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Would you tell sb he is being ripped off?


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Damned if you do and damned if you do not.

Village life is so different. Everyone knows everybody's business. Once you do tell you know life will be hell for you if you stay in the village. If you are happy living there you keep your mouth shut. It may well go against the grain to do so, but I do not really see any other option than to keep your mouth shut.

One thing I would try is to ask him if he reads ThaiVisa ;)

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If you are a decent human being with any compassion, you should tell him.

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself the same question.

He could be giving away his life savings and end up with nothing.

See therein lies the problem, I would never be in his shoes. Things like this are best left alone and all you can do is watch from the cheap seats and have it be a reminder. So a few things I have learned from situations posted like these

1) Never have a long distance romance especially with a gal you met online, why? Because you know there is a good chance you are not her first and likely not her last.

2) Never ever under any circumstance send money to her or the family.

3) Take off the rose colored glasses so you can see things clearly and use your better judgment. Seems like so many leave all their common sense when they land at the airport.

No one is talking about you.

And frankly personally i could not care less about what you have learned.

OP is asking a question if he should tell the other guy? and he should.

OP is not asking for a lesson or to hear what you have learned.

Some people are gullible,some do not have experience, and some simply to good to even imagine there are bad people out there.

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If you are a decent human being with any compassion, you should tell him.

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself the same question.

He could be giving away his life savings and end up with nothing.

Well to be honest I pity him but he must be a real fool. Just by looking at her you should know she is a tramp. The way she dresses, speaks, her attitude... I wouldn't get close to a girl like that in my life.

On the other hand, I would never have a long distance relationship, I think it is the stupidest thing you can do in love affairs. Each to their own, but love is something that works better when close to each other and more importantly comes by knowing the person you are with. It is not possible, even some fools think otherwise, to know somebody just by online contact and a few short real life meetings. When you chat online you are just showing the very best of you and you tell what you want. In a few short stayings together everything can be pink colored. It is when you are living with a person for a long time when you know what he/she really is and if it is worth of something.

So, I will never be in his shoes and if he loses everything in his life is not a surprise by acting like that.

As I stated clearly in the post, I already decided not to get involved but yes, you have a point and I pity him but I have nothing to win and quite to lose.

Of course there are discrete ways like sending him an email with a new address and pointing out the facts like "why she didn't show her body for some months" or "why is she so close to her so called niece" or "why you dont have any pictures of her in that time" but still I think it is not my business.

There have been plenty of people smarter than you or me all together who have been scammed in one way or another.

If you unable to put yourself into his shoes, then you should shut your mouth and sleep well at night, knowing that your high horse would never trip.

Should you develop some conciseness, you do not need to hide in the corners like a rat, you simple go for a beer with a man and tell him in a settle way of what you know and what you had observed.

Now you state you have decided NOT to get involved, so 2 questions for you

1. Why make a thread and waste time?

2. Are you struggling with your decision?.

Do you honestly believe your wife/gf is different? If this kind of practice is openly accepted, why would you think your other half is any different?

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If you are a decent human being with any compassion, you should tell him.

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself the same question.

He could be giving away his life savings and end up with nothing.

If the OP does that he will create a shitstorm and for what? He will probably have to move.

And for what? For being a decent human being ?

For helping another person not to get scammed ?

For saving someone from heartache?

For helping someone not to lose his life savings?

For possibly saving someone from killing himself?

For helping someone NOT to end up financially broke at an old age?

Just some reasons I could think of.

OP does not need to hold a public meeting, there are many discrete ways.

I understand where you are coming from but I learned a long time ago never to come between a man and wife. If this clown thinks he can trust any woman to be faithful to him with 12 months absence he is an utter fool. He may have another family overseas, who knows.

How do you discretely say "Oh BTW your wife had a secret baby while you were away"? Come on man she wasn't just getting a work out.

ATF, may be there is something wrong with me, but i believe in helping people when i can, especially if it requires minimum effort if any effort at all.

I also believe in helping animals and i do rescue and keep them, irrespective of their condition. Hence i have a disabled dog that requires lots of care and a disabled care which requires even more care, a total of 24 already.

Telling the guy is not getting involved between man and wife, in cases like this its more like hunter and prey.

The guy may well be a fool, or he may well be just gullible or inexperienced.

I can tell you from personal experience, twice.

One was a guest with his GF, She fed him story she had never been to Pattaya, yet she knew all the streets and shops.

She claimed her son was in an accident and needs to be transferred to good hospital or he would die. Naturally boyfriend paid, close to 300 000 baht.

