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Australia authorities track down Thai surrogate case father


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Most impotent is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

What about the affidavit of his grown kids. Does'nt that mean anything to you. Why harass the man who has paid his debt to society and lived a decent family life. People like you disgust me. w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif

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(Sorry for altering your post but you had re-quoted me so many times I could not reply to your post in it's entirety) 


She did not sell the first baby, she was paid to to have it.


Though child birth is a labour of love, but the procedure must be unpleasant with first going into ones family history, then all sorts of tests, with count less medical experts prodding about in ones private parts, then the IVF, some prat from the agency (who can not be named or they will sue because this publicity is not good for business), telling you what you can and can not do for 9 months, then all the pain of child birth,all for half a million Baht which is pea nuts for an Aussie as I have been told, would some Aussie Shelia do that for that?




"She did not sell the first baby, she was paid to to have it."



she was??? what???? you forgot  a word in your sentence!!

By the way there are 9 baby for sale latprao 130, in case of "people" like you are interested. You might get a bargain, if one of them do have gene disease.

And heard also one was just returned back from his previous customerbah.gifbah.gif

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(Sorry for altering your post but you had re-quoted me so many times I could not reply to your post in it's entirety) 


She did not sell the first baby, she was paid to to have it.


Though child birth is a labour of love, but the procedure must be unpleasant with first going into ones family history, then all sorts of tests, with count less medical experts prodding about in ones private parts, then the IVF, some prat from the agency (who can not be named or they will sue because this publicity is not good for business), telling you what you can and can not do for 9 months, then all the pain of child birth,all for half a million Baht which is pea nuts for an Aussie as I have been told, would some Aussie Shelia do that for that?




"She did not sell the first baby, she was paid to to have it."



she was??? what???? you forgot  a word in your sentence!!

By the way there are 9 baby for sale latprao 130, in case of "people" like you are interested. You might get a bargain, if one of them do have gene disease.

And heard also one was just returned back from his previous customerbah.gifbah.gif



Sorry, I double typed the word to twice, if you remove one does it the make scenes to you??? 


As for the other story "9 babies in the BKK condo", just proves how the Thais must tighten down on the surrogacy laws, and no I do not want one.

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Most impotent is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

What about the affidavit of his grown kids. Does'nt that mean anything to you. Why harass the man who has paid his debt to society and lived a decent family life. People like you disgust me. w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif



The child's best interests come first, should the risk be taken?


A killers shoots and kills someone, does his time in prison, do you allow them a gun licences when the get out, or even after fifty years???

Edited by Basil B
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This guy could have Fathered 10 kids since the 90's naturally and without the Gammy saga we would be none the wiser.


Trial by media at its best.


I am sure there are dozens of convicted pedo's that have gone on to father children in every country. I am not saying that it's right but I am saying it's lawful.


If you get done for DUI should you never be allowed to drive again?


If you get done 22 times for DUI should you be allowed to drive again?


Look up the father's record.

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Most impotent is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

What about the affidavit of his grown kids. Does'nt that mean anything to you. Why harass the man who has paid his debt to society and lived a decent family life. People like you disgust me. w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif



Look up his record. He had 22 convictions and served time. Would you want to take the risk


Societies responsibility is to keep the child safe, not pander to the whims of a former multiple child sex offender who has just engaged in an illegal surrogacy agreement in Thailand. Shows he really respects the law now then?

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I find it shocking, but not so surprising, that it seems so easy for a convicted paedo to be able to travel to countries like Thailand AND be able to arrange a surrogate birth seemingly with no background checks.

With all the technology at their fingertips you would think immigration would be better able to keep tabs on people like this.

It makes my heart sigh to think what could have become of this little girl in the hands of a person like this convicted paedo :(

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Though child birth is a labour of love, but the procedure must be unpleasant with first going into ones family history, then all sorts of tests, with count less medical experts prodding about in ones private parts, then the IVF, some prat from the agency (who can not be named or they will sue because this publicity is not good for business), telling you what you can and can not do for 9 months, then all the pain of child birth,all for half a million Baht which is pea nuts for an Aussie as I have been told, would some Aussie Shelia do that for that?



