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N Korea threatens nuclear strike on White House


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N. Korea threatens nuclear strike on White House

SEOUL (AFP) - A top-ranking North Korean military official has threatened a nuclear strike on the White House and Pentagon after accusing Washington of raising military tensions on the Korean peninsula.

The threat came from Hwang Pyong-So, director of the military's General Political Bureau, during a speech to a large military rally in Pyongyang on Sunday on the anniversary of the armistice that ended the 1950-53 Korean War.

Hwang, who holds the rank of vice marshal in the Korean People's Army, said a recent series of South Korea-US military drills, one of which included the deployment of a nuclear-powered US aircraft carrier, had ramped up tensions.

"If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival... our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon - the sources of all evil," Hwang said in his speech broadcast Monday on state television.

It is not the first time that North Korea's rhetoric has included threats of nuclear strikes on the continental United States and US bases in the Pacific.

But most experts believe it is still a long way from developing a viable intercontinental ballistic missile with the required range.

The North has conducted three nuclear tests, but is not thought to have mastered the miniaturisation techniques necessary for mounting a warhead on a missile.

It does possess a range of short-and mid-range missiles capable of striking South Korea and Japan, and has conducted a series of test firings into the Sea of Japan (East Sea) in recent weeks.

The latest test on Saturday - guided by the leader Kim Jong-un - simulated a short-range missile strike on South Korea where 28,500 US troops are stationed, the North's state media said.

It defied censure by the UN Security Council which officially condemned Pyongyang on July 17 over the recent tests as violations of UN resolutions prohibiting the North from using ballistic missile technology.


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Surely this was the whole point of nuclear weapons. If you ignore which countries are involved here then all that is being said is literally 'if you try to destroy us then we will target our nastiest weapons at your government and military headquarters' which would sound quite reasonable if said by virtually any other country.

Anyway, I thought The North Koreans were still celebrating their world cup win???

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Congratulations to the People's Republic of Korea, for being the last nation to resist capitalist imperialism with its proud and happy people and invicible army. 


One assumes you are being satirical; however, I welcome their attempt to strike at the heart of the USA.


Their last attempt at testing their intercontinental launch equipment came straight back down to earth. With a substantial nuclear warhead coming straight back down on Pyongyang, we may see a sudden shift in the power structure in North Korea.


How anyone can ever consider this bunch of amateurs to be a threat to the West amazes me; as they say, don't take a knife to a gunfight...!! If they want to start this, I have no doubt the USA will finish it in true US style...!!

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N. Korea threatens nuclear strike on White House

SEOUL (AFP) - A top-ranking North Korean military official has threatened a nuclear strike on the White House and Pentagon after accusing Washington of raising military tensions on the Korean peninsula.



This piece of rhetoric might well suggest that all is not well in the  power structure of the despotic ruling clique in North Korea, time to try to rustle up support  for the  baby dicktator dictator perhaps ?


Or possibly the ''top ranking" (isn't there an English slang connection there to J.Arthur Rank ? whistling.gif ) has stopped taking its medication or is taking medication  it shouldn't be taking. 

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So few govern so  many, and we wonder why the world is the way it is , The wests politicians are on par with north koreas we need real change in this world or  it will be run as it is now by bankers and big corporations . How many politicians these days come from humble backgrounds.

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"If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival... our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon - the sources of all evil," Hwang said in his speech broadcast Monday on state television.


Seriously, do they still use the word "imperialists" and the phrase "source of all evil"?  Did they get their speech-book from Iran and Al Qaeda?


These people are seriously unhinged.  Yes, the innocent people of N. Korea should not suffer, but if they ever do launch a missile at the US it will be the last time they ever threaten anyone in the world...so, bring it on.



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Delusional and dangerous and potentially the West's greatest existential threat. Compared to the nutcase running North Korea, the Iranian ayatollahs are models of restraint and sophistication. Right now, The Haircut is a joke. But if he gets his podgy mitts on a nuclear-armed submarine. . . 

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Congratulations to the People's Republic of Korea, for being the last nation to resist capitalist imperialism with its proud and happy people and invicible army. 

