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First Trink, then Stickman, who’s next?


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girls of the week are a pretty bad advert so why does he persist ?

how come notstickman hasnt reapeared yet ,ie the galt man ?

seems his site would never be resaleable once he left as traffic would tail off over time ,the business is on a general downturn any way .

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Best option for stickman would be to take on a co-writer/staff to work on the site while stick is in NZ- stick himself could then review the content each week, check editorial style while the new staff does the leg work.

Other option ,would be to stay and open a bar using his name- Stickman's Bar- with focus on good ambiance/drink/food rather than girls.

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Sticks content was great, but his coding skills are atrocious. There is money to be made by just renovating his site and getting rid of that horrible old white on black formating and other navigational problems. The layout of his site is a mess.

His website is worth 29,000 USD. What is he trying to sell it for?


It seems to be around 32,000 USD

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Sticks content was great, but his coding skills are atrocious. There is money to be made by just renovating his site and getting rid of that horrible old white on black formating and other navigational problems. The layout of his site is a mess.

His website is worth 29,000 USD. What is he trying to sell it for?


It seems to be around 32,000 USD

No, he's trying to get $320,000 US.

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Many here seem to be very critical of Stick's site......

He should do this..

This is horrible....

It's a mess....

Obviously many people are very pleased with his site and how he runs it.

If you really know so much more than he and know how to do it much better....

Please do it yourself!

It would be good to have more options.

But please, until you produce something better...

Keep your criticism to yourself!

I like Stick's site and I like Stick.

I have had occasion to ask his advice more than once and he has always been straight up with me, and very prompt with his reply.

I find his white on black formatting, easy to read and easy on the eyes.

I am a photo buff and find his photography to be very good!

Again, if you can do better than Stick...

Do it yourself!

Free criticism is like free advice...you get exactly what you pay for!

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I like stick as well he's an excellent bloke you can trust. But that does not put his out of date site and the touting of the sex industry, sorry 'night life' site aboVE criticism. There is some very good stuff on there, but as time goes on the look and the content seem more like they belong in the 90's. His photography is outstanding though.

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Galt went to China then gave up, somebody did to him on the internet what he tried to do with stick. I guess you can only keep up a hate campaign against somebody you never even met for so long.

Did? Still doing. There's a ton of fighting and slandering still going with Galt and another guy.
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The whole raison d'etre for the Galt "not the stickman" imbroglio was the accusation that the stick's site had ceased to be impartial and any complaint or controversy regarding friends/advertisers was quickly white-washed. Galt maintained stickman had lost the credibility he had earned in his early days and had sold his loyal fans down the river. He actually did meet sticky years before the rivalry broke out.

If you are trying to get money touting a website, you can't afford to make enemies. Every review was a glowing testimonial and cunningly placed right next to a banner ad that cost XXXX baht per month. There were no bad places or dives to avoid like there were back when stick first started out.

Of course if you are a proprietor and the stickman is stopping by, the whole joint will be in top form and the staff bending over backwards. So because of stick's notoriety, his reviews and experiences were tainted. The next guy through the door might not get such a warm reception or sterling service.

I read both guys for the duration and Galt had some pretty strong evidence on his side and many level-headed reviews and comments. Galt was a stickman fan in the early days and felt let down. I don't think he was jealous or envious. Each to his own opinion though.

I think that everyone needs competition and one guy should not be the be all/end all of advice and opinion concerning shops/restaurants/go gos/ clubs and bars.

'nuff said


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Did you notice not one email on his site this week telling him he would be lucky to get more than 150k. Rigged his answers this week not one disagreement with him for his 300k. He is a dreamer to get more than the first offerwhistling.gif

If his site is making $7500 p/m then he can easily sell it for $150K.

Standard listing price for a website is monthly earnings x 20.

More established sites can easily sell for much, much, more.

Sticks site has been around for a long time and has a big following.

He's made some mistakes though by not updating the design a long time ago,

And by not building a mailing list.

That would have increased the revenue by a lot as an email subscriber is worth far more than a website visitor.

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.The whole raison d'etre for the Galt "not the stickman" imbroglio was the accusation that the stick's site had ceased to be impartial and any complaint or controversy regarding friends/advertisers was quickly white-washed. Galt maintained stickman had lost the credibility he had earned in his early days and had sold his loyal fans down the river. He actually did meet sticky years before the rivalry broke out.

If you are trying to get money touting a website, you can't afford to make enemies. Every review was a glowing testimonial and cunningly placed right next to a banner ad that cost XXXX baht per month. There were no bad places or dives to avoid like there were back when stick first started out.

Of course if you are a proprietor and the stickman is stopping by, the whole joint will be in top form and the staff bending over backwards. So because of stick's notoriety, his reviews and experiences were tainted. The next guy through the door might not get such a warm reception or sterling service.

