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NACC to file case against Ms Yingluck to the prosecution on Tuesday


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Word is that she's just come down with a serious medical condition and needs to recuperate in a non extraditeable country for a few years. thumbsup.gif


 Well it can't be a lung issue or skin cancer. The desert dryness and sun would not help with those ailments. I heard chronic thrush sufferers can find relief in the dry arid desert conditions. It's a possibility.

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If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?




I think that's fairly simple. At the time the farmers were paid they there were reasonable suspicions that there were problems in the running of the scheme but checks were needed to confirm this and that is being done now.


At the moment the focus is on missing and degraded rice and there seems to be evidence of this. The last I heard was there were problems with about 20%. that won't be spread evenly but will be worse in some than others so some will be within normallimits and some will be due to possible criminal activity. This will most likely involve the warehouses through the owners onsite managers or workers. Possibly a combination. There may be some farmer involvement as well but this will need some time to sort out.


Hopefully there will also be investigation into outside involvement such as the police who were sent to guard the warehouses and the substitution of foreign rice and the checks run by the government which found little or no evidence of any problems and of course any farmers who were party to possible criminal acts.


Holding back payment for this time from farmers who had been waiting a long time anyway, commiting suicide and getting into debt, somtimes with loan sharks and who may well be innocent would I feel be unjust. I'm sure if they had there would be posters on here, maybe even yourself who would have complain that the NCPO were doing worse than the PTP.


I think the scheme had finished anyway and the NCPO didn't continue it so there were no longer any loopholes.


If any farmers are found to be guilty of criminality then they can be brought to court and the funds taken back if possible.

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"We're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries ample rich family of which she is a member and personally enriching herself and her brother and the Shinwatra clan as a result of this rice pledging scam scheme policy."


OK again-THIS IS BULLSHIT There is NO EVIDENCE that Yingluck k was committing graft or "personally enriching herself" from ANY of the governments spending, not the water projects not the rice pledging program, nothing.. SHE IS NOT BEING CHARGED FOR THAT..


what your saying is that she was 'stealing rice' then 'selling it' and then 'pocketing the money'  it's idiocy beyond  words..


She is being charged because here policies were 'wasteful' according to an opposition that generally against elected government or democracy.


whether it was abhist or someone else that purchased the aircraft carrier (and he did purchase those fake bomb detectors) The point is that it is ridiculous to lay criminal charges against PMs because their policies were simply 'wasteful' , its the nature of government to be 'wasteful'

NO PM has any motive to waste taxpayer money, it's just something that happens when policies fail.  every PM would be in jail if they were prosecuted for waste.


at the end of 2015 when another phuathai party takes office, its the same cycle, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they do, will be called 'corruption' by the 'establishment'




pkspeaker post # 21


Face the music?  Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' rpison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  where is the proof that she personally benefited from this subsidy?  there is no evidence that Yingluck was committing graft and personally enriching herself as a result of this farm subsidy.



Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' prison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  




We're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries ample rich family of which she is a member and personally enriching herself and her brother and the Shinwatra clan as a result of this rice pledging scam scheme policy.


You would be far better writing your comments in red.



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"We're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries ample rich family of which she is a member and personally enriching herself and her brother and the Shinwatra clan as a result of this rice pledging scam scheme policy."


OK again-THIS IS BULLSHIT There is NO EVIDENCE that Yingluck k was committing graft or "personally enriching herself" from ANY of the governments spending, not the water projects not the rice pledging program, nothing.. SHE IS NOT BEING CHARGED FOR THAT..


what your saying is that she was 'stealing rice' then 'selling it' and then 'pocketing the money'  it's idiocy beyond  words..


