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Chinese cannibal son eats parents for lunch in Hong Kong


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They do say a Chinese person can eat anything.  (and still make it taste good)


Actually, the Chinese will eat “anything whose back faces the sun”, so technically mum and dad would not qualify - but hey, who am I to judge!!

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Tastes like chicken.

I think pork actually.

Not that I would know.


Years ago, I read a written account of a man  from Europe that lived in the early 1800's.  I do not remember the details but, while on an island in the Pacific, he became involved with a group of Pacific Island natives.  These people would eat part of the bodies of other native warriors they killed.  He was invited to "eat the flesh of a dead warrior". 


He felt compelled to join in the feast, out of the fear that if he did not he would also end up in the cooking pot.  He commented that "the flesh tasted like pork"!

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How true the old adage is..... "Sharper than a serpent's tooth is a thankless child".

In this world, only parents are truly guilty.

The idea that children should thank those who hijacked them against their will, forced them to come to a world of endless suffering and horror (with cannibals, for instance), made them exist in a helpless and defenceless state, made them suffer years of imposition and abuse (being raised Right, to be a mindless, obedient, dependent slave), often left to die by mothers with better things to do than feed their newborns ("improper breastfeeding technique" and "(not) optimal neo-natal care", according to UNICEF), slaughtered in wars or raped or murdered...

If the child survives all the terror and trauma the mind is forced to deny and suppress (just to survive), they're supposed to be grateful to those who lied to them to betray their trust, used violence to break their independent streak and shame of biology to traumatise them for life (to objectify them for sale and control)...

That's the kind of absurd 'logic' that makes life redundant.

In Nature, the mammal mother is handsomely rewarded for reproductive activity in a way that guarantees the perpetuation of the species. Mammal offspring are raised to be independent and unattached, left to live their own lives free of filial 'obligation' and 'duties'. Until her cubs are independent, the mammal mother will die to protect them.

But of course, humans aren't mammals. If they were...parents would have some explaining to do.

So much of having a kid hoping to care for them at old age...

Yes. Karma.
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They do say a Chinese person can eat anything.  (and still make it taste good)


Actually, the Chinese will eat “anything whose back faces the sun”, so technically mum and dad would not qualify - but hey, who am I to judge!!



Not true.

It is said that the Chinese eat all what has 4 feet, except chairs and tables.


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