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Visa Overstayer Crackdown & What Bugs Me the Most

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Bung, on 07 Aug 2014 - 14:27, said:

What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.

You're the first to reply and the first to miss the point.... Guess you just couldn't think of anything else.



I guess your the one missing the point, get a proper visa or entry for your stay and stay legal, it's not difficult.

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What is the penalty in your country for people who overstay?


Over stayers, work infringements or anything that is against the Visa you have been granted/issued, suffer the same consequences as Thailand or most other countries.

In Australia NSW they are arrested and detained in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre. Their Visa and details and their grievances are thoroughly checked out and if found to be false they are deported back to the country they came from. I don’t know who pays the airfare, I suppose the Australian Tax payer.

I don’t know what the time frame is for them being banned from re-entering the country, but I think it is about 3 years.  However when they re-apply to come back to Australia, all the info is checked out re the previous Visa that they were deported on and then that’s when the trouble starts. They will find it is hard if not impossible to re-enter Australia.

The new Liberal Government has put its foot down and anyone who has broken the law and tried to come in the back door and not legally the first time has mine and Buckley’s chance. “Almost none”

You will find that most Australians also agree with this Governments stance on Illegals.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Although I'm sad and compassionate about these poor farangs who overstay or/and have no proper visa, I would tend to say that I'm happy to see that Thailand is trying to stay Thai.


When I'm going back to my country, I'm scared. Although not being that drunk, I wonder if I bought the right ticket. After all, my country used to be civilized when we were colonizing other  countries. As they don't like to be independant they are trying to do the same, colonizing us. I can't understand why.


Thailand is certainly not perfect. But let's try to keep it clean.


Yes, everywhere some rules are stupid.


But there must be rules.

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I don't even think they're portraying them all as hardened criminals or drug dealers,  If people hadn't taken the piss before, maybe this wouldn't have happened, I don't know. You take advantage of a system like that, sooner or later the system is going to be toughened up, for better or worse. 


How many times did I say before and was constantly shouted down here about overstaying and a big element here's response was "its within the rules to overstay to 20,000 Bahts worth".......


How the tide has turned and now their hiding in their Bunkers out of sight.....


As the quoted post clearly states " If they hadn't taken the Piss previously this wouldn't be happening"

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is the crackdown not a response to the blase/arrogant attitude and contempt shown by over stayers to Thailands laws ? 
ie "it ok  to overstay not a problem, only going to pay 20k, leave and come back next week no big  deal"
so could we suggest this crackdown has been caused by the very people who are complaining about it now
Well the times are changing it seems, by all means overstay, but the consequences go beyond a 20k fine now

Well one would say that a ridiculous system that allows one to pay ones way out of contravening a law is to blame.

20k for overstaying for a month or 10 years with little consequence is ridiculous. One could conclude that the mist efficient plan is to not comply and pay the fine.
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What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.

Seriously? Do I have to spell it out for you? Should I use a crayon?

Plane rides, time away from work and family, chance of refusal, money, being somewhere cold (depending on where your from) holy crap if you love leaving Thailand then why not do it more often?

As far as the border runners and teachers being responsible for the crackdown - they aren't doing it, immigration is! Edited by BudRight
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arrived in thaialnd july 3rd from canada om 30 day visa gotten at airport immigration this was my 3rd trip

i did not check the visa stamp my travel agent booked my trip from july 3rd depart mon august 5th ffom suvarnabhumi.it never crossed my mind that there was 2 days over!!.arrived at suvarnabhumi aug 5th got to immigtation stoen faced military lady took me aside told me i overstayed 2 dyas must pay 1000 baht fine i was shocked this at 5 am in the morning my flight was at 6 50 am. she was ice cold i told her i dont have 1000 baht. she coldly informed me if i dont pay i wont leave thailand!!! what a way to treat topurist who have been 3 times to thailand without any incident also what  a way to never go to thailand ever again.i was told to get 1000 baht or else. went to bank wanted my passport ice cold lady refused to give passport!! fortunately my debit card was accepted at atm withdrew 1000 baht paid she dutig=fully wrote in my passport the details of the 1000 baht fine hooray ms military i will never ever visit thaialnd again.it was also scary knowing the net was monitored by the military over 13000 sites blocked . am sure many westerners will rightfullu stay away from "amaizing" thailand land of false smiles 


