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Supreme Court rejects Sondhi’s bail request

Lite Beer

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Well finally, this ghastly bloke is going to get his come uppance.


I am really very surprised.  He is being hung out to dry after rendering quite a good service.  Without him, Thaksin would still be there.

When not in service of removing Thaksin it seems he over reached,

and the best way to send out word this is coming to and end is to do it via high profile candidates.

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Sondhi is the founder of the Manager Media Group.
A fortnight ago, the NCPO suspended the ASTV Manager Weekly magazine on the charge of publishing distorted information to discredit the Junta.
The NCPO sees Sondhi as a rabid loose cannon who can no longer be trusted to toe the line.
Unlike Suthep, who has at least kept his head down and his nose clean for a couple of months.

Good points. In re: Suthep, I thought I saw a fragment of a clip on one of the news shows which showed him wearing a saffron robe. Did he take the NCPOs "advice" and retire to a monastery for a while? It's a traditional Thai way of telling everyone you're stepping out of the action. I really regret that I didn't drop whatever it was I was doig and turn up the volume on the TV. I haven't seen any other mention of Suthep's current whereabouts.


Yes, Suthep was ordained as a monk in the South - although not at the NCPO's behest. 

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Be realistic people. Do you really think he's in the piss-stinking, cockroach infested, overcrowded hell holes they keep the poor people? He's in some luxury detention facility

Please provide ANY additional information/links/sources/photos for this facility that only exists in your imagined mind. rolleyes.gif





Where are the photos of him in his prison suit? The media are usually not reluctant to publish them. Which prison is he being held in? You're extremely naive if you believe he's being held in the same place they put the poor junkies.



I was wondering about that as well. In yesterday's Thairath, they had an article headlined, Going to Jail with a picture of Sonthi in a blue tee shirt and trousers with an overnight bag being led off by prison officers.

The article went on to reveal that he's been sent to Bangkok Remand Prison. If that's really the case, I would guess he wouldn't be in the communal crowded cells but have his own room with amenities.
Bangkok Remand Prison was also where red shirt leader Jatuporn was held in 2011 and later released on bail of 600K Baht. Harry Nicolaides was also held there in 2009 after falling foul of Thailand's lèse majesté laws.



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But he is a yellow shirt and this can't be happening, Yellow shirts are squeaky clean and beyond criticism.  Maybe now people may just start to understand that corruption and other criminal activities are spread across both sides and not exclusive to red shirts.


As you term it, I think you'll find that the majority of the "yellow shirt" supporters on here would applaud the taking down of ANYONE who has broken the law, whichever color shirt they wear or whichever side they support. Unlike the "red shirt" supporters who still seem to labor under the illusion that their hero's are squeaky clean and any charges against them are "politically motivated" or "biased".


  Definitely agree.              Well said.  


 I thought by now it would have been apparent to chooka that most anti- gov supporters only want law and order. Why does he say, sarcastically, that "Yellow shirts are squeaky clean and beyond criticism" , who has ever stated that?

 I imagine most of the anti- gov supporters already know that not all criminal activities are exclusive to red shirts.


You also didn't read my post.  I wasn't actually saying that yellow shirts are squeaky clean.  I was having a dig at others who have supported them as squeaky clean.  I AM DEFINATELY NOT SAYING YELLOWS ARE SQUEAKING CLEAN.  I DO NOT SUPPORT RED OR YELLOW ONLY THE GOOD THAIS CAUGHT IN THE F'ING MIDDLE.  Read my post before attacking me I support nobody and simply said both sides are evil, corrupt and criminals. 


I hate Suthep, the Mad Monk, Thaksin and his supporters equally.

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Sondhi is the founder of the Manager Media Group.

A fortnight ago, the NCPO suspended the ASTV Manager Weekly magazine on the charge of publishing distorted information to discredit the Junta.

The NCPO sees Sondhi as a rabid loose cannon who can no longer be trusted to toe the line.

Unlike Suthep, who has at least kept his head down and his nose clean for a couple of months.




If only these minions could take the money and keep their mouths shut they would be safe. But like Suthep , Sondhi couldn't do that and is now going to find out what happens when the tail tries to wag the dog.


He was already feeling a bit miffed for not being invited to Sutheps protest movement ( for reasons forum rules do not allow to be discussed )  and once he started writing sarcastic articles about Prayuth in the Manager then he was playing with fire. He should have had a good look at how Suthep had his botty smacked for spilling the beans with his pointless bragging and taken note of the consequences.


But he didn't , so now he is going to have to sweat a bit....just how much remains to be seen. Meanwhile , Suthep has got the message and has made a very public demonstration of how to be contrite. He's probably now hoping his own graft cases don't get brought back to life. 


Reform ................I bet they never had exactly this in mind.

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If he agrees to keep his mouth shut about who ordered the 2006 coup he will be allowed to flee Thailand I predict.

And what makes you think he is privy to who ordered the coup, he was leading the protests not heading up any coup and besides the charges he has been found guilty of have nothing to do with the coup anyway.

It's common knowledge who ordered the coup.
Unless you just read The Nation.
I was curious and read up when I was in Europe.
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But he is a yellow shirt and this can't be happening, Yellow shirts are squeaky clean and beyond criticism.  Maybe now people may just start to understand that corruption and other criminal activities are spread across both sides and not exclusive to red shirts.


Chooka, if you could take off your rose-tinted glasses for just a moment, you would see that a good proportion of us who are anti-corruption (anti-Thaksin, same thing) have been calling for this all along.


This is nothing to do with whether he is a yellow shirt (which of course he predates) or one of your beloved red shirts. The reason that gen. Prayuth stepped in is to bring all of this corruption to an end, which I continue to applaud.


Now what you need to do is try to adopt a similar impartial stance and finally cast off your obvious bias...!!


Where is my bias????????  If you bothered to read my post I actually said that corruption and other criminal activities are spread across both sides.  How is that being biased to one or the other.  I actually thought saying both sides were involved in corruption was taking an impartial stance.


My beloved reds shirts are you bloody serious????????????  I hate the piece of excrement called Thaksin and his red shirts.  I also hate the piece of filth Suthep and his mad monk.  I do however support all the good people caught in the middle. 


Just because I don't support your mad monk and the idiot Suthep friend that does not make me a red shirt.


So this doesn't smack of bias?:


But he is a yellow shirt and this can't be happening, Yellow shirts are squeaky clean and beyond criticism. 


 ... and by the way, if you read any of my posts you will note that I have equal disdain for any corrupt politician from any party, and also that I have never placed any support behind Suthep, the "mad monk" or any extremists within the ranks of the anti-government protestors...although the peaceful protestors have always had my full support!!


Where you get the idea that it's "my" Buddha Issara and that Suthep is my "friend" is beyond me...!!

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If he agrees to keep his mouth shut about who ordered the 2006 coup he will be allowed to flee Thailand I predict.

And what makes you think he is privy to who ordered the coup, he was leading the protests not heading up any coup and besides the charges he has been found guilty of have nothing to do with the coup anyway.
It's common knowledge who ordered the coup.
Unless you just read The Nation.
I was curious and read up when I was in Europe.

I have my own views as to who but even thinking about it could get you hanged. However this is besides the point - what Sondhi knows is irrelevant in today's climate.
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Unless you just read The Nation.
I was curious and read up when I was in Europe.


However this is besides the point - what Sondhi knows is irrelevant in today's climate.


A toothless old retired rice farmer told me the other day; in today's climate there is no more yellow or red, It's a green world now. I'm sure he's never read Robert K. Merton's "The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action".

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