Commercial surrogacy is illegal in Oz

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reading this article, it sounds like australia is ok with the child molesting father having the new baby girl?


Is it too hard to do a bit of online research yourself?  Would only take five minutes and then you would know Australia has some of the toughest child abuse laws in the world.  http://www.aifs.gov.au/cfca/pubs/factsheets/a145620/



apparently not tough enough to let a 22 time child molestor out on the streets and obtaining a new baby girl.  And when caught, all I read is how they want to "give privacy" to the guy? doesn't sound that tough to me

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Most impotent is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

Impotent?! Hardly impotent! 'imporant?!'


Important, sorry but my spell checker has an IQ of zero... whistling.gif



Your original post has now been corrected.

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Most important is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

True, the only cure for paedophilia is death.  The son saying he is a changed man what rubbish this scum can't be cured and he only cultivated the poor child so he can feed on her.

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Most impotent is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

What about the affidavit of his grown kids. Does'nt that mean anything to you. Why harass the man who has paid his debt to society and lived a decent family life. People like you disgust me. w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif


means nothing to me, once a slimy rock spider always a slimy rockspider.  Paid he debt to society rubbish has he fully restored the lives of his victims?  until he can do that then he still owes the victims and society a huge debt.  The lowest form of excrement on the planet.  If I saw this guy bleeding in the gutter I would simply spit on him would never call an ambo for a lump of pig excrement.  A serial pedophile can never pay their debt to society as it is far to great.  Bring in the death sentence for this type of scum.

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Does he have grandchildren and what is his relationship with them? I think his three grown kids should have input into thi case as well as org he associates with, employers volunteer work church etc...he could have a clean record since he got released...

If one doesn't think the current system works then one can change it via petitions and courts rather than bitch and rant in a post and continue with their life w/o getting involved in the process as soon as the computer is off....

Another "Watch what they do not what they say" motto aptly applies....


Yea and whilst you fill out petitions this scumbag is sexually penetrating the poor little girl he cultivated. 

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Does he have grandchildren and what is his relationship with them? I think his three grown kids should have input into thi case as well as org he associates with, employers volunteer work church etc...he could have a clean record since he got released...

If one doesn't think the current system works then one can change it via petitions and courts rather than bitch and rant in a post and continue with their life w/o getting involved in the process as soon as the computer is off....

Another "Watch what they do not what they say" motto aptly applies....


Yea and whilst you fill out petitions this scumbag is sexually penetrating the poor little girl he cultivated. 





Yea, and it's easy to make slanderous allegations like "this scumbag is sexually penetrating the poor little girl he cultivated'  while hiding behind your keyboard.

I'm sure that community services is taking a close look at this, so perhaps they know better than those of us thousands of kms away and we should stop spouting some of this bile ?

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This guy could have Fathered 10 kids since the 90's naturally and without the Gammy saga we would be none the wiser.


Trial by media at its best.


I am sure there are dozens of convicted pedo's that have gone on to father children in every country. I am not saying that it's right but I am saying it's lawful.


If you get done for DUI should you never be allowed to drive again?


If you get done 22 times for DUI should you be allowed to drive again?


Look up the father's record.



Where can I look it up?

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Most impotent is the child should be treated as a "Child at Risk" and authorities should have unrestricted access to and be able to monitor this child while the farther is around, and if there is any doubt as to the child's safety then the child should be removed from them.

What about the affidavit of his grown kids. Does'nt that mean anything to you. Why harass the man who has paid his debt to society and lived a decent family life. People like you disgust me. w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif
And people like u disgust me. He has hardly paid his debt. Those children he molested will most likely suffer for the rest of their lives. P.S. What convictions do u have on ur record?
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