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Pattaya is Perfect


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I remember my first night out too and wanting to tell the whole world about it. Ooohh, look at me everyone, I had a night out and am now going to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet what I had for dinner. Did you take pictures of it too and put it up on facebook? You did, didn't you.

Anyhow, glad you enjoyed it. I went there years back and don't have fond memories, but I think I wil give it another go soon. I'd kind of forgot about the place.

Edited by Pattaya Pat
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.............. a table at the Hopf brew house.......................

Their home brew is yummy,

the kids like to watch their pizzas being made....

...downside is feeding the wife.

Peng Maaak......... but good too,

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What beers do they serve?

They make a wheat and a lager there and I also had a Paulaner from Munich. Non Alcohol beer also available.

90 to 155 baht.

I bet you had to wait a long time for that beer from Munich.

About a minute.


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What beers do they serve?

They make a wheat and a lager there and I also had a Paulaner from Munich. Non Alcohol beer also available.

90 to 155 baht.

I bet you had to wait a long time for that beer from Munich.

About a minute.

Nice. I was up in Khon Kaen recently and they have a nice German brew house in the basement of the Pullmans hotel. I'm actually visiting Germany in October and taking in several cities, looking forward to it and the beers. Never been before.

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I bet you had to wait a long time for that beer from Munich.

About a minute.

Nice. I was up in Khon Kaen recently and they have a nice German brew house in the basement of the Pullmans hotel. I'm actually visiting Germany in October and taking in several cities, looking forward to it and the beers. Never been before.

And I bet you put pics up on your facebook also.wink.png

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You are obviously nothing less than another real estate agent! Buzz off before our harpies descend to rip you apart.

I have never been a real estate agent in any country. I've been in Pattaya when it was slower and when it was busier.

The customers at the Hopf are an interesting sign of the times. When I first went there 10 years ago all the men spoke English and the women looked at the food with trepidation. Now there was about 20% Western men and 80% Asian. All drinking the beer brewed there. There were a number of Asian women dining together eating Western food; something one didn't see 10 years ago. A year ago at the Hopf there were a lot of Russians singing; last night none.

We got there at 7 and it was busy by 10 it was slow. Nice mix. The streets were easy to walk on but still had enough odd sites to make it interesting. A few stunners sitting at one of those VW bus bars and that surprised me.

Edited by thailiketoo
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What beers do they serve?

They make a wheat and a lager there and I also had a Paulaner from Munich. Non Alcohol beer also available.

90 to 155 baht.

I bet you anything you like they don't make it there, those brass tanks are just for show, If they brewed at those premises you would smell it on the streets as they would have to vent it out

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What beers do they serve?

They make a wheat and a lager there and I also had a Paulaner from Munich. Non Alcohol beer also available.

90 to 155 baht.

I bet you anything you like they don't make it there, those brass tanks are just for show, If they brewed at those premises you would smell it on the streets as they would have to vent it out

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What beers do they serve?

They make a wheat and a lager there and I also had a Paulaner from Munich. Non Alcohol beer also available.

90 to 155 baht.

I bet you anything you like they don't make it there, those brass tanks are just for show, If they brewed at those premises you would smell it on the streets as they would have to vent it out

Just to say the word "bet" on this forum means you've already lost, pal. Been waitin' to hear how the member who bet "both nuts" is now faring. Suggest you not go that far. ;)

Talk to Tim, the brewmeister, great guy. While you're at it, order his favorite dish from the kitchen. Me, I went there just last week and had a pint or so of wheat beer. :)

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OK Thailike, you went to Hopf and liked it. Congrats.

... And that makes "Pattaya Perfect" ?

No. The amount of people in Pattaya, which was my point, is perfect. No waits but enough people to have everything open and functioning. See, if it was real slow Pattaya would have closed down parts of the action.

Some one who posts on Thai Visa likes to go on and on about Pattaya being slow and without tourists. Not so. I went there last night and looked.

It was not jammed with people but there were people there enjoying themselves because the place was not overloaded.

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What beers do they serve?

They make a wheat and a lager there and I also had a Paulaner from Munich. Non Alcohol beer also available.

90 to 155 baht.

I bet you anything you like they don't make it there, those brass tanks are just for show, If they brewed at those premises you would smell it on the streets as they would have to vent it out

Just to say the word "bet" on this forum means you've already lost, pal. Been waitin' to hear how the member who bet "both nuts" is now faring. Suggest you not go that far. wink.png

Talk to Tim, the brewmeister, great guy. While you're at it, order his favorite dish from the kitchen. Me, I went there just last week and had a pint or so of wheat beer. smile.png

There are thousands of pictures from Google Image of the place, the pizza ovens, the kitchen and yet strangely not one showing the beer being brewed, the place is always busy and sells a lot of the wheat beer, its would be major operation to produce that much beer, its not done on the premises, certainly not in those tanks behind the bar, the vents are not even connected your kidding yourself if you think it is


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I remember my first night out too and wanting to tell the whole world about it. Ooohh, look at me everyone, I had a night out and am now going to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet what I had for dinner. Did you take pictures of it too and put it up on facebook? You did, didn't you.

Anyhow, glad you enjoyed it. I went there years back and don't have fond memories, but I think I wil give it another go soon. I'd kind of forgot about the place.

Actually it was my one thousand and fifty second night out in Pattaya. I lived there for a number of years. My first time there was in 1968. Not much to write home about then. 2 bars one hotel that I remember. How about you?

Wow ! That's awesome I was first there in 1978 for a footie trip and big changes since then as well......

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Sawat de Krup Pattaya Pat

I was in Munich 20 yrs ago for the OKTOBERFEST and it was awesome !! Prost und gute Zeiten ! xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS.

Edited by Rimmer
Please do not post in non standard fonts thank you
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