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I hate having to explain myself, but after reading the offense to my reaction to Pattaya, I feel like I Should.

You should not take offense to the comment unless you actually went to pattaya, paid for a hooker and had sex with her. I won't deny that I'm disgusted by prostitution. It's a breeding ground for STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Those of you who do have young wives, I never meant to offend you. Love comes in all ages and walks of life, and I wish you all the best with your respected familes.

My blog stated a reaction to seeing prostitutes. I met some of the women there, because they were lukrung like myself, and they came from the northern regions of Thailand like my mother did. It deeply saddens me that a woman has to resort to selling her body.

A big thank you to everyone who welcomed me. I am happy to have joined the forum despite the negative reaction to my post :o


I've read in a few crappy novels by the ex-sex tourists turned authors that mention these lukkrueng's daughters of hookers continuing the trade as you mention here Linda, but in all my exposure of go go bars etc. in LOS, I can't say I've ever met a luk krueng hooker, that is half western half Asian...

Perhaps, it might be more believable for luk kreungs in vietnam or cambodia to be in the trade, but I find it hard to believe so right here in Thailand, where luk kruengs are put on the high pedistol. Can you confirm that there are actually eurasians selling there body in pattaya and elsewhere???

BTW Linda, I'm also Thai American who relocated to Thailand on a family reunification/rediscovering basis similar to you (with half brother that grew up here ) so I find your storey interesting and will bookmark your blog. You can read about my initial family adventures on my archives page on my website, which you can access via my Thaivisa profile.


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I hate having to explain myself, but after reading the offense to my reaction to Pattaya, I feel like I Should.

No need to explain yourself. You express an opinion which is by no means a minority one (although not on this board).

What people want to do with their lives is their own business. But for whatever reason, Pattaya is one of the most depressing places in Thailand, especially the 'touristy' areas. And I am not the only one who says this. In fact, it isn't even Thailand, or if it is, it is the worst of the worst aspects all on show in one miserable place.

Every time I go there, I can't wait to leave. I've always said, I really wish someone would drop an atomic bomb on the place so we can start again. But then again, if each country needs to have a smelly armpit, then Pattaya is a good enough distance away for most people....so who ever goes there can have it.

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I've read in a few crappy novels by the ex-sex tourists turned authors that mention these lukkrueng's daughters of hookers continuing the trade as you mention here Linda, but in all my exposure of go go bars etc. in LOS, I can't say I've ever met a luk krueng hooker, that is half western half Asian...

Once, I met a really lovely Thai girl who had spent her whole life in America and couldn't speak Thai working in one of the Kings Castle joints on Patpong.

I asked her why she would come to Thailand to work in the bars and she said that it was "fun".

As fat and disgusting as I am, she asked me to pay the barfine for her, but of course I refused. It would have been a cheap and degrading experience for both of us. :o

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Nice comments calling Pattaya a smelly armpit. I guess BKK and Phuket are as well as they have much of the same. I guess all of Thailand is for that matter

Maybe BKK and Phuket are the armpits and Pattaya is the ######. :o

Edited by beammeup
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Once, I met a really lovely Thai girl who had spent her whole life in America and couldn't speak Thai working in one of the Kings Castle joints on Patpong.

I asked her why she would come to Thailand to work in the bars and she said that it was "fun".

As fat and disgusting as I am, she asked me to pay the barfine for her, but of course I refused. It would have been a cheap and degrading experience for both of us. whistling.gif


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grfeenwander, glad your back, I like your sense of humour.

me too. Where you been greeny?

Little one keeping you up nights? How is the visa for your wife going?

i've been in the middle of transition, decided to take up some side work outside of bkk for a few months untill my visa is up in September (while also continuing my freelance writing), after which, I will extend and go through the process of proving Thai nationality. Now, I'm just waiting for my 'vital records' to be passed through and stamped by all the authorities back in the states, before they can be legal and certified for use in Thailand. Eventually, I'll have to do a DNA test with my aunty to seal the deal, but it will be worth in the long run.

By then, when I don't have to look over my shoulder to take a poop, we will focus on the wifey's visa among other things (where a 20-30 k salary actually gives me an advantage as a Thai national - legal resident :o )

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