American nationalism and bragging, especially considering some if the awful foreign policy over the last few decades. Personally have no time for Brits of the same ilk. This thread has bought out a few of those.

Criticism of US foreign policy or idiotic individuals, which my country has as well, often then gets classed as anti - Americanism. It isn't.

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The other part that he forgets is that many Brits were bombed regularly every day during the war. Not something that The US endured.

You would have been bombed out of existence without the financing to continue the war after 1940 as you bit off more than you could chew.

I am, as you know, half American by blood, and the story of my association with that mighty and benevolent nation goes back nearly ninety years to the day of my Father's marriage. In this century of storm and tragedy I contemplate with high satisfaction the constant factor of the interwoven and upward progress of our peoples. Our comradeship and our brotherhood in war were unexampled. We stood together, and because of that fact the free world now stands.

Winston Churchill.

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Have you bought any Bridges recently thailiketoo?

Robert P. McCulloch
It is a relocated 1831 bridge that formerly spanned the River Thames in London, England, until it was dismantled in 1967. The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge, which was bought by Robert P. McCulloch from the City of London.

London Bridge and Tower Bridge.



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Nonsense as well. We've been sending troops to support your War if Terror for a number of years, plenty of Brits have died for the greed of warmongers like Bush and Blair. Give it a rest, your looking like a right goose.

I believe you have it backwards. You got into WWII and we supported you. We out spent you 3 to 1 and lost half a million men doing so. If that is not cause to support us then I don't know what is. Sheesh talk about ungrateful!

America forced Churchill to hand over the British Empire for the Liberty Ships and other support. If it wasn't for Pearl Harbor America would have let Europe burn.

German Chancellor Adolph Hitler declared war on the United States. In his speech before the Reichstag, he specifically cited Lend-Lease to the British as a provocation and de facto declaration of war by America on Germany.

On February 9, 1941 (10 months before Pearl Harbor) the House of Representatives voted 260-165 in favor of the Lend-Lease bill (H.R. 1776). A month later, the Senate voted 59-30 to send the bill on to the White House. For all intents and purposes, American neutrality in World War II ended.


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Now all you adult Brits are joining in a good old Thai Visa American bash, Nothing to do with anti Americanism. You are trotting out all your bar history cliches. Two normally decent posters Southpeel and Mr Toad joining the illiterate hooligans. You should both be ashamed.

Look, most if us like Americans. I do, I have enjoyed my trips to the US, always been made welcome. World War 2 was awful for many countries , soldiers and of course families. I certainly think most if us had family members out fighting on various fronts. What many people don't. Like is tub thumping American nationalism and bragging, especially considering some if the awful foreign policy over the last few decades. Personally have no time for Brits of the same ilk. This thread has bought out a few of those.

Criticism of US foreign policy or idiotic individuals, which my country has as well, often then gets classed as anti - Americanism. It isn't.

The wrong passport statistics, the wrong Chinese debt information, the comments about bridges and bombing citizens were all cheap shots and all in error. That's anti Americanism.

As an example of a cheap shot that was a lie that you posted, "Comparing The "American Empire" to "the British Empire" is laughable, but somewhat expected from a country that only 20% of the population have a passport."

A lot of bar room balderdash has been exposed as lies in this thread and I can only hope some of the posters have learned some things. 1. America forgave the lend lease war debt and your government strapped you with a crippling loan to foolishly chase after dreams of empire. 2. America and the UK both lost a half a million men each fighting a war together. 3. America financed WWII for the Allies and deserves to be recognized for that accomplishment because we are still paying taxes for it. 4. I'm sorry about the bombing in Laos and Cambodia but no one in their right mind would have gone into those countries in the 1970's with the mass murders of the Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge going on to pick up unexploded bombs. 5. Among other things.......

