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Thailand Elite requirements from applicants?

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I am a member.
Once they have your passport copy, photo and the completed documents the government runs the police clearance checks on you. This takes about 4-5 days. Once you get cleared TE will then they contact you and tell you it is now ok to send the funds.
The service the give you to help you through the process and the way the operate is simply outstanding!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I just received my approval letter today   --With Aug 12  in mind   i was just wondering   how long did it take for the  Visa to become  available to you -- After you submitted the funds ?? 


The approval letter  has "Please note that your membership status will be activated after payment has been remitted in full amount into our account. Subsequently, the membership card and welcome package will be delivered to you in 3 weeks’ time." 



August 12th has nothing to do with visas of any type. It is only to do with visa exempt entries.

As soon as you pay the money you can get the PE visa shortly after that. You can arrange for a person from Thailand Elite to go with you to immigration to get it.


Re Aug 12 -yes i know it is only about the visa exempt entries -- 

My  situation is as follows --I am -50  i am living /but not working  in Thailand last 5 years on   30day vise exempts   /and mixing in a few( 5+) overstays  in the last 2 years!!! 

So i would imagine i am Excactly the type of  person  Thai Imm have in their mind when they stop allowing In/Out visa exempts  on Aug 12 ?? 

(and this is Exactly why i am purchasing the Elite card (with its attached ease of mind Visa )



 However i am currently on Overstay status 70 odd days and Thailand  Elite say i need to clear my overstay  status before i can get my PE Visa at airport - 


Am awaiting Thailand Elite answer as if i actually NEED exit Thailand and come back OR can i pay  my overstay at airport and then have new Visa attached  and Fxxk off home again  

Alao awaiting Thailand Elite answer as to IF i do exit Thailand to fulfill my overstay obligation - upon arrival back do i need  ANY visa (tourist or  visa exempt ) OR  can  i be met at the arrival gate and taken to IMM and have the 5 YEAR Visa inserted )  


However if i need  exit Thailand i really don't want the hassle of getting a Tourist Visa Just to come back to Thailand for the PE visa (as after AUG 12 i won't  be granted a 30 exempt i would think )

So thats  where my original query re AUG 12 stemmed from 


UbonJoe  your thoughts would be greatly appreciated  if you factor in my extra details -- TKS 


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I am a member.
Once they have your passport copy, photo and the completed documents the government runs the police clearance checks on you. This takes about 4-5 days. Once you get cleared TE will then they contact you and tell you it is now ok to send the funds.
The service the give you to help you through the process and the way the operate is simply outstanding!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I just received my approval letter today   --With Aug 12  in mind   i was just wondering   how long did it take for the  Visa to become  available to you -- After you submitted the funds ?? 
The approval letter  has "Please note that your membership status will be activated after payment has been remitted in full amount into our account. Subsequently, the membership card and welcome package will be delivered to you in 3 weeks’ time." 
August 12th has nothing to do with visas of any type. It is only to do with visa exempt entries.
As soon as you pay the money you can get the PE visa shortly after that. You can arrange for a person from Thailand Elite to go with you to immigration to get it.
Re Aug 12 -yes i know it is only about the visa exempt entries -- 
My  situation is as follows --I am -50  i am living /but not working  in Thailand last 5 years on   30day vise exempts   /and mixing in a few( 5+) overstays  in the last 2 years!!! 
So i would imagine i am Excactly the type of  person  Thai Imm have in their mind when they stop allowing In/Out visa exempts  on Aug 12 ?? 
(and this is Exactly why i am purchasing the Elite card (with its attached ease of mind Visa )
 However i am currently on Overstay status 70 odd days and Thailand  Elite say i need to clear my overstay  status before i can get my PE Visa at airport - 
Am awaiting Thailand Elite answer as if i actually NEED exit Thailand and come back OR can i pay  my overstay at airport and then have new Visa attached  and Fxxk off home again  
Alao awaiting Thailand Elite answer as to IF i do exit Thailand to fulfill my overstay obligation - upon arrival back do i need  ANY visa (tourist or  visa exempt ) OR  can  i be met at the arrival gate and taken to IMM and have the 5 YEAR Visa inserted )  
However if i need  exit Thailand i really don't want the hassle of getting a Tourist Visa Just to come back to Thailand for the PE visa (as after AUG 12 i won't  be granted a 30 exempt i would think )
So thats  where my original query re AUG 12 stemmed from 
UbonJoe  your thoughts would be greatly appreciated  if you factor in my extra details -- TKS 
Your met at the arrival gate but you have an airline refuse you boarding if they receive any guidline between now and the 12th. Im surprised TE got you approval letter if your on 70 day overstay. Be interesting to see what TE response is to your question and obviously Ubonjoes views.

