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Types Of Protein - For Body Building & Dieting

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Hi All, a friend has begun a protein based diet. The concept is to keep the blood sugar levels stable and low, permitting fat to be burnt. And after 2 days, my friends are still feeling no hunger, drinking their protein shakes. ** Q: could you recomend a type of protein for dieting and for bodybuilders? Some proteins are not suitable (Soy ?) as they are used to fatten farm animals ;-) And where in Thailand are you ordering the stuff? Can one get larger quantities, too? Thank you!

  • 3 weeks later...
Q: could you recomend a type of protein for dieting and for bodybuilders? Some proteins are not suitable (Soy ?) as they are used to fatten farm animals

Cottage Cheese (available at least in Tops and BigC) from Foremost contains 15% of protein and 4% of fat, no carbohydrates. Used by bodybuilders around the world as a good source of protein (casein and whey) every day. Also my favorite, too bad that most of shops have only few packets in shelves, I have to go and buy more many times each week.

GNC has also many kinds of but prices are awful compared to any other food in Thailand. I use those only after workout (recovery drink) and during the classes while studying, as any other kind of protein snack without sugar would be kind of hard to arrange. At GNC they also have protein bars, but what kind of proteinbar has 16 grams of protein, and 25 grams of sugar? I wouldn't recommend while dieting.

Soy protein is good for weight loss, at it reduces water retention. Even if animals would be fattened with it, soy itself is not the reason for fat gaining - total amount of calories is. You shouldn't be afraid of it. Someone is also scared of estrogenic (female hormone) effect of soy, but jeez man.. impact is next to nothing. Drinking one can of beer will cause bigger estrogenic effects than eating soy only for one week.

Milk curd is also one of my favourites, but I haven't been able to find it from BKK anywhere. Any advices?

Chicken is great source of protein, and also has very low fat level. Beef and pork also contain protein, but (saturated) fat level is much higher. Also chicken eggs are good, but fried yolk contains much saturated fat, and also cholesterol. Back in home I used to make omelet so that I used 2 whole eggs, and 4 egg whites. High on protein, but reduced fat. And, of course, I fried those on Teflon pan, so no need to use oil. With boiled eggs you can of course leave yolks and eat only egg whites.

Peanuts also contain pretty much of protein, but also carbohydrates and specially fat. If peanuts are "natural", so not roasted, this fat is unsaturated and high quality, so you should not be scared of it. For body building, around 30% of total calories should come from quality fats.


Real food and quality food is what you want.

quality meat, fowl, sea food, raw dairy should ideally be the main sources of protein(IMO individuals vary on what sources are best and at what amounts)

IMO you are wasting your money on powders and probably doing more harm than good. Especially soy-garbage IMO

Real food and quality food is what you want.

Hm, funny, I thought I said that also but seems like I didn't.

So yes, prefer FOOD, and leave powders for special purposes only (recovery drink after workout, as a snack when nothing else is available; I use those sometimes while studying, as in 10 minutes break it is "kind of" hard to find something low carb high protein snacks..). Real food will melt slower, and keep hungy away for longer.

And also price is quite high, like with cottage cheese you will pay 1,35 baht/gram of protein, and with cheapest powder I've found (ProFlex, 1000thb/700g) you will pay 1,7baht/gram. Other (import) brands seem to be twice as expensive..

But even protein will make one fat, if excessively used; total calories is what counts. And to keep metabolism high, prefer eating every 2 to 3 hours; small amount of food all the time. After a while, it is kind of simple to eat 3 bigger (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 4 smaller meals daily. It requires a little self control, but hey, what fat loss-diet wouldn't ?


I personally wounldn't drink 95+% of the protein drinkns out there if they were free.

They don't get digested well and create issues in digestive system. IMO

I use to take some of the best quality ones I knew of (there are a couple ok ones I've found since but last time I had was after having wisdom teeth out). you want to know what a tell tail sign is?? Bloating, gas, burping, the shape, colour and consitancy of your stool etc..