I read both guys for the duration and Galt had some pretty strong evidence on his side and many level-headed reviews and comments. Galt was a stickman fan in the early days and felt let down. I don't think he was jealous or envious. Each to his own opinion though.

I think that everyone needs competition and one guy should not be the be all/end all of advice and opinion concerning shops/restaurants/go gos/ clubs and bars.

'nuff said

I don't get what you are talking about except to revive a conflict that was dead years ago. Stick had no reason to be fair and unbiased. He runs a site paid for by advertising. Galt had no points at all. He was jealous.

The Galt site now leads to some Chinese credit card mumbo jumbo.

There are many sites that are paid for by advertising that don't allow criticism of advertisers.

Many other posters have mentioned that the Stick site is the wrong color (Western people read black on white). And difficult to navigate. I don't like people who steal stuff. I don't like you because you are trying to steal Trink's "nuff said." Who cares. Stick's top value was years ago.

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True Galt overstepped the mark when he exposed Stick to his employer and caused stick a lot of problems for no good reason, I think Galt was jealous of him.

I see from this weeks stick he still praises a brothel, but the only guarantee from there that I heard of is that you are likely to get stiffed on the time you pay for. If that's the best place offering service in the night-life scene it does not say a lot for the rest! Oh I just realised he is talking about the not happy no pay guarantee, i wonder if anyone ever got the money back on that?

I receive more email about bad experiences in the bar industry these days than ever before, and they run the full gamut from being pestered for lady drinks to poor attitudes to being ignored to being promised the bedroom Olympics and experiencing anything but. I have 3 words for you: this is prostitution! Prostitution is an industry in which false promises are common, and an industry in which there are almost no guarantees (Eden Club aside). You take a risk from the moment you walk in to a bar -

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Best option for stickman would be to take on a co-writer/staff to work on the site while stick is in NZ- stick himself could then review the content each week, check editorial style while the new staff does the leg work.

Other option ,would be to stay and open a bar using his name- Stickman's Bar- with focus on good ambiance/drink/food rather than girls.

NO GOOD . boys want girls. even ugly ones...............lol.

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Best option for stickman would be to take on a co-writer/staff to work on the site while stick is in NZ- stick himself could then review the content each week, check editorial style while the new staff does the leg work.

Other option ,would be to stay and open a bar using his name- Stickman's Bar- with focus on good ambiance/drink/food rather than girls.

NO GOOD . boys want girls. even ugly ones...............lol.


Because there seem to be rather a lot of successful bars that don't revolve around prostitution.

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Go to any bar on Soi Buakow in Pattaya and you will find a hundred boring old farts spouting exactly the same pointless prattle that Trink and Stickman have been spouting for years.

Personally I am glad they are both leaving as that way I am much less likely to come across their inanities by accident.

Wow, steady on the truth is not allowed on here.

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Go to any bar on Soi Buakow in Pattaya and you will find a hundred boring old farts spouting exactly the same pointless prattle that Trink and Stickman have been spouting for years.

Personally I am glad they are both leaving as that way I am much less likely to come across their inanities by accident.

Wow, steady on the truth is not allowed on here.

So are you gonna ask Kitten how many bars she frequents to arrive at this expert conclusion? And how much she reads Stick to know what he spouts weekly? Unless you believe the, "by accident" claim.

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Best option for stickman would be to take on a co-writer/staff to work on the site while stick is in NZ- stick himself could then review the content each week, check editorial style while the new staff does the leg work.

Other option ,would be to stay and open a bar using his name- Stickman's Bar- with focus on good ambiance/drink/food rather than girls.

NO GOOD . boys want girls. even ugly ones...............lol.


Because there seem to be rather a lot of successful bars that don't revolve around prostitution.

If you say so.

Im not saying you have to offer prostitutes just feMAIL hosts...................lol.

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Im not saying you have to offer prostitutes just feMAIL hosts...................lol.

I'll pay more to go to a bar that doesn't have hookers / bar girls in it. Most of them are annoying chancers.

And I couldn't care less if the waitresses are female or male.

I'm a straight man too before anyone says anything.

I go to a bar to either drink with friends or take a girl out.

I don't need the staff to be female for it to be an enjoyable experience.

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Im not saying you have to offer prostitutes just feMAIL hosts...................lol.

I'll pay more to go to a bar that doesn't have hookers / bar girls in it. Most of them are annoying chancers.

And I couldn't care less if the waitresses are female or male.

I'm a straight man too before anyone says anything.

I go to a bar to either drink with friends or take a girl out.

I don't need the staff to be female for it to be an enjoyable experience.

say you go to a bar to take a girl out as you said. You looking for a hi-so thai chinese reading the asian wall st journal at the next table or what?

Men waiters in a girlie bar just doesnt seem right......................lol.

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