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Immigration confusion

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Yesterday, our gated villa community in Plai Lam was visited by a group of officials claiming to be immigration officers. They arrived with no prior notification.

One of our site managers was told by them that all foreigners who were staying in any villa must report to immigration within 24 hours by the "online" system. (Whatever that is).

Furthermore, this requirement includes home owners, guests and renters who must register as well.

The nature of the information required would seem to include work permits, passport details etc. and info

The officials claimed that they were from Surat Thani immigration. The person in charge of the group

was Mr. Somdej Prakoobpol master officer of Surat Thani immigration.

This is the first time that we have heard of this sudden requirement which of course is impossible to achieve in the 24 hour time frame, as many home owners, renters are away.

This is a very worrying turn of events particularly if applied throughout the islands. It may just be a "knee jerk" ill thought out reaction to the new overstay rules.

Anyone else heard of this requirement or had a similar visitation? Grateful for any info anyone else on the forum has regarding the above.

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This started in Phuket a few months back and is not a new law, just one that suddenly seems to be being implemented as many others since the Military took control.

This is an extract of the regulations

Notification of residence of foreigners for businesses

According to section 38 of the 1979 immigration act, "House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration authorities within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the foreign national." If there is no immigration office in the province or locality of the respective house or hotel, the notification is made to the local police station. In Bangkok the notification is made to the Immigration Bureau. The notification of residence of foreign nationals is made by the manager of licensed hotels according to the hotel act, owners of guesthouses, mansions, apartments and rented houses using the form TM. 30.
The notification of residence of foreign nationals within 24 hours can be made in a number of ways to make the notification as convenient as possible:

  • In person at the respective office, or
  • Through an authorised person at the respective office, or
  • By registered mail, or
  • Via internet.

Filling in the foreign national residence notification form (TM. 30)

Please fill in all requested information according to the foreign national's passport, as often arriving passengers do not fill in the correct data on the arrival card. The form can be typed or handwritten in clear block letters. Leave a space between name, middle name, and surname.

  • If the passport number is preceded or followed by a letter, fill in the letter too.
  • Write the arrival card number (TM. 6) in the respective field. The arrival card is stapled into the passport. Both letters and numbers of the arrival card number must be filled in.
  • Arrival date means the date of arrival in Thailand. Date of accommodation must be filled in on the front page of the notification sheet.

After the officer in charge has verified the information on the notification sheet (TM. 30), he accepts the notification and hands over the lower part of the form to the person making the notification. This part must be kept for further checking.

For details contact 0-2141-7881

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Really of you run a complex you should know about this or your accounting or lawyer should have told you

Legally yes you should register all foreigners that rent or least your houses within 24 hours

Same as for hotels and guest houses extra

But now they are in forcing all laws which have been relaxed in the past

This does not mean that they were not already in place they were just more relaxed before

Also Thais are getting arrested left right and center and being checked for license for business, taxis extra

Right now there is some big clamping down going on so advised for the moment the fly under the radar

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app ooponxb

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this is very old rule and yes you should know this if you own or rent a villa/property

its not new , but like so many things in thailand , very few have bothered with it until a crack down happens

immigration want to know where all foreigners are at all times [in case of disaster, missing persons etc ]

and as illegal immigrants/workers etc are being targeted this is a natural progression in the scheme of things

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Thanks for all the responses. I would add that we didn't have a problem. It's just that we have never had a posse of officials suddenly arriving on the doorstep before! Furthermore the properties are privately owned which makes things very difficult for

the officials to check who is occupying the property. Guess that will be their problem!

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Thanks for all the responses. I would add that we didn't have a problem. It's just that we have never had a posse of officials suddenly arriving on the doorstep before! Furthermore the properties are privately owned which makes things very difficult for

the officials to check who is occupying the property. Guess that will be their problem!

Not really. All they have to do is check the visa. If the person in the house has a retirement or long term visa (or similar, extension to stay etc.) they will already be registered at Immigration. If they only have a tourist visa then I would suggest these regulations apply to them and it is the responsibility of the house owner to inform Immigration.

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So does this mean that if you arrive in Thailand to stay in your own property, you not only have to fill in the arrival card for Immigration, but also fill in this TM30 form and notify them, (or the Police) within 24hours?

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So does this mean that if you arrive in Thailand to stay in your own property, you not only have to fill in the arrival card for Immigration, but also fill in this TM30 form and notify them, (or the Police) within 24hours?


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