Now if you eat lots of stuff that isn't right for your body cutting one out might not makle a very obvious difference. But we have experimented with re-introducing (a few of us) after learning what it does and the proof was in the pudding.

My old trainer (trains pro athletes) always had gas (big on the shakes after a work out)

Another guy I studyied from that worked with loads of pro and olympic athletes that promoted the use of shakes made a comment at a party that if you're healthy you fart alot.

Quite frankly I believe that burping, farting, bloating etc etc are signs that something you are eating isn't right and or you have digestive issues.

In my experience, with myself, friends, my trainer, my training, and with clients getting them off of shakes leads to improved digestion. (if its not getting absorbed properly then your not getting much out of it anyway and wasting your money.

Thats what my experiences up to this point cause me to believe anyway.


Thank you - I appreciate you taking the time for great replies! I was diagnosed with diabetes (near 400 on an empty stomach) and losing about 60 surplus pounds is now very important. ** The idea behind a protein diet is to maintain a stable blood sugar level as any peaks will stop the burnign of fat. // I noticed a tendency to break wind after some shakes. And most of them contain bad stuff and are very sweet. Weider sells some Protein 88 500 gr bags for about 13 Euros and the protein content is near 85%. Beware - some stuff contains almost 70% carbs :o

Whenever I eat carbs, I feel light headed afterwards. So I was hoping that some shakes might help me lose weight. But yes, the stuff is rather expensive! And frankly, I am just beginning to think about a healthy diet and need to learn which foods to avoid.


Tuna have not been mentioned yet - make it it is tuna in water/brine and not in oil. About: 30 grams of protein 1 gram carbs 0 grams fat. Price is 20 Baht so 0.67 Baht per gram protein.

For powder I prefer whey protein - absorbs easier and also easier to blend - some of them with a spoon only. But yeah; they are expensive here in Thailand. I stock up when GNC have decent promotions.



Digestive problems (breaking wind)-you don't know how many times I've heard that. Many a trainer has bad gas and promotes one of the products causing it...

Its cool that you are aware enough in your body to notice this.

Its important for anyone, especially with blood sugar issues, to get protein, fat and carbs in every meal. The ratios and which ones vary for individuals but no one will do very well on just carbs or just protein etc


I just found this sight by looking for the name of the book "Dr Burnsteins Diabetes Solution". I have not read yet but it came recommended by people who get results with some of the most difficult cases in many areas.

Basically he had diabetes and cured himself...then went to med school to prove how he did scientifically.

Diabetes is so largely diet and life style...

I would suggest not eating many grains like many docs recommend for diabetes (at least around here) get some protein and fat and carbs in every meal.


I sale CFM Isolate Whey protein imported from New Zeland at 1,100 B per kg. Ideal for Post Work Out Recovery Shake. Contact me at <snip - email address deleted>.

/Mod Edit - please PM for more information. Email deleted - please see the Forum Rules.


"Dr Burnsteins Diabetes Solution". Should be the bible for all diabetics.

Like you I was diagnosed with diabetes and decided that I didn’t want to be a diabetic, so I searched the web until I found like minded people.

I now live a normal lifestyle well normal for me.

Diabetes UK, USA, or any other country you wish to look at are charities and do SFA to help diabetics, even today after research has shown their recommended diet is the best way to get diabetes, but they still recommend high Carbohydrate diet.

How did I do it? :D

Never ever eat anything that has added SOY or made from soy,

I only eat organic vegetables.

80% of my diet is a mix of fat and protein. Organic meat is very hard to find in the UK.

I do eat Carbohydrates but I limit them to the point where the amount is so small it doesn’t matter.

And the result is, at 5’10’’ weight 13 stone now 4 stone lost (56lb) blood pressure 130/75 fasting glucose 5 mmo/l not bad for a man of my years (62) :o

And my doctors answer is that the lab must have made a mistake in my blood diagnosis :D


Awesome my friend. Its wonderful to hear stories like that.

Congrats and thanks for sharing.

