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Financially independent, Under 50, Seeking Options....

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100k per month, sorry thought you said you were financially independant?


My best advice for you, head to Chanthaburi on the east coast.

Get yourself outside the normal farang ghetto, is one of the richest provinces in Thailand.


Like you I dont frequent the more salubrious parts of the kingdom, its Chan for you young man.

Or somewhere down by Chumphon, Ranong and/or Surat Thani. 

There are many farming communities.

It's REAL thai people and culture :) <3

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Travelled her for two weeks and loved it.

Please tell me what you loved about the place?


Where exactly did you visit and what did you see to make you love this place?


If you are so rich and want to be here, dont worry, Thailand has just the ticket for you.

Its called an investor visa, available for a cool 10 million baht.




What have these questions got to do with what the OP is asking ?


Why would he want to have an Investor Visa for 10m when he can have an Elite card for 500,000 baht ?


The Elite card is rubbish, 500.000 baht, and after five years it's all gone. Thank you for your 500.000 Baht, now beat it, unless you want a lot of hassle with plenty of paperwork.

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The Elite card is rubbish, 500.000 baht, and after five years it's all gone. Thank you for your 500.000 Baht, now beat it, unless you want a lot of hassle with plenty of paperwork.



You can just buy another one every 5 years if you still want or need it.


I suspect they will get plenty of repeat sales on these things.

Edited by ukrules
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The Elite card is rubbish, 500.000 baht, and after five years it's all gone. Thank you for your 500.000 Baht, now beat it, unless you want a lot of hassle with plenty of paperwork.



You can just buy another one every 5 years if you still want or need it.


I suspect they will get plenty of repeat sales on these things.


Maybe, but it's an awful lot of money just to stay in a country when you also have all the living expenses.

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Two words not mentioned, inflation and exchange rates, both of which the OP has no control over.


Lets use the 100k mentioned.

A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.

Inflation and exchange rates mean the same life style will now cost 100k baht per month, or two thousand pounds per month income needed.


Can the OP take that sort of hit.

For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Is the 100k per month index linked, if so to where?

What sort of income will the OP be getting in say 5 or 10 years time, using the examples above, will it still provide the same lifestyle he can buy today?


I dont know of any expats that moved here to live on 30k per month.

I would be interested to know what sort of lifestyle that would provide a 36 year old guy.

Will he be able to afford a mortgage and put money into a retirement plan or private pension fund?

I am far from negative, more a realist, some need to take off the saffron tinted glasses and experience the cost of living in Bkk for example.


Wait until the op experiences the delights of the bureaucracy involved in something as simple as opening a bank account.

Need work permit sir.

Must buy this insurance product sir.

Let the Op try and obtain financing to purchase a car.

Suppose the OP wants to buy a condo,try the bank for financing.


The OP is still in holiday mode, nothing wrong with that, Thailand has seduced many and will continue to do so.

The OP should be aware of the realities of living here full time and long term.


I wish him well.



The OP was asking about his Visa Options only, now what part of that don't you understand ?


Incidently why are you talking about exchange rates when the OP has approx 100,000 baht per month facepalm.gif


But anyhow, just a few things you have wrong


A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.


A few years ago (lets say 3 years as per below) the rate wasn't 75, closer to 48.


For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Related to the exchange  rates, the car cost  will be nearer 8,000 pounds not 16,000 pounds


If your relating everything to 3 years ago then people will be approx 10% better off now, obviously allowing for inflation !

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The Elite card is rubbish, 500.000 baht, and after five years it's all gone. Thank you for your 500.000 Baht, now beat it, unless you want a lot of hassle with plenty of paperwork.



You can just buy another one every 5 years if you still want or need it.


I suspect they will get plenty of repeat sales on these things.


Maybe, but it's an awful lot of money just to stay in a country when you also have all the living expenses.



Not if your independently wealthy, as a lot of TV finest claim, its less than Thai minimum wage per day...  

So maybe a few less beers per day will cover this..thumbsup.gif

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So you've been in Thailand two weeks and already making a movie in your head about your future there ?