She is being charged because here policies were 'wasteful' according to an opposition that generally against elected government or democracy.


whether it was abhist or someone else that purchased the aircraft carrier (and he did purchase those fake bomb detectors) The point is that it is ridiculous to lay criminal charges against PMs because their policies were simply 'wasteful' , its the nature of government to be 'wasteful'

NO PM has any motive to waste taxpayer money, it's just something that happens when policies fail.  every PM would be in jail if they were prosecuted for waste.


at the end of 2015 when another phuathai party takes office, its the same cycle, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they do, will be called 'corruption' by the 'establishment'




pkspeaker post # 21


Face the music?  Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' rpison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  where is the proof that she personally benefited from this subsidy?  there is no evidence that Yingluck was committing graft and personally enriching herself as a result of this farm subsidy.



Show me one democrat or yellowshirt thug that is doing time in the hellish Thai prison system, lets remember that Thailand has no 'white collar' prison like they do in the west.. here we're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries mostly poor farmers..  




We're talking about sending Yingluck to prison because she initiated a policy that was meant to help this countries ample rich family of which she is a member and personally enriching herself and her brother and the Shinwatra clan as a result of this rice pledging scam scheme policy.


You would be far better writing your comments in red.




Odds on she will not be back so why not defend her in her absence. pathetic propaganda defending a failed regime.


I have said all along self inflicted, if they were that good they would still be in power and everyone happy.  ( if my brother robbed a shop and caused chaos I would not defend him)

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NACC deputy secretary-general Witthaya Arkhompitak said today that all the members of the commission had endorsed the case file with the recommendation that Ms Yingluck should be charged with malfeasance in office under Article 157 of the Criminal Code for her gross negligence in overseeing the scheme causing enormous loss to the state coffers.

Mr Witthaya said the OAG has 30 days to proceed with the case to the Supreme Courts criminal division for political office holders or to drop the case.

I agree with the NACC, negligence is the perfect charge. A charge of criminal behavior would be impossible to prove without witnesses that will testify. Unfortunately I also believe that the OAG will let the 30 days expire, she is a hot potato and no one wants to be held responsible for punishing her.


According to a translation of the Penal Code, it says in part, “Whoever, being an official, .... dishonestly exercises or omits to exercise any of his functions, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years or fined of two thousand to twenty thousand Baht, or both.”


“Dishonestly” implies a deliberate or conscious act of lying, being untruthful, or deceitful. "Malfeasance" by a public official is one of exercising targeted malice or exceeding his powers in the conduct of one's duties. From what evidence and explanations of the charge against Yingluck that have been publicized by the NACC, her actions might indeed better be characterized as strcitly "negligence." But if one accepts that Yingluck was guilty of only negligence, that seems to defy the intent of the law in terms of defining criminal wrongdoing. And while many people allege that she or her familiy relations have benefitted financially from the rice pledge program, I do not recall the NACC making such conclusions nor seen any published evidence to that effect. The now-recognized massive loss of revenue from the program seems more related to the untimely delay in sale of the 2013 rice stocks into mid-2014 when rice prices then dropped dramatically due to resurgence of competitive foreign stocks and to the 0.018% of stock that was found missing, broken, or tainted.


I can agree that Yingluck was politically negligent (perhaps to the point of political naivity) to ignore Democrat warnings during the introduction of the rice pledge bill that the program will be disasterous. She should had as a precaution taken their warning seriously if only to not give them a political advantage if proven correct by instituting adequate administrative controls like independent inventory and quality assurance of the rice stock, and establishing a threshhold price on government purchased rice. In a typical democratic system, political negligence is usually punished at least by a congressional adminishment and at worse by losing re-election.  Neither seems to be revelant at this juncture after the military coup. It wouldn't, therefore, be inappropriate for OAG to decline to go further with prosecution.  

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It wouldn't surprise me if Yingluck knew little or nothing about any missing rice. t was her responsibillity as chairwoman of the Rice Commision and PM to deal with the problems. She did try to lower the price last year but farmers threatened to protest so only minor changes were made. She set up checks on the rice which came back showing no problem. Obviosly she wouldn't check the rice herself. Now if she knew that there were problems and the reports were false she's to blame. If as I suspect she was told there were no problems when in fact there were but they were covered up or not properly checked then that's not her fault but she should name those responsible for the false information.