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Your met at the arrival gate but you have an airline refuse you boarding if they receive any guidline between now and the 12th. Im surprised TE got you approval letter if your on 70 day overstay. Be interesting to see what TE response is to your question and obviously Ubonjoes views.

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I was surprised  also to get the approval letter  and so quickly  -- when i brought this up with them initially they  said my overstay status  would need to be cleared before applying for IMM approval ,but a few hours later that day(July 30 )   Chok at TE  asked me for a copy of my passport and said it should not be a problem as they just check for criminal record --so i scanned it and sent it back same day 


So as you say being met at the arrival gate  means i don't need ANY visa coming back in (nor do i need be worried at the mood or discretion  of a IMM agent at a counter granting me another 30 visa exempt etc ) ---  Thailand Elite staff bypasses  that bringing me directly to a room where the 5 Year visa is inserted into my passport ???

Excellent if so and really makes this Card money  well spent (for  me )  if it get rid of the hassles of Visa life in Thailand if you are under 50 smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

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Your met at the arrival gate but you have an airline refuse you boarding if they receive any guidline between now and the 12th. Im surprised TE got you approval letter if your on 70 day overstay. Be interesting to see what TE response is to your question and obviously Ubonjoes views.

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was surprised  also to get the approval letter  and so quickly  -- when i brought this up with them initially they  said my overstay status  would need to be cleared before applying for IMM approval ,but a few hours later that day(July 30 )   Chok at TE  asked me for a copy of my passport and said it should not be a problem as they just check for criminal record --so i scanned it and sent it back same day 
So as you say being met at the arrival gate  means i don't need ANY visa coming back in (nor do i need be worried at the mood or discretion  of a IMM agent at a counter granting me another 30 visa exempt etc ) ---  Thailand Elite staff bypasses  that bringing me directly to a room where the 5 Year visa is inserted into my passport ???
Excellent if so and really makes this Card money  well spent (for  me )  if it get rid of the hassles of Visa life in Thailand if you are under 50 smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png
You wont even see imigration. TE staff take care of it for you. I would ask TE staff any advise. There really helpful. Dont forget to give them the required 5 days notice for your arrival as your having the visa put in your passport on arrival. If you already have the visa its only 5 hours notice

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by bim
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The elite card has been losing a lot of money and it was run by Taksins crowd . It could be possibly closed down.


Is the scheme where guillable individuals stump up 500k Baht ?? 

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The elite card has been losing a lot of money and it was run by Taksins crowd . It could be possibly closed down.

Is the scheme where guillable individuals stump up 500k Baht ?? 
Not another uninformed Troll. Please go read the other threads on the topic as I cant even be bothered to copy and paste. It saves me at least 4000 gbp in air fare a year. Twice the annual fee. Will they close it? Unlikley as they havnt since inception over 10 years ago. Thailands economy is 20% tourism. So I ask you why do you think they would ever cancel it. Jog on and troll some other forum. Our at least offer some enlightened info that contributes to a debate not a dummass statement with no merit. in peace :)

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by bim
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The elite card has been losing a lot of money and it was run by Taksins crowd . It could be possibly closed down.

Is the scheme where guillable individuals stump up 500k Baht ?? 
Not another uninformed Troll. Please go read the other threads on the topic as I cant even be bothered to copy and paste. It saves me at least 4000 gbp in air fare a year. Twice the annual fee. Will they close it? Unlikley as they havnt since inception over 10 years ago. Thailands economy is 20% tourism. So I ask you why do you think they would ever cancel it. Jog on and troll some other forum. Our at least offer some enlightened info that contributes to a debate not a dummass statement with no merit. in peace smile.png

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



So enlighten me how you are spending £4000 a year I assume for obtaining Visas from adjacent Countries.  £100 return (tops) what 3-4 times a Year ??


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Does anybody knows if it is possible to pay cash and if they need evidences that this money comes from abroad ?



Yes, you can pay cash by depositing 500K ThB into their bank account (be sure to hold onto the deposit receipt!) - you don't have to wire the money if you don't want to do that.  You can also do an inter-bank transfer from a Thai bank account, if you have one.

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Does anybody knows if it is possible to pay cash and if they need evidences that this money comes from abroad ?

Yes, you can pay cash by depositing 500K ThB into their bank account (be sure to hold onto the deposit receipt!) - you don't have to wire the money if you don't want to do that.  You can also do an inter-bank transfer from a Thai bank account, if you have one.
I did a transfer from a Thai bank. They got it same day and you scan the payslip and email it to them and they confirmed to me within an hour they received it OK.

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by bim
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Correct. As opposed to the elder pensioner that has to show certified copies of everything to get a long stay visa oversea.


Money talks. This is Thailand.

