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Colloidal Silver


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I have some snake oil if you can't find this crap.



Manufacturers of colloidal silver products often claim that they are cure-alls, boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments and prostatitis. However, no sound scientific studies to evaluate these health claims have been published in reputable medical journals. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has taken action against some manufacturers of colloidal silver products for making unproven health claims.

It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr-JIR-e-uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. While argyria doesn't pose a serious health problem, it can be a cosmetic concern because it doesn't go away when you stop taking silver products.

Rarely, excessive doses of colloidal silver can cause possibly irreversible serious health problems, including kidney damage and neurological problems such as seizures. Colloidal silver products may also interact with medications, including penicillamine, quinolone, tetracycline and thyroxine medications.

The benefits of colloidal silver and gold (ormus) have only been known for a few thousand years... Please do try to keep up...

As have the benefits of trepanation, which is what I assume that people that believe in this mumbo jumbo must have had done.

Trepanation? Hillarious. I don't think it's that bad. I'd say somewhere between bloodletting and scientology.

Silver has many valid medical uses but the purposeful ingestion of colloidal silver is pure bunk, pushed by charlatans and quacksalvers.

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I had a very good friend who swore in this silver thing. Tried to get me to get involved till his wife started turning blue! Her hair was totally blue and 2 years after stopping drinking the stuff, she still looked terrible. The doc said to stop immediately or she'd have serious health issues. Obviously, the warning was too late for her.

I then did some research on the people selling the machine. Their background was in all sorts of strange and pyramid type of things. Several which were shut down by legal means due to a dodgy issues.

The Mayo Clinic is one of the most respected health institutions in the world. And they recommend many alternative treatments for various diseases. Colloidal silver is not one of them...for obvious reasons.

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  • 1 year later...

After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

No way to be sure that she and your family would have been exactly as healthy without it.

Perhaps look up "Placebo effect."

Personally, I believe in Eugenics, which has its roots in ancient Greece, so it must be true.

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

"The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that marketing claims about colloidal silver are scientifically unsupported, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies widely, and that colloidal silver products can have serious side effects such as argyria."

Please let us know when the whole family develops argyria and turn a nice shade of blue !

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

Member since.... 2 hrs ago?.... Yeah, like anyone's going give you any credence at all.... Oh, hang on.... You don't sell this <deleted> do you?

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First of all, it is not the same brand.

The reply from Trujillo and Tolsti is so moronic that I will not even dignify it with an answer.

Concerning Agyria, you will have to take about 1000 times the recommended amount to achieve this condition.

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I am afraid my advice will end up in your garbage bin but for the sake of the child I write this reply. Since centuries the antibacterial effects of silver are recognized. We know that even very small amounts less than 10 ppm have antimicrobial effects. Medical scientists are well aware of the effects but they are very reluctant to prescribe colloidal silver for ingestion. If the effects would be as promising as you think, be assured doctors would prescribe colloidal silver, but they don't because they know how chemicals even in very small amounts can cause irreparable damage to dna, cells, immune system etc..If I would be convinced of the beneficial effects of silver, I would maybe take it myself but I would never force it on my children. For your information, colloidal silver is highly toxic to aquatic animals and is it not from the ocean all life on earth evolved?

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After several years of using colloidal silver for myself and my whole family (including my 4 year old daughter) I have become a true believer. I think she is the only child in kindergarten that has not been sick for the last 2 years.

I see many of the skeptic refer to a site called "Quack watch." Well, this is the story behind Quack watch: http://www.encognitive.com/node/1213

CS is one of Big Pharmas great fears. As resistant bacteria is taking over the world, they will make less money on antibiotics. What do we have left? Natural remedies. Among them is Colloidal silver perhaps the most powerful. Also because it kills virus, not only bacteria.

If you are in Thailand, this is the people I buy it from. E-mail them, they speak perfect english. http://www.colloidalsilverthailand.com

Thank goodness this is probably just a troll post. TVF first time posters pushing completely discredited bunk are Charlatans and Quacksalvers who just want money.

None if them would ever foist colloidal silver on their own children.

Edited by arunsakda
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I am sorry to be met with hostility as a new member in this forum. But I make a last effort anyway. There are millions of people witch are using CS world wide. Check this one out.

Perhaps you call PubMed a fraud too?


Here is a letter to FDA concerning agyria. It is from 1999, before FDA realized that CS could be a competitor to antibiotics:

Food and Drug Administration

U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services

Public Health Service

5600 Fishers Lane

Rockville, MD 20857

Dear Sirs/Madam,

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and in regard your August 17th, 1999 ruling regarding colloidal silver, could you please supply the following documentation on which you based your decision?

1. The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.

2. The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.

3. The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.

4. The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.

5. The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this request.


Brent Finnegan

The FDA response:

Public Health Service

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

Office of Training and Communication

Freedom of Information Staff HFD-205

5600 Fishers Lane 12 B 05

Rockville, Maryland 20857


November 3, 1999

In Response Refer to File: F99-22589

Brent Finnigan Takoma (sic), WA 98408

Dear Mr. Finnigan:

This is in response to your request of 10/14/99, in which you requested adverse events associated with the use of Colloidal Silver. Your request was received in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research on 10/25/99. We have searched the records from FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) and have been unable to locate any cases that would be responsive to your request.

