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Phuket's Surin Beach 'to be cleared completely'


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it doesnt really matter right now - the army can do what they want/ All these public officials are being tough because they have the armies backing. Wait till a year from now - Democratic government back running the place - the army back in their barracks - it will be business as usual and ill doubt the public officials will be still tough talking. 



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The worst thing about the east side structures was that most so called lease holders sub-leased out their properties on to others who thought they were going to make money big time, based on false-pretences,  when in actual fact there was no actual lease contract written down on paper to begin with.


When someone failed in their business venture there, they kicked them out, then continued to unofficially sub-let the premises on to the next sucker at exorbitant high rent rates and conditions.


Better that the all the structures are cleared so that the corruption at the hands of those who benefited the most is totally eliminated.

Edited by MK1
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I was wondering how well the detritus from demolished buildings was being cleaned up. Judging by the general cr#p seen on the right of the picture, not too well.

As an aside, how am I supposed to see the already demolished buildings as seen in the photo? Gotta love Thai journalism.

Who pays for all this demolishing? The tax payer? I wish it were the encroacher.
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This is truly great news ,i really never thought it would happen and him saying no more mai pen rai, Thai society has to change.

I hope they continue the good work and tackle all the islands in the South where this has been prevalent for the past few decades.

That would be Koh Samui, Koh Tao. and Koh Phangan, the latter of course has the unstopable 'Full moon' party, which  is drug based and is run by the mafia.

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"it's national forest.  Why does it have to be "used"?"


Not much forest there now. It will likely become a huge garbage tip.


"Wait till a year from now - Democratic government back running the place - the army back in their barracks - it will be business as usual and ill doubt the public officials will be still tough talking"


Democratic government? You're kidding right? You are right about one thing though - a year from now and it will be business as usual - all over the island




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Some think those beaches won't be building-free for very long. Just long enough for monies to be paid by those that can afford big bribes in order to "legally" build new restaurants, bars, etc. 

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Probably this public land is worth way more money, to sell it to richer ones and ofcourse public officials will get better by that !

Down with the common people and up with the richer ones to have more.

There are way to many common people, so clear them out.

And thats not only in Thailand, but in any country.

Civilazation process of this time. 

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Cgh! The land east of the pathway was gazetted a Royal Golf Course - I doubt if it will be sold.

The original buildings allowed were strictly for the homeless after the Tsunami.

Follow the money Generals!

Edited by Evilbaz
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I for one am happy to see this happening. But unfortunately I know this is Thailand and I have lived here far too long to expect it to last. I think it maybe just time to renegotiate all the leases on this "public land". It will probably return in a year or two and it will be bigger and brighter, just at higher prices. Corruption and the thainess way of life is far too entrenched to naively believe it will go away. Just being a realist I'm afraid. It will change however, but it takes generational change, not gonna happen overnight.
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Just this evening we had a walk along the beach road on Surin Beach. Some entrepeneurs still offering massages and beach mats on the beach side. Some building look derelict and abandonned. Others were bustling with cutomers. A confusing picture.
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Those buildings make the place look like a shithole. Will be glad to see the back of them


I didn't know you could use that word. 


It's an exciting time to be living here and seeing these changes. 

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He added that he felt sorry for people who would lose their businesses but the authorities must do everything right, and Thai society must change from now – “No more ‘Mai Pen Rai’ or being too flexible about everything.



​ive been saying this exact thing for years , especially when it comes to the construction business, and many peoples shoddy/non existent  workmanship 

Brilliant my ass - nothing left at Surin beach now - not a single facility. 


In my opinion this has gone a bit to far. 



Yo. These people aren't paying rent. They've occupied structures that are not theirs to begin with, a Thai tradition. Who cares if there is nothing left. These jerks should never have set up shop there and they knew that one day they'd have to vamoose. Let them wait until proper buildings are built and then they can sign leases and pay rent like everyone else. This is how you clean up a backward country that's become an embarrassment.


They were definitely paying rent, and a lot at that.  However, rent wasn't going to the local gov't, unless you consider officials pockets to be local gov't. Not sure if you saw the video of the shifty looking Thai "landlord" with the 10 baht gold chain, but he was definitely getting paid and using thugs to enforce things.


