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Israel declares seven-hour Gaza truce


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Israel declares seven-hour Gaza truce

JERUSALEM - Israel will hold its fire in most of the Gaza Strip for a seven-hour "humanitarian window" on Monday, the military said, four weeks into its bloody conflict with Hamas.

According to an army statement, the ceasefire will take place between 7am and 2pm in all of the Palestinian enclave besides the area east of southern city Rafah, "where clashes were still ongoing and there was Israeli military presence."

Head of the Israeli military activities in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, General Yoav Mordechai, warned in the statement that "if the truce will be violated, the army will respond with fire toward the source of the (Palestinian) fire during the declared hudna," or truce.

Mordechai also called on residents of Abasan al Kabira and Abasan al Saghira, two villages east of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, to return to their homes beginning 5am on Monday.

Full story: http://www.enca.com/israel-announce-7-hour-humanitarian-truce

-- eNCA 2014-08-04

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Hamas has rejected or violated every single ceasefire so far. I wonder how long it it will take the this time.bah.gif

Well, you would say that wouldn't you.

Israel has used every single truce so far to restock its arms, while their ground troops continue their search and destroy tunnel mission. Israel has never stopped fighting at all.

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Hamas has rejected or violated every single ceasefire so far. I wonder how long it it will take the this time.bah.gif

Well, you would say that wouldn't you.

Of course I would. Unlike you, I post mostly facts.

You have been caught posting lies and distortions repeatedly and when presented with evidence that you are mistaken - often something that you ignored in your own links - you continue to post it over and over again.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Hamas has rejected or violated every single ceasefire so far. I wonder how long it it will take the this time.bah.gif

Well, you would say that wouldn't you.

Of course I would. Unlike you, I post mostly facts.

You have been caught posting lies and distortions repeatedly and when presented with evidence that you are mistaken - often something that you ignored in your own links - you continue to post it over and over again.

You keep posting nonsense, I will keep tearing it apart with the truth

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Hamas has rejected or violated every single ceasefire so far. I wonder how long it it will take the this time.bah.gif

Just long enough for Israel to re load all those missile launchers I think.

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Ham-ass already broke it; 120 rockets fired as of an hour ago.

I'd like to bet they destroyed more potato fields than schools

Not for want of trying. Hamas wants as many deaths as possible - on BOTH sides.

And israel doesn't? I think the disproportionate civilian body count speaks volumes. I think you have tunnel vision, pardon the pun.

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Ham-ass already broke it; 120 rockets fired as of an hour ago.

I'd like to bet they destroyed more potato fields than schools

Not for want of trying. Hamas wants as many deaths as possible - on BOTH sides.

Hamas wants deaths on both sides? I suppose you're going to say that they want Palestinians dead to bolster world support?

If so, you're in the same league as the conspiracy theorists that said 9/11 was engineered by the US to gain an excuse to invade Afghanistan. Crazy.

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Hamas has rejected or violated every single ceasefire so far. I wonder how long it it will take the this time.bah.gif

Well, you would say that wouldn't you.

Of course I would. Unlike you, I post mostly facts.

You have been caught posting lies and distortions repeatedly and when presented with evidence that you are mistaken - often something that you ignored in your own links - you continue to post it over and over again.

some might say that it is the behaviour of a troll!

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Not for want of trying. Hamas wants as many deaths as possible - on BOTH sides.

Hamas wants deaths on both sides? I suppose you're going to say that they want Palestinians dead to bolster world support?

If so, you're in the same league as the conspiracy theorists that said 9/11 was engineered by the US to gain an excuse to invade Afghanistan. Crazy.

That is their tactic. You didn't know? Not a conspiracy theory. A fact.

This is what the Israeli demonizers don't get.

Dealing with Hamas is not a garden party.

They don't have your liberal western values. You can't live in fantasy world and act like they do.

They are radical Islamic Jihadists. Their goal is the total destruction of Israel which would potentially mean they would kill millions of Jews.

Yes Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people. Yes Israel needs to defend themselves from the total evil that is Hamas.

That is not to say Israel has done everything perfectly. That is too high an expectation for any country.

People who post such drivel such as yours are either completely naive or disgustingly evil. I hope and assume you are just naive and fail to suspect the Machiavellian extremes that Israeli leaders (the REAL terrorists) will resort to. This includes creating a false enemy, in this case, Hamas, whereby the Arab- hating right wing leadership can point the finger to some "enemy" to blame for supposedly stalling any so-called peace process and give them more excuse to murder.

Since you protray yourself as someone who thinks he knows about Hamas, did you know that Hamas was actually created by Isreal? Google it. Why would they do that? Well you see Israel does not want or has ever wanted peace. They want all of Palastine for themselves, and they use terrorism to give them the excuse to brutalise and murder Palestinians and that is why they continually encroach on land in the West Bank, build houses and let Israeli Arab hating extremists move into these houses with free rents in order to terrorise the neighbouring Palastinians. The way they treat Palastinians is completely disgraceful and inhumane. Anyone trying to justify their actions are either evil or ignorantly stupid.

The Israelis pretend they want peace and pretend to go into peace talks, only to stall every peace process in order to give them more time to further colonize Palestine. Anything that can be offered as an excuse for their wicked genocidal murdering of men, woman and children is used. The most convenient excuse, aided by the bought media, is "terrorism".

Do you know what Mossad's motto is? 'By way of deception, thou shalt do war.' What do you think they mean by that?

Yes Hamas is a creation of Israel and they use Hamas to justify what they deceptively really want - all of Palestine and the complete eradication of all Palestinians.

If your country was invaded by a group of religious fanatics who throw you out your home, murder your family members, imprison you in a giant concentration camp and deny you basic human rights, regularly take your children and your neighbours children off the streets and put them into dark prisons where they are tortured, poison your water, destroy your farms, build a giant wall to keep you imprisoned, stop you from travelling and every so often bomb your homes, your schools and hospitals, what would you do? Who would you think are the REAL terrorists? Would you vote for an organisation who will fight for your rights? But what if the people who are terrorising you claim the party you voted for are "terrorists" so now you are a terrorist and you are to be killed, bombed and tortured?

Please tell me what you would do if YOU were a Palestinian?

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Would love our Thai Government to break diplomatic relations with the terrorist state Israel and expect all its citizen. We do not want child murderers nor the ones who support these israeli extremists.

You are a Thai, Monsieur? coffee1.gif

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Please tell me what you would do if YOU were a Palestinian?

A gay one? I'd be either murdered by them or would have tried to escape to Israel and hopefully out of Israel after that ...


People who post such drivel such as yours are either completely naive or disgustingly evil.


You were speaking about drivel? coffee1.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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I guess the Hamas et al need a few hours rest. Even monsters need to take five once in awhile to get refreshed for another mass killing.

Mass Killing?

Hamas has killed 2 israeli citizens and a Thai.

63 Israeli soldiers, two civilians and a Thai national have died and more than 400 have been injured as of two days ago.

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I guess the Hamas et al need a few hours rest. Even monsters need to take five once in awhile to get refreshed for another mass killing.

Mass Killing?

Hamas has killed 2 israeli citizens and a Thai.

63 Israeli soldiers, two civilians and a Thai national have died and more than 400 have been injured as of two days ago.

Oh what were those Israeli soldiers doing again? Attacking Gaza. Militant/soldier deaths aside and focus on the innocents. Oh wait...

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This is a very old saying " The first casualty of War is the truth"

Today Europe recalls the start of Britains involvement in the start of WW 1

and that war was fuelled by lies once it started.

Propaganda is still alive and well.

Watch the slick lies in this civil war zone.

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