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Is The Stickman Right?


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I was on the stickman's website reading up about stuff.

--> Is it true that Thais don't like discussing politics or any real world issues?

I am a person who loves discussing what's going on in the world. Especially the current state of US politics and how much it drives me insane. I guess I'm just worried that once I step off that plane and make some Thai friends that they are going to see me as a crazy woman who shakes things up.

Maybe I am? :o

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I was on the stickman's website reading up about stuff.

--> Is it true that Thais don't like discussing politics or any real world issues?

I am a person who loves discussing what's going on in the world. Especially the current state of US politics and how much it drives me insane. I guess I'm just worried that once I step off that plane and make some Thai friends that they are going to see me as a crazy woman who shakes things up


Yes I agree with that.

Even most political students I've met don't care or know about US politics. Neither do I for that matter :o

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I was on the stickman's website reading up about stuff.

--> Is it true that Thais don't like discussing politics or any real world issues?

I am a person who loves discussing what's going on in the world. Especially the current state of US politics and how much it drives me insane. I guess I'm just worried that once I step off that plane and make some Thai friends that they are going to see me as a crazy woman who shakes things up


Yes I agree with that.

Even most political students I've met don't care or know about US politics. Neither do I for that matter :D

I think lukrung might have been wondering if they discuss politics in general not just US politics.

All I can say is my husband discusses Thai politics as do our staff. But usually only when something fairly big is going on, and then it always ends up the same: disgust and resignation :o

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It depends which Thais you are talking to.

I know a number of Thais who are very much into politics and current affairs. A friend married one of our accounts and returned with her to the UK. I had not really spent any time talking with her in the office and was taken aback when they visited us during our holiday to Ediburgh. This young lady was right up on British politics, the goings on in Europe - She knew a lot more than her husband on the topic.

We have a Thai friend who works at the World Food Program here in Rome, perhaps not surprisingly she is very interested in politics, but she's also taken an interest in European history, she's great company in any discussion of what is going on in the world.

Added to which, Thais I have worked, mainly Thamasat graduates, are definately into politics and poliitcal news, they perhaps have to get to know you a bit before they'll discuss the issues and there are some things they don't like talking about (at least in Thailand), get them out of Thailand and they open up.

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I was on the stickman's website reading up about stuff.

--> Is it true that Thais don't like discussing politics or any real world issues?

I am a person who loves discussing what's going on in the world. Especially the current state of US politics and how much it drives me insane. I guess I'm just worried that once I step off that plane and make some Thai friends that they are going to see me as a crazy woman who shakes things up.

Maybe I am? :o

Unless you can speak Thai it will difficult to discuss anything with the Thais, much less Politics. Since few Thais speak or understand enough english to carry on a political conversation.

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Stickman is ALWAYS right. I have never seen anyone more in tune with Thai culture. Long live the informative gentleman who has greatly helped guide me through the Thailand maze

In general, if you are seeking an introduction to Thailand and its people I think Stickman is the worst place to start.

You have to remember that it is basically a site for very experienced men who like to frequent bars in and around Bangkok. Their views on Thailand (including the many readers' submissions) are heavily biased due to this fact alone. It IS TRULY SAD FOR SOMEONE TO SAY OR REALLY BELIEVE THAT WHAT STICKMAN SAYS IS RIGHT! I hope it is sarcasm. I have nothing but contempt for Stickman and his seedy column whose main object is to pour scorn on Thai women (not just bar girls)

Edited by Egon
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Stickman is ALWAYS right. I have never seen anyone more in tune with Thai culture. Long live the informative gentleman who has greatly helped guide me through the Thailand maze

I have nothing but contempt for Stickman and his seedy column whose main object is to pour scorn on Thai women (not just bar girls)

I always enjoy Stickman and his insistant attempts to understand the alien culture that he is surrounded by.

I don't think that he is blessed with a better sense of what is going on with the Thais than many of the rest of us foreigners, but he and his wife are sincere, open to new ideas and certainly worth listening to.