If she didn't turn up for meetings then she may be guilty of falsely claiming payment for the position and also as PM but that's another case altogether.


I think as an adult and well educated she should have known not to take a job as PM knowing she couldn't do it. If she'd wanted to go into politics she could have done it properly. She may have been quite good at it and at least honest.

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smutcakes post # 22.


If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?



 The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.


Shame on you sir.


Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?



   Herein lies the corruption charges ......   Most of the tax-payers monies that were lost in the rice-pledging scheme were NOT paid to farmers ...  in fact very little of the monies were paid directly to farmers..  certain people in power were running tons and tons of cheap rice from Cambodia and Myanmar and selling it at a huge profit to the PTP government. Also many millers bought up bad quality rice from farmers and sold it as high quality to the scheme..  There were so many different scams going on within the rice pledging scheme, most all initiated by members of the PTP ..  and their families..    follow the money trail is where the evidence lies...



Ah yes the old "Cambodians smuggling hundreds and hundreds of tons of rice across the border" gambit - an allegation made by the Dems, funny that.




Cambodia Disputes Claims of Rice Export Cheating


By LUKE HUNT / Phnom Penh


This article first appeared in The Edge Review


the Thai opposition accused Cambodian farmers of smuggling poor quality rice into the country. It claimed last July that Cambodians had shipped 700,000 tonnes of rice across the border, an incredulous figure given that Cambodia’s entire annual export crop was less than a third of that in 2012.


“It is impossible to work out exactly how much is being smuggled, but most suspect it’s limited and certainly not on an industrial scale,” one long-term industry watcher, who declined to be named, said.


He also noted that many of the complaints coming out of Thailand regarding smuggled Cambodian rice were coming from members of the Thai opposition, which is attempting to unseat the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, which introduced the rice-buying scheme.

“It’s as much about political posturing as anything else,” he said.



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 The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.


Shame on you sir.


Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?


I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....



The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



The old government was strangled financially by the coup plotters. Parliament was prevented from operating and passing the annual budget, and banks 'refused' to lend because the government's position was made so tenuous by street protesters who were 'allowed' to run amok.


As soon as the NCPO took over, they passed the budget, and paid the farmers from the budget that they themselves approved.


Easy when you have the power.



Yet another lie.


The 2013, 2014 budget was passed and operable at the time of the dissolution of the house, in fact that budget is still in operation.


PT never made provision to pay the farmers before they dissolved the house in spite of saying there was money available to pay them... They lied.


The banks and other institutions refused to lend money after the house had been dissolved because there was no way to ensure they could ever be paid back, there are complex reasons for this and if you kept up with these things in the news at the time you would understand.


But then truth and understanding would spoil things for some.



Wow - such pompous statements "Yet another lie." "But then truth and understanding would spoil things for some."  Why do you people who support the propaganda machine have to shout and deride any contradictory opinions? Is it the only way you can make yourself heard? Can;t you have a sensible conversation, where opposing views are welcomed and debated?


When the parliament was disabled by the rioters, it stopped functioning and all lines of credit to it were stopped too. The knights in shining khaki armour then stepped in to "save the day", and save it they could - they had the guns.


As other posters here have mentioned, why on earth the NCPO would continue reviled "populist" rice subsidy programs, and subsidies of fuel, the world cup and the like beggars belief. They forbade such behaviour in their own interim charter. There were photo ops of cash being dished out to the peasantry, almost as if they agreed to the practice.


Double standard, perhaps?

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The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.
Shame on you sir.
Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?

I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....

The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.
Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?

The old government was strangled financially by the coup plotters. Parliament was prevented from operating and passing the annual budget, and banks 'refused' to lend because the government's position was made so tenuous by street protesters who were 'allowed' to run amok.
As soon as the NCPO took over, they passed the budget, and paid the farmers from the budget that they themselves approved.
Easy when you have the power.