I recommend you get something easy and cheap like a double entry tourist visa, that will allow you up six months in country to let you learn and perceive a little more about it.



Why is that so difficult to understand? Some people can make good decisions quickly. I knew I'd like it the day I arrived and I've been here over 4 years. Never been back to my home country in all that time.


Sounds like you and some others don't like it so much. I always wonder why so many that don't like it here bother staying. They are always having a go at people that love it here and want to stay, but they themselves don't like it and still stay. So who's the most stupid? a) the person who loves it here and wants to stay; or cool.png the person who hates it here but stays anyway.


Ok, not need to answer that. We all know the answer is cool.png.



It's not difficult to understand at all.


However by taking a tourist visa BEFORE shelling out for an Elite card or similar, makes a hell of a lot of sense to me, and has no real disadvantages except one or two visa runs. He still gets to come and stay starting straight away, and maybe (just maybe) he might change his mind within that time. And if he does, he'll have saved himself a lot of money.


Frankly I just see it as a commonsense way to go about it.



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OP, keep in mind that the new visa rules are not in effect yet and I would wait a bit and see how they are enforcing it. I am in a similar situation, and I plan to do nothing until I have to. If you are in the USA now, I would try to get a business visa. Tell them you are looking to start a company in Thailand and ask for a 1 year mutli-entry biz visa. Probably you would get 90 days which I believe you can extend to 120 days... so we are talking a few trips to cambo a year. 


I'm not drinking the new rule immigration cool aid and I think if you are a clean cut American, they may not even care if you do the visa runs. I am going to wait until after Aug 12 and then try to do a run just to see what will happen. Will let you know. 

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I live in a small city in the north and we have young English teachers here all the time. Some have been here for years. As you know, they don't make a lot of money but they do seem to enjoy their lives and vacations. It is a nice way to integrate somewhat into the society and I have never heard any of them voice hte typical complaints abt superiors etc… though I don't doubt the others - - I think almost all get their jobs through an agency. And I believe all are working legit here, which was not the case 10 years ago. There seems to be an increasing demand too. 


Best of luck to you.

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Go to a Thai Embassy or cosulate in USA get a triple entry tourist visa . Each entry will give you 60 days wich can be extended at immigration for an additional 30 days for 1900 baht. Doing that 3 times will give you 9 months here to check out Thailand. Travel around , see where you might like to stay and then near end of last visa can decide about the elite card, non-o or marriage visa. 

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thailand will keep making it increasingly difficult to stay unless youre over 50 or work permit etc its no longer a country that you can hope for the next cheap option to stay here on some kind of wonder visa the party is beginning to fade very quickly

business visas ed visas these will be ones that if through agents will become increasingly difficult to maintain a life here

so the elite card is an extra option for those that can pay 500k for nearly six years

i think its a great thing that the whole expat community has a few visa options to help those keep their life in thailand

it seems the noose is tightening on many visas
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Sounds like a temporary visa would be the smart thing to do. The perpetual whiners aside, there are definite negatives here (foreigners don't seem to have the same legal protections they'd get in the west, for better or worse) and you might find that there are nice places in Myanmar (where there is more widespread English), Laos, even China. If I were back home I would be getting a 1 year (or whatever they'd give me) tourist visa for both China and Thailand, much easier to do in the home country from what I hear.

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Two words not mentioned, inflation and exchange rates, both of which the OP has no control over.


Lets use the 100k mentioned.

A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.

Inflation and exchange rates mean the same life style will now cost 100k baht per month, or two thousand pounds per month income needed.


Can the OP take that sort of hit.

For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Is the 100k per month index linked, if so to where?

What sort of income will the OP be getting in say 5 or 10 years time, using the examples above, will it still provide the same lifestyle he can buy today?


I dont know of any expats that moved here to live on 30k per month.

I would be interested to know what sort of lifestyle that would provide a 36 year old guy.

Will he be able to afford a mortgage and put money into a retirement plan or private pension fund?

I am far from negative, more a realist, some need to take off the saffron tinted glasses and experience the cost of living in Bkk for example.