I hope that he is around to help us sort out Thais and the Thai culture for a long time! :o

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Added to which, Thais I have worked, mainly Thamasat graduates, are definately into politics and poliitcal news, they perhaps have to get to know you a bit before they'll discuss the issues and there are some things they don't like talking about (at least in Thailand), get them out of Thailand and they open up.

Are those the same Thamasat students who when the Assembly of the Poor members from Issan descended on the Thamsat Auditorium for a debate, wondered "what these country bumpkins were doing in the capital, havign the temerity to complain about the govt and hoped they wouldn't block the traffic". Probably worried about their BMW's getting blocked in on the way to the bistros along Pra Sumen Road. And that was the political science students! :o

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Stickman is ALWAYS right. I have never seen anyone more in tune with Thai culture. Long live the informative gentleman who has greatly helped guide me through the Thailand maze

I have nothing but contempt for Stickman and his seedy column whose main object is to pour scorn on Thai women (not just bar girls)

I always enjoy Stickman and his insistant attempts to understand the alien culture that he is surrounded by.

I don't think that he is blessed with a better sense of what is going on with the Thais than many of the rest of us foreigners, but he and his wife are sincere, open to new ideas and certainly worth listening to.

I hope that he is around to help us sort out Thais and the Thai culture for a long time! :o

Well, all I will say is that I used to read the readers' submissions frequently about a year ago. They are utter garbage! He has hundreds and hundreds of repetitive essays posted all crying the same sad pathetic song about Thai people - and what it basically adds up to is racism ie. Thais are radically different to Westerners and often it is indicated that they are worse. Stickman is also an incredibly biased guy with sad views which he often expresses in the readers submissions.

I hate the site and the guy - mainly because it made me doubt the relationship I was establishing with my now Thai wife. I couldn't be happier now and would advise anyone to avoid Stickman. His advice may apply to some but for many others reality is far different.

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I hate the site and the guy - mainly because it made me doubt the relationship I was establishing with my now Thai wife. I couldn't be happier now and would advise anyone to avoid Stickman. His advice may apply to some but for many others reality is far different.

It sounds like you got lucky with your wife.

I also have been 'lucky" in my relationships with Thais, but I attribute some of that to being very careful about who I trust which is all that Stick is saying. Remember that he is happily married to a Thai and is full of praise concerning their relationship.

What could be a bigger compliment to the Thai people than that? :o

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I have been reading Stick for a couple of years now. I read his weekly column. I don't know anyone who reads the reader's submission stuff, oh wait, I know one person now, LOL. Anyway, about a year and a half ago I read something in the weekly column that helped me keep checks and balances in my relationship with a TG. It changed my life. I was able to nip in the bud things that were just beginning to happen. Frankly it caught my TG totally off guard. She was stunned how I discovered some things. I confronted her and layed it all on the line. We are still together. We are happy. I am forever grateful to Stick and TG should be too. He saved her first and foremost and most certainly me. I outta submit this story to his readers submissions in detail and it's all 100% true. I know what's going on thanks to what I read in that column. I owe the guy

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Guest endure
i asked some friends what they thought about the american war in Vietnam. They asked me what Vietnam was. Also same sentence but replace Vietnam with Germany.

maybe i need new friends.

I should stick with the ones you've got. The ability to rehash old violence is an over-rated skill.

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Stickman is ALWAYS right. I have never seen anyone more in tune with Thai culture. Long live the informative gentleman who has greatly helped guide me through the Thailand maze

Stickman is in tune with the 'culture' of the lives that many of the so-called expats choose to lead. So what he says may ring true to them, but in the main it is very superficial. Whoopty doo, you know how to deal with your GF better. That ain't thai culture, that is girlfriend maintence 101.

I always love though that for some unknown reason, people here seem to think that if someone doesn't talk about it, it means they don't know anything about it.

For the most part, in my experience, if someone doesn't respond to an issue you raise, it is because the DON'T want to talk about it. Get to know them a bit better, and then it all comes out. It just takes a while.

In general though, most Thais do talk politics, though mostly it is combined with the fact that most politicans are crooks anyway. When that is the inevitable final conclusion of any discussion, the discussion doesn't go very far to begin with.

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...... Whoopty doo, you know how to deal with your GF better. That ain't thai culture, that is girlfriend maintence 101.