Charges of $3.50 (Search $3.50, Review $0, Reproduction $0, Computer time $0) will be included in a monthly invoice.


If there are any problems with this response, please notify us in writing of your specific problem(s).

Please reference the above file number.


Hal Stepper

Freedom of Information Technician

Office of Training and Communications

Freedom of Information Staff, HFD-205

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I don't have any desire to drink the stuff, but there is no doubt at all about its effectiveness as an external anti-microbial. None what so ever. This part has been laboratory tested and proven time and time again.

Personally, I've used it to treat a burn that refused to heal (dried up and scabbed over within three days of application,) a cut between my toes that I'd been trying for two months to heal using regular over-the- counter medication... switched to spraying it twice a day with colloidal silver and it closed up and healed up within a week. Now I use it for any open cut or scrape, anything that stands the chance of infection. As I said, I doubt I'd drink it, but for external anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral, it's effective, with no down side to it.

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1. The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.

2. The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.

3. The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.

4. The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.

5. The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.

Additional questions should be:

1. How much time and money have been wasted on CS.

2. How many conditions have been made worse by using CS instead of effective treatment.

3. How many non-self-limiting conditions have ever been cured by CS.

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When a new members' first post contains a web address to sell something, that alone should cause one to take pause. Not only that but the product is a patent medicine straight out of the 19th century. A miracle cure all wrapped conveniently in conspiracy theory. (Big pharma and doctors are suppressing the truth because they want you to be sick!) Rubbish.

Pity the soon to be smurf like caricatures investing this discredited snake oil.

Edited by arunsakda
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1. The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.

2. The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.

3. The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.

4. The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.

5. The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.

Additional questions should be:

1. How much time and money have been wasted on CS.

2. How many conditions have been made worse by using CS instead of effective treatment.

3. How many non-self-limiting conditions have ever been cured by CS.

"2. How many conditions have been made worse by using CS instead of effective treatment."

By "effective treatment", do you mean the traditional western medicine that was taken over by the big pharmaceutical companies decades ago and (conveniently) hasn't found a cure for any diseases in eons? They've developed lots of absurdly expensive drugs to treat some of the symptoms of disease but never able to find cures.

There seems to be lots of very believable information out there that should make one generally suspicious of Western medicine and not just automatically accept the pills and treatments the doctors push on us.

I would feel much safer trying a solution containing silver that taking prescription drugs.

Edited by Inn Between
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1. The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.

2. The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.

3. The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.

4. The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.

5. The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.

Additional questions should be:

1. How much time and money have been wasted on CS.

2. How many conditions have been made worse by using CS instead of effective treatment.

3. How many non-self-limiting conditions have ever been cured by CS.

You might wish to replicate the experiment we did in microbiology class for yourself. I mentioned it on page one. Here it is again, and easy for you to do at home:

Anyone whose ever taken a good microbiology class has probably done the experiment using (when I did mine) a silver dime (U.S. 10 cent coin, no longer available) or a piece of silver placed on a petri dish covered with a healthy e-coli colony, and seen the results 2-3 days later with a cleared space around the dime free of live coliform bacteria. The e-coli were killed by the anti-bacterial action of the silver. No question about that. Proof positive. You can use ANY bacteria, ANY fungus, even live virus for this test. They will all be killed.

Here's one more that folks can try for themselves... Athlete's Foot... A pretty common problem in Thailand, and one that usually takes several weeks to get rid of when treating it with over-the-counter medications, one that usually comes back again and again... Next time try spraying feet with Colloidal Silver. Problem solved in just a few days. And no... You don't turn blue...

Don't take anyone's word for this. Test it yourself. Anyone who has taken a microbiology class knows the truth.

Obviously Colloidal Silver will NOT cure National Debt, nor will it fix a flat tire or World Hunger. It's useless as engine lubrication. But as an anti-microbial, it's very effective. For use as a disinfectant, antiseptic, topical dressing for wounds and abrasions, that is inexpensive and convenient to use, it's hard to beat.

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I have only ingestsed colloidal silver twice in the approx 15 years I have been using it. Both times were because I may have eaten some bad food (experienced nausea) and was concerned about food poisoning so I drank some cs half and half with water. Because I do not know for sure if cs kills both good and bad bacteria in the stomach I followed up by consuming some "fresh 100% natural yogurt" containing probiotics http://www.webmd.com/diet/benefits-of-yogurt

I do NOT believe it is advisable to consume/ingest cs regularly as a dietary aid, as there is not enough valid studies (that I can find) supporting drinking colloidal silver on a regular basis for general health reasons - unless you have a "special" medical reason for doing so followed up with probiotics or fresh natural yogurt.

Home-made colloidal silver by amateurs who consume/ingest it daily may be playing a dangerous game over time. If only used on the surface of skin likely it is ok IMO.

