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More than 50 Israeli reservists refuse to fight


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Ooops, sudden burst of empathy or too tired to fire rockets into palestinian schools?


That's a bit harsh. Witty, but harsh.


Give credit where it's due - these women who objected will have soooo much pressure placed on them for taking a moral stand.

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Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims.

The "victims" started the conflict in the first place, have refused numerous peace deals and elected a terrorist group - Hamas - to represent them There is such a thing as personal responsibility.



More propaganda. First the conflict was triggered off by the capture of 3 Israeli youths, later unfortunately found dead. Israel's response was to kill a number of Palestinians, summarily arrest well over a hundred & lock them up without trial and accuse Hamas of the kidnapping & murders - without proof. So, as to who started it, the kidnappers, but it was escalated into a pogrom by the fascist Israeli authorities. (ignoring too the death of the Palestinian by settlers in response)


SEcond no one, including Israel & the US has the right (despite Iraq, Libya & Afghanistan) to tell the Palestinians who to vote for. Invasions and attempts to get people to vote for the 'right' crowd tend to leave a right (worse) mess behind them.


Hamas has indeed refused 'peace deals' which are nothing more than cease-fires because they want an end to the illegal blockade of Gaza which, incidentally has done nothing to prevent Hamas acquiring rockets but done everything to reinforce Hamas's support.


Are you Israeli supporters working in shifts?



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I am 100% for what Israel is doing.Hamas are really bad people .

Hamas may be bad people but Israel is killing Palestinians indiscriminately.  Civilians young and old not holding a weapon.  Israel is committing blanket murder just like the Bush's did in Iraq and Obama continues to do with drones.  Will you stop hamas by random killlings, I think not.  I am not anti Jewish but I am totally anti Israeli government in this circumstance.  And I believe that the 1947 agreement should be recinded or at least that the war mongering bast###s should be made to move back to the land received in that bad deal.
But there you go I am talking to someone who is OK with killing women and children.

When you freak with the big dog you get bit......and these scum have been freaking with the dog for quite awhile.
I see current and future terrorist getting bit....serves them right.....Roll On Big Dog
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They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians cheesy.gif


That's why Hamas use their civilians as Human shields.  Obviously you missed that part, in order to make such a comment! Helps if you know what you are talking about.




Sick 'smiley'.


You are yet again spouting Israeli propaganda which you have filled TV threads with. I have no time for those who blame victims for being blown to bits with nowhere to go. Contemptuous.



cheesy.gif  another one!


the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.





Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims. It's standard Israeli propaganda, which only the gullible swallow. You haven't even posted one word of sympathy for the victims. Again contemptuous (& duplicious).




tosser1.gif  again, no one is blaming the victims! But the victims can blame Hamas. That is not propaganda it is fact.

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Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims.

The "victims" started the conflict in the first place, have refused numerous peace deals and elected a terrorist group - Hamas - to represent them There is such a thing as personal responsibility.
More propaganda. First the conflict was triggered off by the capture of 3 Israeli youths, later unfortunately found dead. Israel's response was to kill a number of Palestinians, summarily arrest well over a hundred & lock them up without trial and accuse Hamas of the kidnapping & murders - without proof. So, as to who started it, the kidnappers, but it was escalated into a pogrom by the fascist Israeli authorities. (ignoring too the death of the Palestinian by settlers in response)
SEcond no one, including Israel & the US has the right (despite Iraq, Libya & Afghanistan) to tell the Palestinians who to vote for. Invasions and attempts to get people to vote for the 'right' crowd tend to leave a right (worse) mess behind them.
Hamas has indeed refused 'peace deals' which are nothing more than cease-fires because they want an end to the illegal blockade of Gaza which, incidentally has done nothing to prevent Hamas acquiring rockets but done everything to reinforce Hamas's support.
Are you Israeli supporters working in shifts?

There's only one side to be on.....the side of the right....kick ass Israel
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Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims. It's standard Israeli propaganda, which only the gullible swallow. You haven't even posted one word of sympathy for the victims. Again contemptuous (& duplicious).


There's nothing to be said.......sympathy for who..??? The terrorist and the training to be terrorist.....nope no pity


I think it would be good if you return and mow the grass.  Maybe you could become another statistic.



He's just taken a leaf out of the Nazis book - the Final Solution. It is always interesting when Israeli supporters adopt Nazi solutions.


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I am 100% for what Israel is doing.Hamas are really bad people .


