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Can anyone explain the anti-American sentiment to me?

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.


We never invaded them all just a few because a lot of the were very unpopulated. Also a lot of them had been invaded by other country's.

Do you know we gave USA a lot of country's Hawaii, a few in the West Indies you never gave them back to the people.

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In the last two centuries America has steadily usurped Britains position as the dominant world power. If you think America is intrusive in the affairs of other countries, then just take a look at this map which depicts the only 22 countries in the world that Britain has NOT invaded.

And a lot of those countries are thankful they were invaded by them.


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Last year watched a news clip about the high speed train crash in Spain. A few minutes into the clip I heard something that infuriated me.

The commentator said that the United States has just dispatched a team of crash investigators to Spain to investigate the accident.

Now What the Hell does the US have to do with this. They immediately dispatched a team of feds to go and stick their noses in Spains business.

The cause of the crash is not in dispute. They have good video evidence showing the train was traveling at about twice the speed limit for that curve.

So, even without that evidence, What the Hell are the Americans doing there?

If I was running Spain I would have intercepted them at the Airport and turned their Asses around.

So what's next? A train derails in Burma and they get on the blower saying "Don't touch anything until our team arrives".

A car goes in the ditch in San Paulo. "Just hold everything until the NTSB arrives."

So again, What the Hell are they doing?

From a quick scan of the NSA's electronic surveillance, they already know who is on the train, whether it was running early or late, what the weather was like, and how fast the train was traveling. What the hell more do they want to know?

Do they expect that they have the right to interrogate, or maybe torture the train driver, into a confession so that they can perform an Extraordinary Rendition to have him face murder charges in America for the single American casualty of the train wreck?

Do they just believe that the Spanish are complete morons that won't be able to figure out what happened by themselves? Maybe they thought that they could arrive in time to help rescue the survivors?

So I ask the question again. What the hell are the Americans sending a team to Spain for?

There is only one logical answer.

They are just fulfilling their need to feel important, like a neighbourhood do-gooder, who has to be the first to show up at any incident that occurs within traveling distance.

Why would the American people want to spend their hard earned tax dollars to send a bunch of bureaucrats, (probably traveling in First Class, and staying at 5 Star Hotels), halfway around the world to take pictures of a train crash?

This is a classic example of the American Government sticking it's nose into other peoples business.

No doubt they will take 2 years and Millions of Dollars of Taxpayer Money, drafting a report of what they believe to be the cause of the crash and what measures need to be put in place to avoid a repeat of this deadly incident, and then they will carry on through diplomatic channels, spending another large amount of money, ramming their report, and recommendations down the Spaniards throats.

This is just one of the many reasons why people around the world dislike Americans, and these feelings are growing stronger every day, as new revelations are exposed of the US Government's massive invasion of the privacy of every citizen around the world.

All of this is based on the false pretense that everyone is out to get them. That is a rather paranoid view of the world.

Could they be consuming a little too much cocaine over there in Capital Hill?

Any ill will, real or perceived, against the American public is caused by their own actions, or through the actions of their Government. They could stop it all right now if they wanted too. We know that wont happen though, because its all about the money. They are infatuated with greed, power and control.

All they would have to do is to recall all of the American Forces from around the world, cancel all the spying, and interfering in other countries business, and come out publicly with a sincere apology to the world, with promises of never acting this way again.

That would satisfy 99% of the American Haters around the world, as they would have nothing left to complain about.

Can you imagine what that could do for America? They could concentrate on protecting their own borders and rebuilding America back to the great country it once was. They could spend all of the resources they waste trying to police the world, on paying down their astronomical debt, and rebuilding their crumbling infrastructure. American citizens could travel freely around the world without fear of being attacked just for being American.

Children could be properly educated and families could prosper, and turn their country back into a place that every foreigner would be proud to be accepted into.

As it is now, the American Dream is Dead. It is well past the time to stop this.