Wait until the op experiences the delights of the bureaucracy involved in something as simple as opening a bank account.

Need work permit sir.

Must buy this insurance product sir.

Let the Op try and obtain financing to purchase a car.

Suppose the OP wants to buy a condo,try the bank for financing.


The OP is still in holiday mode, nothing wrong with that, Thailand has seduced many and will continue to do so.

The OP should be aware of the realities of living here full time and long term.


I wish him well.



The OP was asking about his Visa Options only, now what part of that don't you understand ?


Incidently why are you talking about exchange rates when the OP has approx 100,000 baht per month facepalm.gif


But anyhow, just a few things you have wrong


A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.


A few years ago (lets say 3 years as per below) the rate wasn't 75, closer to 48.


For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Related to the exchange  rates, the car cost  will be nearer 8,000 pounds not 16,000 pounds


If your relating everything to 3 years ago then people will be approx 10% better off now, obviously allowing for inflation !



Asking about exchange rates coz I would love to know where in farangland he is getting 100k baht per month income, its all about exchange rates aint it?


A few years ago, ok sorry for being so vague, lets say 10 years ago when the Brits were big timing it with 75+ baht to the pound.

The same guys I refer to are now living out a 50k per month life style, so in reality are going backwards.


As for car, Honda Civic, 10 years ago 9000 pounds, today new Honda Civic, 800,000 baht, please let me know where I can buy a new Honda Civic for 8,000 pounds or 400,000 baht.

BTW, I offered the guy 4 suggestions on where to live in Thailand, you have offered how many?

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Two words not mentioned, inflation and exchange rates, both of which the OP has no control over.
Lets use the 100k mentioned.
A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.
Inflation and exchange rates mean the same life style will now cost 100k baht per month, or two thousand pounds per month income needed.
Can the OP take that sort of hit.
For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.
Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.
A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.
Is the 100k per month index linked, if so to where?
What sort of income will the OP be getting in say 5 or 10 years time, using the examples above, will it still provide the same lifestyle he can buy today?
I dont know of any expats that moved here to live on 30k per month.
I would be interested to know what sort of lifestyle that would provide a 36 year old guy.
Will he be able to afford a mortgage and put money into a retirement plan or private pension fund?
I am far from negative, more a realist, some need to take off the saffron tinted glasses and experience the cost of living in Bkk for example.
Wait until the op experiences the delights of the bureaucracy involved in something as simple as opening a bank account.
Need work permit sir.
Must buy this insurance product sir.
Let the Op try and obtain financing to purchase a car.
Suppose the OP wants to buy a condo,try the bank for financing.
The OP is still in holiday mode, nothing wrong with that, Thailand has seduced many and will continue to do so.
The OP should be aware of the realities of living here full time and long term.
I wish him well.

The OP was asking about his Visa Options only, now what part of that don't you understand ?
Incidently why are you talking about exchange rates when the OP has approx 100,000 baht per month facepalm.gif
But anyhow, just a few things you have wrong
A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.
A few years ago (lets say 3 years as per below) the rate wasn't 75, closer to 48.
For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.
Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.
A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.
Related to the exchange  rates, the car cost  will be nearer 8,000 pounds not 16,000 pounds
If your relating everything to 3 years ago then people will be approx 10% better off now, obviously allowing for inflation !

Asking about exchange rates coz I would love to know where in farangland he is getting 100k baht per month income, its all about exchange rates aint it?
A few years ago, ok sorry for being so vague, lets say 10 years ago when the Brits were big timing it with 75+ baht to the pound.
The same guys I refer to are now living out a 50k per month life style, so in reality are going backwards.
As for car, Honda Civic, 10 years ago 9000 pounds, today new Honda Civic, 800,000 baht, please let me know where I can buy a new Honda Civic for 8,000 pounds or 400,000 baht.
BTW, I offered the guy 4 suggestions on where to live in Thailand, you have offered how many?

