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Hey guy's im infected with HIV in my young 30's

99.9% sure i caught from bar girlsarrow-10x10.png unprotected sex many times more times than protected sex silly me i know ;[

I am not on Meds as my cbd and viral say theres no need yet...!

Anyway i got it in my head that i want a partnerarrow-10x10.png that has HIV and is Thai, How do i find one in her 20's without blowing my cover? got any idea's!

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Back when I was looking at some of the dating sites, a number of women stated in their profiles that they were HIV positive. Why not try that and see who responds?

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^^^^ it has only just been posted. Could be any number of reasons he hasn't replied yet and no rules one must remain constantly on their thread. Strewth!

Very true... Just my opinion though

We shall see :)


I recall once somebody mention that a statement " I am Jewish" should be always trusted. Reason - who in their right mind would want to lie!?

This is a second incident. Who in their right mind would want to make an untrue statement " I am HIV positive" !

Not that the above conditions are in the same category... No offence meant to either. wai2.gif


No trolling guy's honest ;] it's all true i am being open as possible so i can find this lucky girl, i would not make FB page because people would see it, i only few comfortable talking about this whilst using double VPN'S ;] i read posts on people saying they know positive ladys in bangkok whilst living there ect ....??? anyone hook me up lol. All date sites come across as scams.

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Go to any gogo bar and pick one... Chances are she is positive for HIV

Speaking from experience?

Lobster is probably more a Nana Car park loiterer.


Troll - 100%.

No doubt after reading the replies, especially the pre-scripted protest of innocence which sounds oh so familiar to those found in dozens of similar troll posts (fitfarang?).

But I don't mind. Laughter is good for the soul. A big :) to the OP for that.

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Before this thread moves any further you should identify if you are a man or a woman.

Did you read the op's post? I don't know how could not deduce he is a he.


Go to any gogo bar and pick one... Chances are she is positive for HIV

So lobster boy, you are suggesting that the OP takes a girl from a bar.

So if he takes up your suggestion and infects a girl who later dies from the infection, that would mean that you have aided and abetted a murder.

If the said bargirl infects other customers, that could change to mass murder.

You really are the tool of the day, aren’t you?

Not quite, wise boy,

He is looking for a girl who has aids already. Good place to start is where he first got infected.

oh so not wise one.

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Go to any gogo bar and pick one... Chances are she is positive for HIV

Yeah right, so based on your assumption the majority of working girls are HIV.

You really are a divvy.

P. S this thread is new low in trolling

Divvy is as divvy do.. whatever that is.

Poster is a troll for sure. Says he got it in a bar...so best place for him to find one who also has it....in a bar??

Why not


Go to any gogo bar and pick one... Chances are she is positive for HIV

Speaking from experience?

Lobster is probably more a Nana Car park loiterer.

Try Udon Thani on for size...my illiterate friend.

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