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arrived in thaialnd july 3rd from canada om 30 day visa gotten at airport immigration this was my 3rd trip

i did not check the visa stamp my travel agent booked my trip from july 3rd depart mon august 5th ffom suvarnabhumi.it never crossed my mind that there was 2 days over!!.arrived at suvarnabhumi aug 5th got to immigtation stoen faced military lady took me aside told me i overstayed 2 dyas must pay 1000 baht fine i was shocked this at 5 am in the morning my flight was at 6 50 am. she was ice cold i told her i dont have 1000 baht. she coldly informed me if i dont pay i wont leave thailand!!! what a way to treat topurist who have been 3 times to thailand without any incident also what  a way to never go to thailand ever again.i was told to get 1000 baht or else. went to bank wanted my passport ice cold lady refused to give passport!! fortunately my debit card was accepted at atm withdrew 1000 baht paid she dutig=fully wrote in my passport the details of the 1000 baht fine hooray ms military i will never ever visit thaialnd again.it was also scary knowing the net was monitored by the military over 13000 sites blocked . am sure many westerners will rightfullu stay away from "amaizing" thailand land of false smiles 


The ones who actually bother to get a correct visa for their visit will be just fine. Send a bill for 1000bt to your incompetent travel agent.

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It is ridiculous to overstay, i don't see why. Lazyness? Well, the consequences await you.


I liked by accident. I have an overstay in my pp (now sorted out). Caused by a lawyer. The lawyer had a breakdown. Despite this, he told me that I had a visa and that he was on holiday and I would get my pp back in a few days. Then, he said he crashed his car on the way to my house. Then his mum was ill. Obvously, I didn't beleive him. My options were this:


1) Call the firm (again) and hope.

2) Turn myself in to the police and say that I had no pasport and was almost certainly overstaying. I would be take to IDC if I did that.


I have a wife and a home.


What would you do? Hope or get deported? I hoped.


Things did get sorted out in the end, but it cost A LOT of money (for the firm, not me) and stress. Perhaps I was foolish in getting a lawyer to handle stuff, but many have and I was advised by a few to do it. Very good firm. Never a problem, but the dude lost it. I've used them since believe it or not. A breakdown is a breakdown. Felt sorry for the chap to be honest.


Like the bumper says...S... happens.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.


The cost of a return flight ticket, which in my case runs into the thousands of dollars. Which would pay for the extra couple of weeks  or month, I wanted to stay here.  


I guess the question to ask is why should you have to fly home to get a New Visa? Why can't you get that here? I am not talking about hardened criminals. I am talking about normal people who want to continue there vacation here and enjoy another 90 days longer. He used to do a Visa Run for that, but now he can't do that anymore either. He must go home, and probably not come back,  which I see as lost Tourist Money to Thailand. And for what?  


You can't compare my country, or yours, to Thailand, when it comes to Visa Rules. Unless you are Cambodian wanting to work here illegally. Nobody I know back home would flock to Thailand for a job and work in the Black Way, to improve his livelihood, but many would to mine. That is a big difference! So screening someone from a poorer country I understand. But screening Westerners on the street to see if they Overstayed I do not.


I am not suggesting people break the rules and Overstay. All that I suggest is that a better way to prevent Overstayers is to make it easy for people who can afford it, to stay legally. Why can't they request a new Visa on the 90 day report period at the Immigration Office instead of skip town for a day to get a new Visa?


In many countries it is a law where you can't even have a single beer in the privacy of your hotel room. But just because it is the law, and I follow it, it doesn't mean I have to like it or agree to it. I still don't understand why they are making such a big deal about this. If you have extra money to spend here, and want to, you should be allowed to stay. That is Good for Thailand. Kicking them out is not.            

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.


The cost of a return flight ticket, which in my case runs into the thousands of dollars. Which would pay for the extra couple of weeks  or month, I wanted to stay here.  