So very true.

....In general though, most Thais do talk politics, though mostly it is combined with the fact that most politicans are crooks anyway.

I thought that was the same the world over.

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....In general though, most Thais do talk politics, though mostly it is combined with the fact that most politicans are crooks anyway.

I thought that was the same the world over.

Mostly, except former treasurers who went to become leaders of the ALP.....oh...circa 1983 to 1996 :o

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Just so people can form an opinion on the “enlightened” Stickman’s view of the World I am quoting 2 readers submissions as well as the comment Stickman made to them. The views he are promoting are deeply degrading and frankly untrue. I find it hard to believe that reasonably educated and critical people can respect this guy.

To put it plainly, these girls are toys. Play with the toy until you get bored with it. Then throw it away and find another one to play with. Simple advice, easy to follow, and you will enjoy everything Thailand has to offer without the suffering.

Stickman's thoughts:

An excellent submission, excellent story, and excellent advice.

the way they look at the females is different. They are raised, educated (if possible), clothed, and groomed to snare the richest man possible and bring the most money back to the family both in the way of sin sot, monthly allowances, and “face” or enhanced community position. Female children are property first, family second. The goal is for the daughter to bring in as much in the way of money as they can and that is that. Farangs are like hitting the lotto and in most cases will never be accepted as “family” because they’re simply not Thai, so many families and indeed entire communities will participate in elaborate charades to milk the farang for as much as the cow can give, all the while knowing the Thai lady will end up dumping him when she gets what she can and then moving on to another victim. This might be another farang, but eventually it will be another Thai man who the family and village will accept despite that her dealings / marriages / affairs with farangs lower her status as a person in the process.

Stickman's thoughts:

This doctor of yours sounds seriously cool. I loved what she said about the sin sot. She sounds really switched on.

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Just so people can form an opinion on the “enlightened” Stickman’s view of the World I am quoting 2 readers submissions as well as the comment Stickman made to them. The views he are promoting are deeply degrading and frankly untrue. I find it hard to believe that reasonably educated and critical people can respect this guy.
To put it plainly, these girls are toys. Play with the toy until you get bored with it. Then throw it away and find another one to play with. Simple advice, easy to follow, and you will enjoy everything Thailand has to offer without the suffering.

Stickman's thoughts:

An excellent submission, excellent story, and excellent advice.

the way they look at the females is different. They are raised, educated (if possible), clothed, and groomed to snare the richest man possible and bring the most money back to the family both in the way of sin sot, monthly allowances, and “face” or enhanced community position. Female children are property first, family second. The goal is for the daughter to bring in as much in the way of money as they can and that is that. Farangs are like hitting the lotto and in most cases will never be accepted as “family” because they’re simply not Thai, so many families and indeed entire communities will participate in elaborate charades to milk the farang for as much as the cow can give, all the while knowing the Thai lady will end up dumping him when she gets what she can and then moving on to another victim. This might be another farang, but eventually it will be another Thai man who the family and village will accept despite that her dealings / marriages / affairs with farangs lower her status as a person in the process.

Stickman's thoughts:

This doctor of yours sounds seriously cool. I loved what she said about the sin sot. She sounds really switched on.

Basically Stickman is a sad sick <deleted>

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Sometimes he is right and sometimes he is wrong.

Coming on here and declaring your contempt for him makes you look like an idiot though.

Well done.

Maybe I appear like an idiot in your eyes - just like I think of people who subscribe to Stickman's views on Thai women as complete idiots!

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Egon, You cant just stick the last paragraph of teh story and then stickmans response at the end of it, its not fair and in both cases the response imply makes no sense.

"I appear like an idiot eyes"

See I can edit your post to make you look stupid as well,

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Egon, You cant just stick the last paragraph of teh story and then stickmans response at the end of it, its not fair and in both cases the response imply makes no sense.

"I appear like an idiot eyes"

See I can edit your post to make you look stupid as well,

OK, I did not want to bother members with too long quotes but feel free to read his stuff. The 2 excerpts are both from the most recent submissions - and he stores hundreds of these trashy essays on his site.

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