Money talks everywhere. Money will get you long-term stays in places like USA and UK as well. It's not unique to Thailand at all. Funny how some people think it is. 


Pay attention... comment was related to the fact that in Thailand in this case, money saves one the criminal checks. Maybe not so in other countries. 

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Actually you have to be approved first and takes 3 working days and that includes criminal and intepol checks. As for criminalty outside Thailand no country can do that either. 


They can't easily check, but they can require criminal records from citizenship country(translated and legalized), as well from any country where one has lived (e.g.) for more that 6 months. Thailand does that for "long stay" 1 year visa.

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Correct. As opposed to the elder pensioner that has to show certified copies of everything to get a long stay visa oversea.


Money talks. This is Thailand.

Money talks everywhere. Money will get you long-term stays in places like USA and UK as well. It's not unique to Thailand at all. Funny how some people think it is. 


Pay attention... comment was related to the fact that in Thailand in this case, money saves one the criminal checks. Maybe not so in other countries. 



Sorry, but this is BS.


First: Money safe in this case not the CR as some Elitecard holders said they check here on TV.


Second: This is also true for other countrys. In many countrys, including the FirstWorld, for example UK (overseas territories) or Switzerland, the biggest dicators and most wanted criminals can hide their money without any problems. Countries like the US play worldpolice and do like they are the white angels, but in reality their money can buy even the president. The US supress swiss banks for tax reasons but the US is also known as perfect place to hind tax-money, when in comes to the state of delaware. The most money from mexican gangs to dicators lays in the safe haven USA - or why you think it's always so a big US weapon to freeze accounts from wanted people in the US? People can make over decades good business with the US but then suddenly when it comes to a showdown, we hear about "US sanctions freezing accounts in the US from Gadaffi or the influence people from iran" - its exactly the same think. The US knows all the time the money lays there, but they dont do anything cause its business as usual.


I think it's unfair to say only in Thailand money can save criminals a.ss or money. It's in the whole world the same and it was so 5000 years before and so it will be 5000 years later. The world is not utopia, even Thailand not. So money talks - everywhere in the world. The statement before was absolutly correct. It has nothing to do with Thailand, it's about human nature.



Edited by AsienExpat
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Actually you have to be approved first and takes 3 working days and that includes criminal and intepol checks. As for criminalty outside Thailand no country can do that either. 


They can't easily check, but they can require criminal records from citizenship country(translated and legalized), as well from any country where one has lived (e.g.) for more that 6 months. Thailand does that for "long stay" 1 year visa.



And do you think the UK wants a criminal record from an russian olligarch first, before he invest a big stack in London? I dont think so. If every country in the world would ask first for a CR before somebody is allowed to bring big money to a country, their would maybe much less money in places like St. Tropez, Antibes, Mallorca, Las Vegas, London or where ever. Look at New Zealand, Kim Schmitz. Money talks, yes of course. Everywhere in this world, the idea that this is something special to Thailand is really bias.

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Correct. As opposed to the elder pensioner that has to show certified copies of everything to get a long stay visa oversea.


Money talks. This is Thailand.


So we should assume that money doesn't talk in your home country?


Do you come from the moon?

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hey flying business class is expensive. And those 5 star hotels are a real killer. Now I dont have to go anywhere. Just sit in my beach side villa and no more visa runs. Man thank you Thailand Elite. Lifes good. smile.png

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


So all the people who are Elitemembers and not telling only bullshit, post a foto of your 5 year visa in your passport, I want to see something what doesnt exist in Thailaw, there is no 5 year Visa, but the foto would make every person happy who has a thai wife, because it means they do not have to show any funds on extension, because you cant force people to show money if want to stay with family and kids, but other people dont have to show and get  a 5 year visa, 

Why nobody of you THAI ELITES has the courage to show his 5 year visa? 

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I am a member.
Once they have your passport copy, photo and the completed documents the government runs the police clearance checks on you. This takes about 4-5 days. Once you get cleared TE will then they contact you and tell you it is now ok to send the funds.
The service the give you to help you through the process and the way the operate is simply outstanding!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I would assume as the Thai Police have no access to other countries national criminal databases and could only as was pointed out before  check that you are not on Interpol's most wanted list that this  is only a check of the Thai Police criminal records database, seems rather pointless to be honest facepalm.gif



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I am a member.
Once they have your passport copy, photo and the completed documents the government runs the police clearance checks on you. This takes about 4-5 days. Once you get cleared TE will then they contact you and tell you it is now ok to send the funds.
The service the give you to help you through the process and the way the operate is simply outstanding!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I would assume as the Thai Police have no access to other countries national criminal databases and could only as was pointed out before  check that you are not on Interpol's most wanted list that this  is only a check of the Thai Police criminal records database, seems rather pointless to be honest facepalm.gif



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I am a member.
Once they have your passport copy, photo and the completed documents the government runs the police clearance checks on you. This takes about 4-5 days. Once you get cleared TE will then they contact you and tell you it is now ok to send the funds.
The service the give you to help you through the process and the way the operate is simply outstanding!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I would assume as the Thai Police have no access to other countries national criminal databases and could only as was pointed out before  check that you are not on Interpol's most wanted list that this  is only a check of the Thai Police criminal records database, seems rather pointless to be honest facepalm.gif


If they want, they can. As they can, if they want, they do.