The threats are endless. Robots, Drones, Satellite Surveillance, Total Control of all Communications Networks Worldwide, Restriction of Movements of Sovereign Foreign Citizens, No Fly Lists, Extraordinary Rendition, Indefinite Detention, Targeted Killings and the list goes on and on infinitum.

Unfortunately I don't have a solution in mind, or any advice for anyone that happens to read this, but I do know one thing, and that is if we all continue to do nothing, and just sit back like sheep, we are definitely heading to slaughter.

It is too late for our generation; we are already screwed, but let's at least try to do something to give our children a fighting chance at having a normal life, not having their every move controlled by Big Brother.

Well done you put it down AAA1.

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As a follow up to my previous rant, I do have to say that the majority of Americans that I meet are quite pleasant , and I get along just fine with them. Most of them agree with many of the points I mentioned. I am usually only meeting American Expats, though, so those are the ones that got out already, and are less likely to be brainwashed.

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coffee1.gif Everyone hates/envies the international winner. Europe will never forgive us for saving them in WW2blink.png When the 'ship hits the sand' in the world, who are you going to call? Actually, this 'yank' believes the US should stay home and let others fend for themselves.thumbsup.gif

You watch too much Hollywood

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Last year watched a news clip about the high speed train crash in Spain. A few minutes into the clip I heard something that infuriated me.

The commentator said that the United States has just dispatched a team of crash investigators to Spain to investigate the accident.

Now What the Hell does the US have to do with this. They immediately dispatched a team of feds to go and stick their noses in Spain’s business.

The cause of the crash is not in dispute. They have good video evidence showing the train was traveling at about twice the speed limit for that curve.

So, even without that evidence, What the Hell are the Americans doing there?

If I was running Spain I would have intercepted them at the Airport and turned their Asses around.

So what's next? A train derails in Burma and they get on the blower saying "Don't touch anything until our team arrives".

A car goes in the ditch in San Paulo. "Just hold everything until the NTSB arrives."

So again, What the Hell are they doing?

From a quick scan of the NSA's electronic surveillance, they already know who is on the train, whether it was running early or late, what the weather was like, and how fast the train was traveling. What the hell more do they want to know?

Do they expect that they have the right to interrogate, or maybe torture the train driver, into a confession so that they can perform an Extraordinary Rendition to have him face murder charges in America for the single American casualty of the train wreck?

Do they just believe that the Spanish are complete morons that won't be able to figure out what happened by themselves? Maybe they thought that they could arrive in time to help rescue the survivors?

So I ask the question again. What the hell are the Americans sending a team to Spain for?

There is only one logical answer.

They are just fulfilling their need to feel important, like a neighbourhood do-gooder, who has to be the first to show up at any incident that occurs within traveling distance.

Why would the American people want to spend their hard earned tax dollars to send a bunch of bureaucrats, (probably traveling in First Class, and staying at 5 Star Hotels), halfway around the world to take pictures of a train crash?

This is a classic example of the American Government sticking it's nose into other peoples business.

No doubt they will take 2 years and Millions of Dollars of Taxpayer Money, drafting a report of what they believe to be the cause of the crash and what measures need to be put in place to avoid a repeat of this deadly incident, and then they will carry on through diplomatic channels, spending another large amount of money, ramming their report, and recommendations down the Spaniards throats.

This is just one of the many reasons why people around the world dislike Americans, and these feelings are growing stronger every day, as new revelations are exposed of the US Government's massive invasion of the privacy of every citizen around the world.

All of this is based on the false pretense that everyone is out to get them. That is a rather paranoid view of the world.

Could they be consuming a little too much cocaine over there in Capital Hill?

Any ill will, real or perceived, against the American public is caused by their own actions, or through the actions of their Government. They could stop it all right now if they wanted too. We know that won’t happen though, because it’s all about the money. They are infatuated with greed, power and control.

All they would have to do is to recall all of the American Forces from around the world, cancel all the spying, and interfering in other countries business, and come out publicly with a sincere apology to the world, with promises of never acting this way again.