No. I didn't see that video. They were paying rent to a guy who had no right to collect it. TIT!

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Demolition of all these major club establishments is hard to believe. Based on their web sites,Catch, Diamond and Zazada must be backed by plenty of Thai Mr. Bigs, police, and military. Looks like too much money demolished for this claim to be real.

I worked for one of those clubs, albeit very briefly.  In my opinion this is karma biting them all in the ass.  Having a nice web presence doesn't mean anything other than they paid a good web designer and hired a professional photographer to get nice photo's for them.  The investors at the beach club I worked at were mostly wealthy foreigners and of course they probably had Thai nominees to satisfy the legal aspects but had little investment if any and were probably contractually obliged to not interfere in operations.  I seriously doubt there is any Thai Mr. Bigs involved, it's more likely that there were none which accounts for the expedient demolition orders.  

On another note, freshwater wreaks havoc on saltwater habitats. This is great news for the saltwater environment of Surin Beach.  I'd guess those clubs all drained into the sea  and one even had a timebomb an illegal well drilled.  Som nom na to all the greedy people.  

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Knocking down buildings which were never or should never have been approved is hardly going too far.



Whenever I see someone complaining about the changes, how the Junta is ruining "the tourist experience", I reminded that some people are just selfish. They want what they want and don't care about what is right and good for all. They want the umbrella, the chair and beer cold.  


Approval here is running close to 80% according to a poll on the Gazette. I don't think that's far off. I know a few business people who don't like it. Their arguments for allowing it and wanting to go back to the way things were (Thai tourist experience BS) are weak and reek of self interest.


I can't believe how far we've come in such a short time. Everyday is another blow to the cesspool of corruption that WAS Phuket. Buddha bless the Generals. The only thing that should be on the King's beach...is sand.    


My experience was... "Sheesh this place is dirty." and "They were lucky enough to be born in paradise and they treat it like a trash heap"  I would like to see the Thai Tourist experience under the rule of law.  My instinct tells me it would be considerably more relaxing.

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Demolition of all these major club establishments is hard to believe. Based on their web sites,Catch, Diamond and Zazada must be backed by plenty of Thai Mr. Bigs, police, and military. Looks like too much money demolished for this claim to be real.

I worked for one of those clubs, albeit very briefly.  In my opinion this is karma biting them all in the ass.  Having a nice web presence doesn't mean anything other than they paid a good web designer and hired a professional photographer to get nice photo's for them.  The investors at the beach club I worked at were mostly wealthy foreigners and of course they probably had Thai nominees to satisfy the legal aspects but had little investment if any and were probably contractually obliged to not interfere in operations.  I seriously doubt there is any Thai Mr. Bigs involved, it's more likely that there were none which accounts for the expedient demolition orders.  

On another note, freshwater wreaks havoc on saltwater habitats. This is great news for the saltwater environment of Surin Beach.  I'd guess those clubs all drained into the sea  and one even had a timebomb an illegal well drilled.  Som nom na to all the greedy people.  



Catch and Bimi are owned by the Twinpalms Resort whose owner is rumored to be very close to a previous prime minister whose sister has just joined him in Paris. You can bet there are some "Mr Bigs" involved. And the "expedient demolition orders" may have something to do with that connection.

Edited by phuketandsee
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Knocking down buildings which were never or should never have been approved is hardly going too far.



Whenever I see someone complaining about the changes, how the Junta is ruining "the tourist experience", I reminded that some people are just selfish. They want what they want and don't care about what is right and good for all. They want the umbrella, the chair and beer cold.  


Approval here is running close to 80% according to a poll on the Gazette. I don't think that's far off. I know a few business people who don't like it. Their arguments for allowing it and wanting to go back to the way things were (Thai tourist experience BS) are weak and reek of self interest.


I can't believe how far we've come in such a short time. Everyday is another blow to the cesspool of corruption that WAS Phuket. Buddha bless the Generals. The only thing that should be on the King's beach...is sand.    



For any business to be successful it must provide its customers with what they want. Phuket's principal business is tourism so, to be successful, it must provide what tourists want. How many of those 80% will approve of the junta if they lose their jobs as businesses all over the island start to close? How many will approve if real estate prices crash? 

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Knocking down buildings which were never or should never have been approved is hardly going too far.