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In terms of the Visa benefit ... is it right for the 500k card you get a 5-year multi entry Visa?
Would this also count towards the three year non-immigrant visa requirement for permanent residency status?

You must be on extensions of stay for 3 years and be working here with a work permit to qualify for permanent residency. So the answer is no.



You can also apply with a retirement visa

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In terms of the Visa benefit ... is it right for the 500k card you get a 5-year multi entry Visa?
Would this also count towards the three year non-immigrant visa requirement for permanent residency status?

You must be on extensions of stay for 3 years and be working here with a work permit to qualify for permanent residency. So the answer is no.



You can also apply with a retirement visa

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In terms of the Visa benefit ... is it right for the 500k card you get a 5-year multi entry Visa?
Would this also count towards the three year non-immigrant visa requirement for permanent residency status?

You must be on extensions of stay for 3 years and be working here with a work permit to qualify for permanent residency. So the answer is no.



You can also apply with a retirement visa


This is not entirely correct. Usually one has to be working here for at least 3 years (legally, of course) and pay taxes. There are exceptions (married to Thai and have Thai children), but then one must be on a married visa, and such cases are not very usual and easy!!!

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I was just on their website and it doesn't discuss those sorts of money and payment details.  But reading the website I see the words: "Thailand Elite Members will be granted a “Privilege Entry Visa” when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate-General, or at the Thai Immigration Bureau at Suvarnabhumi, Chiang Mai and Phuket International Airport.".  So does this mean everytime one flies in, one has to fill out some paperwork and get the visa at the airport?  The Thai Elite just enables you and qualifies you to get that priveledged Entry Visa, but you still have to stop and fill it out and apply?  That seems counter to the ease of travel and paperwork I would have liked

Nothing like that. You only have to fill arrival/departure card unless you are so spoiled to have to face to ask the the steward to do it. All questions are answered in the many relevant threads if you could take the time to read them.
  There is no need for you to be rude PAZ.  I never said anything about the arrival/departure card so it is silly for you to go off on that tangent.   I didn't see any thing in any thread that explicitly said you just walk through immigration so I asked because the Elite Card website was not clear. 
I wonder how on Earth you could have missed the slightest bit of information about the card and all its advantages... It has been explained and explained and explained (and...) over (and over and...) again.

But thank you to keep this subject alive anyway smile.png

I have to travel in two weeks.
I will take pictures of how an arriving Thailand Elite member smoothly reaches his waiting limousine... having passed immigration quickly and seamlessly.

And to brighten the day of everyone, I will take a picture with the young, classy and welcoming Thailand Elite staff waiting for me at the gate smile.png

I think it's the only thing that has not been done yet on this forum.

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I'm wondering if you require and if so do they provide  needed rarefied air?








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hey flying business class is expensive. And those 5 star hotels are a real killer. Now I dont have to go anywhere. Just sit in my beach side villa and no more visa runs. Man thank you Thailand Elite. Lifes good. smile.png

Sent from my GT-I8552B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So all the people who are Elitemembers and not telling only bullshit, post a foto of your 5 year visa in your passport, I want to see something what doesnt exist in Thailaw, there is no 5 year Visa, but the foto would make every person happy who has a thai wife, because it means they do not have to show any funds on extension, because you cant force people to show money if want to stay with family and kids, but other people dont have to show and get  a 5 year visa, 
Why nobody of you THAI ELITES has the courage to show his 5 year visa? 
If imigration at Chaeng Wattana issue them and Thailand Elite is a government run Scheme then you your asumption is wrong. eeemmmm. Paying so much up front proves you have the money so what is the chip on your shoulder. This is not mine btw but one someone posted recently on another thread.
This PE visa is nearly as nice as my Lamborghini :wub:

Even better, this visa also comes with beautiful, charming and smiling girls waiting for us each time we arrive in (and depart from) Thailand

It also remembers me the free annual medical check-up that members can take advantage of at the best hospitals.
But I prefer to think about the golf and spa privileges associated with the program...

If you enjoy life, Thailand Elite membership is a great product.

Thanks for brightening my day with this visa picture :)

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by gerry1011
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