She told him, son was in Banglamung Hospital and she had to go see him every night.

I told they guy that Banglamung is a public FREE hospital and they do not allow over night guests.

She had sister come to "visit", i told him "sister" and his gf did not have same surname, town of birth or same house.That saved him few hundred thousand baht.

He then was smart enough, to follow his gf at night when she went to visit her son to find out she went to screw another guy.

Do i care what gf thinks about me? not at all, because i was not helping her to scam, but helping guy from being scammed.

Another case is more complicated.

My neighbor in early 60's married to a 28 year old.

Every time he went home, a Thai guy would appear and live in the house.

When he returned, i mentioned that she had "brother" staying

Not long after that, she was pregnant and my neighbor was very excited.

After baby was born, it looked 100% Thai with a dark skin.

When he was walking around with his daughter, i mentioned to him that its a beautiful baby, but its black(meaning very dark skin, while my neighbor is British, white as milk)

Now that baby has gotten older, it is very clear he is not the father but the "brother" is.

Finally he has realized and dumped the "loving wife"

Mind you he is broke, and pretty much homeless.

He is back UK living in some shelter while he was sending all the pension to his "loving wife" to support her and "his baby"

At least now, he can keep his pension and may be eventually get his own room and enough food to live out the rest of his life.

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Pralaad it's a difficult biz and I think the OP was right to ask advice before proceeding or not. The big problem is it's a no win situation. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

In such a small community the OP is going to take a lot of flak for killing the Golden Goose. I believe the OP has been given enough advice to make an informed decision so let's see.

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Many years ago when I was young and naive I was involved in a similar situation in my home country.

I took what I thought was the moral high ground and told the guy involved what I had seen.

Needless to say it ended badly, mainly for me. The guy did not believe me (did not want to believe me) and the girl put such a spin on events that I end up being the bad guy!

This is Thailand, those who have lived here long enough generally know most of the do's and don'ts.

While on the surface most would like to see the OP tell the guy concerned, it is much more than likely that it will end badly for the OP rather than the girl involved.


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He won't believe a word you say even that idiot in the Jeremy Kyle show above said his wife comes home smelling of condoms and he still loves her!!!!!!!

Tell the whore you need a new pick-up truck or you are going to spill the beans.

Maybe if Farangs told the truth about other Farangs GF they will learn the truth about theirs

If you tell the truth you will earn respect and expect the same in return

This way why would anyone tell you

The Truth shall set us free

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Is there a special school out there for girls on how to quickly pull in a sucker?

YES, there are hundreds of schools in Pattaya

And also in Bangkok, Phuket, Koh Samui etc etc etc

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

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He won't believe a word you say even that idiot in the Jeremy Kyle show above said his wife comes home smelling of condoms and he still loves her!!!!!!!

Tell the whore you need a new pick-up truck or you are going to spill the beans.

Maybe if Farangs told the truth about other Farangs GF they will learn the truth about theirs

If you tell the truth you will earn respect and expect the same in return

This way why would anyone tell you

The Truth shall set us free

There are two schools of thought on the subject. Those who wish to believe everything that happened before boy meets girl doesn't count and those that believe it does.

Personally I have friends that have excellent relationships with ex-hookers and both really love each other. The opposite is true also.

It's all up to individual circumstances and the big grey area that is Thailand. If you really believe the truth will set you free better start packing your bags now or start making funeral arrangements.

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If you are a decent human being with any compassion, you should tell him.

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself the same question.

He could be giving away his life savings and end up with nothing.

Well to be honest I pity him but he must be a real fool. Just by looking at her you should know she is a tramp. The way she dresses, speaks, her attitude... I wouldn't get close to a girl like that in my life.

On the other hand, I would never have a long distance relationship, I think it is the stupidest thing you can do in love affairs. Each to their own, but love is something that works better when close to each other and more importantly comes by knowing the person you are with. It is not possible, even some fools think otherwise, to know somebody just by online contact and a few short real life meetings. When you chat online you are just showing the very best of you and you tell what you want. In a few short stayings together everything can be pink colored. It is when you are living with a person for a long time when you know what he/she really is and if it is worth of something.

So, I will never be in his shoes and if he loses everything in his life is not a surprise by acting like that.

As I stated clearly in the post, I already decided not to get involved but yes, you have a point and I pity him but I have nothing to win and quite to lose.

Of course there are discrete ways like sending him an email with a new address and pointing out the facts like "why she didn't show her body for some months" or "why is she so close to her so called niece" or "why you dont have any pictures of her in that time" but still I think it is not my business.