Edited by thailiketoo
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Now all you adult Brits are joining in a good old Thai Visa American bash, Nothing to do with anti Americanism. You are trotting out all your bar history cliches. Two normally decent posters Southpeel and Mr Toad joining the illiterate hooligans. You should both be ashamed.

er if your going to insult me at least have the decency to spell my user name correctly before bleating on about illiteracy, theres a good chap...thumbsup.gif

I havent related any bar history cliches, all I mentioned was China, and agreeing with Mr toads story about London bridge, which is true

But to answer the question posed about explaining "anti-american sentiment to me".. some are more serious than others

1. the USer's take themselves far too seriously, hence the reason people take the p*ss out of them on TV, and more serious the USer's get the more they get the P*ss taken

2. banging on all the about how everything in the US is bigger and better tends to raise peoples heckles, as no one likes pompous arrogant people

3. In the Thai visa arena, people get fed up with the USer's injecting something about the US in every post, even if the post has absolutely nothing to do the US, its just seems they cant help themselves, it does seem they feel duty bound to discuss apple pie and white picket fences every chance they get (see item 6)

4. At least if your going to invade a country and start a war, at least be honest about it, stop making up stories about WMD's, it was about the oil all along...thumbsup.gif

5. try to laugh at yourselves once in a while, the aussies, Kiwi's and Brits manage it and as you can see dont get p*ss taken out them to much, and even if they do they dont go into a hissy fit and start calling everyone Anti-Aussie, Anti-Kiwi, Anti-Brit, they try to be clever and come back with a witty retort or two, (see item 1)

6. You read some of the comments on TV by USer's and wonder whay did they ever leave the US and settle in Thailand in the first place, see item 3

So I suppose now I will be branded Anti-American and reported as usual by the colonial cousins, but trying to give you insight as to my perpsective on the question

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Only fair that 650 million was written off 1946.

Bloody thing would not have started 1939 without American corporations. American probably got that money from ESSO,Ford etc. in tax dollarssmile.png

You are saying America started WWII? A new low for Thai Visa and Thai Visa posters.

US cost WWII 341 billion British cost 120 billion

You can figure the causalities as a percent of American population and the British Empire pop or by total killed.

Either way both sides contributed about the same.

I was referring to the documentary about American companies in Nazi-Germany.

WW2 was very profitable venture for the Americans.Also Vietnam,Irak etc.

By "americans" I don't means taxpayers but the few % of the population.

Somebody said, Americans and Russians are like mushrooms,You need to keep em' in the dark and feed em' shit.

You did write and I quote, "Bloody thing (WWII) would not have started 1939 without American corporations.

I realize you have an irrational dislike of Americans but accusing Americans (business in America used to be owned by Americans) of starting WWII in Europe in 1939 is beyond the pale even for __________ insert the name of whatever country you are from.

I don't mind people being anti American but at least pick a reason that is somewhere close to reality.

Watch the documentary ,about page 20. Germans had no means to start fighting without American owned/managed companies help.

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Comparing The "American Empire" to "the British Empire" is laughable, but somewhat expected from a country that only 20% of the population have a passport.

Facts before fables even for toads.

We know that fewer and fewer respond to facts nowadays -- even fact checkers have biases -- but the facts are that of the 311 million U.S. residents, there are over 109 million valid U.S. passports in circulation according to the State Department.

Doing the proper math (I know arithmetic... more facts!) would mean that about 35 percent of Americans have passports. And I believe it is actually more!


G.W.BUSH Had His first passport when elected.

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They don't like us!

They really, really don't like us!


(I don't care!)

Jing to be honest, dislike is too strong a word, with the USer's about, its like a family reunion, there is always one relative who annoys the sh*t out of everyone, the family dont dislike that person per se, they are just irritating and annoying because of what they say or do....a lot of the USer's on TV are that annoying relative ...wink.png

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I could list a load if stuff from this thread to counter that as well.

This thread IMO should be closed, as nothing good will come of it.

Someone forcing you to ... www has lots of other material too.

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They don't like us!

They really, really don't like us!


(I don't care!)

Jing to be honest, dislike is too strong a word, with the USer's about, its like a family reunion, there is always one relative who annoys the sh*t out of everyone, the family dont dislike that person per se, they are just irritating and annoying because of what they say or do....a lot of the USer's on TV are that annoying relative ...wink.png

Again, I really don't care. In my view, anyone who would automatically dislike someone just because of their nationality or some trivial trait like talking too loud is basically a MORON not worthy of care or interest.

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