Conversely spraying cs on skin for the following: infections, cuts/healing, itchy (insect bites etc), sunburn and burns, acne/pimples, eye and ear infections, colds (I spray directly in mouth and nose and breath in, hold, repeat) etc. can work wonders and has for me over the years.


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It is obvious that Arunsakda has no knowledge of CS and has never tried it himself. (easy to be a critic then) And everything he say is guesswork, as my claims are well founded. believe it or not, there has been a development the last 100 years. And nobody claims it is a miracle cure. (when did I say that?) And no, I am absolutely not trying to sell something. Funny, I only wanted to point out where CS is available in Thailand, like many other, and I have already been accused of being Troll, a fraud a charlatan and a quacksalver.

To that subject; as of last year, every doctor in the UK received in average 10.000 us from the pharmaceutical industry to sell certain drugs to patients. If that is not corruption, I don`t know what is. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/mens-health/3314883/Are-GPs-in-thrall-to-the-drug-companies.html

So don`t give me any BS that Big Pharma has a conscience. Wake up. Today more people live off cancer than die from it. (cancer has nothing to do with CS, by the way. If I don` t say it, I` m sure the trolls will use it against me) We are not debating those who are stupid enough to use CS for cancer or AIDS,

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It is obvious that Arunsakda has no knowledge of CS and has never tried it himself. (easy to be a critic then) And everything he say is guesswork, as my claims are well founded. believe it or not, there has been a development the last 100 years. And nobody claims it is a miracle cure. (when did I say that?) And no, I am absolutely not trying to sell something. Funny, I only wanted to point out where CS is available in Thailand, like many other, and I have already been accused of being Troll, a fraud a charlatan and a quacksalver.

To that subject; as of last year, every doctor in the UK received in average 10.000 us from the pharmaceutical industry to sell certain drugs to patients. If that is not corruption, I don`t know what is. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/mens-health/3314883/Are-GPs-in-thrall-to-the-drug-companies.html

So don`t give me any BS that Big Pharma has a conscience. Wake up. Today more people live off cancer than die from it. (cancer has nothing to do with CS, by the way. If I don` t say it, I` m sure the trolls will use it against me) We are not debating those who are stupid enough to use CS for cancer or AIDS,

No we are debating those who are stupid enough ti digest it.
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It is obvious that Arunsakda has no knowledge of CS and has never tried it himself. (easy to be a critic then) And everything he say is guesswork, as my claims are well founded. believe it or not, there has been a development the last 100 years. And nobody claims it is a miracle cure. (when did I say that?) And no, I am absolutely not trying to sell something. Funny, I only wanted to point out where CS is available in Thailand, like many other, and I have already been accused of being Troll, a fraud a charlatan and a quacksalver.

To that subject; as of last year, every doctor in the UK received in average 10.000 us from the pharmaceutical industry to sell certain drugs to patients. If that is not corruption, I don`t know what is. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/mens-health/3314883/Are-GPs-in-thrall-to-the-drug-companies.html

So don`t give me any BS that Big Pharma has a conscience. Wake up. Today more people live off cancer than die from it. (cancer has nothing to do with CS, by the way. If I don` t say it, I` m sure the trolls will use it against me) We are not debating those who are stupid enough to use CS for cancer or AIDS,

Did you actually read the content of that link?

"To that subject; as of last year, every doctor in the UK received in average 10.000 us from the pharmaceutical industry to sell certain drugs to patients. If that is not corruption, I don`t know what is. "

NOWHERE in that article are UK doctors accused of receiving 10 cents never mind $10,000

​Stop posting inaccurate and libelous comment ...............

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I'd reckon it cured his dermatitis, but not his cardiovascular disease. Guess he bought the "wrong brand"cheesy.gif .

What a poor unfortunate man, hoodwinked by charlatans and quacksalvers.

You are aware that this was a hoax, aren't you? ROTFL! Or did you actually believe he turned this color from drinking colloidal silver.

Perhaps you need to do just a wee bit of research on Argyria. The skin turns a 'blue-ish grey' color, not bright blue!

And this only 'may' happen after drinking large quantities of colloidal silver over a long period of time.

One is more likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver from drinking alcohol than of developing Argyria from 'rational' use of colloidal silver.

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I'd reckon it cured his dermatitis, but not his cardiovascular disease. Guess he bought the "wrong brand"cheesy.gif .

What a poor unfortunate man, hoodwinked by charlatans and quacksalvers.

You are aware that this was a hoax, aren't you? ROTFL! Or did you actually believe he turned this color from drinking colloidal silver.

Perhaps you need to do just a wee bit of research on Argyria. The skin turns a 'blue-ish grey' color, not bright blue!

And this only 'may' happen after drinking large quantities of colloidal silver over a long period of time.

One is more likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver from drinking alcohol than of developing Argyria from 'rational' use of colloidal silver.

Try this story !


Just 4 years associated with used "quack" stuff in the form of nasal drops !

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