That would satisfy 99% of the American Haters around the world, as they would have nothing left to complain about.

Can you imagine what that could do for America? They could concentrate on protecting their own borders and rebuilding America back to the great country it once was. They could spend all of the resources they waste trying to police the world, on paying down their astronomical debt, and rebuilding their crumbling infrastructure. American citizens could travel freely around the world without fear of being attacked just for being American.

Children could be properly educated and families could prosper, and turn their country back into a place that every foreigner would be proud to be accepted into.

As it is now, the American Dream is Dead. It is well past the time to stop this.

The threats are endless. Robots, Drones, Satellite Surveillance, Total Control of all Communications Networks Worldwide, Restriction of Movements of Sovereign Foreign Citizens, No Fly Lists, Extraordinary Rendition, Indefinite Detention, Targeted Killings and the list goes on and on infinitum.

Unfortunately I don't have a solution in mind, or any advice for anyone that happens to read this, but I do know one thing, and that is if we all continue to do nothing, and just sit back like sheep, we are definitely heading to slaughter.

It is too late for our generation; we are already screwed, but let's at least try to do something to give our children a fighting chance at having a normal life, not having their every move controlled by Big Brother.

If you don't start using paragraphs, we're going to send a team of investigators to your house.


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LOL Trolls........

look at the lengths they go through to get a hit on the good ole usa.

The OP asked, it would be rude not to answer.

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe so...but the answers are mostly rude as well....

Some people are just moronic

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Well...they can not directly complain and criticize the American Government in any meaningful way so some people will take the opportunity to tell an American citizen what they think of America and or say bad things about America...

After they have their personal rant, they are now at peace with themselves as they finally dumped their anger and frustrations onto an American citizen ...who will, of course, take the message back home and let his government know that the citizens of other nations are not happy with Americans......because a drunken Arab pedophile or a prudish French couple in Bangkok said so.

Something like that.


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They do it mostly out of ignorance....

It is not only ignorance,but mostly JEALOUSY, in my honest opinion. - This is, no doubt, based on the "picture of Life in America' which thee people retain after watching some of the best motion-pictures produced on earth. The often "lavish" lifestyles depicted, get people's "jealousy-gauges" going.

I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now ! ! ! !

Then; American young lives (millions of them) have been the difference between "Freedom" and "Oppression" ever since WW-2 - and I, for one, am nothing but grateful to the Americans ! !

Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA !

Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !

Last but not least; America has spawned some magnificent authors - and for all of you Yankee-Haters I have some advice: pick-up any Louis L'Amour novel and read it - then let the world know how you feel about the good ol' US of A !


I like you.

hey, you can even marry my sister !

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LOL Trolls........

look at the lengths they go through to get a hit on the good ole usa.

The OP asked, it would be rude not to answer.

Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe so...but the answers are mostly rude as well....

Some people are just moronic

Don't be so hard on yourself.

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have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Whoops. Maybe it's just your opinion that's utter crap.

The Big Bang Theory: the TV show that captures the zeitgeist

The return of The Big Bang Theory to the UK may have passed most TV viewers by, but series six of the E4 show pulled in an audience of 2.3 million when it premiered last week. That's more than its Channel 4 rival Kirstie Allsopp's new show and Question Time on BBC One.


The Big Bang Theory’ Is Officially The Most Popular Sitcom…In The World

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have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Whoops. Maybe it's just your opinion that's utter crap.

The Big Bang Theory: the TV show that captures the zeitgeist

The return of The Big Bang Theory to the UK may have passed most TV viewers by, but series six of the E4 show pulled in an audience of 2.3 million when it premiered last week. That's more than its Channel 4 rival Kirstie Allsopp's new show and Question Time on BBC One.


The Big Bang Theory’ Is Officially The Most Popular Sitcom…In The World

An excellent programme. I have it all on DVD. thumbsup.gif

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Not sure if this is the right forum, but...