Yet another lie.

There seems to be a great deal of that coming from the Yingluck Defender Squad in this thread.

. Edited by Mmorris
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Off topic posts and replies have been removed.  This is not about Abhisit and it most certainly is not about George Bush Jr. or America.


A post using a profane nickname of Yingluck has been removed.  If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly.


A post that have exceeded nested quote limit has been because it was too messed up to make head or tail of who said what. Please try to minimise nested quotes to the one or two that you are actually replying to.



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   Herein lies the corruption charges ......   Most of the tax-payers monies that were lost in the rice-pledging scheme were NOT paid to farmers ...  in fact very little of the monies were paid directly to farmers..  certain people in power were running tons and tons of cheap rice from Cambodia and Myanmar and selling it at a huge profit to the PTP government. Also many millers bought up bad quality rice from farmers and sold it as high quality to the scheme..  There were so many different scams going on within the rice pledging scheme, most all initiated by members of the PTP ..  and their families..    follow the money trail is where the evidence lies...



Ah yes the old "Cambodians smuggling hundreds and hundreds of tons of rice across the border" gambit - an allegation made by the Dems, funny that.




Cambodia Disputes Claims of Rice Export Cheating


By LUKE HUNT / Phnom Penh


This article first appeared in The Edge Review


the Thai opposition accused Cambodian farmers of smuggling poor quality rice into the country. It claimed last July that Cambodians had shipped 700,000 tonnes of rice across the border, an incredulous figure given that Cambodia’s entire annual export crop was less than a third of that in 2012.


“It is impossible to work out exactly how much is being smuggled, but most suspect it’s limited and certainly not on an industrial scale,” one long-term industry watcher, who declined to be named, said.


He also noted that many of the complaints coming out of Thailand regarding smuggled Cambodian rice were coming from members of the Thai opposition, which is attempting to unseat the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, which introduced the rice-buying scheme.

“It’s as much about political posturing as anything else,” he said.





He didn't say hundreds of tons - read his post. That piece of denial, which hasn't much weight anyway, even suggested that an unknown quantity was being smuggled so there is common ground to say that some rice was smuggled. 


The fact that it wasn't really investigated and the opaqueness of the PTP leadership (particularly Commerce & Finance) will always give rise to rumours which are a sort of alternative to defamation-free reporting.


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The old government was strangled financially by the coup plotters. Parliament was prevented from operating and passing the annual budget, and banks 'refused' to lend because the government's position was made so tenuous by street protesters who were 'allowed' to run amok.


As soon as the NCPO took over, they passed the budget, and paid the farmers from the budget that they themselves approved.


Easy when you have the power.


Yet another lie.


The 2013, 2014 budget was passed and operable at the time of the dissolution of the house, in fact that budget is still in operation.


PT never made provision to pay the farmers before they dissolved the house in spite of saying there was money available to pay them... They lied.


The banks and other institutions refused to lend money after the house had been dissolved because there was no way to ensure they could ever be paid back, there are complex reasons for this and if you kept up with these things in the news at the time you would understand.


But then truth and understanding would spoil things for some.



Wow - such pompous statements "Yet another lie." "But then truth and understanding would spoil things for some."  Why do you people who support the propaganda machine have to shout and deride any contradictory opinions? Is it the only way you can make yourself heard? Can;t you have a sensible conversation, where opposing views are welcomed and debated?


When the parliament was disabled by the rioters, it stopped functioning and all lines of credit to it were stopped too. The knights in shining khaki armour then stepped in to "save the day", and save it they could - they had the guns.


As other posters here have mentioned, why on earth the NCPO would continue reviled "populist" rice subsidy programs, and subsidies of fuel, the world cup and the like beggars belief. They forbade such behaviour in their own interim charter. There were photo ops of cash being dished out to the peasantry, almost as if they agreed to the practice.