I guess the question to ask is why should you have to fly home to get a New Visa? Why can't you get that here? I am not talking about hardened criminals. I am talking about normal people who want to continue there vacation here and enjoy another 90 days longer. He used to do a Visa Run for that, but now he can't do that anymore either. He must go home, and probably not come back,  which I see as lost Tourist Money to Thailand. And for what?  


You can't compare my country, or yours, to Thailand, when it comes to Visa Rules. Unless you are Cambodian wanting to work here illegally. Nobody I know back home would flock to Thailand for a job and work in the Black Way, to improve his livelihood, but many would to mine. That is a big difference! So screening someone from a poorer country I understand. But screening Westerners on the street to see if they Overstayed I do not.


I am not suggesting people break the rules and Overstay. All that I suggest is that a better way to prevent Overstayers is to make it easy for people who can afford it, to stay legally. Why can't they request a new Visa on the 90 day report period at the Immigration Office instead of skip town for a day to get a new Visa?


In many countries it is a law where you can't even have a single beer in the privacy of your hotel room. But just because it is the law, and I follow it, it doesn't mean I have to like it or agree to it. I still don't understand why they are making such a big deal about this. If you have extra money to spend here, and want to, you should be allowed to stay. That is Good for Thailand. Kicking them out is not.            

most countries dont allow what you are asking for. 

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quote from the OP ............ What Bugs me the most is they talk about these Overstayers like they are Harden Criminals, Drug Dealers, Child Molesters, Murderers, or Rapists. Or wanted by Interpol.


TBH and I know this doesn't apply to all but my personal experience is that everyone I have ever known on long term overstay in the past 10 years has been one or more of the above, further-  almost all news items concerning falangs being caught for serious crime here including all of the above have been on long term overstay


What seems to happen  is that people come for a holiday sometimes after getting  divorced (shared assets) - losing their job (getting a limited redundancy payment) - on the run from authorities in their home country (career criminals) etc etc and they find they like it here and want to stay - but after a while the money runs out so they need to work (usually illegally) to sustain their stay, they will literally do anything to get by, I personally know of 5 that started to sell drugs and they eventually got caught, 2x died in prison 2x did a runner while on bail and another got caught again for selling drugs while on bail and did a runner owing a lot of money to people they borrowed from.


I have other various stories were for one reason or another they shafted friends with massive loans and did a runner - one is in prison in the UK for being caught selling drugs and another is wanted for same reason - these are specifically to do with drugs - I could tell you many more stories of various criminals but I think you get the picture  



Do a little research and it might not be bugging you so much and maybe the Thai authorities are also aware of this pattern, then consider the increased influx of various nationalities from Russia, India, Africa, Middle East who it seems are also fitting this pattern to possibly a greater extent - I can fully understand why the Thai Authorities are concerned and are trying to gain some control before it gets any worse


So stopping you on the street to check your Passport, and Fining you 2,000 Baht because you forgot it in your hotel room is going to change all this? Like a Pigs Ass this will! This won't change anything! It will only upset you and prevent you from wanting to come back here next time.  


For these type of people, they should have been targeting them all along. What Bugs Me is now is they seem to be Targeting Normal Everyday Tourist and People Living here with the proper Visa. But now that they will be spending more time chasing you and me down, who's got the time and manpower to catch this Rift Raff you talk about?


Show me one ounce of proof that stopping these border runs of English Teachers, or you on the street, and enforcing higher penalties for overstaying, is going to catch one of these type of guys you talk about, and then maybe I would take this post more serious.


They should aim at stopping them before they get in here. Not when they are already here with a legal 90 Day Visa and when they can start there Crime Wave. If certain countries are giving you more problems then make it more difficult for them to get a Visa. Perhaps a Police Clearance Report first. I agree with what you said but don't agree that this crackdown or normal people is going to change anything except piss normal people off. Wait and see! .         

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And I am sure you would love to have your own country swamped with "illegal aliens"


answer is if you want to be in ANY country abide by the laws


What the heck are you talking about?  My country IS swamped by illegal aliens!  Millions of them.  Govt could care less, unless they commit serious crimes (beyond the one they committed when they entered illegally, which sympathizers claim is an "infraction" and not a "crime" anyway...).  Even THEN, the govt has failed to deport them some percentage of the time.  


and do you LIKE the fact that your country is swamped??