One assumes you are being satirical; however, I welcome their attempt to strike at the heart of the USA.
Their last attempt at testing their intercontinental launch equipment came straight back down to earth. With a substantial nuclear warhead coming straight back down on Pyongyang, we may see a sudden shift in the power structure in North Korea.
How anyone can ever consider this bunch of amateurs to be a threat to the West amazes me; as they say, don't take a knife to a gunfight...!! If they want to start this, I have no doubt the USA will finish it in true US style...!!
What is "true US style"  Is that like Vietnam where you walked out and left people at the mercy of the North, or Iraq and Afghanistan that you left in a mess or the Cubans that were left in the cold at the Bay of Pigs, if that is "US style".  Nobody is ever better off after the US shows it's "style"

I take your point but, don't the citizens of the countries you mention bear some responsibility? For many reasons, much the responsibility of U.S. actions in those countries, the citizens did not care to unite to defend against the perceived enemy. As to your last sentence, you use too broad of a brush. I think there are, in fact, millions of citizens in Europe and Asia who would say they are much better off after the U.S. showed its style in an earlier era (WW II, Berlin airlift, independent former Soviet occupied countries,...). As too Iraq, I am embarrassed, as to Afghanistan I supported removing those who allowed the training for the attack on us (then we should have only participated as a partner of any international action taken, no more). IMHO.
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Well, the joke runs now in the third generation after Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and now his son. Sanctions will follow, the UN in Geneva will be busy, the sanctions will be eased against deliveries of food and cash - a repetitive ritual. After having the Great Leader and the Dear Leader in the fairy tales of Baekdu we are eager to see, if the present chief clown Kim Jong Un will be eternally listed in North Korean's history of stalinism as the Little Fatty Pig Leader or the Weird Hair Cut Leader. 

On a more sombre note - as long as the Americans are in the South there will be no peace in North Asia as the Chinese keep the North Korean door mat to prevent having Uncle Sam's boys at their door step. 
Let the Americans clean up their own mess - suggest domestically first like reducing the majority of the world's debts accumulated by the Feds and Amici, getting the last Seventh of the population away from food stamps and into jobs.
This might ease tensions in North Korea, latter to implode and cleaned up by the Southern brethren and the Republic of China, a.k.a. Taiwan ROC, will be able to normalise relations with the PR China, latter straining them due to the US presence. 

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Seriously, do they still use the word "imperialists" and the phrase "source of all evil"?  Did they get their speech-book from Iran and Al Qaeda?



Perhaps the same kind of people as the one using phrases as "axis of evil" or call their military strikes "Enduring Freedom" (great and very poetic creation that one).

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Vice marshal in the Korean People's Army is equivalent to an American Cub Scout with his Wood Carving badge.


And I am sure the US could fire up a drone and pick off Kim Jong Un, it isn't like he blends in with his countrymen who are nearly starving to death.

Maybe could develop a "fat seeking missile" to take him out?

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"...our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon, some of the rockets will corkscrew into the ocean, most will be embarrassing duds, and one or two will go straight up in the air for many miles balancing on the apex for a second before coming back down on our brave troops and leadership. There will be a short scramble for the 'Abort' button, before we realize that we don't have one, and we become aware that the US Imperialists have suicided us..."

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Why the USA doesn't send a nuclear missile to North Korea to take them out of their misery?


But again, saying that, why should the innocent, people suffer for the stupidity of a few?


I wish, this planet of ours was a better place to live, but seems to go downhill by the day.


answer to your first question in one word;'



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Congratulations to the People's Republic of Korea, for being the last nation to resist capitalist imperialism with its proud and happy people and invicible army. 


One assumes you are being satirical; however, I welcome their attempt to strike at the heart of the USA.


Their last attempt at testing their intercontinental launch equipment came straight back down to earth. With a substantial nuclear warhead coming straight back down on Pyongyang, we may see a sudden shift in the power structure in North Korea.


How anyone can ever consider this bunch of amateurs to be a threat to the West amazes me; as they say, don't take a knife to a gunfight...!! If they want to start this, I have no doubt the USA will finish it in true US style...!!



What is "true US style"  Is that like Vietnam where you walked out and left people at the mercy of the North, or Iraq and Afghanistan that you left in a mess or the Cubans that were left in the cold at the Bay of Pigs, if that is "US style".  Nobody is ever better off after the US shows it's "style"


Exactly! Look at what happened to the Europeans when the USA 'shows it's style" in WWll. USA should have minded it's own business and stayed out of it. 

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