Double standard, perhaps?



The problem with that is that your post was not a "contradictory opinion" it was a straight out lie.


My post pointed this out.


If you have a sensible opposing view on the topic without name calling and attempting diversions then I am sure there will be those who be happy to debate it with you.

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smutcakes post # 22.


If there was corruption in the rice scheme, what did the NCPO do to close these loop  holes before paying the 90 bn baht that the farmers were owed?



 The monies were paid to the farmers not those running the rice pledging scam scheme.


Shame on you sir.


Surely you aren't insinuating that it was the farmers that were corrupt are you, and as a result of course the power's that were were indeed totally innocent of any misdeeds?


I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....


The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?


Once the House was dissolved to provide for new elections in October 2013, the interim government had no authority under the constitution to obtain government loans to pay the remaining obligations to the farmers and this was reaffirmed by the EC. That meant the only means for payment was the direct sales of rice. But the subsequent glut of rice on the market from competitors, resulting lower prices, and fear from buyers over the political conflict undercut sales. The NCPO was able to quickly make all the payments to the farmers because it SUSPENDED the constitution; thus, it was not legally bound like the Yingluck regime from making government loans. PTP's mistake was allowing the dissolution of the House before loans could have been made to guarantee farmer payout.  

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The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



You did NOT answer the question.   Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money  ???


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.


I think I covered the points made.  simple.    When you owe money you pay --ok.  The corrupt bit of your post has nothing to do with the dishonest non payment.  The whole package was corrupt YES.  but the farmer still wanted paying --get it.



Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money ???

You don't understand how a pledging program works. Pledging provides a large bulk of commodity to large buyers instead of trickling out small volumes to small buyers. The result is usually better prices and very large sales volumes. So the governent was originally relying on sale revenues to pay the farmers. By the time the House was dissolved to provide for new elections in November 2013 rice prices began to fall as foreign competition started to flood the market. In order to make up the shortfall in revenues to pay the armers, the interim government tried to borrow the funds but the EC ruled that act was unconstitutional. So between Spetember 2013-May 2014 the interim government was estopped from making any further payments other than from direct rice sales.     


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.

The NCPO BORROWED the funds just as the Yingluck regime had planned. But unlike the Yingluck's regime, the NCPO was able to borrow because it SUSPENDED the constitution including the articles that prevented Yingluck regime from borrowing the funds. When you have absolute power, you are the law.

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The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



You did NOT answer the question.   Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money  ???


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.


I think I covered the points made.  simple.    When you owe money you pay --ok.  The corrupt bit of your post has nothing to do with the dishonest non payment.  The whole package was corrupt YES.  but the farmer still wanted paying --get it.



Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money ???

You don't understand how a pledging program works. Pledging provides a large bulk of commodity to large buyers instead of trickling out small volumes to small buyers. The result is usually better prices and very large sales volumes. So the governent was originally relying on sale revenues to pay the farmers. By the time the House was dissolved to provide for new elections in November 2013 rice prices began to fall as foreign competition started to flood the market. In order to make up the shortfall in revenues to pay the armers, the interim government tried to borrow the funds but the EC ruled that act was unconstitutional. So between Spetember 2013-May 2014 the interim government was estopped from making any further payments other than from direct rice sales.     


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.

The NCPO BORROWED the funds just as the Yingluck regime had planned. But unlike the Yingluck's regime, the NCPO was able to borrow because it SUSPENDED the constitution including the articles that prevented Yingluck regime from borrowing the funds. When you have absolute power, you are the law.


If you think this is correct -then fine but I think you will come in for some stick on this. I am fed up to the teeth of all the PTP did not do, and the excuses that the propaganda minority comes up with.


The scheme speaks for itself,  the theme of the PTP was blame everyone because they did nothing wrong. Even wriggling out of paying the farmer, and then reporting the scheme doesn't work that way.