I was in England resently and didn't have too much trouble getting organic meat...

Nice to hear what you say about soy as well... I wouldn't touch it. :o

I noticed a tendency to break wind after some shakes. And most of them contain bad stuff and are very sweet. Weider sells some Protein 88 500 gr bags for about 13 Euros and the protein content is near 85%. Beware - some stuff contains almost 70% carbs :o

Are you now really really sure you are talking about protein powders, not recovery powders? After workout, recovery drink should contain high amount of both, carbs and protein. Usually recovery drinks have ~70/30 carb/prot ratio, as carb (maltodextrine) is cheap and protein is expensive. One I've been using here in Thailand has 56/34 ratio (Prolab N-Large), but because of ridiculos price - 2500 bath per 1,7kg - I decided to try now for a while without recovery drink and instead eat rice & chicken right after excercise, if I just can..

I found from BigC "V-Soy Soymilk - Hi Calcium - No sugar" drinks, 2.3dl each. Price of 6-pack was 65 baht, and 9 prot / 4.5 fat / 8 carb (of which 2 sugars) ratios per 100g are also pretty good for snack, when there is nothing else available. There are also "Low sugar" version, which has 15g sugar per 100g..

It seems to be pretty hard to get anything without sugar in Thailand :D

If somebody knows place (in BKK) to get no sugar sweetener (like aspartame or sucraloce), advise is really appreciated :D

Hi All, a friend has begun a protein based diet. The concept is to keep the blood sugar levels stable and low, permitting fat to be burnt. And after 2 days, my friends are still feeling no hunger, drinking their protein shakes. ** Q: could you recomend a type of protein for dieting and for bodybuilders? Some proteins are not suitable (Soy ?) as they are used to fatten farm animals ;-) And where in Thailand are you ordering the stuff? Can one get larger quantities, too? Thank you!

There is already some good input on the issue, however if your substituting normal food with protein shakes youre missing some really importing things concerning the whole process of building muscles. Protein shakes are built to give the body more building blocks. Its not to be confused with Creatin or equivalent substances, that promotes explosiveness and gives more high octane gas for the muscles. If you stare blindly at proteins youre missing also out on the benefits from the following nutrients as Folate, which helps building more blood and blood supports the muscles with oxygene and without oxygene you do not have the powers, period.

Too little Vitamin D leads to worse uptake of Calcium, which together with Kalium regulates and play an important part in the hormone production. As we all know testosterone is a hormone...

We can go on and on and on what all the nutrients do in our body.

Some nutrients play such an important role that without them or lacking them would not allow us to gain as much muscles we initially thought we would. Many ahtletes or bodybuilders knows alot about diest and can control this. However normal people hear what power supplements they take and sees the effect and copy without having the slightest clue what it will do to you.

Best advice is to learn how the body works, study it and do not listen too much on the people that substitute normal food with powdered energy. Through normal food we usually get all nutrients and energy.

If youre lacking time and youre so big there is no chance on earth to eat as much protein and carbs as you would need on a daily basis, then I suggest you drink it. Otherwise stay away from it. Hope this helps some :o


still want to eat soya products the read this


a full report in The Guardian unlimited



Tuesday July 25 2006

You ment this http://www.guardian.co.uk/food/Story/0,,1828158,00.html ?

I was vegetarian for 5 years. During that time I didn't get boobs, neither my menstrual cycles (:D) were disrupted. So if I now die because I eat some, low amount of soy, then it was ment to be my destiny.

Soy seems to be like aspartame. It will kill you instantly if you even touch it, or at least industry that would suffer losses if this substance would success is claiming so.

And yes, I have also died couple of hundred times because of aspartame usage :o

Also from guardian;



GNC Thailand <<< Not many selection ,

I prefer to get all my supplements in Singapore GNC or Natural Farm .

''I Don't Represents Nobody, I Represent My Own''They Work For Me''

I am The Untouchable

  • 3 weeks later...

