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Do all Issan Girls are just looking for a House and Money


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As soon as I arrived to meet my Issan "Lady" money "was" on the table  


She had land and asked me to build a house. When I told her not a problem but she have to sign an agreement just in case we split. All I asked to be pay back full amount plus bank loan interest. Things changed fast... No more happy nightscheesy.gif   no more breakfastswink.png .


She wanted everything but I am not stupid. Yes, I paid for food drinks and few other things. I am not a cheap 


Oh, Yes we went to Lao and at Friendship bridge immigration toured us back because her car was not in her name. We hired a driver and a car and I have learned few thing 


So please tell, Just Issan or all Thai girls 




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The answer to OP is  HUGE BIG no


My question is


How long did you know her, no signs of greed??? leave brain at airport???/


You have a problem with a THAI lady, who happens to live in ISSAN,and your question is are all Issan girls like that???



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just your girl. and why would she pay you back past payments if you lived in the house on free land? are you going to pay her rent on the land the house sat on?

Farm land rents for about 2000bht/per rai/per year or less.


he's not living on farm land

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just your girl. and why would she pay you back past payments if you lived in the house on free land? are you going to pay her rent on the land the house sat on?


Not my landclap2.gif

 but i would have to pay for all upkeep 

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just your girl. and why would she pay you back past payments if you lived in the house on free land? are you going to pay her rent on the land the house sat on?


Not my landclap2.gif

 but i would have to pay for all upkeep 


only while you lived there. 

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just your girl. and why would she pay you back past payments if you lived in the house on free land? are you going to pay her rent on the land the house sat on?


Not my landclap2.gif

 but i would have to pay for all upkeep 


only while you lived there. 



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just your girl. and why would she pay you back past payments if you lived in the house on free land? are you going to pay her rent on the land the house sat on?


Not my landclap2.gif

 but i would have to pay for all upkeep 


only while you lived there. 





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The problem here is the difference between the ideas and obligations of Romantic Love by Thais and Westerners.

In the west, each partner is perceived to be equal. Decisions and costs are shared. This is becoming more prevalent in Thailand, but, really only in the larger cities.


The traditional Thai concept is that the man is the bread-winner and chief decision maker. He has to "take-care" of the wife and in return the domestic decisions and tasks are taken care of for him.


Thais do not say "I love you" to each other nearly so much as Western couples do. When I asked a Thai about this, they said that each partner knows if they are genuinely loved, or not by watching the actions of the other. Words were just words.

Eminently practical, I think.

Thank You very much for an intelligent reply 


My mam was a house wife so I full understand responsibilities 

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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women , because Thai women just love retired foreign pensioners living off their pension.

To answer your original post, sadly vast majority are looking for "better and easier " life by being with foreigners.

They expect financial support for them and entire family , because they simply do not grasp the concept that money does not fall from the trees for foreigners .
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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women , because Thai women just love retired foreign pensioners living off their pension.

To answer your original post, sadly vast majority are looking for "better and easier " life by being with foreigners.

They expect financial support for them and entire family , because they simply do not grasp the concept that money does not fall from the trees for foreigners .

Well, I sold my business and retired at almost 50

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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women


I thought that most esteemed TV members were married to Thai-Chinese wives who are doctors and lawyers with a degree from Chulalongkorn and were definitely not ex-bar girls.

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OP, sadly you would be mocked because most if not all esteem Thai visa members are married to hard working , upper class Thai women , because Thai women just love retired foreign pensioners living off their pension.

To answer your original post, sadly vast majority are looking for "better and easier " life by being with foreigners.

They expect financial support for them and entire family , because they simply do not grasp the concept that money does not fall from the trees for foreigners .

vast majority? lol

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Yes all Thai girls are money hungry harpies desperate for land and money, all tattooed people are violent thugs, all Muslims are terrorists, all Irish people are drunks and all expats living in Thailand are old, overweight pensioners preying on young girls.... coffee1.gif NEXT

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Pretend you are a dairy cow....pretend your man bits are the utters....pretend milk is money..........what happens to dairy cows when the milk runs out? They get shipped off for ground beef....not even quality steaks...just ground beef.

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