Always bewildered at anti-American sentiment I often get from other westerners such as Canadians, western Europeans, Aussies and Kiwis. Last year I was guiding a lost French couple I met in Bangkok to their desired destination (a ferry stop on the river) and when I mentioned I was American they calmly explained that Europe was made up of a bunch of different countries and that the country they came from, France, was one of these. (like the fact that I was American stomped the fact that I was guiding them through a back alley in SE Asia in determining whether I knew basics of world geography!).

Plenty of other examples of this like the other day I confronted some Arab man who was drinking on the street and harassing passersby, ended up getting a lecture from a Kiwi about how Americans had no business doing this and I should return home.

Very bewildering to me, so I'm curious if anyone has a good explanation for how this came about, certainly almost never hear it from locals. Did it exist at the end of WWII? Start during Vietnam War? A lefty response to US foreign policy or some deeper rooted kind of bias?

The Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese no doubt do as well but you just can't understand them.


*i work with a lot of Americans and like most of them. It's your government most people don't like and that perhaps reflects back on you.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The approval rating of the US Congress is less than 10%.

90% of Americans don't like their Govt. and Obama got 51% of the vote. 49% of Americans(at least) don't like the President.

I have met people from all around the world and by far most I like; some, not so much. For me it has nothing to do with politics or nationality. That may be because I was born and lived in NYC for over 55 years. As a New Yorker you are are used to being with people from many different countries. I didn't have a passport until I was 56 but meeting people during my travels was second nature because of my life experience with other cultures. I believe many people who haven't traveled much or met many individuals from different countries form their opinions about those foreign to them by what they see and read in the news. When you look at how many Americans that don't like what is happening with America it's easy to understand (for me) why some have us guilty by association even though we agree with them about the US Govt. It's just a matter of getting past that sterotype. Some never will and don't care, oh well, next. Life is too short to waste time with things out of your control and their opinion is only as important to you as you allow it to be.

As far a correcting someone is concerned, for me, that's not my job unless I'm willing to go all in and there aren't many things I go all in for. Walking away solves so many problems before they get started. It took a while to learn this and that may have someting to do with someone's perception of Americans. Being young and foolish is exactly that and wisdom comes with age(if you are willing to learn).

IMO Most people will accept you as you are and I personally don't see or feel the anti-American sentiment in my travels. Quite the opposite.

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Americans themselves are very good people. Problem is their govt is out of control and spying on the entire world as well as its own people. It has invaded more countries and been involved in more wars and armed conflicts than any other country. Now you can understand why it is not winning any popularity contests. It is not you but the gov't you have representing you that is what turns people off.

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As a lot of other people have said, it's not so much individual americans that bring out anti-American sentiment, it's more the government. That having been said, most people who have lived their lives for the most part only in America don't have a clue about what's going on in the rest of the world, yet they tend to come across as kind of all knowing and self satisfied.

One small example:

In most american movies, asian street scenes are shown as dirty, crowded (romantic?) slums, with everybody driving around on small motorcycles or traveling in rickshaws pulled by coolies. When I first came here, I was shocked at how different the real asia is from the asia that had always been shown to me on the TV and movies in America. Modern airports that humbled most airports in the US, airlines that humbled most American airlines, huge modern cities, skyscrapers, malls and superhighways that were as good or better than their counterparts in the US.

And US foreign policy? Don't even get me started.

Want to know what US foreign policy looks like to many people outside of the US? Read one or two books by a guy named John Perkins. There are lots of other good reads, too, but Perkins is a good place to start. Read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" and "Secret History of the American Empire" and your question will be answered. After that, if you want to learn more, just keep reading. Once you get outside the velvet glove censorship of Big Media in the US, the answers will become very clear.

Good question, and I hope you find some good answers.

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Hi USA Mate

I was born in the UK but living in New Zealand for 27yrs and now Thailand for 8 yrs.