There have been plenty of people smarter than you or me all together who have been scammed in one way or another.

If you unable to put yourself into his shoes, then you should shut your mouth and sleep well at night, knowing that your high horse would never trip.

Should you develop some conciseness, you do not need to hide in the corners like a rat, you simple go for a beer with a man and tell him in a settle way of what you know and what you had observed.

Now you state you have decided NOT to get involved, so 2 questions for you

1. Why make a thread and waste time?

2. Are you struggling with your decision?.

Do you honestly believe your wife/gf is different? If this kind of practice is openly accepted, why would you think your other half is any different?

You see, he is not my friend. I just have developed some sort of "friendship" because he comes here once per year and we are both speaking English. There is another farang in the village but he is a German and can't speak any English.

We can both be fooled, however, not so easily. She really looks like a tramp by all counts.

To your 3 questions:

- Just curious if people will do the same as me in this situation. I am pretty sure most of us would act otherwise in the west.

- Not at all. Actually my job is online marketing so lying and hiding the truth of things are part of my daily life.

- I know she is different because we live together the whole year. Also, there is not a 15-20yr gap between us, just 10 months. Also, when we started dating I was earning about 1/5th of the money I do now and she had a nice job in an office. She has bachelor degree and could be living a good life here without me.

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Since it seems people are interested in this topic, I will offer more details.

She is not living usually in the village, she lives in bangkok but since she got a new car from the guy she usually came to the village many weekends. That until her pregnancy was clearly visible, then she was without coming to the village for 4-5 months so that nobody would know about that.

The guy usually comes over in summer, not sure about the month he was here past year, but this year he has been here for 15 days and left like 2 weeks ago. The girl seems she was born around November/December. This means she was pregnant 3-4 months when he came over, which wasn't enough to tell the kid was his.

When the girl was born they made out some stupid story as she was adopted by her sister (who is younger than her, single and no kids) but seems nobody believed that bullshit and finally there was a "leak" in the family and as it happens in a small village, it became the trending topic to speak in the temple. I knew about this because my gf told me and honestly I couldn't care less about it, I thought it was the usuall village gossip. But after a few days I overheard a conversation in the temple of several old ladies talking about the subject. I usually go to the temple in the mornings, not everyday but almost, and now I understand Thai well enough to know what they are talking about. My spoken Thai is not so good, but I can understand andI prefer nobody to know I can understand because this gives me a HUGE advantage here. They think I don't understand so they speak openly when I am around and think I don't get anything. A really good thing also to know if somebody really thinks good about me or not.

So the thing is that I really pity him not because he has been cheated (this can happen) but because everybody in the village knows about it and nobody will tell him. Actually, very few people here speaks English enough to talk with him except me and my gf (soon to be wife).

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

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If you are a decent human being with any compassion, you should tell him.

Put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself the same question.

He could be giving away his life savings and end up with nothing.

Well to be honest I pity him but he must be a real fool. Just by looking at her you should know she is a tramp. The way she dresses, speaks, her attitude... I wouldn't get close to a girl like that in my life.

On the other hand, I would never have a long distance relationship, I think it is the stupidest thing you can do in love affairs. Each to their own, but love is something that works better when close to each other and more importantly comes by knowing the person you are with. It is not possible, even some fools think otherwise, to know somebody just by online contact and a few short real life meetings. When you chat online you are just showing the very best of you and you tell what you want. In a few short stayings together everything can be pink colored. It is when you are living with a person for a long time when you know what he/she really is and if it is worth of something.

So, I will never be in his shoes and if he loses everything in his life is not a surprise by acting like that.

As I stated clearly in the post, I already decided not to get involved but yes, you have a point and I pity him but I have nothing to win and quite to lose.

Of course there are discrete ways like sending him an email with a new address and pointing out the facts like "why she didn't show her body for some months" or "why is she so close to her so called niece" or "why you dont have any pictures of her in that time" but still I think it is not my business.

There have been plenty of people smarter than you or me all together who have been scammed in one way or another.

If you unable to put yourself into his shoes, then you should shut your mouth and sleep well at night, knowing that your high horse would never trip.

Should you develop some conciseness, you do not need to hide in the corners like a rat, you simple go for a beer with a man and tell him in a settle way of what you know and what you had observed.

Now you state you have decided NOT to get involved, so 2 questions for you

1. Why make a thread and waste time?

2. Are you struggling with your decision?.

Do you honestly believe your wife/gf is different? If this kind of practice is openly accepted, why would you think your other half is any different?

You see, he is not my friend. I just have developed some sort of "friendship" because he comes here once per year and we are both speaking English. There is another farang in the village but he is a German and can't speak any English.