No, but welcome to the 21st century!   We may not like it, but the "global village" has conferred "entitlement" onto the world's population.  If it's true for the rest of the world, why should Thailand be exempt?

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And I am sure you would love to have your own country swamped with "illegal aliens"


answer is if you want to be in ANY country abide by the laws


What the heck are you talking about?  My country IS swamped by illegal aliens!  Millions of them.  Govt could care less, unless they commit serious crimes (beyond the one they committed when they entered illegally, which sympathizers claim is an "infraction" and not a "crime" anyway...).  Even THEN, the govt has failed to deport them some percentage of the time.  


and do you LIKE the fact that your country is swamped??



No, but welcome to the 21st century!   We may not like it, but the "global village" has conferred "entitlement" onto the world's population.  If it's true for the rest of the world, why should Thailand be exempt?


its not true for everyone and if thailand can do things the right way, why shouldnt they? just to please those whose countries couldnt manage?

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Everyone, absolutely everyone that overstays do it on purpose, either by their own will or just because they are plain stupid.
I have no symphaty with those who break the law in a country they visit, why this forum touches them with silk gloves is beyond my comprehension. They are the ones making it tougher for all the rest who follow the law.
My myanmar girlfriend got in trouble renewing her ED visa at uni due to some weird rules at the school itself ( you need 9 points to renew ED visa but can in no way obtain them before after 4 months), but did she overstay? No, we did the right thing and left country to obtain a new ED visa for her, case closed.
My point is that if you do NOT have money in backup when abroad, then you should not be abroad in the first place!

Why do people like you think others need your sympathy?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



Seeing the amount of posters coming on to the site crying out " why me" and "poor little me", Thailand is so unfair to me just because I have a little overstay of ..... 5 - 6 or 8 years. Tell me then what they are looking for since you seem to know it all?

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arrived in thaialnd july 3rd from canada om 30 day visa gotten at airport immigration this was my 3rd trip

i did not check the visa stamp my travel agent booked my trip from july 3rd depart mon august 5th ffom suvarnabhumi.it never crossed my mind that there was 2 days over!!.arrived at suvarnabhumi aug 5th got to immigtation stoen faced military lady took me aside told me i overstayed 2 dyas must pay 1000 baht fine i was shocked this at 5 am in the morning my flight was at 6 50 am. she was ice cold i told her i dont have 1000 baht. she coldly informed me if i dont pay i wont leave thailand!!! what a way to treat topurist who have been 3 times to thailand without any incident also what  a way to never go to thailand ever again.i was told to get 1000 baht or else. went to bank wanted my passport ice cold lady refused to give passport!! fortunately my debit card was accepted at atm withdrew 1000 baht paid she dutig=fully wrote in my passport the details of the 1000 baht fine hooray ms military i will never ever visit thaialnd again.it was also scary knowing the net was monitored by the military over 13000 sites blocked . am sure many westerners will rightfullu stay away from "amaizing" thailand land of false smiles 


The onus is on you to check the Visa stamp on arrival, as you said 30 days.


As the 30 days normally starts from the day of arrival, I would say you were lucky to get hit for 2 days as I could be wrong, I reckon you were 4 days over your 30 days.


3rd July to 5th Aug is 34 days total? You were very naughty.


Edited by OZEMADE
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Immigration have to imposs its rules, and be strong in imposs it because there are too many foreigners not following the rules, but I think is not reason for honest and common foreigners living here to get so worry.

Common sense and good attitude exist in any country...and bad one too.

I am very careful in following the rules, but after 2 years doing that, one time I mistaken dates and shows up on immigration 15 days late for my 90 days report. I seat in front of the same officer I visited before many times, I told her about my mistake, sad.. but joking about....and asked how much I have to pay in fines. I think was about 5000th. She smiled, told me to be more careful next time, stamped the new notice with back date, and told me to save all that money to treat my wife with a nice dinner.

That was all.....at that time. Two weeks ago, the same officer told me that now everyhing is done by computers and she will feel sorry having to fine me for late reporting.

A lot more pleasant attitude than Immigration officers in the US...specially at the borders with Mexico.

I was retired in Baja California before...