Whenever I see someone complaining about the changes, how the Junta is ruining "the tourist experience", I reminded that some people are just selfish. They want what they want and don't care about what is right and good for all. They want the umbrella, the chair and beer cold.  


Approval here is running close to 80% according to a poll on the Gazette. I don't think that's far off. I know a few business people who don't like it. Their arguments for allowing it and wanting to go back to the way things were (Thai tourist experience BS) are weak and reek of self interest.


I can't believe how far we've come in such a short time. Everyday is another blow to the cesspool of corruption that WAS Phuket. Buddha bless the Generals. The only thing that should be on the King's beach...is sand.    


Couple of things: Hardly fair to call those that enjoyed the chairs, sun shades, and food/drink service selfish. Everyone has different needs and likes. And for many years Phuket beaches provided a service that many who went there expected and enjoyed.
Also, I wouldn't regard a poll on PG as the ultimate opinion of all those coming to or living on Phuket. It's scope is limited, and it's far from a scientific poll and surely open to spammers. I've noticed it in some of the readers' comments on that site.
That said, I am personally against the whole beach chair and encroachment thing, and really hope Phuket has finally cleaned up its act. I no longer live there, but have been reading with great interest of the goings-on. I really hope they keep it up!
Enjoy, it's taken long enough!
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Beach businesses on public land on the beach are ordered closed and now suddenly, it's total collapse of the tourist industry in Phuket.

C'mon. Get real.


The tourist industry on Phuket is centered around the beach. If the beach does not have the facilities tourists require they will stop coming. Simple

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Beach businesses on public land on the beach are ordered closed and now suddenly, it's total collapse of the tourist industry in Phuket.

C'mon. Get real.


The tourist industry on Phuket is centered around the beach. If the beach does not have the facilities tourists require they will stop coming. Simple



Who says there won't be facilities?  All I foresee is there won't be a bunch of people claiming the sand as "their sand" and taking up all the space with their loungers.  I'm sure enterprising locals will arrange to take a lounger/mat/towel and umbrella to where the customer designates once one has been ordered.  These vendors will most likely not be on the beach when making this transaction. Once the customer is done for the day, the chair and lounger will be removed.

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Beach businesses on public land on the beach are ordered closed and now suddenly, it's total collapse of the tourist industry in Phuket.

C'mon. Get real.


The tourist industry on Phuket is centered around the beach. If the beach does not have the facilities tourists require they will stop coming. Simple



No, not so simple.

The high end tourists like the Scandanavians and Germans came because of the unspoilt natural beaches. They have moved on now.

The Chinese are now the most numerous tourists and they don't usually spend time on the beaches. In fact, most Asians don't hang around on beaches for hours at a time.


The beaches look much better for the clearances. Can you honestly say that they are less beautiful now?

The beach clearances will not deter tourists, just the opposite I reckon.

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Beach businesses on public land on the beach are ordered closed and now suddenly, it's total collapse of the tourist industry in Phuket.

C'mon. Get real.


The tourist industry on Phuket is centered around the beach. If the beach does not have the facilities tourists require they will stop coming. Simple



No, not so simple.

The high end tourists like the Scandanavians and Germans came because of the unspoilt natural beaches. They have moved on now.

The Chinese are now the most numerous tourists and they don't usually spend time on the beaches. In fact, most Asians don't hang around on beaches for hours at a time.


The beaches look much better for the clearances. Can you honestly say that they are less beautiful now?

The beach clearances will not deter tourists, just the opposite I reckon.



I don't know the numbers but I think there were still a great many Scandinavians and Germans here last season. You are right about the Chinese but what about the Russians? They certainly like the beach clubs.


Anyway, I'll guess we'll find out over the next couple of seasons

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Tourism is in reality 6% of Thailands's GDP.

Widen your perspective moaners - I'm sure next High Season you will be able to hire "a boy" to carry your deck chair/lounger, umbrella, cooler box etc.  down to the King's beach for you ( he's very gracious HM - He doesn't charge you to use His beach.)


After your 2-3 hour sunny but shady sojourn you can retire to your hotel pool (just over the road) and the "boy" will remove your detritus.

Please do not tip him satangs - no-one takes them - save them for that plane charity.

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