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You Know - Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh Stories


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This reminds me of this howler from my wife some years ago I sat down to watch a champions league match between Marseilles & Man Utd. The conversation went something like this:


Wife: "Who they play?"


Me: "Marseilles"


Wife: "Ah I know" she said "Mar-cel-ona-a!"


I nearly fell out of my chair :)


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This reminds me of this howler from my wife some years ago I sat down to watch a champions league match between Marseilles & Man Utd. The conversation went something like this:


Wife: "Who they play?"


Me: "Marseilles"


Wife: "Ah I know" she said "Mar-cel-ona-a!"


I nearly fell out of my chair smile.png


That reminds me of my wife's malapropism. Her english is quite good, but she consistently committed this one malapropism. She would say "capsicum" whenever she meant to say "sarcastic"; "Are you being capsicum?"

Go figure. To be fair, Westerners muddle words up too, hence the term "malapropism".

So I started saying "sarcastic" whenever we were in the vege shop. "Do you want a green or a red sarcastic?"

She's over the malapropism, but both words have stuck. People must think we're crazy when they hear us talking about being capsicum or buying a sarcastic.

Bless her heart, she shares my weird sense of humour.

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Cheese and pickled onion sandwich....you're making me hungry.

Mind you, cheese and sarcastic sandwich isn't bad.

Why don't you pickle your own...easy.


I did try but Garners P/onions have ruined me for life, there is noooooooooooooothing to replace them......sad.png 

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OP, that fit gal, that visited you, which church does she go to?

I feel the urge to start going to church and pray for my soul.


I pray for pickled onions but it is not to be............sad.png


I do understand you, Mr Transam, appetite changes with the age.

But, praise the Lord, you still got teeth to bite the onions........

Shouldn't joke about your age, sometime in the far future, I could be like you.

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Twenty five years ago I'd have stayed to watch my wife do the exercise routine in tights. Nowadays, I'd take the stroll .... and she'd probably ask why I always take so long in the toilet.
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OP, that fit gal, that visited you, which church does she go to?

I feel the urge to start going to church and pray for my soul.


In CM - down by the riverside.....quite a few good looking gals both Thai & Fila....not all are attached.......the one that visited had a killer bod - face was OK


That's my wife in the avatar and the picture does neither of us justice...I have tried uploading other but it keeps saying file too large even though I shrink them - not sure how to overcome that - even the ones from the smart phones say they are too large to work.....I'll try and attach one with the post........


My wife does not wear yoga outfits - but sometimes shucks down to the skivies to exercise - my favorite show.......


LOS is a never ending buffet table but sometimes if you step away from the buffet you find gourmet cuisine.....I got lucky but that luck took a lot of research & work.....

I also have a deal with the ducks - they don't feed me - and I do my best not to feed them.....[attachment=278137:03.2014 S&P.Home.River Kwai.Waterfall 139.JPG]

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OP, that fit gal, that visited you, which church does she go to?

I feel the urge to start going to church and pray for my soul.


I pray for pickled onions but it is not to be............sad.png


I do understand you, Mr Transam, appetite changes with the age.

But, praise the Lord, you still got teeth to bite the onions........

Shouldn't joke about your age, sometime in the far future, I could be like you.



I am lucky, still have my own teeth and soooooo hansum  giggle.gif ........God I could eat myself at times, but don't tell JT that, I gingerly open my PM's as it is............w00t.gif

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OP, that fit gal, that visited you, which church does she go to?
I feel the urge to start going to church and pray for my soul.

I pray for pickled onions but it is not to be............sad.png
I do understand you, Mr Transam, appetite changes with the age.
But, praise the Lord, you still got teeth to bite the onions........
Shouldn't joke about your age, sometime in the far future, I could be like you.

A quick aside: badgers are black & white, not pink.
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BTW is your wife Thai?
reading a novel?
just curious...

Yes 100% Thai....also paints and does nice pencil sketches and portraits....likes inovative crafts and puzzles too - .along with the other more typical Thai stuff - flower & veggie gardening.....alot of the family is the same
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