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Pattaya Abortion Clinic


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/Edit: moderator removed information.

You probably meant well, but you may have precipitated its death knell by posting the info on an open forum.

Abortions are strictly illegal in Buddhist Thailand.

I'm the first one to complain about threads being unnecesarily closed, but maybe this one should be closed and removed. :o

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I fully agree with you. I can't delete the post for some reason. For those that do get to read this, I am sure this is the best information one can get about Pattaya. Sad but true.

Click on 'Thailand Forum' at the top left of this page and you will find a list of members currently logged in. The ones in red are moderatoors. PM one of them, asking him to close this thread. Should be no problem.

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Abortions are NOT illegal where a doctor decides its in the patients best interests health wise to have one. Presumably Norman means go to Pattaya Int Hospital first which is next door. Its a widely known situation that this hospital undertakes abortions WHEN the doctor agrees its in the best interests of the patient. This hospital is not doing anything illegal and is not some dodgy back street clinic.

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Grounds on which abortions are permitted are:-

1 to save the life of the woman

2 to preserve the physical health of the woman

3 to preserve the mental health of the woman

4 rape or incest.

Grounds on which abortions are Not permitted:-

1 Foetal impairment

2 Economic or social reasons

3 Purely on request.

All legal abortions have to be carried out by a physician.

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Waiting in the court yard??

Would the average farang's young lady fulfill Fox's criteria?

Doesn't sound very kosher to me.

I've never been rabidly anti abortion, but as I get older I do feel more and more disquiet over snuffing out the lives of unborn babies, without a very good reason.

I think I'll leave this one alone. :o

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There are very good arguments for and against abortions.

I come from a country where people can choose,which I agree with.

Why bring an unwanted baby into this world when we are over populated already? :D

On the flip side it pisses me off when some stupid slapper/<deleted> (2 to tango) can't take proper precautions or even the morning after pill and uses an abortionist the same way other people use a dentist. :o

I get the feeling this thread will turn nasty.

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Having heard both sides of the debate for years, and having leaned toward the choice side for the most part, the other side did convince me of one thing:

Human life begins at conception.

There is no way to argue against this. Sure, the fetus can't talk much, but neither can a new born baby. Sure, the fetus might not even know what's going on, but neither does a new born baby.

Q: What's the difference between killing a new born baby and killing a four month old fetus?

A: Five months of age. Nothing more.

Having said that, I'm still for the right to decide, especially in the case of rape or incest or danger to life of the mother.

But the people involved in the abortion, the pregnant woman and the doctor, should very well realize that they are killing a human being. And this should weigh heavily in their decision.

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Well, thank you for the informatinon regarding the legality of terminated pregnancies in Thailand, Pattayafox and Digger.

Discussion of the validity of abortion, however, really has nothing to do with the thread, Pattaya or Thailand in general. We are each allowed our own opinions on the matter but I really don't think this is the place to discuss them.

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