Hamas may be bad people but Israel is killing Palestinians indiscriminately.  Civilians young and old not holding a weapon.  Israel is committing blanket murder just like the Bush's did in Iraq and Obama continues to do with drones.  Will you stop hamas by random killlings, I think not.  I am not anti Jewish but I am totally anti Israeli government in this circumstance.  And I believe that the 1947 agreement should be recinded or at least that the war mongering bast###s should be made to move back to the land received in that bad deal.


But there you go I am talking to someone who is OK with killing women and children.



No, you are defending those who would kill women and children.

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I am 100% for what Israel is doing.Hamas are really bad people .


Hamas may be bad people but Israel is killing Palestinians indiscriminately.  Civilians young and old not holding a weapon.  Israel is committing blanket murder just like the Bush's did in Iraq and Obama continues to do with drones.  Will you stop hamas by random killlings, I think not.  I am not anti Jewish but I am totally anti Israeli government in this circumstance.  And I believe that the 1947 agreement should be recinded or at least that the war mongering bast###s should be made to move back to the land received in that bad deal.


But there you go I am talking to someone who is OK with killing women and children.



No, you are defending those who would kill women and children.



You must have misunderstood, I am not defending Israel they are the ones killing women and children.

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Sick 'smiley'.


You are yet again spouting Israeli propaganda which you have filled TV threads with. I have no time for those who blame victims for being blown to bits with nowhere to go. Contemptuous.



cheesy.gif  another one!


the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.





Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims. It's standard Israeli propaganda, which only the gullible swallow. You haven't even posted one word of sympathy for the victims. Again contemptuous (& duplicious).




tosser1.gif  again, no one is blaming the victims! But the victims can blame Hamas. That is not propaganda it is fact.



Again you are blaming the victims who are blaming the entity that drops the bombs knowing that they kill civilians even on a beach. That is not just propaganda but a rather nasty lie.


Edited by khunken
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the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.

Hamas started this. Hamas is using human shields. Hamas ordered its own people to stay in areas that are harboring terrorists and the people have been warned are about to be bombed. Hamas are responsible for the civilian casualties.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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People in Gaza have no where to go as john Kerry intimated the operation is not very 'pin point' at all. I know lots of Jews and some support and some don't what's going on, so let's not condemn all Jews and in a similar vein nor all Palestinians. However, killing civilians is not the way forward. Furthermore, if my family were wiped out I might be tempted to take a radical view as well, who wouldn't?

Therefore, the Israel situation is very complex and also let's remember the State of Israel was formed partly out of terror bombings and shootings on British troops, please check it's history before commenting on this, so one mans terrorist can be another mans hero.

I think the polarised opinions don't help on either side.
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People in Gaza have no where to go as john Kerry intimated the operation is not very 'pin point' at all. I know lots of Jews and some support and some don't what's going on, so let's not condemn all Jews and in a similar vein nor all Palestinians. However, killing civilians is not the way forward. Furthermore, if my family were wiped out I might be tempted to take a radical view as well, who wouldn't?

Therefore, the Israel situation is very complex and also let's remember the State of Israel was formed partly out of terror bombings and shootings on British troops, please check it's history before commenting on this, so one mans terrorist can be another mans hero.

I think the polarised opinions don't help on either side.
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the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.

Hamas started this. Hamas is using human shields and Hamas ordered its own people to stay in areas that are harboring terrorists and the people have been warned are about to be bombed. Hamas are responsible for the civilian casualties.



So using your logic, the ones killed when the hospital was targeted were also sent there by Hamas?  ISRAEL KILLED THEM AND THE OTHERS.

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You mean the Hamas command center and rocket-launching site? The hospital was targeted, “in light of several occasions in which fire was opened at IDF forces from within the hospital grounds, and despite repeated warnings against such activities, and notifications to civilians to vacate the premises.” So, yes, any civilian deaths are on the Hamas terrorists. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims.

The "victims" started the conflict in the first place, have refused numerous peace deals and elected a terrorist group - Hamas - to represent them There is such a thing as personal responsibility.



"guilt through election"

" no civilians are innocent "


Where have seen this type of thinking before...




Focus on this part of the text, about 1/3 of the way down.


"(3) You may then dispute that all the above does not justify aggression against civilians, for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake:

(a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want."

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You mean the Hamas command center and rocket-launching site? The hospital was targeted, “in light of several occasions in which fire was opened at IDF forces from within the hospital grounds, and despite repeated warnings against such activities, and notifications to civilians to vacate the premises.” So, yes, any civilian deaths are on the Hamas terrorists. 