It is all coming out in the wash, and all this twaddle I have heard from the apologists for 6 months.  Suthep/Abhisit/ EC/the scheme/Army.  Why are we having reasons--why are posters trying to give excuses. The used washing water has been drained away----new start.

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Whenever a Thai points at someone and screams that they are corrupt, the other 3 fingers are pointing behind them at 3 people who are probably, just as corrupt.
Our corrupt leader is better than your corrupt leader is not reform.

Well, at least you didn't say but, but, but, Abhisit  Suthep etc etc.  But you are still talking hogwash.  The general is trying to set up a thailand that prevents all politicians from acting so patently corruptly in the future.  This is about a better thailand , all over.  Do you have a problem with that?   If so why???  , If not, then what was the point of your post??   

Edited by The Deerhunter
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It's clever . . . if she returns she gets to defend herself in Court, if she doesn't return, the Junta can vilify her in public and call a spade a spade to all her loyal supporters, just like her Daddy Brother . . .

Good catch as although both Thaksin and Yingluck have both personally made statements that can cloud the issue, eg.

She described Thaksin as her "second father"


Thaksin said, "I raised her like my eldest daughter"



and even though Thaksin was certainly old enough (18 years old) to be her biological father when she was born, they are, in fact, brother and sister as your corrected post indicates.







 Not strictly relevant to this thread, but there is no evidence whatsoever to prove that Thaksin is Yingluck's brother as opposed to father. It could be either way. As a family of habitual liars, anything they claim should be taken either with a pinch of salt or more likely the opposite of the truth.


 Until the time the 2 runaways agree to DNA testing none of us will be any the wiser.


Testing just those two would not prove anything.  The test would be to see if she has DNA that indicate her to be as sister like the other siblings. Does she have Thaksin's mother's DNA , in particular the same mitochondrial DNA which comes from the mother, like the other children or not.   If she does not have the same maternal DNA as the other kids, she is not a full sibling.   We would never be told even if it was................  It is irrelevant to the main problem.  What ever the outcome she shares blood, loyalties & ethics.

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The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



You did NOT answer the question.   Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money  ???


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.


I think I covered the points made.  simple.    When you owe money you pay --ok.  The corrupt bit of your post has nothing to do with the dishonest non payment.  The whole package was corrupt YES.  but the farmer still wanted paying --get it.



Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money ???

You don't understand how a pledging program works. Pledging provides a large bulk of commodity to large buyers instead of trickling out small volumes to small buyers. The result is usually better prices and very large sales volumes. So the governent was originally relying on sale revenues to pay the farmers. By the time the House was dissolved to provide for new elections in November 2013 rice prices began to fall as foreign competition started to flood the market. In order to make up the shortfall in revenues to pay the armers, the interim government tried to borrow the funds but the EC ruled that act was unconstitutional. So between Spetember 2013-May 2014 the interim government was estopped from making any further payments other than from direct rice sales.     


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.

The NCPO BORROWED the funds just as the Yingluck regime had planned. But unlike the Yingluck's regime, the NCPO was able to borrow because it SUSPENDED the constitution including the articles that prevented Yingluck regime from borrowing the funds. When you have absolute power, you are the law.


Actually I don't think that's correct.


The reason the PTP couldn't borrow the money was because as they'd disolved parliament they were under election rules which placed restrictions on what they could do. Borrowing money to finance their rice policy would place an obligation on the next government whilst not actually being in power themselves other than in a caretaker capacity. Paying the farmers during an election campaign which could benefit their electoral chances and would then be passed to the incoming government isn't really going to be easy to defend.


The EC would have been mindful of the fact that they could find themselves in trouble if they broke the law. I said at the time that I felt there might have been a way to get round the issue if the funds were distributed by a neutral body with the specific agreement of all sides so none could gain advantage through it. Wether any moves were made in that direction I don't know but I'm guessing that it would have been refused by Thaksin. There was a small chance for peace when Abhisit made his proposals and Yingluck stated that she thought they should at least be considered but it seems she didn't get her way.