I get paid in sterling. A year ago I think I was getting about 46 baht to the £ or thereabouts, now it's 54-55 baht. Those mathematicians on here should be able to work it out but it's around a 15% increase. Better than a kick in the nads.
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Those who are financially independent are usually so because they are not stupid. The dumbass 'elite' card costs 3 times as much as visas over the same period would and the other 'perks' do not anywhere near make it worth it at all. If you are smart enough to be financially independent then you are certainly smart enough to see what a waste of money those things are....

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Two words not mentioned, inflation and exchange rates, both of which the OP has no control over.


Lets use the 100k mentioned.

A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.

Inflation and exchange rates mean the same life style will now cost 100k baht per month, or two thousand pounds per month income needed.


Can the OP take that sort of hit.

For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Is the 100k per month index linked, if so to where?

What sort of income will the OP be getting in say 5 or 10 years time, using the examples above, will it still provide the same lifestyle he can buy today?


I dont know of any expats that moved here to live on 30k per month.

I would be interested to know what sort of lifestyle that would provide a 36 year old guy.

Will he be able to afford a mortgage and put money into a retirement plan or private pension fund?

I am far from negative, more a realist, some need to take off the saffron tinted glasses and experience the cost of living in Bkk for example.


Wait until the op experiences the delights of the bureaucracy involved in something as simple as opening a bank account.

Need work permit sir.

Must buy this insurance product sir.

Let the Op try and obtain financing to purchase a car.

Suppose the OP wants to buy a condo,try the bank for financing.


The OP is still in holiday mode, nothing wrong with that, Thailand has seduced many and will continue to do so.

The OP should be aware of the realities of living here full time and long term.


I wish him well.



The OP was asking about his Visa Options only, now what part of that don't you understand ?


Incidently why are you talking about exchange rates when the OP has approx 100,000 baht per month facepalm.gif


But anyhow, just a few things you have wrong


A few years ago I knew guys living well on 1000 pounds per month giving a 75k baht per month life style.


A few years ago (lets say 3 years as per below) the rate wasn't 75, closer to 48.


For inflation, 3 years ago I was renting a 10k per month house that now rents for 13k per month, you can do the maths.

Petrol that cost 20 pence per litre now costs 80 pence per litre.

A car that cost 9000 pounds will now cost 16,000 pounds.


Related to the exchange  rates, the car cost  will be nearer 8,000 pounds not 16,000 pounds


If your relating everything to 3 years ago then people will be approx 10% better off now, obviously allowing for inflation !



Asking about exchange rates coz I would love to know where in farangland he is getting 100k baht per month income, its all about exchange rates aint it?


A few years ago, ok sorry for being so vague, lets say 10 years ago when the Brits were big timing it with 75+ baht to the pound.

The same guys I refer to are now living out a 50k per month life style, so in reality are going backwards.


As for car, Honda Civic, 10 years ago 9000 pounds, today new Honda Civic, 800,000 baht, please let me know where I can buy a new Honda Civic for 8,000 pounds or 400,000 baht.

BTW, I offered the guy 4 suggestions on where to live in Thailand, you have offered how many?



You didn't say 10 years ago in your original post, you implied it was 3 years ago !


On 100,000 baht a month he can live anywhere !

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OP... think very seriously about Plan B, being an English teacher. In Thailand, you really need to love to do it. It can be very frustrating and difficult. Don't make the decision lightly. It can also be highly rewarding and satisfying.

Try if you can to arrange a few classes as an observer in a school. I managed to sit in a few classes before even applying,
and it helped tremendously with my choice. Teaching part-time and getting a work permit is rarer than those working full-time.
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I was talking about the house rental, however its a moot point, a 30% increase in 3 years is what I was referring to.


Do you dispute my other figures ref 10 years ago?

Still waiting to hear where I can buy a new Honda Civic for 8,000 pounds.

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try a triple entry and spend 6 months here and then go to Indonesia and Philippines etc during hte other 6 months. I have done that for hte last couple of years and it will help you work out what you want to do eventually. Get a base in LOS so that you can leave bags etc before you make trips abroad in SE asia

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Those who are financially independent are usually so because they are not stupid. The dumbass 'elite' card costs 3 times as much as visas over the same period would and the other 'perks' do not anywhere near make it worth it at all. If you are smart enough to be financially independent then you are certainly smart enough to see what a waste of money those things are....


