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What's wrong with backpackers?

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I regularly 'backpack' for my holidays, most backpackers I have met are from what can only be described as privileged middle class backgrounds.

As a general rule, backpackers (when not backpacking) are well educated professionals earning good salaries and enjoy a flexibility in their working life that most people can only dream of. Even the young kids who packpack are for the most part university graduates taking a break before they start their careers.

Nor are all backpackers young kids. I recently met a Dutch couple backpacking in Sukhothai, in their mid 60s both retired dentists.

These are flashpackers not backpackers!!

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Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

Nothing, I used to be one.

Still am....use a backpack whenever I travel.....

Keeps your hands free and you don't look like an idiot pulling a leash with a tiny suitcase on wheels. I toured Thailand with a backpack and laptop for one year straight. Easily done.....and had 90,000 baht per month to spend as I wished.

Who wants to tour Thailand, walk through the towns and villages, pulling a suitcase? Backpackers are in good shape. Free to walk anywhere while keeping all your things together. Rather smart.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Backpacker, to me, is a state of mind. You can carry a backpack, smell good, talk intelligently, not get drunk, live cheap, open you mind to other opinions (to an extent), and just go with the flow. I've done both, and having one backpack was certainly much easier than three bags and a massive bike box. The key to being a backpacker is being in some type of shape, looking for deals, and try to relax and not take things to seriously. A normal backpacker would ask where to get a room for 150 baht, shake for 20 baht, and talk about every country they visited. It's like everything.....it can get old. hearing stories of debauchery is great for the first 100 hours, then i need a break from it. this is life...

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As an ex backpacker travelling all over asia and africa, it made me the person i am today, don't regret a minute of it, but these days i need 5 star treatment, sometimes if no one knows i sneak into 4 star places.

Yes I slimmed it last year in Kanchababuri.....and a two week bus trip including night buses thru Vietnam....in fact that trip was more fun than the 5 star one I did a year later.

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They've all read the Beach and sit around with a bottle of water all day long. They bargain with street food vendors.

But what I *^*%%*%*% hate the most is they are always bumping you with their stupid backpacks.

Many years ago, in Australia, there was a guy called Ivan Milat. He liked backpackers, he use to drive around and pick them up & take them for a drive.


Yeah Mr Ivan milat i remember him i asked hi for a ride

at a road house in mitagong...It,s about 5:15 in the arvo and im looking for a camp, got in the car canary yellow Toyota ute heading south east over the range, He kept on insisting on

putting some music on but had to stop to get the tapes from under his drivers seat, shit its getting dark so no keep on going i need to find a camp. 20k down the road great

road house . got out had big beutifull steak in the road house and slept at the back of the

pub, January 1996.... any hoo December 96 his on TV "Thank God for Dusk ey"

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Yes I slimmed it last year in Kanchababuri.....

smokie36 Hope you liked the 70baht a night rooms at the Jolly Frog. Was that you asking for a discount because the showers were cold? wink.png

Hells bells I think we paid 800 a night to stay on a place you need to get a boat out to.. That's slumming it smokie style believe me.

I did have a beer in the Australian bar....I would have stayed but her indoors was NOT impressed....no idea why......

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Not a lot ,but.......

Eating everything with chopsticks and Thai fisherman pants. Oh come on !

Oh taking up seats in the bar nursing one drink all night oh and refusing to pay for pool when the bill comes even though there is a big sign saying what it costs. Seen that many times.

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Where I grew up before NZ, backpackers used to take advantage of the hospitality and generosity of the locals. It got so bad that the local expats (such as my parents) were embarrassed for being Westerners, and started a campaign to educate backpackers. Signs, word of mouth, etc, trying to inform them that the natives would offer them their last meal and go hungry the next day, so always, ALWAYS, buy something in the way of food...a packet of tea and some sugar, or a modest bag of rice. Don't just accept their open hospitality for your own advantage because these people have far less than you, even as a backpacker on a shoestring budget.

From that, I got a low opinion of backpackers.

Later in life, in NZ, I employed many backpackers on a very big construction project. My opinion didn't change much, except I then thought of them as mindless partying drunks. I sacked many.

Later still, in a small company, I employed an ex-backpacker. She did the work, but her attitude was still "backpacker"..."if it's for free, take two" (her own words).

So...I retain a fairly low opinion of them, but in my maturity of age, I can give a little bit of leeway, because as has been said, I can empathise.

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I personally have never had any problems with or ever disliked the backpacker types. There are a few things...however...hygiene, yeah I know you're traveling cheap and all...but really taking a shower every now and then really isn't that hard to do. And they seem to have the same dress code...dressing like 60's hippies (seriously, the 60's are long over) or trying to go local with the Thai fisherman pants. Other than that...

I also do feel kind of sad for them. The thing is that the Thailand that they hoped to find...I know is long since gone.