We can both be fooled, however, not so easily. She really looks like a tramp by all counts.

To your 3 questions:

- Just curious if people will do the same as me in this situation. I am pretty sure most of us would act otherwise in the west.

- Not at all. Actually my job is online marketing so lying and hiding the truth of things are part of my daily life.

- I know she is different because we live together the whole year. Also, there is not a 15-20yr gap between us, just 10 months. Also, when we started dating I was earning about 1/5th of the money I do now and she had a nice job in an office. She has bachelor degree and could be living a good life here without me.

You do not need to be friends, you only need to be human with decency and compassion.

When someone writes a review to warn others, they certainly are not writing it for their friends

Its a really amazing phenomenon, When Asians move to other countries, they stick together, help each other out, even create their own "towns" like China Town etc. yet when Westerners move abroad, do nothing but envy and enjoy other peoples misfortunes.

You know more, you street wise, you have witnessed something, help your fellow, instead of siting back and enjoying his demise.

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

In other words if you saw someone being hit by a car, you would keep on going?

Or of you heard someone scream for help, you would also keep on going?

Because in the end, you do not know them, you are not a moral crusader, best to keep quite and not contribute anything?

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

In other words if you saw someone being hit by a car, you would keep on going?

Or of you heard someone scream for help, you would also keep on going?

Because in the end, you do not know them, you are not a moral crusader, best to keep quite and not contribute anything?

I try my best to ensure other people get on with the detail of their lives without the need for me to proffer my opinion on the various aspects of it, that's what grown ups (should) do, children however are a different story!

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If you tell him and he legs it you will be responsible for the financial shortfall within the whore's family. The family will make you pay one way or another. If you are a slow runner the result could well be terminal!

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

In other words if you saw someone being hit by a car, you would keep on going?

Or of you heard someone scream for help, you would also keep on going?

Because in the end, you do not know them, you are not a moral crusader, best to keep quite and not contribute anything?

I try my best to ensure other people get on with the detail of their lives without the need for me to proffer my opinion on the various aspects of it, that's what grown ups (should) do, children however are a different story!

I am confused, how would your OPINION be relevant to helping someone after they have been hit by a car?

I always thought grown ups have some life experience and compassion to go help another human being, i guess i was mistaken as in the case with you

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

In other words if you saw someone being hit by a car, you would keep on going?

Or of you heard someone scream for help, you would also keep on going?

Because in the end, you do not know them, you are not a moral crusader, best to keep quite and not contribute anything?

I try my best to ensure other people get on with the detail of their lives without the need for me to proffer my opinion on the various aspects of it, that's what grown ups (should) do, children however are a different story!

To make the world a better place, nobody needs to knock on your door.

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If you tell him and he legs it you will be responsible for the financial shortfall within the whore's family. The family will make you pay one way or another. If you are a slow runner the result could well be terminal!

The family of parasites can always get a job and live within their means.

If that fails, they can always starve to death or go sell their ass in the nearest Karaoke or a bar.

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

In other words if you saw someone being hit by a car, you would keep on going?

Or of you heard someone scream for help, you would also keep on going?

Because in the end, you do not know them, you are not a moral crusader, best to keep quite and not contribute anything?

I try my best to ensure other people get on with the detail of their lives without the need for me to proffer my opinion on the various aspects of it, that's what grown ups (should) do, children however are a different story!

To make the world a better place, nobody needs to knock on your door.

If I wanted to live in a place where everyone was advised, instructed or informed as to how to manage their personal lives, I'd go back and live in the UK.

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The scenario you describe It is not that uncommon, the issue for you is to decide your relationship with the man and whether you have an obligation, moral or personal, to tell him. If you don't and he is simply another farang who you see for two weeks each year. Alternatively you might see your self as a moral crusader who must champion a just cause, in either case I would avoid getting involved if I were you.

In other words if you saw someone being hit by a car, you would keep on going?

Or of you heard someone scream for help, you would also keep on going?

Because in the end, you do not know them, you are not a moral crusader, best to keep quite and not contribute anything?

I try my best to ensure other people get on with the detail of their lives without the need for me to proffer my opinion on the various aspects of it, that's what grown ups (should) do, children however are a different story!

I am confused, how would your OPINION be relevant to helping someone after they have been hit by a car?

I always thought grown ups have some life experience and compassion to go help another human being, i guess i was mistaken as in the case with you

Not really interested in your "other words", my opinion stands the way I wrote it, sorry if you don't agree with me or it upsets you..

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