The NCPO could have borrowed even under the constitution and the election rules as it wasn't standing in an election.

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I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....



The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



Rice has been found to be missing, rotten or replaced by lower grades - PTP and Yingluck vowed there was no problems. 

Farmers stopped being paid last September - PTP simply ran out of cash and didn't get their hands on the 2.2 trillion, some of which would have been used to cover this. They have never explained where all the money went that was paid out or produced any accounts.

PTP much vaunted G2G "deals" - which seemed to have been lies or fraud. We haven't heard how the investigations into Arisman's wife's rice exporting business for forgery has progressed.

Yingluck vowed the farmers would be paid when they protested - then simply didn't bother to do so or comment further. More lies.


The NCPO ensured farmers were paid - and this time without large unaccounted for amounts somehow disappearing in the process. The NCPO seemed to have somehow closed these drain holes that Madame Rice Committee Chairwoman seemed to have missed despite so many warnings.


PTP - riddled with corruption. NCPO not. There, is that simple enough for you.

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I stand to be corrected by you, but the money was paid out in exactly the same way as it was done under the PTP Govt. If that is the case and there is corruption in the scheme, then the good General is every bit as guilty as YS. Maybe why he let her leave the country...... also he has an amnesty.....



The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



Rice has been found to be missing, rotten or replaced by lower grades - PTP and Yingluck vowed there was no problems. 

Farmers stopped being paid last September - PTP simply ran out of cash and didn't get their hands on the 2.2 trillion, some of which would have been used to cover this. They have never explained where all the money went that was paid out or produced any accounts.

PTP much vaunted G2G "deals" - which seemed to have been lies or fraud. We haven't heard how the investigations into Arisman's wife's rice exporting business for forgery has progressed.

Yingluck vowed the farmers would be paid when they protested - then simply didn't bother to do so or comment further. More lies.


The NCPO ensured farmers were paid - and this time without large unaccounted for amounts somehow disappearing in the process. The NCPO seemed to have somehow closed these drain holes that Madame Rice Committee Chairwoman seemed to have missed despite so many warnings.


PTP - riddled with corruption. NCPO not. There, is that simple enough for you.



"PTP - riddled with corruption. NCPO not. There, is that simple enough for you"


So....what you are saying is, the NCPO (who are the Thai military top brass by-the-way) is not corrupt?


OMFG! either you are a bare faced lier or you are the most gullible (deleted) ever to type a word in history!

Edited by Boxclever
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Imagine the uproar if they (falsely)convict and imprison her! Did the Americans impeach GBJ when it turned out the reason they invaded Iraq was completely fabricated? did they phuck! And how much did THAT cost the state? If El Generalissimo goes down this path he can kiss "the peoples champion" image he is trying to build goodbye forever. These are nothing more than trumped up charges.

GBJ...had to think about that. George Bush Jr probably was and will be left alone because he is not mentally competent to stand trial.
Yinluck is not much better, but she is better, and that's the difference.
Your opinion that the charges are trumped up does not take into consideration the facts of her malfeasance.

What an idiotic post. Needs medication
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It's clever . . . if she returns she gets to defend herself in Court, if she doesn't return, the Junta can vilify her in public and call a spade a spade to all her loyal supporters, just like her Daddy Brother . . .

lets wait for the.... dear junta I am extending my stay for a while as my brother is sick or his cow has died blah blah blah

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You mislead us with


"I simply pointed out that the NCPO continuing to pay farmers money they were owed, whilst seemingly being aware of mass corruption which we read everyday, is negligent at the very lease."


The fact is that the PTP had stopped paying the farmers and the NCPO just paid them. No excuses just money. Big difference.



Okay so PTP stopped paying them as it was riddled with corruption. The NCPO paid them despite knowing it was riddled in corruption. They should be hung for negligence. Is that better?


Reread my post I gave no reason for them to stop paying the farmers. That is your idea of why they did it not mine. I admit as do you they were corrupt but I do not say that was why they stopped paying them.