You mean the "alleged" command centre don't you?  Do you have a man on the ground who witnessed the rocket launches and firing from hospital grounds or are you simply taking the word of the Israeli propaganda machine.  Somehow I think it is the latter.  My belief is that when politicians speak they lie.  All I judge on is the evidence I see in pictures and video not the words of a politician.  And further, if they were warned beforehand, which I sincerely doubt, how the heck do you expect wounded and ill people to vacate a hospital?

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Yes Hamas were democratically elected, obviously democracy means many things to the Americans, usually it's only democratic if you elect their choice.

But in fairness to other posts don't blame all Jews for what's going on as I know a lot who don't like it at all. There's good and bad on each side. And who's the idiot that said they could use the 67 air raid shelters is he real or just a moron?

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Yes, unfortunately Dog is an accurate description of the level of evolution achieved by the Israeli leadership. They certainly have not as yet evolved to the level of homo sapiens - or so it seems by their obvious lack of cerebral sophistication in working out where their behaviour will lead. Or maybe they don't care that their children and grandchildren will still be fighting as another generation of hatred and mistrust is bred from the current actions. Very smart.



It really sounds like you are describing Hamas leadership. Yes, over the years Israel's government has made mistakes, but Hamas IS a mistake. 

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Yes, unfortunately Dog is an accurate description of the level of evolution achieved by the Israeli leadership. They certainly have not as yet evolved to the level of homo sapiens - or so it seems by their obvious lack of cerebral sophistication in working out where their behaviour will lead. Or maybe they don't care that their children and grandchildren will still be fighting as another generation of hatred and mistrust is bred from the current actions. Very smart.



It really sounds like you are describing Hamas leadership. Yes, over the years Israel's government has made mistakes, but Hamas IS a mistake. 



You should know well who's mistake it was.


Going back quite a few years when Arafat and Fatah were the sole leadership of the PLO, Israel and the US wanted an alternative to Fatah who were seen as highly corrupt (shades of Thailand). Voila - Hamas, who were initially seen as a less corrupt & a viable opposition to Fatah.


Unfortunately there was never a real effort at agreeing a two-state solution (no independent arbiter didn't help) and Hamas became more and more militant as the Israeli oppression and land grabs worsened.


So, in a way Israel helped to create Hamas but now won't deal with them overtly (covertly is a different matter). They are portrayed as 'destroyers of Israel' - a ridiculous claim except to the Israeli fanatical defenders. Terrorists as well, of course, hypocrisy when Israel itself is founded on terrorism and has by far the most powerful terror-creating weapons in the Middle East & uses them.


Although you and your ilk cannot bring yourself to accept the (logical) fact that all these atrocities against the Palestinians just creates more hatred and more fanatics, especially from the surviving children & cousins of those blown to bits. It's just a vicious circle that helps neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians. Sad that no one currently has the stature or desire to end it.


Edited by khunken
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This is just the tip of what most Jews know and think, but the voice of the Jewish majority are silenced by the powerful Political Zionist (as opposed to Religious Zionist) minority. We need to help the Jewish people liberate themselves from the Political Zionists who are bringing nothing but hatred and condemnation upon them.


People like Naomi Wolf, Gideon Levy are more famous examples of Jews who speak their minds - I'm hopeful that there are many more who will come forward now that the Zionist Genocide Machine is out 'mowing the lawn"


Jewish !=  Zionist



lets not bring up the whole Jewish vs. Zionist thing again...its been done to death



Oh ... Yes - sure ... and the very nature of this SLANTED so called news article means that any thinking person should turn a blind eye to the truth ... What a silly moronic 'news' article posing to resemble the truth of the matter.. 

Edited by JDGRUEN
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as for the original post, great news perhaps slowly but surely an anti.war and anti miltary group will gain strength and will eventually hold.enuf power to change things in Isreal.





another insightful comment NOT.  


what you fail to understand is that while there are some who refuse to serve in Gaza or the west Bank. These same people would pick  up arms if Israel was seriously threatened by the Arabs. 


In Israel everyone is a soldier.



so what are you saying? maybe these 50 are propaganda tools used by mosad to enhance the image that isrealy people actually have a choice? or are you just failing to acknowledge  that any piece of anti war stance comng from isreal is  a plus, either way perhaps your view says as much about you as it says about the situation .

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