I first came here in 1968 USAF Stationed at Udorn thani, spent some time in Chiang Mai also. No backpackers then, but they are all looking for an adventure and if they want it go to Burma, Laos, Cambodia This would not be my place to settle down in now been here since 1977 straight through. Today I find the female backpackers worse than the guys. It's all that spiritual crap they picked up in Goa before they came here.

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I think the problem with them is that they follow the beaten path not trailblaze. They learn very little about the culture and are just on an extended holiday. For me I see no real value in it but it is kind of a coming to age ritual for many so I tend to overlook the annoyances that they sometimes cause.

Individually they are no different than anyone else. I have met some wonderful people. But overall they do need to take care of their personal hygiene better.

The group that annoys me the most are the missionaries trying to save the world. Especially the ones that recruit teenagers to do their fundraising. One organization has the kids raise a minimum of 25k USD and then sends them here for 2-3 weeks. They feel like they are doing something great but really just filling the coffers of a few.

Good for you, and good for all of you actually. I hate the French, Asians and scousers. And women and gays, of course.

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Yes I slimmed it last year in Kanchababuri.....

smokie36 Hope you liked the 70baht a night rooms at the Jolly Frog. Was that you asking for a discount because the showers were cold? wink.png

Hells bells I think we paid 800 a night to stay on a place you need to get a boat out to.. That's slumming it smokie style believe me.

I did have a beer in the Australian bar....I would have stayed but her indoors was NOT impressed....no idea why......

Don't tell me they were out of stock of VB biggrin.png Sorry offtopic.gif

Edited by Boycie
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Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

Nothing, I used to be one.

Still am....use a backpack whenever I travel.....

Keeps your hands free and you don't look like an idiot pulling a leash with a tiny suitcase on wheels. I toured Thailand with a backpack and laptop for one year straight. Easily done.....and had 90,000 baht per month to spend as I wished.

Who wants to tour Thailand, walk through the towns and villages, pulling a suitcase? Backpackers are in good shape. Free to walk anywhere while keeping all your things together. Rather smart.

Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Is that... "They certainly don't mind inconveniencing the other passengers on the MRT and BTS who are also too freaking cheap to take a taxi"?

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Yes, they certainly don't mind inconveniencing their fellow passengers on the MRT and BTS because their too freaking cheap to get a taxi.

Is that... "They certainly don't mind inconveniencing the other passengers on the MRT and BTS who are also too freaking cheap to take a taxi"?

I don't see the other passengers being rude and bumping, getting in the way, with their oversized backpacks. If one has very much of a load, do the world a favor, and spend a couple of hundred Baht for a taxi.

Edited by beechguy
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Quite a few Thai passengers do a decent job lunging themselves into the BTS as the doors attempt to close not to mention skipping the line queses altogether. Usually they need three or four tries to get the doors closed as everyone sardines in.

I am sure when the backpackers are East Asian you are less angry about it.

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Quite a few Thai passengers do a decent job lunging themselves into the BTS as the doors attempt to close not to mention skipping the line queses altogether. Usually they need three or four tries to get the doors closed as everyone sardines in.

I am sure when the backpackers are East Asian you are less angry about it.

Can't say I've had any real problems with Asians, except perhaps the Chinese tourists that have probably never been anywhere. But, the topic was backpackers wasn't it, I just picked on the rude and inconsiderate.

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Then they start branding themselves, "I am fifty-five but I am very fit and look much younger than my age". (How many times have you read that on Thai Visa?)

Oh man I have heard that heaps. The other day someone put their body fat % on TV. hahahha

So many times I have heard farang's putting down the the farang that just walked in to the person next to them.. more so if it's a thai women.. makes you laugh.

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Nothing - and you're right, it is just jealousy that they are acting out what we would have loved to have done if given the same time again.

Nothing, I used to be one.

Still am....use a backpack whenever I travel.....

Keeps your hands free and you don't look like an idiot pulling a leash with a tiny suitcase on wheels. I toured Thailand with a backpack and laptop for one year straight. Easily done.....and had 90,000 baht per month to spend as I wished.

Who wants to tour Thailand, walk through the towns and villages, pulling a suitcase? Backpackers are in good shape. Free to walk anywhere while keeping all your things together. Rather smart.

Wheeled luggage versus backpacks? I have back pack with wheels:


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There's nothing wrong with them, they wish to explore this blue planet, as I did. I spent 15 years travelling and working my way round the globe and it was awesome. I now have something money cannot buy!!!

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Nothing wrong with them.

On the flipside . . . most real backpackers may ask, 'whats right with wealthy expats? . . . a peculiar animal, they mostly hide behind their gated moo baan's making their zombified air conditioned trips to their local air conditioned malls to buy their familiar overpriced western garbage!?!'

btw . . . i'm neither, although i did pretend to be a rich backpacker once.

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