Edited by umbanda
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arrived in thaialnd july 3rd from canada om 30 day visa gotten at airport immigration this was my 3rd trip

i did not check the visa stamp my travel agent booked my trip from july 3rd depart mon august 5th ffom suvarnabhumi.it never crossed my mind that there was 2 days over!!.arrived at suvarnabhumi aug 5th got to immigtation stoen faced military lady took me aside told me i overstayed 2 dyas must pay 1000 baht fine i was shocked this at 5 am in the morning my flight was at 6 50 am. she was ice cold i told her i dont have 1000 baht. she coldly informed me if i dont pay i wont leave thailand!!! what a way to treat topurist who have been 3 times to thailand without any incident also what  a way to never go to thailand ever again.i was told to get 1000 baht or else. went to bank wanted my passport ice cold lady refused to give passport!! fortunately my debit card was accepted at atm withdrew 1000 baht paid she dutig=fully wrote in my passport the details of the 1000 baht fine hooray ms military i will never ever visit thaialnd again.it was also scary knowing the net was monitored by the military over 13000 sites blocked . am sure many westerners will rightfullu stay away from "amaizing" thailand land of false smiles 



why is this thailand's, travel agent's, immigration officer's, the militaries fault?



becauses its the age of blaming everyone else for some ones lack of personal "responsibility" ?

its the done thing, blame everyone for an individuals lack of due dilligence..wink.png


But I must say I am rather impressed by the posters pathetic attempt to try and connect his inability to check a passport stamp in his own passport to the miltary blocking websites...facepalm.gif


the nasty little Thai lady in brown uniform made me pay a fine of $30 boo hoo, I strongly suggest the poster not travel to certain African countries then, if this upsets him, he will have a melt down if soldier puts an AK in his face at an airport, as happened to me one time and my paper work/visa's was straight...thumbsup.gif   


tin foil hats for all I say...thumbsup.gif



Edited by Soutpeel
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arrived in thaialnd july 3rd from canada om 30 day visa gotten at airport immigration this was my 3rd trip

i did not check the visa stamp my travel agent booked my trip from july 3rd depart mon august 5th ffom suvarnabhumi.it never crossed my mind that there was 2 days over!!.arrived at suvarnabhumi aug 5th got to immigtation stoen faced military lady took me aside told me i overstayed 2 dyas must pay 1000 baht fine i was shocked this at 5 am in the morning my flight was at 6 50 am. she was ice cold i told her i dont have 1000 baht. she coldly informed me if i dont pay i wont leave thailand!!! what a way to treat topurist who have been 3 times to thailand without any incident also what  a way to never go to thailand ever again.i was told to get 1000 baht or else. went to bank wanted my passport ice cold lady refused to give passport!! fortunately my debit card was accepted at atm withdrew 1000 baht paid she dutig=fully wrote in my passport the details of the 1000 baht fine hooray ms military i will never ever visit thaialnd again.it was also scary knowing the net was monitored by the military over 13000 sites blocked . am sure many westerners will rightfullu stay away from "amaizing" thailand land of false smiles 


You over-stayed and broke the law, yet you blame everyone except yourselves..."never to go to thailand ever again".....the message is clear thailand does not welcome over-stayers for no reason..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.


The cost of a return flight ticket, which in my case runs into the thousands of dollars. Which would pay for the extra couple of weeks  or month, I wanted to stay here.  


I guess the question to ask is why should you have to fly home to get a New Visa? Why can't you get that here? I am not talking about hardened criminals. I am talking about normal people who want to continue there vacation here and enjoy another 90 days longer. He used to do a Visa Run for that, but now he can't do that anymore either. He must go home, and probably not come back,  which I see as lost Tourist Money to Thailand. And for what?  


You can't compare my country, or yours, to Thailand, when it comes to Visa Rules. Unless you are Cambodian wanting to work here illegally. Nobody I know back home would flock to Thailand for a job and work in the Black Way, to improve his livelihood, but many would to mine. That is a big difference! So screening someone from a poorer country I understand. But screening Westerners on the street to see if they Overstayed I do not.


