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My eldest son ( Irish , 25 , single , just qualified in Dublin as an "Architectural

technician" ) wants to head off to the land of Oz later this year.

Anyone know of a forum like this one where he could pick up some

do's and don'ts.

I have given him the gov.au site to check.

All help gratefully received.



Yeah.. I looked for a forum myself and found that.

If your question isn't answered there, you're not typing it in English.

A new reply ever couple of minutes make it kind of crazy, though (info overload)


My eldest son ( Irish , 25 , single , just qualified in Dublin as an "Architectural

technician" ) wants to head off to the land of Oz later this year.

Anyone know of a forum like this one where he could pick up some

do's and don'ts.

I have given him the gov.au site to check.

All help gratefully received.


Depends what he wants. I'm assuming he is wanting to go do a year out. In which case, he can simply apply for a working holiday visa, which he should as an Irish National, be able to apply for online.

If he wants to migrate there, then I seriously think that www.immi.gov.au is the best place to start. It has all the forms and guidance there and many of my friends who have migrated to Australia have done well enough from that site.

If he gets stuck after that point, invite him to ask here, as there are a few UK'ers here who have seen the light and migrated to OZ.

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