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I've been in contact with the advertiser... I'm gonna give it a go.. I'll let you know how it went last week.. :o

totster :D

If time travel were possible it would be here already!

If we assume they´d worked out a way to travel

both forwards and backards, or at least backwards.

But, suppose they´re halfway there and been so

many times, for ages - only problem they only

figured how to travel forward and thus keep sending

their marvellous machines into a distant future.

Our granchildrenX300 will experience people from the

past popping up every now and then. That will serve

as an unmatched source for future historians.

(and the answer to why people have to send themselves

to such a distant future instead of a near, is simply that

the universe would explode if one object all of a sudden

were to be twice in the same space of time - therefore

timetravellers can unfortunately not take the risk of meeting themselves)


If time travel were possible it would be here already!

If we assume they´d worked out a way to travel

both forwards and backards, or at least backwards.

But, suppose they´re halfway there and been so

many times, for ages - only problem they only

figured how to travel forward and thus keep sending

their marvellous machines into a distant future.

Our granchildrenX300 will experience people from the

past popping up every now and then. That will serve

as an unmatched source for future historians.

(and the answer to why people have to send themselves

to such a distant future instead of a near, is simply that

the universe would explode if one object all of a sudden

were to be twice in the same space of time - therefore

timetravellers can unfortunately not take the risk of meeting themselves)

Far out and cosmic man! Pass me the spliff...


If time travel were possible it would be here already!

If we assume they´d worked out a way to travel

both forwards and backards, or at least backwards.

But, suppose they´re halfway there and been so

many times, for ages - only problem they only

figured how to travel forward and thus keep sending

their marvellous machines into a distant future.

Our granchildrenX300 will experience people from the

past popping up every now and then. That will serve

as an unmatched source for future historians.

(and the answer to why people have to send themselves

to such a distant future instead of a near, is simply that

the universe would explode if one object all of a sudden

were to be twice in the same space of time - therefore

timetravellers can unfortunately not take the risk of meeting themselves)

Far out and cosmic man! Pass me the spliff...

Unfortunately I have none, but you are welcome to stick with me

on my current odyssé of sleep depravation :-)


What are you doing that for... Travelling back to the morning at the end of the evening..... ????

marty mcfly met himself. Nobody blew up.

That´s what we´re told, yes. Obviously there are hidden

forces at work, with an agenda we may only speculate about.

Not too accurately off course or else there´s allways the risk

of a knock on the door and a sudden disappearence - if you know what

I mean.

What are you doing that for... Travelling back to the morning at the end of the evening..... ????

Actually that´s a rather poetic metaphor, since I leave for

work at the end of the evening and get back home in the

early morning (leaving home at 10.30pm and coming back at 7.10am).

Ah! What´s the job? what country are you in any how?

Healthcare/nursing of old or otherwise disabled people still

living in their own homes. Switching diapers, putting on new

bandates, giving medicines and wiping poo.

Ever wondered about that neighbour of yours whom you´ve

never seen? I allways thought that it might be some shady

character who wish to remain unseen, or something similar.

Now, on the other hand, I´ve got actual proof that in all likeliness

it´s most probably an old woman too ill to leave her apartment,

or someone with a severe mental condition like schizofrenia and such.

(very old people involved in recieving of healthcare are less often

male since their wives tend to take a lot of care of them and

then they die a lot earlier than the women... the conclusion here

is NOT that men die earlier because they´re oftenwise tended

a lot by their wives ;-) )

Noe I´ll havet to have a bite to eat before I leave. Tataa!

PS: Sweden.


marty mcfly met himself. Nobody blew up.

That´s what we´re told, yes. Obviously there are hidden

forces at work, with an agenda we may only speculate about.

Not too accurately off course or else there´s allways the risk

of a knock on the door and a sudden disappearence - if you know what

I mean.

Hold on....

Bill and Ted had no problems either.. :o

totster :D


ah.. those swedes take good care of eachother don´t they??? Good one ya Medz... :o

My landlord is about eighty, small, no teeth, and evry day he is still out sorking int he garden.

ah.. those swedes take good care of eachother don´t they??? Good one ya Medz... :o

My landlord is about eighty, small, no teeth, and evry day he is still out sorking int he garden.

Actually I don´t really know about that part of us Swedes taking good care

of oneanother. The idea of the core family with tight bonds is pretty much

dissolved, with result that we working as nurses also oftenwise become most

of what social contact they ever get. It actually saddens me to be invited to

a cup of tea "anytime you happen to have time". I´m a person paid to help

out with securing somewhat decent conditions of living. In a better world they´d

appreciate me being a nice guy, but be busy enough to have relatives over

for brownies not to think of having me over as well.

Naturally, there are a lot of great families that takes the time even to travel

far to visit grandma every once in a while, but there are too many with the TV

as their primary entertainer. Imagine that! One might figure kids watching cable-TV

would hold records in fly-time in front of the box. Nay, say I. Alone, old people

fortunate enough to have adequate eyesight and hearing, are the record holders

in that game.

The healthcare system has been going downhill for quite a while

and is, by our measures at least, quite disastrous at times. But I suppose it´s

all about comparison.

Your landlord will propably suck on to life and be completely oblivious to the

concept of death until he´ll just fall to the ground or never wake up one morning.

If I may say so, that´s the way to go.

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