I am not suggesting people break the rules and Overstay. All that I suggest is that a better way to prevent Overstayers is to make it easy for people who can afford it, to stay legally. Why can't they request a new Visa on the 90 day report period at the Immigration Office instead of skip town for a day to get a new Visa?


In many countries it is a law where you can't even have a single beer in the privacy of your hotel room. But just because it is the law, and I follow it, it doesn't mean I have to like it or agree to it. I still don't understand why they are making such a big deal about this. If you have extra money to spend here, and want to, you should be allowed to stay. That is Good for Thailand. Kicking them out is not.            

I don't why your talking about they have to fly home to get a visa. I am on retiremnet here now but when visiting before I came in on visa exempt and if wanted more time went to laos and got a 1 or 2 entry tourist visa ( valid for 60 days) to come back in to Thailand. What are you talking about having to spend a thousand dollars to fly to home country to get visa? You can go to Laos, or many nearby areas and get a single or double entry tourist visa which can both be extended for 30 days more.

Edited by Tony125
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The junta just want to show that they actually doing something and the overstay matter is one of the softer spots and by grabbing on it they can pretend to be good boys in the eye of the native public without hurting their interests directly.

Thailand is not a western type democracy where certain type of behaviors result almost always the same responses from the authorities according the rule of law, it's not the place where you can expect always the same balanced punishments in retaliation for unlawful acts. The essence of the functioning of its governance is based on corruption and paternalistic anti-democratic principles. So, pulling examples from the west and comparing to western democracies is kinda silly.

In my opinion, one explanation for these newly erected mimes of efficiency serves the purpose of making the actors more popular in the eye of the general public as a prelude to the next trag-comedic chapter in the political theater, before changing the uniform to a suit.


You know "overstay" was always a serious issue..that is if you got caught on the street...which was probably rare...but one could always pay the 20,000 baht maximum fine at airport when leaving with no problem.

Probably there was a continuing problem with people who "overstay" for long periods as it was cheaper & less hassle to do border runs.

So now they say enough is enough they announce an amnesty to clear up the "overstay" now & don't wait as there will be serious consequence... something that wasn't in effect before.

To blame the military junta or lack of democracy compared to western countries is just hogwash but you are entitled to your opinion but I think you are missing the point.

Don't "overstay" & get your visa in order if you plan on living in Thailand.


Nothing to do with the Junta, these enforced rules were coming into operation Before THE Junta decided to take over the political vote

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As far as the border runners and teachers being responsible for the crackdown - they aren't doing it, immigration is!


Well, I don't think people are saying teachers are responsible- they're saying that the volume of overstayers have possibly contributed to their being a crackdown on overstaying. Don't you believe in any cause and effect? 

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What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.

.Your post doesn't address the seriousness  of the matter the OP is trying to understand.



What's not to understand?..I'm sure the OP is upset..maybe stressed.... maybe having a problem understanding why Thai immigration picking on "overstayers"

It is simple to me too.....get a proper visa & don't overstay.

Maybe as farang we don't understand the issue..but not really for us to understand why..this is Thailand not farangland.

Just kinda interesting that people that "overstay" want to be portrayed as victims......when they are probably the reason these new measures are coming into place affecting others that want to stay in Thailand legally but fall into the gray areas.....

I'm not talking about a few days "overstay" but those who are 6 months. a year & more "overstay"

Edited by iphad
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What is difficult about going home and getting a proper visa?

Seems quite simple to me.

.Your post doesn't address the seriousness  of the matter the OP is trying to understand.



What's not to understand?..I'm sure the OP is upset..maybe stressed.... maybe having a problem understanding why Thai immigration picking on "overstayers"

It is simple to me too.....get a proper visa & don't overstay.

Maybe as farang we don't understand the issue..but not really for us to understand why..this is Thailand not farangland.

Just kinda interesting that people that "overstay" want to be portrayed as victims......when they are probably the reason these new measures are coming into place affecting others that want to stay in Thailand legally but fall into the gray areas.....

I'm not talking about a few days "overstay" but those who are 6 months. a year & more "overstay"


Then they say, i am going to Cambodia,they want my money more hahahahahahahah. They are realy saying, i better go to a country that is even more corrupt than Thailand to do my illegal work cheesy.gif

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