Is being corrupt your reason for their inability to rule Thailand with the benefit's of the citizens in mind rather than the benefits of Thaksin Shinawatra?  

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>






The PTP stopped paying the farmers what they were owed in September 2013 so yet another lie nailed down.


Can you explain as an avid PTP supporter just WHY they stopped paying the farmers?



Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



You did NOT answer the question.   Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money  ???


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.


I think I covered the points made.  simple.    When you owe money you pay --ok.  The corrupt bit of your post has nothing to do with the dishonest non payment.  The whole package was corrupt YES.  but the farmer still wanted paying --get it.



Why did the PTP not pay the farmers most from July August September when they had the money ???

You don't understand how a pledging program works. Pledging provides a large bulk of commodity to large buyers instead of trickling out small volumes to small buyers. The result is usually better prices and very large sales volumes. So the governent was originally relying on sale revenues to pay the farmers. By the time the House was dissolved to provide for new elections in November 2013 rice prices began to fall as foreign competition started to flood the market. In order to make up the shortfall in revenues to pay the armers, the interim government tried to borrow the funds but the EC ruled that act was unconstitutional. So between Spetember 2013-May 2014 the interim government was estopped from making any further payments other than from direct rice sales.     


The NCPO paid out the money owed to the farmers, that Yingluck failed to do.

The NCPO BORROWED the funds just as the Yingluck regime had planned. But unlike the Yingluck's regime, the NCPO was able to borrow because it SUSPENDED the constitution including the articles that prevented Yingluck regime from borrowing the funds. When you have absolute power, you are the law.


Actually the PTP could have borrowed the money up until December when Yingluck disbanded the government. I believe that was part of the reason she had shut the government down. They were relying on a 2.2 trillion baht unsecured unaccountable loan to pay it off rather than a straight out loan for the purpose of paying it off. If I remember correctly she did after the interim government stepped in try to borrow it and it was the EC that stopped her. Clearly a case where she tried to think on her own.

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Where have i lied? Just relax and read the post.


The NCPO paid out the outstanding monies owed to the farmers? Yes or No?

The NCPO paid out the monies in exactly the same way as the previous Govt Yes or No?

So if there was corruption in the scheme, the NCPO has done exactly the same thing as the PTP Govt Yes or No?


I am not sure i can say it any simpler.



Rice has been found to be missing, rotten or replaced by lower grades - PTP and Yingluck vowed there was no problems. 

Farmers stopped being paid last September - PTP simply ran out of cash and didn't get their hands on the 2.2 trillion, some of which would have been used to cover this. They have never explained where all the money went that was paid out or produced any accounts.

PTP much vaunted G2G "deals" - which seemed to have been lies or fraud. We haven't heard how the investigations into Arisman's wife's rice exporting business for forgery has progressed.

Yingluck vowed the farmers would be paid when they protested - then simply didn't bother to do so or comment further. More lies.


The NCPO ensured farmers were paid - and this time without large unaccounted for amounts somehow disappearing in the process. The NCPO seemed to have somehow closed these drain holes that Madame Rice Committee Chairwoman seemed to have missed despite so many warnings.


PTP - riddled with corruption. NCPO not. There, is that simple enough for you.



"PTP - riddled with corruption. NCPO not. There, is that simple enough for you"


So....what you are saying is, the NCPO (who are the Thai military top brass by-the-way) is not corrupt?


OMFG! either you are a bare faced lier or you are the most gullible (deleted) ever to type a word in history!


The topic is rice/Yingluck..................... It is universally known -the record of PTP over the last 3 years and the corruption within.


If you believe the NCPO is that corrupt and you feel strongly about it, complain to them.  YOU kicked this in because of your usual denial--and a worn out tactic to throw posters off the subject.


Your last sentence does you no favours at all and tells us others how much hate and hurt your feeling now that PTP are out the door.

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