A lot of people outside USA have gripes with USA they have started most of the wars around the world except for WW1& WW2. They did not come into WW1 till 1918 at the end and then made movies showing they won it, WW2 they never came in to help us or the countries in Europe until December 1942, Churchill warned Rosavelt that Japan was planning something bad against the USA he even went as far as presenting USA with 2 radar trucks for Hawaii your idiots running them saw all the spots coming and said aw they are ours when the Japs started bombing the ships they reported it but the HQ in Hawaii were afraid to report it to the commanding officer because he was playing GOLF.

You came into the war and your first invasion was in Marrocco and headed East you were getting slaughtered by the Germans and a Kiwi company saved you, a Kiwi received 2 VC's in that battle.

You screwed up in the Korean War and the Vietnam war you never to the advice or results of the French there you thought you were the number 1.

Later you invaded a small island in the West Indies Granada with your fleet and planes and made a big movie from it. You never made any movies of your true failures in The first battle of WW2 but made a great movie with Garry Cooper Sargent York.

You started the Bagdad war to turn it into a democracy which was stupid as there are so many tribes there it would have been impossible, also you were part of putting Sadam In power, that country could only be ruled as a police state and Sadam kept it that way, peace for years until you stuck your nose in.

Sorry Mate, nothing against the American working people just your politicians. The conditions for you coming in Churchill had to give you a lot of space in certain country's which we did. All about money etc, and Britten just about went bankrupt on the cost you put on them for supplying a lot or your derelict old ships and supply's.

On another point I do not think we could have won WW2 without you but we would have tried hard like the battle of Britten on our own, Roosevelt wanted to come in and help UK but he had a lot of pressure from a lot of people especially that German guy who flew a cross the Atlantic

But I still love a lot of the working people Mate.

I think you forget one very important incident. Americans turned WW2 in to their favour by capturing ENIGMA coder from German U-Boat!! smile.png (I think Brits made a movie about it)

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have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Whoops. Maybe it's just your opinion that's utter crap.

The Big Bang Theory: the TV show that captures the zeitgeist

The return of The Big Bang Theory to the UK may have passed most TV viewers by, but series six of the E4 show pulled in an audience of 2.3 million when it premiered last week. That's more than its Channel 4 rival Kirstie Allsopp's new show and Question Time on BBC One.


The Big Bang Theory’ Is Officially The Most Popular Sitcom…In The World

All american TV and movies are full of propaganda and forcing their way of life and culture upon the rest of the world.

Big bang is OK, last two , three seasons getting stale.

The message the americans are programming us with, is that is is "cool" for 2 nerdy girls to torture animals. For money ( Bernadette) , or just for useless scientific experiments ( Amy). And then go home and have a careless life .

While the boys have the same FETISH as the rest of americans : Superhero's and superpowers. It's world domination

zapped in to the americans brain and letting us know they are "superior" and more powerfull than the rest of us.

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have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

Whoops. Maybe it's just your opinion that's utter crap.

The Big Bang Theory: the TV show that captures the zeitgeist

The return of The Big Bang Theory to the UK may have passed most TV viewers by, but series six of the E4 show pulled in an audience of 2.3 million when it premiered last week. That's more than its Channel 4 rival Kirstie Allsopp's new show and Question Time on BBC One.


The Big Bang Theory’ Is Officially The Most Popular Sitcom…In The World

All american TV and movies are full of propaganda and forcing their way of life and culture upon the rest of the world.

Big bang is OK, last two , three seasons getting stale.

The message the americans are programming us with, is that is is "cool" for 2 nerdy girls to torture animals. For money ( Bernadette) , or just for useless scientific experiments ( Amy). And then go home and have a careless life .

While the boys have the same FETISH as the rest of americans : Superhero's and superpowers. It's world domination

zapped in to the americans brain and letting us know they are "superior" and more powerfull than the rest of us.

What do you have...a broken arm? Get up and switch channels to Benny Hill and quit crying.

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I don't believe there is that much anti-American sentiment about, no more or less so than anti-any other nationality. I think most of us get along well with Americans, I just wish they wouldn't talk so loudly, everyone of them it seems and everywhere they go!

So you haven't spent much time around the Chinese in CM – yet.

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