Hilarious. For me the options were continuous travel and visa runs for the next 5 years which I worked out would cost about 1.25 million baht or just pay 500k for the Elite card and be done with it.


It's a no brainer, I'll save 750k Baht by paying this 500k Baht and I don't have to do any annoying travel. I don't want to fly to europe to get triple entry visas and I don't want to fly somewhere else every three months to activate new entries and due to this 'dumb' card I don't have to and I can save enough money during the first 5 years to buy another one when it expires. In a way it's self funding after the first 500k 'hit'.


It is not a "no brainer". You should understand that not everyone has your same means and even if if they have, not everybody parts with good money as easily as you do, when there are alternatives.


Especially for the OP, Thai Elite at such a premature point of his relationship with Thailand would be a big financial mistake.

Edited by paz
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try a triple entry and spend 6 months here and then go to Indonesia and Philippines etc during hte other 6 months


Correct me if I am wrong, the OP wants to live in Thailand doesnt he?


The Phillipines, please give me a break.

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Those who are financially independent are usually so because they are not stupid. The dumbass 'elite' card costs 3 times as much as visas over the same period would and the other 'perks' do not anywhere near make it worth it at all. If you are smart enough to be financially independent then you are certainly smart enough to see what a waste of money those things are....


Hilarious. For me the options were continuous travel and visa runs for the next 5 years which I worked out would cost about 1.25 million baht or just pay 500k for the Elite card and be done with it.


It's a no brainer, I'll save 750k Baht by paying this 500k Baht and I don't have to do any annoying travel. I don't want to fly to europe to get triple entry visas and I don't want to fly somewhere else every three months to activate new entries and due to this 'dumb' card I don't have to and I can save enough money during the first 5 years to buy another one when it expires. In a way it's self funding after the first 500k 'hit'.


It is not a "no brainer". You should understand that not everyone has your same means and even if if they have, not everybody parts with good money as easily as you do, when there are alternatives.


Especially for the OP, Thai Elite at such a premature point of his relationship with Thailand would be major financial mistake.



Please read some of the other threads on the subject.


The days of the "visa runner" are numbered.


For the OP, I would suggest, move to Bkk and enrol at a reputable Thai language school such as UTL, study the language for at least one year.


After that decide on where in Thailand you want to live.


500k good money, Lawrd help us, there is a wind of change blowing through these parts, some will be left behind, others wont.

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The days of the "visa runner" are numbered.

Where did I mentioned visa runs ?

500k good money, Lawrd help us, there is a wind of change blowing through these parts, some will be left behind, others wont.

Not sure which point are you trying to make, but 500K THB being close to one half of (e.g.) US median yearly income, it is quite good money. Then as they say, "a fool and his money are soon parted"

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The days of the "visa runner" are numbered.

Where did I mentioned visa runs ?

500k good money, Lawrd help us, there is a wind of change blowing through these parts, some will be left behind, others wont.

Not sure which point are you trying to make, but 500K THB being close to one half of (e.g.) US median yearly income, it is quite good money. Then as they say, "a fool and his money are soon parted"



Sorry, not an American, can offer no thoughts on median salary there.


Personally, if someone cant afford to write off 500k over 5 years maybe he shouldnt be here, just my personal opinion.

Maybe financially he cant afford to be here.


Never mind, as mentioned above, the days of the "visa runner" are numbered.


How many remember the cries of Thailand is finished when the 30 day visa runners were given the ass a few years ago?


The East booms, the West lags behind, collateral damage I believe our American friends call it.


Yeah Cambo or the PI is nice this time of year, NOT.


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OP you said you weren't interested in ED visa but if you want to live here then it is well worth learning. I read on AUA's website they will help you with an 1-year ED visa, you need to study 4 hours a week and the course price is under 25,000 RMB for the year. Well worth it if you are serious about living here.

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