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Arizona execution takes two hours


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And so to another few pages of a bunch of ignorant cave-dwellers applauding what amounts to legalised torture and murder, citing eye for an eye justice as their justification. Draconian and embarrassing. We can only hope that they're all old-timers and this belief will die out along with them.

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Maybe they need to start a 360 degree mentoring program! There are many inmates on death row who could tell you how to kill someone in 2 seconds. Maybe an opening for some death row consultancy here. How hard is it? Potassium Cyanide - bam game over within 20 secs.

I'm with you on this. No doubt the use of Potassium Cyanide would be deemed as inhumane!

There is a way to kill people that is fast and helps them. However it gives them a high when dying and they go peacefully. But people don't want that it must be painful else dying is not seen as punishment. I believe it was with some sort of gas like carbon mono oxide. I remember having seen a documentary about it. I will look it up basically it was way to kill someone with gas and they would die in Euphory instead of pain. But then it was not painfulll enough for the pro dead group. For me dead is dead.

The easiest and most humane way, as detailed in the earlier Horizon video in this thread, is just to get the prisoner to breath in pure nitrogen gas via a mask. In about 15 seconds you pass out from hypoxia. This is the same thing that kills airline passengers and pilots when the cabin depressurizes. There's no sense of suffocation or discomfort, you just lose consciousness and die.

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Is it just me, or is more than a little sickening that this thread has descended into descriptions on the best way to kill people?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not really, he gave up his '"people card'' a long time ago.

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Is it just me, or is more than a little sickening that this thread has descended into descriptions on the best way to kill people?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not really, he gave up his '"people card'' a long time ago.

Ah, de-humanisation! The favoured tool of despots and dictators.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The Spanish Inquisition, now they had ways to kill people.

Without having researched it, afaik some homosexuals were hung upside down with their legs spread, they were then sawn in half with a giant saw.

As the saw doesn't cut through any vital organs until it gets to the chest, one is still alive for most of it. The kicker though, is that as one is upside down there is a forced flow of blood to the brain, which stops one from passing out, thus keeping them conscious throughout.

Could well be BS, haven't bothered checking.

Mightn't cut it today, with all the OTT PC brigades.

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The Spanish Inquisition, now they had ways to kill people.

Without having researched it, afaik some homosexuals were hung upside down with their legs spread, they were then sawn in half with a giant saw.

As the saw doesn't cut through any vital organs until it gets to the chest, one is still alive for most of it. The kicker though, is that as one is upside down there is a forced flow of blood to the brain, which stops one from passing out, thus keeping them conscious throughout.

Could well be BS, haven't bothered checking.

Mightn't cut it today, with all the OTT PC brigades.


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Strange realy.

You would think that religious people / countries would be mercifull to criminals, since their god will ultimately take care of things.

Not so! The more religious a country is, the harsher the punishments: Iran, US, Saudi Arabia, Europe in the dark ages,....

What is the point of making a murderer suffer for 2 hours, if you believe that he will burn in hell for eternity?

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What is the point of making a murderer suffer for 2 hours, if you believe that he will burn in hell for eternity?

Covering your bases in case your religion turns out to be mostly a figment of your imagination - don't want the murderer to get off too easy. tongue.png

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Strange realy.

You would think that religious people / countries would be mercifull to criminals, since their god will ultimately take care of things.

Not so! The more religious a country is, the harsher the punishments: Iran, US, Saudi Arabia, Europe in the dark ages,....

What is the point of making a murderer suffer for 2 hours, if you believe that he will burn in hell for eternity?

It's when the religion decides the law and punishments humans really show just how undeveloped we are.

Presuming of course that religions are mostly iron age tales that were created to sedate our yearning for understanding and explain the World and universe that we are in, before any real science could have helped us in even the slightest way.

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What is the point of making a murderer suffer for 2 hours, if you believe that he will burn in hell for eternity?

Covering your bases in case your religion turns out to be mostly a figment of your imagination - don't want the murderer to get off too easy. tongue.png

Or even worse: Just imagine that god is a liberal commie who will take the murderer's difficult childhood into consideration....

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What is the point of making a murderer suffer for 2 hours, if you believe that he will burn in hell for eternity?

Covering your bases in case your religion turns out to be mostly a figment of your imagination - don't want the murderer to get off too easy. tongue.png
Then heaven and hell are not real, and nor is life after death, and you've just wasted another 30 good years in which to stick him down a putrid hole with no hope of parole and let him think about what he's done. Instead, you are aiming for 'gone in 60 seconds'. Hardly punishment at all. You've let him off easy.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If prisoners really preferred the death penalty to life imprisonment, then why do those on death row fight for years with a lawyer to avoid it? I fear you're you're talking out of your derrière old chap.

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If prisoners really preferred the death penalty to life imprisonment, then why do those on death row fight for years with a lawyer to avoid it? I fear you're you're talking out of your derrière old chap.

Our inbuilt desire to be alive kicks in. Nothing about my admittedly huge and sometimes well used derrière needs to invoked on this occasion old chap. Just providing a counterpoint to me old sparring partner UG with whom I think I agree on most things except for guns and the death penalty.

I personally don't agree with the death penalty for moral reasons as I don't believe anyone has the right to take another's life. Besides that however I think sticking someone down a hole with no light and plenty of time to think is a bigger and more apt punishment for certifiable scum. They die anyway, no use rushing that aspect of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Just providing a counterpoint to me old sparring partner UG with whom I think I agree on most things except for guns and the death penalty.

We kind of agree on those as well. I am not against gun control, if somehow, criminals can be be prevented from getting them. I just don't see how that is going to happen with so many out there already.

I am actually - sort of - against the death penalty. Not because of moral reasons, but because so many people are convicted unjustly. However, when I see what some of these scumbags did to their victims, all that goes out the window.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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