Protein Farts, How To Avoid The Gas

From my website Giant Actors Blog

How many Bodybuilders think that high protein diets lead to bad smelling gases... nearly everyone. Protein farts the bane of bodybuilders...

Well in that case why don't I have continual gas and farting problems? Let me tell you......

The scenario. You get your blender, add in your protein powder, your eggs, your milk, your fruit, any additional supplements, maybe some icecream if you are being a fat lump then you hit blend.

And wait.

30 seconds later you just made a supercharged gas and stinky fart drink - then you drink it, hours later you are farting and being a social disgrace.

Here's how to avoid protein farts and intestinal gas

You blend it, put the drink in the fridge (ice box) for 15 minutes then drink it.

When you blend the drink, look at what happens. You might have 500ml of ingredients then you blend et voila 1000ml of protein drink. You have just added 500ml of air, then you drink it.

Well pretty obvious now isn't it, that fart gas is going to come out somewhere, sometime, someplace.

So the solution is to let it sit for 15 minutes, you will see the bubbles popping anf over time the drink will settle back down, maybe you can give it a quick 2 second whiz to mix all the ingredients again and save your friends, loved ones and yourself from the social embarrasment.

PS The dog will love that he stops getting the blame for all the bad smells in the house too

I have also written an article on Protein Drinks And Why They Do Not Work


Kf6vci if you PM me with your email I will send you an article I am writing on manipulating your insullin levels with food types and timings to gain muscle or loose fat.

I have been a bodybuilder for 20 years and have done every diet imaginable, then I worked out knowing the facts was a better way to go about it.

PS I am 143kg with Abs so I sort of know what I am talking about.


Greetings all,

Different whey protein formulas give different "gas" ratings. To the best of my knowledge, Whey Protein Isolates give a lower "gas" rating compared to Whey Protein Concentrate. Well, of course Whey Isolates is more expensive at the same time but it has also a higher Biological Value compared to Whey Concentrate.

Lots of brands out there claim to have both Whey Concentrate and Isolates but only a few brands are true to that. Most brands offer the ratio of 1:9 (Isolates : Concentrate) but they charge you a high price.

My personal opinion is to test out various brands and see for yourself. Also, to quell and bring down the "gas" ratings, try eating a little with your workout shake. Perhaps a few biscuits or cereals, even bread.

Hope it helps :o

Hi All, a friend has begun a protein based diet. The concept is to keep the blood sugar levels stable and low, permitting fat to be burnt. And after 2 days, my friends are still feeling no hunger, drinking their protein shakes. ** Q: could you recomend a type of protein for dieting and for bodybuilders? Some proteins are not suitable (Soy ?) as they are used to fatten farm animals ;-) And where in Thailand are you ordering the stuff? Can one get larger quantities, too? Thank you!

Greetings Kf6vci,

Sorry for digressing about the "gas" ratings but I just couldn't help it :o

I only have a suitably amount of experience in this field. I have 1 year of experience working under a trainer and company that trains Australian Olympic athletes and our roots grew from sponsoring Australian Rugby state players. However, this is a most friendly forum and I wish to contribute as well, to the best of my knowledge.

In regards to your Original Post questions, I would advise you to take a look at Conan's link to Insulin/Sugar Levels and how it can assist your friend. I would also advise your friend to keep a pack of high maltodextrin/dextrose drink with him when he hits the gym. He should consume it straight after his warm-down. The spike will do his body good.

As for your inquiries about a suitable protein drink, I will make references that your friend is actually trying to cut down and have lean muscle cuttings as a priority. Err... I would recommend you abstain from EAS Myoplex. EAS/GNC is like MacDonalds. They are popular, they are everywhere. Everybody takes them. But we all know MacDonald's a junk food. I'll advise your friend to take his money elsewhere with less popular brands that give better output. Eg, Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard or TwinLabs.

Also, there is nothing too wrong with Soy Protein, just that the BV Value isn't as good. And that not all bodies respond well to it. Another thing that I wish to add in is that even with all the best supplements that one could afford and consume, nothing beats consistency in following the workout programme.

All the best pal!


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