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Always Makes Me Smile.


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Ok so I was walking to Tesco Lotus, doesn't matter why but Im hot and bothered and cursing tuk tuk drivers for not being around when you need one and I look up and there is this small shop with a great big sign in the window reading.


Made me smile and want to stop.

So I was wondering what's your best one?

I don't mean to offend anyone I just think its sweet.

My local restauant sells.

"Deep fired the large intestine" Again which always gets a grin. Combine that with the "French Fried." and I believe your on to a winner.

Hope no one gets offended, I admire the thai people for numerous reasons and one of them is that they make me smile.


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no offense mate. there´s a couple of threads about funny signs in a myriad of the different forums on tv.com

I think most of us are harmlessy enamused by them.

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Yeah, but he's New Kayo and won't know that.

My favourite that I have seen in CM was a advertising board on the back of a Tuk Tuk that read

"We Take Care You" Tesco sign.. You would think a UK based company like that would get the simple English stuff proof read by a Farang before they print a load of them up!!!

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"We Take Care You" Tesco sign.. You would think a UK based company like that would get the simple English stuff proof read by a Farang before they print a load of them up!!!

Almost every piece of English communication here is in need of proofreading, but most Thais would be very hard pressed to actually pay for such a service.

At least it provides for good entertainment.

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There are a couple of signs Meadish that they always seem to get right....HAPPY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. These are also the best value banners or signs. My local egg shop has had them both permanently afixed to the wall for at least the last decade, thus saving time in putting them up each year, not forgetting the cost each year :o

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GRAND SALE 50% (the same sign's been up for two years).

If you mean the one at one of the silver shop on the Sankhampeang Road,

make it at least 8 years then :o

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There are a couple of signs Meadish that they always seem to get right....HAPPY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. These are also the best value banners or signs. My local egg shop has had them both permanently afixed to the wall for at least the last decade, thus saving time in putting them up each year, not forgetting the cost each year :o

in downtown phitsanulok they keep the christmas decorations (santa and sleigh with reindeer) up and all year around and turned on at night. I told my wife that really iritates me. Everybody knows that all decorations have to come down but 1 january...it is like a cosmic law!!![/size]

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Being an editor, I have come across a few gems - sadly sometimes the clients insist on using their English. The Sheraton's ad:

Who's taking care of you?

We do.

being a prime example! Have told them repeatedly but apparently Bangkok sent the copy and Chiang Mai has to stick with it.

We had another one recently, "Chiang Mai's topical spa," the owner insisted that it was correct and told me to mind my business.

O well, as you say, it keeps us all amused.

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I was working with a reseller in Japan several years ago. One day, one of my associates there called and asked me which was a more appropriate word, "germ" or "sprout". I asked my friend what the context was and he insisted that it wasn't important, "just tell me which is a better word" he asked. I understood that germ was the root (?) for germinate and told him that using germ alone would not sound right, and that if it had to be either of the two words, he should use "sprout". We hung up the phone and I forgot about it.

About a month later, I attended their holiday party in Tokyo at one of the large hotels. There was a huge banner hanging on the wall with a motivational message for their staff. The poster has an old tall tree with the words "committment" and "sprout". Many people thanked me for helping them with the great banner :o .

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"We Take Care You" Tesco sign.. You would think a UK based company like that would get the simple English stuff proof read by a Farang before they print a load of them up!!!

I know English staff at Tescos here (Bangkok). They agree with you, but since each store manager is responsible for their own signs, promotional/advertising meterial etc. the English staff aren't allowed to interfere because the manager would lose face having his English corrected.

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